
gweilo | Joined since 2013-10-04

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2013-11-23 16:20 | Report Abuse

The ringgit is likely to trade higher against the US dollar next week following the more upbeat outlook for stock markets, said dealers.

Affin Investment Bank vice president and head of retail research Dr Nazri Khan said local stocks would stage a solid rebound on Moody's upgrade of Malaysia's ratings and positive regional strength.


2013-11-23 14:08 | Report Abuse

Insas earnings are ok otherwise how would they be LOADED with so much CASH. They are a very healthy company financially BUT I am saying if you are obsessed with erratic earnings you should not be because Insas is an ASSET play not n EARNINGS play, They are the kind of company somebody will offer $2 a share for tomorrow realizing then can then liquidate the company and sell off the assets for $4 a share kind of thing. Get it ? Insas is a very strong buyout candidate because the current share price does not even come close to representing its underlying value no matter what it's earnings are. Get it ?


2013-11-23 12:05 | Report Abuse

and a very valuable hospital asset share among others.


2013-11-23 11:56 | Report Abuse

by buying insas you are buying inari look at the bigger picture the profit thing is manipulated net value keep going up n insas is an asset play. the price has to go up or somebody gonna take em over or take em private at a huge premium. the assets are easily worth 3x the stock price maybe even 5x.


2013-11-23 11:22 | Report Abuse

i think once the real news is out insas will blow past 1.2 like a hot knife through butter.


2013-11-23 11:21 | Report Abuse

taitai has beaucoup insas no inari


2013-11-22 20:55 | Report Abuse



2013-11-22 18:50 | Report Abuse

Today volume almost double yesterday and Inari up 7 sen. Shit is happenin for sure.


2013-11-22 12:07 | Report Abuse

wow morning volume oledi ~equal to all day volume yesterday.


2013-11-21 17:19 | Report Abuse

humm just like my willie


2013-11-21 17:17 | Report Abuse

the volume this afternoon was FIVE times the morning volume.


2013-11-21 16:45 | Report Abuse

It tells me something is about to happen and it be GOOD.


2013-11-21 16:19 | Report Abuse

and the market is actually VERY weak right now. what does that tell you ?


2013-11-21 16:17 | Report Abuse

compare the morning volume to the afternoon volume so far. what do you see ?


2013-11-21 16:15 | Report Abuse

Your broker ! ah ha ha ha ha ha ha of course he wants you to sell ! Then he will tell you to buy back after it hits 1. It's called CHURNING your ACCOUNT. It is what makes HIM rich.


2013-11-21 14:45 | Report Abuse

More likely you the one to wind up first.


2013-11-21 13:25 | Report Abuse

November 20, 2013
Washington DC

Last night I attended a private function put on by the National Economists Club where the guest of honor was none other than Ben Bernanke. You can read his full speech to the attendees here.

Meanwhile, I'm still trying to figure out how a guy with my views was even allowed in the room.

But since I was already scheduled to be in the US this week to speak at a conference in Miami, I jumped at the chance to enjoy Bistro Filet and economic doublethink.

I've always wanted to find out for myself-- does this man actually believe that printing money is the path to prosperity?

As it turns out, he does believe it.

At one point during the evening, when pressed about whether his Quantitative Easing program was good for Wall Street at the expense of Main Street, he flat out denied it, saying that such a premise is "simply not true".

He defended his printing $85 billion per month, suggesting that fixing interest rates at zero is beneficial for society because, among other things, it allows people to 'buy cars'.

I saw these words coming out of his mouth and thought to myself, "Is this guy f'ing serious?" Cars. Wow. As if going into debt to purchase a rapidly depreciating consumer item is somehow a victory for the people.

Fixing interest rates at zero screws responsible people who save.

My mother, for example, is completely risk averse. She holds the entirety of her savings in a bank account, and nobody can convince her otherwise.

What she doesn't realize is that the interest rate she receives is below the rate of inflation. So year after year, the purchasing power of her savings declines.

This point seemed completely lost on the Chairman.

He also dismissed the Fed's role in the growing wealth gap here in the Land of the Free.

As we've discussed before, recently published data show that the US wealth gap is at its highest point since 1929.

For this, the chairman blames trade globalization, saying that the wealth gap is a 'complicated phenomenon'.

He also stated flat out that there's ‘not much the Federal Reserve can do about long-term trends like [the wealth gap] that don't have much to do with monetary policy.'

Right. Keeping interest rates at zero so that bankers and the ultra-wealthy can see their portfolios rise to record levels while the middle class gets hosed by rising costs of medical care, education, food, and fuel has nothing to do with monetary policy.

This may have been the most intellectually disingenuous thing I heard all night.

Mr. Bernanke also made it quite clear that they were going to keep printing no matter what.

In his own words, he told the story about how they had tried issuing forward guidance... first suggesting that Quantitative Easing would last through 2013. Then they changed it to 2014. Then 2015.

Finally they changed the target altogether, announcing that they had set a threshold for the unemployment rate of 6.5%... but that this figure was just a 'threshold', not a 'trigger'.

In other words, even if the official unemployment rate moves below 6.5%, the Fed isn't going to end QE. They will at that point START to look at other data, like the Labor Force Participation Rate (which is at its worst level since 1978).

