
eboon9231 | Joined since 2013-06-01

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2014-03-21 22:12 | Report Abuse

I read somewhere the EPS projected to increase 50%!


2014-03-20 01:03 | Report Abuse

Alivetoinvest ...1000% agreed, please add chanting too.....actually very irritating n pain in the ***. There is a chap in this forum who chant " huat arr" every other postings..... For a long long Argggh...... I geram... Drive me crazy ...... So many weird pple here...


2014-03-19 19:07 | Report Abuse

I like the management team, your money will be in good hands.,.... Just topup 250 lots


2014-03-19 17:13 | Report Abuse

The directors already 95% aware of the final results will be excellent!!oredi 19th quarter 12 days away, the buying pattern is not so much on the bonus more for a whopping quarter, gonna be really a biggie


2014-03-19 17:07 | Report Abuse

Another director bought yesterday at RM3.70, really have plenty confidence in this counter evryday ada diector buying, sure the price is going up... esok up again


2014-03-17 17:22 | Report Abuse

Director beli lagi, almost every either one of these director beli... very confident in their own share .. hold tight coming.


2014-03-15 01:10 | Report Abuse

When directors buy everyday,we have big hope lah, Monday it will fly !,,,


2014-03-14 15:11 | Report Abuse

OMG!!!!! John Revolver you must have stayed in North Korea in the last 30 years , yeah compared with that country our gomen best la.... I believe


2014-03-13 10:57 | Report Abuse

Puncak boss ,Selangor UGNO teasurer,sendiri punye orang ma. sure the Fed will top up, I am sure dia orang sudah bincang before rejecting the deal, sure got top up something one, just watch.... eh... be fair la blah blah... or other sweeteners like Langat2 contracts etc....


2014-03-13 02:16 | Report Abuse

Director disposing shares,if the coming days shares prices can go up, why they want to throw?Logical ask yourself.....? Common sense?


2014-03-12 17:47 | Report Abuse

read the postings you all know why........ OMG!! i switch to OCK oredi


2014-03-12 17:36 | Report Abuse

history repeat again, I da cabut, nightmare begins again


2014-03-04 18:04 | Report Abuse

You can actually manage your own funds, no need for fund managers la.. some advice here, I went thru the same things and some advices

1.dont put all your eggs in 1 basket,with your fund, spread out 10 t0 15 baskets @10% to 5% of your total fund in each basket.

2. spread the portfolio from blue chips, first liners, 2 liners, 3 liners n some penny stocks. not all in PENNIES stocks!!!.

3.Have a TP for every share you owned, if you hit the target, sell and cabut, let other make. the rest . dun be greedy.

4. Have a cut loss policy, e.g if X share price down 10% (SET YOURSELF) chopped it off, lived to fight another day.

5. Share price will go up and down, don't get distract by all kinds of sembangking here 90% just coffee shop talk. remember you are an investor not speculator !!!! it takes time to make money.. even your FD 1 year is only >4%. there will be all kinds of comments ,have confidence in your choice....

5. READ READ READ...LEARN LEARN LEARN , everything in i3, bursa announcements at their site, newspaper , magazine etc etc,... soon you will understand what I meant. read the following people comments esp. in blogs, also KC Chong nz, OTB, TanKW, madibha, chinesetea, asamlaksa just to mention a few.. pick up tips and some signals from them.. there are good people here also... after in there for 20 years . I am still learning..

Thank you and good luck

News & Blogs

2014-03-04 11:49 | Report Abuse

I have been a full time trader for 9 months now. one thing for sure you must have a bear MINIMUM capital OUTLAY say in a region of at least arf a mil and above to be able to sustain TO GENERATE A COUPLE OF K OF INCOME MONTHLY , my experience is HOLDING POWER.... MID TO LONG TERM.... AT LEAST 2 MONTHS AND ABOVE. some short is possible... finally read read and read from others experience good luck


2014-03-01 15:30 | Report Abuse

Eh Lim whats wrong with you gila babi ke?

News & Blogs

2014-02-24 16:49 | Report Abuse

kk123, can you checked your facts first "Don't get trap .. Directors selling ,earlier retailer that bought still trap" Cry wolf... that is old news oredi in Jan you know how much damaged you have cause the confidence of those newbie investor here, ..... you can cause them to panic...


2014-02-24 11:48 | Report Abuse

Bonus issue of up to 120,317,166 warrants in EA Holdings Berhad ("EAH") ("Warrant(s) B") on the basis of two (2) free Warrants B for every nine (9) existing ordinary shares of RM0.10 each in EAH held at 5.00 p.m. on 24 February 2014.


2014-01-18 13:28 | Report Abuse

I have been reading about the accusations,attacks and abuses that certain individuals had been hurled at you, here lately, I have been following your comments in i3 for a long time. These individuals have their agenda,some people just cannot distinguished black and white, and go around blamed everyone else for their own mistakes, and keep on picking on you,you are human and are bound to make mistakes somehow, you just cannot be prefect we know that.... you never forced us to buy b,ut just a RECOMMENDATION.. some people just can't see this differences, why so naive the end you have to make the FINAL decision ie WHEN TO BUY, HOLD OR TO SELL.....Just ignore them.

I have benefited from your recommmendations greatly but sometimes due to my own bad judgements, I sold too late and got burnt.In the case of HEVEA,I made about 50% profit, cause I sold when I hit my TP.... You just have to be responsible for your own destiny... stop blaming others for your mistakes....but learn from it

Mr OTB ,just be yourself stay focused and don't sucked into this blame game, you are a guiding light to many small investor like me who has no TA knowledge, we all know how to distinguish good or bad. Just my 2 sen comments

Thank You Mr.OTB, you have my 100% support, because of you I am a better investor.

News & Blogs

2013-10-14 16:38 | Report Abuse

love this movie very good plot and funny


2013-09-14 12:39 | Report Abuse

If i buy on 17th morning before 5pm, iI am still entitle for the split? Can someone clarify?


2013-06-25 02:15 | Report Abuse

Backup to -70+ , can sleep, wke in the -10 ish......... Ope lah


2013-06-22 03:45 | Report Abuse

DOW Up 56 points phew!!


2013-06-21 17:09 | Report Abuse

I nearly died sekali few k hilang last minute!!!!


2013-06-21 01:28 | Report Abuse

Anyone here can enlighten me on how big is Insas 's stake in Inari? Much appreciated


2013-06-11 16:14 | Report Abuse

market bad, go and help my wife to make bak chang better!! up to .865


2013-06-03 17:51 | Report Abuse

Need help here ,if the minimum trade is 100 shares per lot, how to get rid of those odd shares, the kana shares burned out of bonus and splits, much appreciate yourhelp