
calvintaneng | Joined since 2013-09-18

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Just as the eagle loves the storm because he soars above it Calvin welcome market crashes. To be fearful when others are greedy and to be greedy when others are fearfully selling. See The Way of the Eagle in The Air at & &





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2024-01-04 17:50 | Report Abuse

hahaha losses?

made more than 1000%

started with Rm200k in year 2013

now portfolio grew to over Rm2 millions after 10 years or made more than 100% per year for last 10 years

amazing but true

beaten Warren Buffet of Berkshire at 25%

also beaten Peter Lynch of Magellan Fund at 29%

the secret is to buy deep value shares like Bplant and this Tsh will be another great success story one day


2024-01-04 17:25 | Report Abuse

no rubbish leh if any thinking person will think clearly and honestly without prejudice

Bplant buy call was 57 sen 2020/2021

we received 24 sen dividend since then

so cost of Bplant brought down to 33 sen

now LTAT offers Rm1.55 to take over Bplant

so 33 sen to Rm1.55 is up a whopping 369%

more than 120% profit for every year of last 3 years holding Bplant

now success is repeated

in what ?
in Tsh lah

T = Tenacious
S = Samson
H = Hercules

we keep buying whenever extra cash comes in


2024-01-04 16:52 | Report Abuse

Palm oil
What did it do?

It makes Robert Kuok the richest man in Malaysia

He is even richer than Public Bank boss Mr Teh


Because Robert Kuok invested in 🌴🌴🌴


2024-01-04 16:50 | Report Abuse

Now 35% of fuel in Indonesia

Got palm oil


2024-01-04 16:49 | Report Abuse

Eat ice cream
Drink teh tarik
Birthday cake

All got palm oil


2024-01-04 16:49 | Report Abuse

When you wash hair with soap or shampoo

Full of palm oil

Palm olive soap is what



2024-01-04 16:48 | Report Abuse

When you wash clothes or wash car

You use detergent

Full of palm oil


2024-01-04 16:47 | Report Abuse

All baby formulas like S26, Neslec, And others got lots of palm oil

See palmic acid on labels


2024-01-04 16:45 | Report Abuse

Then breakfast

Do you know
nestle breakfast cereal got palm oil

All bread got palm oil

All biscuit got palm oil

All maggie mee full of palm oil as well as milo


2024-01-04 16:44 | Report Abuse

8 billions people need to brush teeth will need to use 🌴🌴🌴


2024-01-04 16:43 | Report Abuse

Why palm oil?


Your first contact in morning and
last contact at night is colgate toothpaste which is made from palm oil


2024-01-04 16:41 | Report Abuse


Palm oil is a sure thing

No speculation like Serba or Kgb full of Receivables (Iou not cash)

We see cash in all palm oil shares


2024-01-04 14:28 | Report Abuse

There is no trap in 🌴



Fcpo now at new high level of Rm3600 to Rm4300
(Last time was Rm1700 to Rm2200)

Cost of Cpo production was Rm1400 to Rm1500 then and now Rm2000 to Rm2200

So from Rm3600 selling price less production cost there is a safe profit margin of Rm1400 to Rm1600 for every ton of Cpo sold

That is why all Palm oil companies got visible and real earnings

Others are showing speculation

No matter what Palm oil is very very safe

If Dow crashes by 1,000 to 3,000 points Palm oil will remain rock solid

It survived both the 1997/8 and 2008 year crisis

So stay very safe


2024-01-04 12:40 | Report Abuse

Last two qtrs FFB now among highest

So earnings are getting better and better

While Thplant price still very low


Safe to add more


2024-01-03 23:49 | Report Abuse

Dear all at Bplant forum
Ltat has issued final note that acceptance offer of Rm1.55 for Bplant will not be extended by Jan 5 2024

and within 5 days after that Bplant will be suspended from trading in Bursa as Ltat has official acquired more than 90% of Bplant shares

since Ubs Bank also surrendered and given up it's shares now chances of higher offer price after listing is slim

so please act fact to accept offers

Do not get caught holding unlisted Bplant shares

Congratulation to all who bought cheap and now reap a windfall

The privatisation and takeovers of palm oil palm started long ago with shares like Austral Enterprize, Golden Hope Plant, Tradewind, Guthrie, Unico Desa, Sindora, Tmakmur, Kulim, Kwantas, Ijmplant and latest Bplant

there will be more takeovers and privatisation of Palm oil shares in future months and years to come