He also hinted that their unemployment threshold was not set in stone... which I took as a sign that they would probably lower this threshold even more, paving the way for several more years of printing.

And even if they do let up on Quantitative Easing, he stated very plainly that the Fed would still likely keep its target interest rate at zero.

Bottom line, it's not going to end... at least, not voluntarily. It's going to take a full-blown currency crisis before the Fed gets a whiff of reality.

Simon Black
Senior Editor,


2013-11-21 12:32 | Report Abuse

dun wan dividend from company lidis. want cash used for acquisitions like inari, etc for GROWTH.


2013-11-20 19:45 | Report Abuse

Watch this !!! They have managed our perception !


2013-11-20 19:31 | Report Abuse

BUT the worst thing is that Obama was elected based on FRAUD !!! They are saying this was done DELIBERATELY to help him get elected. That's BAD man REAL BAD !!!


2013-11-20 19:29 | Report Abuse

Listen to what Peter Schiff has to say about all the chaos and market mis-pricing that has been caused by this FRAUDULENT reporting.


2013-11-20 19:24 | Report Abuse

Yeah but it was just exposed yesterday ! And, the point is can anybody now trust any numbers they release ? Already we all know the inflation numbers are FAKE !


2013-11-20 18:56 | Report Abuse

Census ‘faked’ 2012 election jobs report. Obama elected by FRAUD !


2013-11-20 18:30 | Report Abuse

i never look at bjtoto. is it also good ? maybe i should have some of it too ?


2013-11-20 18:21 | Report Abuse

wall street in deep shit. rumour that obama government has been falsifying jobs data and that the economy is far weaker than reported. THAT could cause a BIG drop in the dow.


2013-11-20 13:08 | Report Abuse

once they makes announcement you won't be able to get in at all and have to chase it manz.


2013-11-20 13:06 | Report Abuse

go ahead and sell but i'll keep buying ! I know value when I see it !


2013-11-20 12:45 | Report Abuse

you can average down but no matter as when it take off you be happy enough buy price wun matter.


2013-11-20 12:12 | Report Abuse

BUY ! or would you rather buy at 1.50 ?


2013-11-19 23:58 | Report Abuse

This is not a speculative or a trading stock. It is like a fixed deposit. Buy it and like it !


2013-11-19 13:11 | Report Abuse

ominous base building at .88 bat bat ?


2013-11-19 11:02 | Report Abuse

once we get a very strong market for a day it will blow past 1.


2013-11-19 10:54 | Report Abuse

i think its a feast.


2013-11-18 17:46 | Report Abuse

dividend at 20 sen per year at this price 3.23 is 6.2% per annum even without any expected extras. not too shabby manz.


2013-11-18 17:42 | Report Abuse

yup i won't sell mine until it reaches RM3.


2013-11-18 17:36 | Report Abuse

got baby one but have lots of cash so dunno if give back, buy own shares or acquisition ? I prefer latter two. i buy magnum/media for dividend; insas for growth and appreciation.


2013-11-18 16:59 | Report Abuse

This "digestion" quite normal and in fact healthy base building.


2013-11-18 13:42 | Report Abuse

this is now what we call digestion, when you hear the buurrrrrp buy !


2013-11-18 11:10 | Report Abuse

Chris Martenson On The Biggest Scam In The History of Mankind - Mike Maloney


2013-11-18 10:59 | Report Abuse

twits abound


2013-11-17 21:11 | Report Abuse

Everywhere we look there are BUBBLES !

BUT the economy still sucks because of the LUNATIC policies of the Fed.

This means the QE will go on and on and on and the markets will go higher and higher and higher all around the world UNTIL it crashes and that will be like DOOMSDAY.

Enjoy it while it lasts. Buy Insas !


2013-11-17 14:19 | Report Abuse

This guy Art Cashin is a straight shooter though and I pay attention to his warnings:
"unprecedented. this market may overreact"

I also like to buy things nobody wants. Right now that is GOLD. It's day is coming and it is going to the moon. Might be tomorrow or a year or two or more but it will be worth the wait.


2013-11-17 13:52 | Report Abuse

Ooi Teik Bee: I totally agree with what you wrote. For a minute I thought I wrote it ! Fact is this is a herd mentality market driven by the Fed so these lemmings who follow the momentum do in fact hurt good investment shares when they start to stampede. Everything gets trampled. This is why when I pick a share like Insas I stick with it. If it gets trampled so what, I buy more, because when the momentum changes it will rise faster and farther than before. Some people may think they can trade these swings but my experience says it's like a casino in that you may win today but in the long run the house always wins. I try to find value shares selling at cheap price and buy and hold them until they reach fair value (or over) and then sell, Buy low sell high is what the doctor ordered, at least for me.


2013-11-17 12:05 | Report Abuse

hey go sell it. more for me!


2013-11-17 12:03 | Report Abuse

My feeling is that it will and easily as long as nobody on cnbc utter the word "taper" cause dis market is schizo.


2013-11-16 21:09 | Report Abuse

dunno when but dono will !


2013-11-16 21:08 | Report Abuse

cuban ? i love cuban cigars. it's like poking a stick up obama's arse !