
bsngpg | Joined since 2013-08-04

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2015-01-21 22:16 | Report Abuse

You have entitled the Right and free wa at 5pm today. You can sell at 9am tomorrow and the right and WC are still yours. Nevertheless tomorrow morning Mahsing will start trading at much lower than 2.25 being adjustment for the right.


2015-01-20 22:55 | Report Abuse

RM 2.63 was taken from circular on rights issue published on Bursa' web.

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2015-01-19 07:28 | Report Abuse

Does PE at 19.4 meet criteria of Warren? I am curious.


2015-01-17 14:14 | Report Abuse

Hi Stock : for your info I had just disposed all KFima which i held for the last 5-6 yrs. Switched the $ to Maybank which gives higher div yield. Good luck to your long royalty to Fima, I opted to jump ship first. Bye.


2015-01-15 06:40 | Report Abuse

The above three gentlemen asked very good questions. Three of you are good investors.

I have the same concerns as you and has no answers to the questions yet, but I have bought a lot of Padini. Most of the times, I have no means to fully understand every aspects of the biz, as long as it looks attractive in overall, I buy. As a result, as at today, I lost a lot in Padini. Nevertheless yesterday I still bought 10k at 1.37 to average down the overall cost. He! He! Share market needs stupid people as me to keep alive, needn't it?

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2015-01-12 20:35 | Report Abuse

Tan KW : Great post, thank you very much. 无数欢笑.


2015-01-11 20:58 | Report Abuse

Same good warm wishes to you.


2015-01-11 19:20 | Report Abuse

“Stay focus on good stock(biz), Not to Hunt around for cheap stuffs in the market. ” is the best statement I hear for the year.



2015-01-11 17:15 | Report Abuse

Hi stock: I do agree that good biz is always the first criterion in stock selection. Nevertheless I see valuation is equally important when wanting to buy. Example is that biz of LPI is growing better and better but I do not buy at the current valuation.

PB is belonged to my wife and my son, neither them nor myself monitor its price, we treat it as passive investment. But I remember that it was adjusted for 1:10 right issue last year.


2015-01-11 15:27 | Report Abuse

My understanding: There is no impact on exercise price of WB from the right issue and WC. But after the 1:4 bonus issue in Q3, the rm1.98 will be adjusted to 1.58.

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2015-01-11 12:35 | Report Abuse

It has been long time, even after the recent big correction, I cannot find a generally concluded good company with 8% yield because good fundamental, high div yield and share price will find equilibrium point by themselves. Exception would happen at odd time such as big bear market.

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2015-01-11 09:50 | Report Abuse

apini: 感谢你的善念、善言。因为“apini”(apa ini ), 一直以为你是马先生,原来是同道,感恩今天的善缘。


2015-01-10 22:45 | Report Abuse

hi melynn : do not worry, it will be announced very soon. Historically it is on 8,9 Jan, this year it has late for few days. I guess it will be announced not later than next week and paid in this month. cheers!


2015-01-10 22:34 | Report Abuse

Although I have vested interest in Mahsing, I still would like to say that the upcoming RI + free warrant(WC) is in fact NOT ATTRACTIVE for new investors.

Why ?

Example: 10K mother @2.30=RM23K, 3K Right@1.42=RM4.26K. After the right, the cost is RM2100/1K units (23K+4.26K/13K). The free warrant (WC) has an exercise price at RM2.63 making it very little in market value. WC will be very likely traded at 0.10-0.15 if taking clue from the market value and exercise price of the current WB at 0.295 & RM1.98 respectively. Worst still the entitlement is only 900 units =RM90-RM135 which is negligible.

Theoretically, the market price of mother share will adjust downward to reflect the enlarged base (diluted eps). Let's assume it will be traded at RM2.15 after right issue, the extra earning from this exercise is 50/2100=2.4% only. Not to forget that the market may adjust the price lower than 2100, ending with 偷鸡不成蚀把米.