Palm oil with it's cash generating crop plus high value lands which can only appreciate in value more and more and even more over the years have turned their lands into "gold mines" eventually

This has been and will be one of the safest (though dull) investment around

Calvin Tan
Republic of Singapore

News & Blogs

2024-01-03 16:29 | Report Abuse

For humility and sincerity very few could match Ah Bah in i3 Forum


To Ah Bah


2024-01-03 11:29 | Report Abuse

Buy call 57 sen
Dividends received 24 sen

Real time cost 33 sen
Ltat takeover at Rm1.55

From 33 sen to Rm1.55 is a gain of 369%

It took two years time
But well worth the waiting


2024-01-03 11:26 | Report Abuse

Eagle group members informed me they are getting cheques finally

News & Blogs

2024-01-03 11:20 | Report Abuse

Kyy first appeared in i3 forum year 2014 and promoted two stocks

Jaya tiasa

Jaya TIASA was Rm2.40 and it went up to the high of Rm2.60 to Rm2.70 quite a lofty price then and so we did not follow

When we saw Shale oil emanating from USA we told Kyy to sell his Jtiasa

He sold like no tomorrow and Jtiasa crashed to the low of Rm1.20

At that time Jtiasa was full of debts and Cpo prices below Rm3000

Now Cpo ranges Rm3600 to Rm4300 and Jtiasa below Rm1.00

Plus jtiasa then had very high debt while it is now almost going debt free and cash rich

Also it's palm oil estates now 171,000 Fully matured at 14 years age

171,000 acres are about 97% of Singapore land mass of 177000 acres
All producing the most productive vege oil

Now this Jtiasa should see Real Value compared to year 2014 highs
As a yardstick when Kyy comes out to promote the stock is already too high to chase


2024-01-03 08:53 | Report Abuse

Nasdaq down by 245 points indicate down turn for tech and semi conductor

Recessionary times are here

stay safe


2024-01-03 02:11 | Report Abuse

Keep to facts and figures and avoid calling names

Great minds talk ideas

Good minds talk things

Weak minds attack people


2024-01-02 23:43 | Report Abuse



2024-01-02 23:42 | Report Abuse

By mid 2024 ikn nusantara phase one will be ready

any sale of land in future will be

Rm30K to Rm300K or more

like Putrajaya


2024-01-02 23:38 | Report Abuse

Tsh owns 94700 acres land near here

cost only Rm5k an acre


2024-01-02 22:01 | Report Abuse

speakup is good guy

stop calling names ok

now Rm250 millions payables equal to 38.76 sen net cash

since cash and borrowing about the same Rm220 mil (they cancel each other out)

Once payables catch up

and Receivables still not collected then there will be a cash constrain

might lead to a cash call

by these

private placement at discount

or give Rights Issue to ask for monies

or borrow from banks

these are real consequences of having high Receivables and then payables to pay


2024-01-02 21:54 | Report Abuse

the problem will come when Rm250 mil in payables are due

also Rm255 mil in contract liabilities

and paper plane

we already explained and highlighted on item 12


2024-01-02 21:48 | Report Abuse


then you should also ask the same question in Tsh forum

why people go there if they are not buying Tsh ?

and promote Kgb?

