small timer only hehe
Blog Posts
2016-03-18 10:22 | Report Abuse
Fear is driving all the short term margin players out?
U can sense that those who are emotionally charged are the margin players
2016-03-17 17:27 | Report Abuse
plus i doubt simple retailers like you or me are just interested in so called " yield "
yield is mostly for fix income investors, bonds, debt, insurance, pensions funds investors.
2016-03-17 17:25 | Report Abuse
no need to assume NO or YES. Its not written in stone yet.
the sell down is just about a simple emotion. Fear
thats why so little people succeed at investing in the stock markets. they throw stocks away when they are uncertain and fearful. They are not confident on what they have invested. they are just simply driven by their own emotions. same goes vice versa.
stereotyping about it going to fail is no help either. There is no fact nor inherent guarantee in investing.
However the fear factor now is really this is not helping too. lol
one important lesson to learn. do not stereotype. do not be govern by emotions. if you decide that this is not in your best interest just sell. simple. no need stories. no need condemnation. just be indifferent.
2016-03-17 15:45 | Report Abuse
even an engineer like me can calculate like that ! apa hal with all the advisors??? but i could be wrong lol
2016-03-17 15:43 | Report Abuse
since the nta after QA is 38sen and the cashback value is 48.5sen...
assuming paid usd25mil to buy asset works out to be about rm0.0726 per share.
usd25mil x 4.1(ringgit) = rm102.5mil
rm102.5mil divide by 1.411 bil shares outstanding = rm0.0726 per share
(all in per share basis)
nta 38
48.5 minus capex 0.0726 for QA = 41.24sen per share left(cash)
add nta 38 + 41.24 = 79.24sen per share immediately after QA
am i right?
2016-03-17 15:34 | Report Abuse
i like that the net asset per share(nta) after the QA is 0.38. Now is 0 without QA. lol
this will only grow as the fields are being developed.
2016-03-16 16:58 | Report Abuse
I think he has margin on the shares and wants to earn more by at least a few extra sens as possible. its also possible he lost some while the price went down a bit. Dunno what he is thinking.
No need to bother. imagine warren buffet complaining about a few sens from his billion dollar investments.
keep it up sona. and yes all of us here do have an agenda...that is to see sona QA approved. Its a noble one isn't it?
2016-03-16 16:45 | Report Abuse
u did threaten them whos shallow?
2016-03-16 16:41 | Report Abuse
somehow i think u have a hidden agenda somewhere. real investors are always looking for future returns.
2016-03-16 16:39 | Report Abuse
callme777, as much as u are entitled to your opinions to vote against the QA, so are we ALSO entitled to vote for the QA and listen to views and news from the management itself.
Since i3investor is one the largest forums on klse stocks. why wouldnt they come here to promote? When they didnt promote u complain and bitch about that. now they promote u threaten to vote against them as per the share price wanting to go to 48.5. what happens when it goes above 48.5? u want to go to 50sen? furthermore it sounds like u are trying to blackmail them eh? This is really unethical of you.
what do u want? why are u still here? why are u so unhappy?
2016-03-16 13:09 | Report Abuse
sona management needs to put out more news and convince more ppl to vote for them. remember you are the face of the company. take for example who does sp setia represents? the ex ceo tan sri liew kee sin.
he is the face and indirectly main marketer or sp setia company. image counts. this is called investor relations and i have a friend who used to work in samling group and tropicana. image counts.
all the best!!!
2016-03-15 16:54 | Report Abuse
Some ppl are definitely collecting lots of warrants at 6.5sen wow
2016-03-15 11:56 | Report Abuse
This suspense is killing everyone invested in Sona. The fact is. The funds cannot say anything at all in the open market. This is becoz any info regarding the Qa is known will cause stock prices to move. This is known as material non-public information. This info will cause market price to move.
The brokers with inside info will not dare to leak any info because this is illegal. Hadi n the funds cannot say anything at all. ThThey are insiders and are even more subjected to sc laws.
Brokers dare to leak info tough luck. We will just have to see how it goes n look forward to the egm
2016-03-14 17:10 | Report Abuse
good news is....about 42mil of warrants were traded today. This is a very large volume.
also saw buyers/bidders queue up for almost 8mil plus of warrants.
perhaps somebody are pushing down the prices to collect at low of 6.5sen? maybe
bad news is....could be traders/speculators collecting then selling for small profits for a 1 or 0.5 sen
could also be ppl dumping the warrants. however support at 6.5sen is very strong. curious
tmw will be interesting to watch
2016-03-13 19:31 | Report Abuse
The major shareholders ought to know the advantages far outweigh the disadvantage in price now. I hope that they are more farsighted.