Therefore, if I am new and want to invest into Mahsing, I would do so only after the right issue.


2015-01-10 13:59 | Report Abuse

10000 mother shares : 3000 right : 900 W. In order to avoid odd unit either in mother, right or free warrant, you are advised to have 10k mother shares.


2015-01-09 18:16 | Report Abuse

Congratulation for your good buy. You will be surely rewarded.


2015-01-07 16:51 | Report Abuse

At least there is a temporary 6% buffer to counter any future drop. If it goes up, then the buffer will be much thicker. So congratulation first for the good luck.


2015-01-07 16:33 | Report Abuse

For those bought below 2.40 this morning, congratulation for quick gain. Shioknya

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2015-01-07 07:04 | Report Abuse

Icon8888: very interesting way of writing in attracting readers. I support you as I know you always did homework and write with good rationales albeit some may not agree with them. Wise readers will read and verify your rationales and respond back for better understanding in area of doubt for mutual benefit. Thanks for your contribution. Gambateh!

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2015-01-03 13:23 | Report Abuse

I perceive the relatively less outstanding portfolio #3 is mainly due to the 2 Wa and the timing of its inception when market stood at as high as at 1844. Some may think that value is irrelevant to timing(index), but I do believe ratio of risk to return will increases along the index, and thus value decreases. Wrong concept? Maybe that is the reason I am still drifting in the market.

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2015-01-03 13:02 | Report Abuse

If 20-30% is something unbearable, you must be very optimistic on the behavior of the market. I envy you. I am an ordinary participant in the market, I see it as a norm albeit it is an unpleasant fact.

News & Blogs

2015-01-02 16:17 | Report Abuse

“simple is unlikely to yield extra-ordinary results” : superficial calculation is simple but data verification and understanding are very difficult.

“the difficult part is psychological aspect of it” : seeing value evaporates by 20-30% is still bearable, the most torturing part is seeing other’s up by 20-30% but our own selection is not moving.

“TRULY believe value investing works”: in early days I argued with you that I am a value investor too. Now I know I am not a TRUE one, maybe a half-boiled one. I believe there are many half-boiled out there but self-presume that they are value investors. Nevertheless, we, half-boiled, do good to the market by contributing fund and sentiment to it but letting value investors to spot and catch the value. He! He! What a pity half-boiled.


2015-01-02 13:22 | Report Abuse

Mr. yfchong : thks for your sweet greeting. I wish you a prosperous new year.

News & Blogs

2015-01-02 10:31 | Report Abuse

Having a feeling that buying sport shoes "adidas" and only discovers at home that it is actually "addidas".

Anyway, I am still appreciate the good sharing by the writer. Happy New Year to you, Mr Yong.

News & Blogs

2015-01-02 10:24 | Report Abuse

Hi kcchong : Under thread “Stock Pick Year 2014 - Final Update on 31-Dec-2014”, one of the forumer is so desperate to know your pick for 2015 till using ungraceful words. From one side, I am sorry for you receiving those ungraceful comments but on the flip side, it can be seen as a compliment to your great achievement(“kong fu”) albeit it was expressed thru undesirable way.

In fact I am very keen to know your pick too. I always educate my friends that if they want to make wealth thru Bursa, one of the proven way is thru “value Investing” in long term as shown by the unbelievable result by one of the forumer from NZ. I do wish that you compile your list of portfolio for 2015, so that I could use them as another solid example to show them that “value investing” really works effectively.

Unfortunately, I am a rotten old bird, cannot learn new trick anymore else I would have made some wealth from the past 2 years after knowing you. Worst still that the only 2 counters which I coincidentally having similar view with you are not the winners.

Mr kcchongnz : Thank you very much for your unabated great contribution to investing community and a Happy New Year to you.


2014-12-30 14:00 | Report Abuse

Pls check your raw data for pe 6.7. There was an bonus issue couple months ago which adjusts down eps significantly.


