
BuyWithConviction | Joined since 2015-11-17

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2016-05-24 16:59 | Report Abuse

Gloves still mixed despite weak ringgit indicating big picture still unclear. Some signs of short term market risk so it won't hurt to take some profit and raise some cash eg in AA. Padini is good for long term hold. Keep eye on big picture.


2016-05-24 14:21 | Report Abuse

investo, I didn't expect ringgit to weaken so sharply today. Still not comfortable upgrading Supermax or gloves yet but will monitor closely. Padini is defensive with good div so can hold long term. For AA, I still like it but to be safe, take some profit first. You need to make your own decision, I am just sharing my thoughts, no crystal ball.


2016-05-24 12:11 | Report Abuse

Wah that is strong. Is that already in the price? Most people looking at 250, at most 350?


2016-05-24 10:59 | Report Abuse

Hope for the best!


2016-05-24 10:30 | Report Abuse

Rubberex up only 2 sen so far this morning. Big picture guys.


2016-05-24 09:52 | Report Abuse

ringgit sharply weaker at 4.11. Can't be good for sentiment on AA. Sigh.


2016-05-24 09:52 | Report Abuse

Ringgit weakens sharply to 4.11. Expect ringgit to stay choppy.


2016-05-24 09:32 | Report Abuse

Even if 1Q16 results is strong, that is historical, most important is outlook and for now the big picture for gloves isn't that fantastic.


2016-05-24 09:15 | Report Abuse

AA not moving in the right direction.


2016-05-24 08:48 | Report Abuse

Global markets fairly stable overnight. Ringgit also flattish. Big picture for gloves not changed and I would still give them a miss. If you trade, market leader TG is a safer bet. Continue to like stocks that will benefit from lower commodity prices eg AA, Padini and F&B players. As usual, be careful of fraudsters like Kai89, Eric Teh (now ETmoney) and Tressele who are working together to urge you to follow Kai89's calls. Do your own research and don't follow anyone's call blindly. Happy Investing!


2016-05-24 08:36 | Report Abuse

Momozaza, regret there is so much attacking but it has actually made this forum better. Previousy, Kai89 and group tried to harass and chase away anyone who has a different view with theirs. Now everyone can say their views on this forum and so readers get a balanced opinion on Supermax before buying or selling. That is the most important. I think investo is doing us all a great service to make sure this forum remains free and open.


2016-05-23 16:59 | Report Abuse

Supermax and gloves continue to rise slightly only despite the weak ringgit. This is because the big picture on gloves remain weak. If trading, safer to keep to the market leader TG or Kossan. As usual, be careful online of scams and fraudsters such as Kai89, Eric Teh (now ETmoney) and Tressele. Happy Invesing!


2016-05-23 16:29 | Report Abuse

I hope so too! Hehe.


2016-05-23 16:21 | Report Abuse

However, best to remember the price ex-div adjust for the div given out, so there is no free lunch actually.


2016-05-23 16:17 | Report Abuse

ringgit weakened to 4.0866. Ringgit likely to stay choppy for now.


2016-05-23 12:19 | Report Abuse

Try to ask investo, you can learn a lot from her. Maybe she can help you in English too. Hehe


2016-05-23 11:47 | Report Abuse

Readers not stupid, hehe


2016-05-23 11:43 | Report Abuse

Eric Teh, I think you need to improve your English. Maybe investo can teach you?


2016-05-23 11:15 | Report Abuse

Eric Teh, which part you do not understand or feel is not clear? The part on accumulate now? Will retest 3.00 short term? Short term is 5-7 days? Eric Teh, it looks like you are the one who is stupid and not investo who is just showing you the prove you keep asking her. No wonder you need to change ID.


2016-05-23 09:10 | Report Abuse

US again warned against competitive currency devaluation in G7 meeting overnight. Guess that could help EM short term but eyes on live Fed meeting June. AA opened flat, so far no action. Hope for the best ahead of expected strong 1Q16 results on Friday!


2016-05-23 08:51 | Report Abuse

As usual, be careful of those who talk big but calls are all wrong. Do your own research and do not follow anyone's calls blindly. Happy Investing!


2016-05-23 08:50 | Report Abuse

Big picture unchanged for gloves. If trading, i would prefer market leader TG and Kossan, Happy Investing!


2016-05-20 17:13 | Report Abuse

Quite a tentative market today. In gloves, Supermax continues to be the laggard as expected. Padini and F&N rose again. Keep eye on big picture - G7 meeting starts in Japan. As usual, be careful online, Kai89, Eric Teh and Tressele are fraudsters who insist you follow Kai89's calls although investo has proven Kai89's call are often wrong. Happy Weekend!


2016-05-20 16:59 | Report Abuse

Reasonable closing, AA has jumped again this week and therefore some profit taking on a Friday in rocky market conditions isn't too surprising. Hope the positive momentum continues next week ahead of ex-div and results.


2016-05-20 12:02 | Report Abuse

Kai89 calling himself stupid by pasting a post from Jan, see his comments below. Hehe.

Mar 30, 2016 05:09 PM | Report Abuse

Kc Kee, only stupid guy paste like u paste, why u not paste my comnet from Jan until now , supermx at 3.56 ,only me can predict supermx direction , and is 100 percent accurate ,until now ,ya hoo , why u not ask ,i can predict supermx short term accurate ? do u wamt know or not ?