Good luck
2016-03-13 19:29 | Report Abuse
From USD 50mil nego to usd25 mil. This is a good nego. Furthermore the 3rd party value stag at today's low oil price from 30 to 50mil USD. Usd5mil discount..santos desperate for money. This is in the circular.
3rd party also value stag fields in the future to be worth around usd50 to 100mil depending on oil price. Sounds not bad. Their projection from those multiple line graphs are also quite conservative.
Their oil pumped sells around Brent crude price.
2016-03-12 21:09 | Report Abuse
Omg does this guy knows about managing our economy?
2016-03-12 13:47 | Report Abuse
Actually the more u read the circular announcement on the purchase the more u will see the advantages are more.
1. Existing 4 wells licenses only expire in 2030 to 2036.
2. These 4 wells are operating in 45sq km area of the entire 800++ fields. Still have 90+% of fields left.
3. They purposely reduce from 5200 barrel to 3000 barrels becoz of low oil price.
4. The oil from their wells are a light sweet crude type. This type has the best commercial value.
All these info is from their PDF file. Go read.
No wonder they are confident.
Disclosure.I own their warrants. Cheers
2016-03-12 13:13 | Report Abuse
Nice info ladyD!! Very informative. Yes since I come from a business background too, a shareholder loan is a loan to the company. Here emir owes reach.
This is different from a company issuing debt. They owe other ppl.
2016-03-12 10:52 | Report Abuse
Seems like the whole market is condemning the spacs. We must be greedy when all are fearful.your choice. good luck cheers
2016-03-12 10:41 | Report Abuse
Actually this is really a no brainer.
Those who belive believe in the long term potential of sona with revenue generating assets. U can vote yes.
Those who dun believe, prefers a yield back or detractors. U can vote no.
again its best to listen at the egm before deciding. I would definitely prefer a long term potential approach. Oil is slowly rising n stabilising. This is in the news. It may yoyo but which asset price doesnt? So choose wisely. I wouldnt want to wait until the oil price goes up to 50usd or more before buying into oil n gas companies.
btw u can buy back after the qa so its really your choice. Good luck
2016-03-10 11:41 | Report Abuse
sona's breakeven is usd26 this was in the news way back. but this is reach's forum thread not sona's
2016-03-09 15:18 | Report Abuse
just be aware of fear generating info. any major shareholders getting out must be announced in bursa. this is the law.
I noticed there are some ppl intentionally spreading false news. this is misleading, malicious & filled with many conflicts of interests...unless they can prove otherwise.
guys gals be careful and read the news properly announced in the newspapers. be logical and make your own judgement wisely.
2016-03-09 14:03 | Report Abuse
Kareem perhaps u shld furnish us as to where u get those info.
2016-03-09 12:23 | Report Abuse
nice info ck chan.
looks like a lot of big shots invested in reach
2016-03-09 12:08 | Report Abuse
well the ipo was at 50sen. so it makes sense to push it up above 50sen.
as to why they are not doing it yet...cant really answer that. But hadian did say he's going to meet with the big fellas now.
So lets see how it goes. you cant also really expect the stock price to shoot up just like that. Remember our klse is not like dow jones or sgx....we are only a small pond compare to a big ocean like them.
so our liquidity is very shallow hence we need time.
2016-03-09 11:30 | Report Abuse
I think this 12% tycoon maybe Chua MA yu n his gang. I remember I read somewhere before on this news. But he didn't own so much now. Maybe less than 5% last time
2016-03-09 11:24 | Report Abuse many are so short sighted nowadays..but it can't be helped.