2014-12-30 13:50 | Report Abuse

2.30 to 1.50, drops 35%. 1767 to 1148=35%. Nothing is impossible, Bursa is a free place for anyone to wait for any price , be it 1.50 or 0.99. Nevertheless I choose NOT to wait. I will start accumulation process again once it goes below 2. However I do not think I can get 1.99 easily in near future. Gambate!


2014-12-30 13:38 | Report Abuse

ha ha ha.....................

News & Blogs

2014-12-26 18:58 | Report Abuse



2014-12-26 16:56 | Report Abuse

In fact, I have discounted the future earning when buying at 1.49. I also discount the prospective dividend at 8 cents. I do not expect 11 cents next year, but if it gives, I would be happy. Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Nice to meet you all.


2014-12-26 16:51 | Report Abuse

I am a very small fish only, although I q low to lower, my orders are still too insignificant to push down the price. I do not think my 1.45 will match today.


2014-12-26 16:36 | Report Abuse

Downhill yet collecting. Stupid, isn't it? Sometimes stupid people can make profit too, hopefully this time is the time.


2014-12-26 16:32 | Report Abuse

1.47 was matche'd too. Next is 1.45.


2014-12-26 13:51 | Report Abuse

Power & Stock: I have just bought some at 1.49, have you? More q at 1.47 & 1.45. Who want to sell to me?


2014-12-24 15:41 | Report Abuse

Mahsing merges with Trop. One has mgt and execution expertise while another one has plenty of good lands. What a brilliant idea.


2014-12-22 21:07 | Report Abuse

Stock: you have my trust.

News & Blogs

2014-12-21 06:37 | Report Abuse

BursaDummy: Very great writing and you must have taken few hours to get the raw data for the writing. Salute you. Thank you very much for your contribution.

I like the last 3 lines the most:

"If it becomes better, then it's nice.

If it becomes worse, then it's opportunity.

But you need to have enough CASH."

News & Blogs

2014-12-20 18:45 | Report Abuse


News & Blogs

2014-12-20 13:51 | Report Abuse

这非吹水而是实战经验:Tambun从2.10一直去到1.40, 我从1.97,1.79,1.59,1.49到1.40买到手软,也曾怀疑公司是否做假账,是否捡到拉圾股,不然怎么可以在短期内大跌33%,罗命昧。今天终于小赚。这就是股市,一切靠运气。


2014-12-20 13:32 | Report Abuse

I was always confuse if lcng and lching are the same people and who is the one I always talk to. At last I diffeciate them by l-ching. Ching is a name of my family member.
Nice to hear from you.


2014-12-20 13:25 | Report Abuse

TonyLim: nice to hear from u again, the feeling is just like 如迎春风。

News & Blogs

2014-12-20 12:20 | Report Abuse



2014-12-20 12:05 | Report Abuse

Hi SS: someone in this forum said there is a div policy, but newspaper and one of the forumer here said the other way, NO. What is your understanding on div policy of KSL? Thks.


2014-12-20 11:52 | Report Abuse

SS: great and appreciate to hear that you are happy to see new spokespersons. Unfortunately few of the old timers here dislike and rude to new comments especially those having different view with them. Thks for your rationale and positive attitude.

News & Blogs

2014-12-20 11:45 | Report Abuse



2014-12-20 11:02 | Report Abuse

Low cpo-affects earning
Low crude oil-suppresses cpo price
Depreciated Indo rupiah-loss on currency
Poor sentiment on domestic macro eco-affects earning on property arm

Hence, I choose to wait.

Certainly the risk is that the four factors instead move against the above-mentioned and favorably to the company's earning and hence its share price.

I owned MKH at low price since last year. Nevertheless most of the paper profit has been snatched back.


2014-12-19 15:08 | Report Abuse

Mahsing said about 40% of the net profit will be distributed as dividend. This info is extracted from annual report.

News & Blogs

2014-12-19 06:19 | Report Abuse
