
franksoweto | Joined since 2012-04-25

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2014-03-13 01:46 | Report Abuse

can we also blame the kind hearted countries that are helping us with the search effort of the confusion of our Bolihland clowns :(


2014-03-13 01:13 | Report Abuse

LOL Saturn Nothing much to say after what kamacitra said :)


2014-03-13 01:04 | Report Abuse

well if they did not banned Ultraman we would have fared better than the king shaman VIP :( now zam zam water and coconuts dealers will increase their prices :( there goes the 'cooling' of my heatiness :(

and I leave you with one of the best comment

Kamacitra 119p · 3 hours ago
I am nearly 70 and consider myself as a hardened person. But I have tears flowing down my cheeks; is it shame, embarrassment at the sight of my people chanting and playing with coconuts to find a 777 plane? The stupidity of it all. It hurts like never before, knowing the whole world now thinks WE HAVE GONE NUTS!
Kangkong, ayam and now coconuts.


2014-03-13 00:51 | Report Abuse

Posted by Saturn > Mar 13, 2014 12:13 AM | Report Abuse
According to Mahathir, if the world criticize malaysia for poor handling, they should also blame US, Aust, China, Singapore etc as they participated in the search......
I think he is right....let China coordinate then....since they think they are solved again!

well if you give some correct info might be helpful instead of all the contradickting statements from our Bolihland fellas :( oh by the way where is the appreciation for the help given Mr Apanama :(


2014-03-04 11:33 | Report Abuse

LOL Ng today I think Scomi sesat :) seems to be going wrong direction :)


2014-03-04 06:36 | Report Abuse

Posted by Superb99 > Mar 3, 2014 10:45 PM | Report Abuse
damn lousy counter...only know how to drop...good or poor index also drop

LOL yep 'Lucky' Sat and Sun No trading otherwise also drop :)


2014-03-04 00:12 | Report Abuse

vncntpang The fact is like that, when up trend, everybody jump up to call buying....bla bla bla.... when down trend, those ppl stop talking become quietly.........lose money can but cannot lose face
03/03/2014 17:58

LOL I like the last sentence - I think they think lose money can find back ma lose face how to find back or rather where to hide LOL


2014-03-03 08:16 | Report Abuse

Any predicktions for today? any one? Master Sifu YS1? :)


2014-03-03 08:15 | Report Abuse

Posted by speakup > Mar 3, 2014 07:34 AM | Report Abuse
KNM was the market leader. KNM turun, semua turun

may I know market leader of what?GORENG shares LOL


2014-03-03 07:50 | Report Abuse

Posted by 林俊松 > Mar 3, 2014 06:16 AM | Report Abuse
Insas going to shoot RM1 today!!!

really ha o.k then I buy buy and buy LOLL
oh by the way going to shoot RM1 + .90 closed = 1.90 or shoot to RM 1.00 :)If the former then I really BUY BUY & BUY :)

News & Blogs

2014-03-03 04:58 | Report Abuse

Posted by Duitbesar > Mar 2, 2014 11:41 AM | Report Abuse
Frank Soweto, then lebih baik awak migrate Amerika sebab you percaya system sana. :)

haiya Tuan Duitbesar ( see I call you Tuan because I respek your ketuanan and also u duit manyak besar ma :) ) dun be like tat la - u said takde langsung cina billionaire and politician in USA I only point out to you that is NOT true ma and also provide you the facts but u same2 like the Umno Ministers la ( oh that one manyak busar punya TUAN ) also tell to dun like migrate la. haiya like that difficult la u facts no right also tell me to migrate so becoz u also Tuan I Listen Listen Listen to u lo and I migrate o.k. and when I pegi USA and makes lots of $$$$ I come back and become Tuan o.k Hasta la vista Amigo Adios :)

News & Blogs

2014-03-02 11:01 | Report Abuse

oh another solly - does not matter your ibu ka bapa ka putih ka hitam ka coklat ka no color ka but BUT if u BORN in the US of A and if you're CAPABLE - (no clutches please) u can YES U CAN be the PRESIDENT of THE UNITED STATES of AMERICA :)

News & Blogs

2014-03-02 10:54 | Report Abuse

Opps solly2 my mistake
Chinese Billionaire in US of A

should be Chinese Billionaires (lupa the S ) vely solly ha :)