Let's see how hadian convince the major guys
2016-03-08 22:34 | Report Abuse
Seriously with them pinging n ponging...dunno whether to laugh or not. Lol
2016-03-08 15:26 | Report Abuse
they collectively own about 22 23%
2016-03-08 15:24 | Report Abuse
yes pundit
there are a couple of major shareholders in reach. lembaga tabung haji, norges bank, kwap, epf etc
the MD owns 20% n is an ex shell exxon person. he has 35 years exp in oil n gas industry. is he capable of running the business? u tell me
the chairman used to work in bursa for 15 years. he also has stints in oil n gas. talk about the connections.
the other 2 more fellas. 1 is from sime darby n the other has 29years exp in international oil n gas companies. can they run reach business or not? again u tell me.
all these info from their 2014 annual report. this is transparent info.
what you say is definately true. we also dunno why they stay in here.....its a mystery
2016-03-08 13:31 | Report Abuse
It would be prudent to at least attend the egm n vote accordingly after listening to what the management have to offer. Then u can decide.
It's not right to simply said its bad or right without basis. It sounds like an emotional rash decision
2016-03-08 12:17 | Report Abuse
if nobody wants a particular share then maybe all risks might have been driven all the way out of it.
perhaps its time to relook at it and buy. time to be greedy when others are fearful.
2016-03-08 11:30 | Report Abuse
Correct. I agree. Let's see how the MD handle this
2016-03-08 11:27 | Report Abuse
Unfortunately there are lots of ppl condemning, pointing out faults, giving negativity. This is natural. These are the Ppl who are easily influenced by everyday news n react accordingly. Are they trying to say."we told u so!!"? We dunno.
The thing is. U can give out discussion, ideas why, n have a proper deduction. We are not defending Sona. There are always reasons for it to fail. Oil crashes, hadian died lol etc.
Like for the latest news cs n pag will vote no if below refund price. Yes it's possible. But what are their funds mandate? Anybody go n chk?
Dun just argue for the sake of argue. Sounds like u have already given up on Sona. That is your prerogative of then just sell n go. Look for other better company why waste time here?
I have checked on cs n pag they are mostly hedge funds..hmm
Let's see how it goes
We as investors must try to get as much info as possible to make the investing in OUR favor.
Seems, like not a lot is trying to do that. Some may even spread false news. Just Becareful n decide for yourself Amen
2016-03-08 10:14 | Report Abuse
Aiyo..still arguing. If the deal is not approved u will get a refund too. Either way u will not lose.
Let's just see how it goes. This deal approve or not is already causing some much anxiety n stress among u...haha
N I wonder how much money u guys put in? U have got to learn to detach your emotions from money. If the risk of losses are too great for u. Just sell n go.
Those who can stomach stay. BTW find out first the mandates of credit suisse n Pacific funds. Even news can have conflicts. Dun blindly believe.
2016-03-07 17:30 | Report Abuse
That money 400m has to be used to do expansion on the stag field. it is stated in SC's conditions for approval. Plus it has to be put into a trust account...not simply used by the management. SC is quite strict
2016-03-07 17:14 | Report Abuse
nice writeup!!!
2016-03-07 17:04 | Report Abuse
when the herd mentality is fearful.....its really time to be greedy.
fear will totally drive out a lot of risks in the stock...hence becomes low risk
oh yea
2016-03-07 17:04 | Report Abuse
when the herd mentality is fearful.....its really time to be greedy.
fear will totally drive out a lot of risks in the stock...hence becomes low risk
oh yea
2016-03-07 16:30 | Report Abuse
Guess who's in the top 30 shareholder...lembaga tabung haji n Epf...funny thing is markets dun care how many tong sampah got.
Can make revenue n profits can dy. N must be increasing profits.
I own reach warrants. Buy at your own risk
2016-03-07 16:06 | Report Abuse
i have utmost confidence in reach energy. collecting more warrants
2016-03-07 15:53 | Report Abuse
mother share will not expire after QA is approved. warrants will expire in 2022 if QA ok
2016-03-07 15:04 | Report Abuse
wow mystock 118 news on reach energy.
....reach will expire this april 2016. this is so misleading. it will only expire on aug 2017
mistake? hmm...
2016-03-07 14:37 | Report Abuse
all these spacs have a limited downside with cash back refund value below their intrinsic value 71.1sen(7% discount from now price of 66sen)....yet have so much a call option. u only stand to lose what u invest in but the upside is so uncertain. This is good ma.
logically speaking, its really a no brainer. with so much negativity on spacs especially now the price is also really dirt cheap.
so what are u guys waiting for? wait until QA approve only buy? too late lo.
btw i own reach warrants. buy at your own risk.
2016-03-18 16:10 | Report Abuse
Looks like its a 50 50 chance of QA approved versus against. We are indirectly being blackmailed by the 25%. The structure of the spac is really wrong la