2016-05-20 11:43 | Report Abuse

kai89, still boasting supermax sure to go up to 3.56 after results? Can't hide and bluff anymore.

Apr 8, 2016 04:46 PM | Report Abuse
Accumulate now , waitng QR release May , to retest 3.56 .


2016-05-20 11:28 | Report Abuse

Readers not stupid, Eric Teh and Kai89 are the same group. Where got difference?


2016-05-20 11:24 | Report Abuse

Cannot be sure? Kai89 always boasted he is 100% correct and sure but now when could be wrong then only want to start to say no one can be 100%?


2016-05-20 11:08 | Report Abuse

QR weak? How can that be possible? We got an expert on this forum who says earnings sure to be very strong and that will push up Supermax to 3.56.


2016-05-20 09:40 | Report Abuse

Ringgit back to 4.06 now, will stay choppy but believe weakness last 2 days may be overdone. Help sentiment on AA.


2016-05-20 09:35 | Report Abuse

Hi, Investo, you are really a punter lah, now want to buy C31 even? hehe. Since AA is a buy with conviction, i would also buy C31 BUT they have all gone up a lot and if you buy you must be fully aware of the risks involved. I know Kai89 and group got many calls wrong but I didn't know it was so many and so wrong, more than 50% drop in some of their recommendations! Shocking.


2016-05-20 09:21 | Report Abuse

Fed June meeting is live but a rate hike is not a certainty. Ringgit may have over reacted, weakened by speculators the recent 2 days.


2016-05-20 08:58 | Report Abuse

Yah Icon, you are too conservative lah, hehe.


2016-05-20 08:41 | Report Abuse

US markets down sharply as investors adjust their portfolios to higher chance of a June rate hike by the Fed. However, i think a rate hike is far from sure. As the big picture has not changed, I would still give gloves a miss in favour of importers eg AA, Padini and F&B players. However, if you must trade gloves, I prefer sector leaders like TG and Kossan. As usual, be careful of fraudsters like Kai89, Eric Teh and Tressele who are working together to trap people. Happy Investing!


2016-05-20 08:32 | Report Abuse

Wow! the star report said 1Q16 core net profit could be 350m - 450m. That is strong. Most people said about 250m at best, some even lower. Maybe that is why despite the rocky markets, AA continue to rise. Hope for best again today!


2016-05-19 17:30 | Report Abuse

AA performed beyond expectations today. This is despite rocky markets and ringgit. Results must be really good. Hope for the best!


2016-05-19 13:45 | Report Abuse

Ringgit continued to weaken to 4.08. Traders may play gloves as they have fallen so much YTD. But big picture on gloves still not positive, I would still give gloves a miss for now. For those tempted to trade, sector leaders TG and Kossan are safer bets. AA and Padini still managed to rise this morning, reflecting their strong fundamentals. As usual, be careful online, fraudsters like Kai89, Eric Teh and Tressele work in a group to mislead readers. Don't follow anyone's calls blindly. Happy Investing!


2016-05-19 09:33 | Report Abuse

Haha. Today can't expect too much, don't drop I happy already. Let market settle first. While June Fed meeting is live, it is far from certain they will raise. Still very data dependent.


2016-05-19 09:25 | Report Abuse

AA up even! Such a least for now


2016-05-19 09:03 | Report Abuse

As expected market down 10 points. May be choppy but hope AA will hope up well.


2016-05-19 09:02 | Report Abuse

Investo, don't waste time with those losers. Your padini up, back to your buying price! Hehe


2016-05-19 08:44 | Report Abuse

Big picture continue to suggests some short term market risk, raising some cash may be a good idea for now. As usual, be careful of scams and fraudsters online. Happy Investing!


2016-05-19 08:43 | Report Abuse

Weak ringgit could tempt traders in gloves. I wouldn't participate but if you are going to, TG and Kossan are better bets.


2016-05-19 08:26 | Report Abuse

Although AA going to report strong earnings soon, the big picture has become more uncertain - apparently Fed's June meeting is now live, got chance will increase interest rate. People will be adjusting portfolios and markets will be volatile. Not sure what to do with AA. Sigh.


2016-05-18 19:57 | Report Abuse

How can that be possible? We got an expert on this forum who says earnings sure to be very strong and that will push up Supermax to 3.56.


2016-05-18 19:53 | Report Abuse

A sharply weaker ringgit will definitely not be good for AA and Malaysia. Ringgit weakened this evening but let's wait for the Fed minutes and see how, hope it is not too hawkish. Oil still steady at year high and that should help support ringgit a bit. Keep eye on the big picture.


2016-05-18 17:13 | Report Abuse

Even after falling so much, Supermax can fall another 6 sen. This is because big picture on gloves weak for now. Padini and F&N up again. Look out for Fed;s April meeting minutes tonight. As usual, becareful of scams and fraudsters online, people hiding reports and changing names are usually signs they got bad intentions. Happy Investing!


2016-05-18 17:01 | Report Abuse

After the recent strong rally, today is a good day to consolidate and close a few sen down. Suspect price will continue to rise ahead of the ex-div on 26 May and the strong 1Q16 results on 27 May 16. Also its AGM is on 30 May 16.