News & Blogs

2014-03-02 10:52 | Report Abuse

Posted by Duitbesar > Mar 1, 2014 09:58 PM | Report Abuse
Hahahaha. Human right standard,ya. Cuba nasib kat Amerika. Itu Presiden ibu orang putih baru jadi presiden. Cuba cari billionaire cina di Amerika, tak ada langsung. Dalam politik? Tak ada langsung. Korang tau ka, buat jalan keretapi 100 tahun dulu semua orang China, lepas siap, mereka tak mahu hantar terus, tak mahu bagi kerakyatan. Orang putih lagi racis, kecuali Kanada dan Australia. Melayu tak suka migrant, dia suka Malaysia, mahu dominan politik hanya Malaysia. Korang cari Vietnam ke, Myammar ke. Oh, abang lupa, Vietnam pun makin ramai cina, sedang diconquer pun.

Chinese Billionaire in US of A

David Sun 4 billions
John Tu 4 billions
Victor fung 2.7 Billions
Andrew & Peggy Cherng 2.7 billions
Min Kao 2.3 Billions
Jerry yang 1.7 Billions

mind you they're billions as in USD $$$ :)

Chinese politicians in US of A

Gary Locke - Former governor of Washington state,Secretary of Commerce and Us ambassador to China
Elaine Chao - Secretary of labor 2001 - 2009
Dr Steven Chu - Secretary of Energy 2009 - 2013
and countless others - Hiram Fong,Judy Chu,David Wu,John Liu,Edwin Lee,Leland Yee,Mike Eng,Margaret Chin,Mae Yih,Clayton Hee,Evan Low etc

Tak ada langsung = too many to list? :):)

Oh by the way the American Government are so 'racis' that they let all the illegal immigrants irregardless of race stay here as long as they do not break the law (ahem :) )but but the Kanadian ( Canadian :) ) and Australian governments if they catch any illegal immigrants = deportasi :(


2014-02-25 01:07 | Report Abuse

Feb 24, 2014 02:05 PM | Report Abuse
@Frank Spweto. Peace friend. Price of JTiasa is rising. Koon bashed the MCA who is more thick-skinned. As long as he does not bash UMNO, I think JTiasa will be OK. I put in the 'slum' bit to demonstrate that when it comes to barbaric name-calling, you have inadvertently, through your 'cheong hei' post, exposed even the colour of your colon. I could mention others, but it will embarrass you. So can we have a civilised discussion here? Please? And to answer your question: Can Koon control JT share price with his 40 million shares? Sure he can together with his $millions so long as he do not 'overplay his mouth' on the political scene

hey wait a minute you're no fren of mine :( My frens have integrity and you have none at all. where is the peace when I thought all was well and then you came up AGAIN with the slum remarks- if that is not barbaric name calling then what is? I have inadvertently through my cheong hei post exposed the color of my colon?? - what kind of rubbish is that? which part of it 'inadvertently exposed'? show me which sentence that I wrote classified as barbaric? do you even understand the word barbaric ? you seems have a fascination with colon - cause I can see you used it someone else too :(

Posted by upsidedown119 > Feb 24, 2014 05:10 PM | Report Abuse
He changed it to 'drop next week'. Anyway, both times, he was talking through his colon. Hahaha!

talking thru his colon? wow that's pretty civilized coming from someone who accuse other as barbaric and talking about name calling too :( cakap tak serupa bikin :(

Embarass me? what a joke again BE specific and point it out - do not simply speak garbage :( what is there to be embarassed about if you speak the truth?

Posted by upsidedown119 > Feb 23, 2014 07:33 PM | Report Abuse
@Ken Loo. You did not say 'drop next week'. You said "MONDAY WILL drop more". Unless you do not understand English Grammar, you are predicting with certainty that the price WILL drop on Monday, i.e. tomorrow. There are some newbies who have already be panicked by some conscienceless trolls (do check back on this forum to find out who they are) to sell at a loss at a time when the price was below RM3. As share traders in this forum, one should be more responsible and not make unfounded remarks that hint at having malicious fun at the expense of others, especially when the price is weakening!

wow there you go again Mr Factual Civilized one should be more responsible and not making unfounded remarks? remember your sell down remarks?

Posted by upsidedown119 > Feb 12, 2014 11:55 AM | Report Abuse
With 40 million shares to play around, Koon literally control JTiasa share price. The sell down recently was a warning that he should not overplay his mouth on the political scene. Note his more 'moderate' tone recently.

do you even understand YOUR unfounded remarks? you might have even caused some small fries who wanted to buy to ave down their price missed the small rally! I might not agree to Mr Koon's analysis especially the most undervalued counter part but at least I present facts to support my statement and what did you came out with?

