
BuyWithConviction | Joined since 2015-11-17

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2016-05-09 15:51 | Report Abuse

For now, the traders are taking profit after the EGM as expected.


2016-05-09 14:31 | Report Abuse

Strong buying right from start of afternoon session


2016-05-09 12:20 | Report Abuse

We had live commentary courtesy of ST Tan


2016-05-09 12:06 | Report Abuse

There is a 3.30pm investment meeting?


2016-05-09 11:26 | Report Abuse

There could be some selling pressure from traders in the afternoon, unless there are more good news during the EGM.


2016-05-09 11:18 | Report Abuse

Great! Thanks ST Tan.


2016-05-09 11:04 | Report Abuse

Kai89, you have several times spoken about other stocks on this forum too. So you can't complain.


2016-05-09 08:57 | Report Abuse

Over weekend we had US non-farm payroll and China trade data. Ringgit was back below 4.0 but can stay choppy, No change to the big picture. Still believe upside on gloves is limited and risky. Prefer importers eg. AA, Padini, F&N players which imports milk solids etc.

Investo, if you can hold, AA is a buy with conviction, I know you are a trader so you would probably sell instead. Hehe. That is your decision. No right or wrong. Hope for the best!

As usual, be careful online, judge people by watching how they behave and don't simple believe what they say, best to do your own research and don't follow anyone's call blindly. Happy Investing!


2016-05-09 08:41 | Report Abuse

No crystal ball but my guess is AA will continue to rise this morning before 10am EGM, then some profit taking might set in after that. After the traders are out, the price hopefully will rise ahead of 1Q16 results which we hope is good.


2016-05-06 17:17 | Report Abuse

Gloves mixed again despite weak ringgit because the big picture for gloves remain negative. Tonight keep eye on unemployment numbers in US. Continue to like AA, it is a buy with conviction for those who can hold. Happy Weekend!


2016-05-06 15:38 | Report Abuse

Sad to hear yet again people are trapped in Supermax and its structure warrants (Cs). Cs are not easy to play and investors should buy Cs only when very bullish about the mother share. The big picture on gloves have been negative for a long time already. Also, do your own research and don't follow anyone's calls blindly.


2016-05-06 08:57 | Report Abuse

On big picture, keep eye on yen and gold rally. Don't follow anyone's calls blindly. Happy Investing!


2016-05-06 08:56 | Report Abuse

Big picture has not changed. I continue to think the recent ringgit weakness is temporary only. There is short term market risk, safer to raise some cash. On gloves, continue to believe upside is limited and risky. Still positive on AA.


2016-05-06 08:25 | Report Abuse

So far the share price has been moving in line with expectations - below 2.0 before EGM to make it easier to get approval for the PP. After EGM, there may be some selling but once the traders are out, I suspect AA will then slowly and surely rise ahead of 1Q16 results. Hoping for the best!


2016-05-05 09:13 | Report Abuse

Main risk is the market. Fundamentals of AA improving fast, so if can hold, AA is still a buy.


2016-05-05 08:54 | Report Abuse

Oh yes, nearly forgot. As usual, keep eye on big picture and don't follow anybody's calls blindly.


2016-05-05 08:52 | Report Abuse

Ringgit weakened sharply overnight again. Big picture not changed, so i expect ringgit will strengthen back soon. On gloves, the weak ringgit may tempt traders but any bounce likely to be brief, so traders must be fast, can get trapped if not careful. Prefer importers eg AA, Padini etc. Happy Investing!


2016-05-04 16:58 | Report Abuse

Gloves ending mixed despite Harta reporting higher net profit and weak ringgit. Big picture on gloves still negative. As usual, be careful of online scams and don't follow anyone blindly. Happy Investing!


2016-05-04 08:54 | Report Abuse

Weak PMI in US and China. Yen strong. Macro factors suggest market risks in near term. Raise some cash. Harta profit up but gloves big picture still negative. If can hold, still ok with importers eg AA and Padini etc. Happy Investing!


2016-05-03 20:43 | Report Abuse

Another weak day for Bursa. Yen at 1.07 is bad for global growth but it is now even lower at 1.05. China continues to report more weak data and gold is rallying. I don't have a crystal ball but to me the big picture on the market is negative short term and I would raise some cash until the outlook is clearer.


2016-05-03 09:07 | Report Abuse

Sell in May and go away? Hope not but the rally on gold is worth keeping an eye on. i still prefer importers. Happy Investing!


2016-05-03 09:02 | Report Abuse

Over the long weekend, weak data from US and China. Big picture for gloves still negative and so I would still give them the miss for now.


2016-04-29 19:50 | Report Abuse

I don't want to take any sides but to be fair, Eric Teh, I don't think your lengthy reply answered the questions investo asked.

Kai899, are you sure innvesto is investo or are you again lying? I didn't see the comment before it was deleted but you said it was dirty words, I have not seen investo use any dirty word before. Very suspicious. Readers not stupid.