So who are we to stop anyone

what people are allowed to comment freely as long as they present facts

for those is Tsh they post hate spam

at least we give the facts and figures

and the figures

Rm462 Million Receivables are equal to about 71.63 sen cash

this 71.63 sen are Receivables (iou and not cash)


2024-01-02 21:39 | Report Abuse

paper plane


Rm462 Millions Receivables there

How much was due 30 days, 60 days, 90 days, 120 days

180 days

365 days

or longer

any portion rollover from other past quarters

and Receivables from Who? what are the entities oweing?


2024-01-02 21:32 | Report Abuse


No one is perfect

Even Warren Buffet bought the Wrong stock called Tesco

Charlie Munger made a wrong call on Alibaba

Does that make them no good


2024-01-02 21:23 | Report Abuse


There were so many others highlighted as well

Sumatech, Ifca, Utusan, London Biscuit, Vivocom, Pdz, Serba, Mmag, Gpacket, and many others for the last ten years in this forum

So many have not done their due diligence
After losing they had left i3 forum for good


2024-01-02 21:20 | Report Abuse

Also since going there

Better ask Security Commission to go as well


2024-01-02 21:15 | Report Abuse


Ask them to

Show all Awarded parties

Got names to verify

Also Rm420 millions job awarded in Sarawak

How long was the construction

Any cost over runs and delay
Are all payments fully in

Then 6 qtrs of Receivables

How many are 100% collected in full


2024-01-02 20:49 | Report Abuse

there are good and bad receivables

for Eversendai mostly bad

Serba also

Megan Media and Transmile got fictitious receivables


All Receivables are repeated and rehatched these past 6 quarters

Started with Rm400 mil plus
and still Rm400 mil plus


2024-01-02 20:46 | Report Abuse

Rcecap receivables are rock solid

they are from Govt servants loans backed by cash withdrawal from their fixed salary deduction

as such there is no default or very minimal

And Receivables always turn into real cash

Real Cash result in very high dividends

Datuk Hashim of Ambank very smart


2024-01-02 20:28 | Report Abuse

Do not be offended because we tell you the truth

We don't spam hate posts like others

All we presented are true facts

Accept or not up to you


2024-01-02 20:22 | Report Abuse

And best is this

We never ask Eagle group members to pay fees

Not even one cent fee collected


2024-01-02 20:19 | Report Abuse

Why 🌴?


Cost of Cpo production Rm2000 to Rm2200

Cpo at Rm3000 already profitable according to Mr Gooi of Kmloong

So now Cpo ranging Rm3500 to Rm4300 is among the best of times

Today both Cepatwawasan and United Malacca Insiders still buying 🌴

Country Height substantial shareholders are selling and running away

So 🌴 is very good as it has real and visible profits that can translate to very good dividends


2024-01-02 20:10 | Report Abuse

Out of 100 calls more than 70% to 80% eventually did well

Ytl power and Pba were also
some of past buy calls now showing upturn

But for 🌴🌴🌴 the best is yet to come


2024-01-02 20:08 | Report Abuse


One guy called Steve Wong in Eagle group bought Scomies and sold on rebound and made monies

But that was not the best

The best was Steve loaded up on Bplant around 60 sen
He made few hundred thousands from Bplant

Many others in Eagle group made good monies from Bplant

Also Jtiasa and to be followed by other solid 🌴🌴🌴 shares later


2024-01-02 19:17 |

Post removed.Why?


2024-01-02 18:28 | Report Abuse

we will have donated Philip's monies to charity then


2024-01-02 18:26 | Report Abuse

When we say we made Rm1 million from Ogse bull of Dayang, Penergy, Carimin, Uzma and Umwog (velesto)

Loud mouthed Philip said no

so we issued him a challenge to go Kl ask Remisier to do a print out if we got made Rm1 million profit from Ogse

loud mouthed Philip was supposed to go but backed out

if he got go and SEE he sure will lose Rm500,000 and monies will be dominated to charity


2024-01-02 18:23 | Report Abuse

every year made 100% for the last 10 years yearly

beaten Bershire Hathaway at 25%

beaten Peter Lynch of Magellen Fund at 29%

no joke but true