Get it thru your thick skull that Mr Koon is NOT I repeat NOT backing down nor moderating his tone. It does not matter if he is now bashing MCA or Umno as all these while he is a fierce critic of the Gov. and he will continue to do judging from his latest frequent posts here. Do not live in a denial mode. The truth hurts and do not cover your self by switching the subject of your 'unfounded remarks' to being an ignorant racist - you know what you've posted at 12.35 :(

You have now agreed that Mr Koon can indeed make a difference in JT share surge with his 40 millions shares and margins so if I were you since you claimed you're here defending the small fries interest to write to Mr Koon at one of his thread to suggest that he tone down his rhetoric against the gov for the benefits of the shareholders of JT instead of passing your unfounded remarks and running down other's ethnicity!

and lastly peace can only be achieved if both parties have mutual respect for each other and not hitting below the belt of your opponent :(


2014-02-24 13:57 | Report Abuse

@upsidedown119 another thing before I go Quick2 Post more of your 'facts' about the power to be la, the sell down la all your 'facts' so that no one will buy JT cause Mr Koon just again promote his JT - here2 I give you the link -
tell the small fries that you're doing this to protect the them cause they seems to be buying like it's going to be late tomorrow :(


2014-02-24 13:47 | Report Abuse

oh by the way upsidedown119 if you want to dispute my 'facts' at least have the guts to be more specific and not resort to name calling like you said I think we're civilized people ( not barbarians ) - again not sticking to what you preach :(


2014-02-24 13:32 | Report Abuse

@ inwest88 - great and hopefully you guys can get together again :)


2014-02-24 13:32 | Report Abuse

@ Upsidedown119 hey what happened to peace? another one of your flip flopping lies again? I think my point of disagreement with you was below

Posted by upsidedown119 > Feb 12, 2014 11:55 AM | Report Abuse
With 40 million shares to play around, Koon literally control JTiasa share price. The sell down recently was a warning that he should not overplay his mouth on the political scene. Note his more 'moderate' tone recently.

The sell down? - The sell down from who? the Bolihland Goverment?
Warning? and his moderate tone? Does he looks like he is toning down by the 2 recent articles criticizing the gov with the corruptions and Mas ones? and Not only that la he is also going to Kajang (not only to eat the satay ) and also speaking on behalf of Anwar and Anwar is not in the goverment no more leh. looks to me he is putting more petrol to the fire leh - what say u?

and you know very well that you're speaking rubbish ( to put it mildly ) and Hated that someone pointed it out to you. ain't that a fact what you post was not facts but wild assumptions :( by the way please make up your mind whether CAN Mr Koon control JT with his 40 millions shares or not :(

Nice to note that You'll referring to yourself when you said the following which is quite true -You can take a person from the slums, but you can't take the slums from the person! I've already suspected that when you post your 12.35 message but when you deleted it I thought I was wrong but hate to say that it's another fact again unfortunately yep I was right :)

Oh by the way,incase you're not keeping up with Mr Koon's latest postings looks like he has taken your advice to 'moderate' his tone with his latest MCA posting. Quick2 call the powers to be to sell down his JT and shut his mouth again :)


2014-02-24 11:04 | Report Abuse

ouch - mopiko pls :)


2014-02-24 08:40 | Report Abuse

To be fair Calvin actually promoted this share when it was 15 cents and those who managed to buy below .20 would have if sold made some nice gains in these short period of time but those who chased until the mid .30s are probably sitting if not sold substantial losses too. The thing is calvin has touted this stock incessantly in not only here but in other threads as well about how undervalued, the flying off the shelf of TT (tudor and tango )+ promises of Special Divvy etc despite the suspicious credibility of the management. The thing with successful share Investment is that probably one of the most important thing to look out for is the Integrity of the people running the company and it's pretty apparent that this company does not have such people especially the top brass otherwise the share will not plunged from 13 bucks to present level - In terms of pecentage it's one the the worst losses of bolihland stocks even greater than the General Lee's one.