2016-04-29 17:09 | Report Abuse

AdCool, Supermax down more than 3% today! You must be glad to have sold out. Today market is weak, a lot of stocks also down.


2016-04-29 16:41 | Report Abuse

Kai899 it is your mouth which is the most dirty. Investo is just telling the truth. You have been lying and using crude words.


2016-04-29 16:36 | Report Abuse

AdCool, I am surprised you got so much Supermax. You might like to keep an open mind on big picture going forward. Also, good to practise some money management - when to buy, when to buy more, when to reduce, when to sell all.


2016-04-29 16:01 | Report Abuse

I think you can now get as much at 1.91 as you want. Hehe


2016-04-29 15:58 | Report Abuse

It is not about fund size, it is more about recognizing what type of market this is. But I can be wrong. As long as you are happy.


2016-04-29 15:31 | Report Abuse

True but while they are selling, it can be painful. Hehe


2016-04-29 15:14 | Report Abuse

Also, not sure a diversified portfolio is a good thing. I know finance theory about safety in diversification but this is a liquidity driven market, a different ball game. I think maybe better to keep to stocks you have high conviction in. Just my thoughts.


2016-04-29 15:13 | Report Abuse

AdCool, I am also quite baffled by the recent sell down. I suspect it is partly due to concerns over global growth. Yen at 1.07 is not good for growth and US 1Q16 GDP growth is just 0.5%. Foreigners may be realigning their portfolios.


2016-04-29 14:36 | Report Abuse

AdCool, I recommend you follow big picture more in future. Up to you whether you want to believe. Do you think you lost 15% due to FA of the stocks or TA of the stocks? You decide but if you want to discuss and have an open mind about it, you know where to find me.


2016-04-29 14:33 | Report Abuse

Congratulations! You are showing everyone how little intelligence you have.


2016-04-29 14:17 | Report Abuse

Kai899, your best defense is calling people names? Show some intelligence once in a while.


2016-04-29 12:12 | Report Abuse

Hehe. Ok, agreed. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. It helps to make this forum a healthy platform for readers to get a good range of views on Supermax.


2016-04-29 11:57 | Report Abuse

Smart Investor, I thought you said 2.80 coming soon yesterday? Just asking... if you are willing to share your thoughts.


2016-04-29 09:18 | Report Abuse

Yen at 1.07 this morning. Interesting.


2016-04-29 09:11 | Report Abuse

KNM up again! Slow and steady.


2016-04-29 08:48 | Report Abuse

Morning. KLCI and Asian bourses fell ahead of US markets which fell sharply last night. Keep eye on Yen after BOJ surprise non-action yesterday. Big picture for gloves still negative and I would give them a miss for now. I much prefer the big picture for importers eg AA, maybe even TNB and Padini. As usual, be careful online and don't be fooled by scams. Happy Investing!


2016-04-28 17:44 | Report Abuse

Hehe, See their comment history - again so many new accounts. Heha.


2016-04-28 15:59 | Report Abuse

Market sharply down. Regional bourses also mainly lower. Don't understand why, disappointment over BOJ statement?


2016-04-28 14:38 | Report Abuse

Very easy to recognize kai and his group members. They comment very little about stocks or market. Everyday their comments are merely repeating the same old complains, insults and harassment. Maybe this reflects the limit of their knowledge and intelligence. Hehe


2016-04-28 14:37 | Report Abuse

BOJ surprised markets by leaving monetary policy unchanged. Big picture on gloves remain unchanged and I would give it a miss for now. Investo, you sold AA and made money, good for you. You could be right but I would hold and even buy more on way down. Happy Investing!


2016-04-28 12:27 | Report Abuse

Kai used to just talk about his charts only and arrogantly said everything else is not important. Now he is talking about 1MDB default and foreign flow. This again shows how wrong he was. I suspect soon he will start talking about big picture! Let's wait and see. He He.


2016-04-28 12:00 | Report Abuse

Will be choppy but fundamentals firmly intact. Focus on the stock, don't waste time responding to unreasonable comments, you will just encourage the writer.


2016-04-28 11:11 | Report Abuse

Will be choppy, suspect fight to determine price before EGM only started.


2016-04-28 08:32 | Report Abuse

investo, gloves might rebound after falling so much but i think upside limited. Happy to hear you bought AA again yesterday. Sell today? Well, no right or wrong, it really depends on whether you are a punter or investor. I would hold. I can be wrong but for me, AA is a buy with conviction if you can hold at least 2 - 3 months. Remember to keep eye on big picture. Hehe


2016-04-28 08:26 | Report Abuse

Fed left rates unchanged as expected. Keep eye on US elections too. BOJ to announce monetary policy Thursday. Big picture not changed, limited upside for gloves. I would give them a miss for now. Looks at other stocks for more attractive risk-reward eg AA. Happy Investing.


2016-04-28 08:14 | Report Abuse

Price up overnight again! No rate hike in US as expected. Hope today KNM can rebound further.