Forget about the glory days come back to reality that this is no longer the TT that it was supposed to bring forward the company but the TT (trapped and toasted) if you believe the wonderful stories of the chocolate man.

sometimes life is not like a box of chocolates when the management keeps eating them instead of sharing :( but for those who bought high there's always the hope of GORENG- after all we're in Bolihland :) cheers and good luck

P/s sorry slow day and juz my thought


2014-02-24 04:31 | Report Abuse

@ggecko - very good to hear from you and am very happy that you're making gains and hopefully more to come. I'm not too familiar with this share fundamentals but everytime I think of this share I think of you cause you're one of the better person and wish you all the success you deserve :)


2014-02-24 03:58 | Report Abuse

Good2 Morning Master Sifu YS1 so early or juz came back from party :) Yes still continue gains.Hopefully Scomi also uptrend mode :)


2014-02-24 02:15 | Report Abuse

invest88.great :) haha hopefully some newbies will pick up that part of successful investment also has a lot to do with the integrity of the management - goreng is o.k but constantly goreng with false news like guidance,takeover etc to deceive the shareholders is not LOL. Yep would have been nice and hope you had fun and a great time knowing each other and that is a very good grouping of people :)


2014-02-24 02:13 | Report Abuse

@upsidedown119 - all is good and yes we're all entitle to our opinions including Mr Koon's too as long as it is factual and made in good faith :)


2014-02-23 03:41 | Report Abuse

Posted by 0007 > Feb 23, 2014 02:25 AM | Report Abuse
Yes , this counter will up

until how much LOL

News & Blogs

2014-02-23 03:39 | Report Abuse

Ayam Tua still not sleep yet or the case of early bird find the worms errr $$$$ :) yes I support you I also have NTPM :)


2014-02-23 03:34 | Report Abuse

@invest88 how r u my buddy? - hope all is well and the year of the horse will gallop your stocks to greater heights :)


2014-02-23 03:32 | Report Abuse

@upsidedown119 why do you delete your post at 12.35am? something not right there huh:( Anyway I just got back and glad you realized it's a poor judgement ( well at least I hope :) )on your part. Yes I do have African lineage hence my last name. Cool that you explained your nick though you dun have to and I find the meaning actually pretty cool :)

News & Blogs

2014-02-22 04:45 | Report Abuse

some good pointers -

A lot trying to stay being too defensive and missing a rally can have just as much long-term impact on your portfolio

Making a market-timing call requires good timing — not perfect, but good — at both ends of the deal, because if you buy in late, after the rise has started, or sell out only after a decline becomes apparent, you’re not achieving the classic “buy low, sell high” paradigm


2014-02-22 02:15 | Report Abuse

No need sorry - Monday we wait for the BOOM in price :)


2014-02-22 01:49 | Report Abuse

Mr Koay ar why so angry? - who who is You all don't know??!!!!! want to ask about divvy policy also cannot ar?


2014-02-22 01:36 | Report Abuse

where is Master sifu YS1? was wondering if he cashed out or taken out by the General like what he did to his uncle :(


2014-02-22 01:33 | Report Abuse

Better ask chocolate man to explain. By the way where is he at :(


2014-02-22 01:20 | Report Abuse

only 0.01 :( but this stock will likely fly on Mon :)


2014-02-22 01:02 | Report Abuse

just wondering where is my good fren ggecko? if he is still holding this share with recent gains he should be doing very well :)


2014-02-22 00:54 | Report Abuse

Posted by WiseEye > Feb 22, 2014 12:32 AM | Report Abuse
maybe long-term TP of 0.40 sounds more like it, say by end of this year?

.40?? darn even General also cannot goreng that much - oh maybe can he does look like the younger brother of General :) Good luck to you :)


2014-02-22 00:49 | Report Abuse

Posted by VeryPoison > Feb 22, 2014 12:47 AM | Report Abuse

SapuraCrest + Kencana = SapuraKencana; THHeavy + Alam = ?

HeavyAlam? dun sound too good :(


2014-02-22 00:48 | Report Abuse

Posted by almufathal > Feb 21, 2014 11:33 AM | Report Abuse
KNM + SCOMI = Boom!!!

General & Ayatollah = Axis of Evil :)


2014-02-22 00:40 | Report Abuse

Posted by alexisvics > Feb 21, 2014 11:05 PM | Report Abuse
My father's old saying, " Lets fry when the wok is still hot" Lets break the gate of 48sen and all the way to RM1.00...

u wan to break the gate easy la my fren - u tell dreamhunter to hunt for Ayatollah, put it into ayamtua's cage,have BuLLram to ram all the gates and take it to Rocket to launch it into space :)


2014-02-21 09:01 | Report Abuse

I do hold JT and bought at ave 3.20 post split but I've traded back and forth during the 2 sell downs and subsequent rallies and now my cost is 2.46. As I look at the reports of JT they do not seems to be doing quite as well when Dali first reported way back in 2012 and with the huge debts and will need huge capex for replanting and like Feimah pointed out the monthly production has been declining especially the timber sector substantially for the past 2 months - maybe replanting for PO which will take time to realize the contribution so for me I think I can use my funds for other better stocks especially during this time when market is at all time high and I like to have some divvy.

You mentioned that Mr Koon might be overconfident - he could be. Is he right? - only time will tell. but here is a man who has been pretty successful in investing (well except for his xinguan or whatever chinese shares that he's holding ) - and I think I owe it to myself at least have the respect for the person and listen to what he got to say even though I might not agree with him nor buy his JT reasons nor his margin financing which I think should only be used by the very experienced and not any newbies :) If you said that he promotes the shares incessantly - I'll agree with you. At least he put his money where his mouth is. I do not know Mr Koon and not here to 'carry his balls' just because he is someone rich and successful nor am I defending him but just thought I want to set something straight with your inaccurate remarks earlier

I agree with you majority here are nice decent people and mostly are civilized and I really take my hats off to the few very knowledgeable who unselfishly sharing many pointers which till today I'm still learning.

Like you I do not come here to look for an argument and if I feel that some remarks are not right I will point it out and I have to admit that sometimes I do have a penchant of name calling especially with a nick that I can make fun of - just cannot resist - my bad :( hey at least I did not sarcastically ask if whether your nick has any thing to do with your investments - upsidedown LOL

Alright I think I've cheong hei to the point of losing track my meal time and feel free to rebut or whatever :)


2014-02-21 09:00 | Report Abuse

@ upsidedown119 -not really upset I just like taking pot shots at the silly comments most of the times in a humorous way to entertain myself when market or work is slow. we both know that when someone is winning on a trade there is also a loser. this might sound cruel but I really do not have pity for those who speculate and lose money especially the repeat offenders. I can understand that even the best bound to make mistake and the key is whether we learn from it so as not to repeat. let me share with you my true experience. I bet heavily literally the whole farm on KNM and I hardly ever speculate and was never interested in flavor of the day. I bought based on 9/10 research house that covered KNm at that time with extremely bullish and high TP - my ave was 2.20 I think and research houses from 3. - 4+ with huge contracts coming etc. What have I got to lose right? Huge mistake! I lost until I can't even remember my mom's name. Sleep was almost a non event most night and instead of sulking and feeling sorry for my self I began to find out where did I go wrong. Long story short came here got to know a few good wise contributors and cut lost and started to invest in Fundamentally sound companies and has since recovered all and on top of that pretty good gains too with the help of last year bull. After I realized how bad KNM was even when still holding this loser even warned newbies not to buy it - how stupid can that be? - how am I going to get out then at a better price LOL. how many you think will listen? Now when you said that those who bought JT> 2.45 still not recovered but JT at it's highest was I believe before the split 3.50 while knm at it's highest was close to 10 Ouch. Please go to KNM thread and see how many 'investors' are there :) Yes as with all good hearted human being we do not want to see people suffer and especially your friends even in this cyber space i3 but there is only so much we can do.

You mentioned that You agreed with Mr Koon analysis so I assume you either hold Jtiasa or will buy JT because you think he is right - if that is the case why warn others incessantly that he only has is his own self interest? - isn't it obvious that he trades shares to make a profit? just like we all do :) He is sharing his analysis and he thinks it's a great buy and he does not point a gun to your head to force you to buy and whether he is convincing enuf with his reasons as to whether this is a good buy is up to us to decide. Of course we also do not expect him to tell us small fries hey I'm going to buy this at 2.40 and sell all at 4.00 so that we small fries can buy and sell before he does LOL. You mentioned ' If Koon have been mopping up the shares, good for him. But the small fries...?! - well even better for them and I hope Mr Koon will keep buying until before it reaches his FV of what say Above 4.50 what he and Dali think it's worth. Friendly warning based on facts are acceptable but based on wild accusations or assumptions is not good. Mr Koon has been critical of the gov. for many years and though I agree with you that if the Bolihland power to be wanted to crush him of course they can but why have they not? and the 2 sell downs on JT was because of it's poor earnings and by foreign funds and NOT according to you the big boys to teach him a lesson. You also mentioned ' In fact, with 40 million shares, Koon can sell down and buy back periodically for pocket money.' I don't know about pocket money there but his 'pocket money' has certainly made him a very rich person who helps a lot of poor students thru educations where they cannot afford it. and you tell me how many people in Bolihland does that with their own money :) oh o.k maybe not his own la but the money from the ignorant small fries :)



2014-02-20 11:54 | Report Abuse

@upsidedown119 I do not have a problem if you were to tell me Jtiasa at present is not a good investment if it is based on facts like their huge debts and coming capex - I have to admit here I do not know TA and could care less if it's dragonfly or butterfly and when I look at the chart of Jtiasa since 2nd Jan 14 it is showing me that the price has been climbing till present high.
I do have a problem if you were to tell me info that is out of whack like ' The sell down recently was a warning that he should not overplay his mouth on the political scene. Note his more 'moderate' tone recently' especially after what you said earlier 'With 40 million shares to play around, Koon literally control JTiasa share price' - so which is which? - If he literally control JT with his 40 millions share and with his huge margin account he can easily push the share up like now right? is he worried about the warning? does it look like he is backing down? Is there REALLY any 'faltering' of JT Price since 2nd of Jan 14? If you've really tracked JT closely you would have known that JT always will open lower and 8/10 times will either get back to the opening price or trend higher - to me it looks like someone is accumulating!
And what has Koon going to kajang got to do with the price 'faltering' - another of your ridiculously silly assumption that the power to be are selling down to teach Mr Koon a lesson juz because he opposed the gov ?????For your info the sell down was supposedly by foreign funds to close their book and also to get out of EM and not your fantasy of Bolihland gov selling down the share - do you know that he has been mopping up the shares since the last sell down From 2.40 + to 1.90+ so based on current price of 2.39 how much paper profits is he generating? And yes I do have a penchant for name calling if I come across silly assumptions ( I'm putting it mildly here!) All I'm asking is if you want to argue please present facts - is that too much to ask?


2014-02-20 09:40 | Report Abuse

Good2 today no one panic at least not yet LOL here something to cheer u guys up
TP .73 long way to go than .60 :)


2014-02-20 06:45 | Report Abuse

LOL u can call me crazy but not my Master Sifu. No Tai Thong for you not even leftover for insulting my Master Sifu :)


2014-02-20 06:24 | Report Abuse

Posted by chelseazola > Feb 20, 2014 06:09 AM | Report Abuse
Flowerpower, please share ur comment later. I very panicked. I buy alot at high price and i holding until now

I No flowerpower but ocasionally steal flower pots and I find your comment very interesting but a little sad - u very panicked - Panicked will not help now since u already bought at higher price and should have panicked before you buy that much and I can only advice u to now HOPE and PRAY that it won't go down further.


2014-02-20 04:03 | Report Abuse

Game NOT over yet. Master Sifu YS1 is supporting. Good recovery after the scarry plunge in the morning. Master Sifu YS1 - I need a favor from u when u get a chance can u go to Scomi thread there and calm those punters ar dropped only 2 cents in the morning and all is helter skelter running like headless chicken :) - can u do some analysis like those RSI,MACC or D (cannot remember) thingy and put some good words and tell them the target of .60 cents is coming? Thank You in advance and when go to .60 I will go Gebeng and look for u and we go Tai Thong on me :)


2014-02-20 01:57 | Report Abuse

LOL u fellas really funny - this morning when dropped a little kuda drunk la,bungee jumping la,pening la,heart attack la,very sad la,nervous la,finger crossed la,may I know why dropped so much la and now back to .475 how? Now .50 cents,dun miss the boat la, green3 la,sikit2 lama2 jadi bukit la so fast within 1 day already reverse decision ha why so panic?

Posted by Frank Soweto > Feb 19, 2014 11:07 AM | Report Abuse X
No worries guys juz temp correction yeah like Ayam tua said - close monitor screen - and go outside for a cup of coffee and some fresh air - it will come back later today if not this week :) Trust My Master Sifu LOL

let me tell ya'll today my Master Sifu was defending his Mothership and have no time otherwise this Scomi will easily breached .50. All I can tell u is be patient and u will be rewarded as my Master Sifu said .60 is not a problem - juz wait - dunno when la - of course once I get more clarification I will update ya'll :) In Master Sifu we TRUST LOL

P/s I cannot promise you but I will try to get the help of Master Sifu and see what is his predicktions for the remaining week :)


2014-02-20 00:21 | Report Abuse

quick2 give me another if possible give me until RED color so I can get an IPAD :)


2014-02-20 00:20 | Report Abuse

hey fag boy no need to give me flag la - I already collected enuf and got my T-shirt already :)