
ilsbilsb | Joined since 2022-03-11

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ilas bila sbut (Indonesian name Short form = ils bil sb) Disclaimers:- All my comments & view with reference to my limited experience in i3 forum are ONLY for sharing leisure and joke. Do not buy or sell any stock based on my comments. You are advised to consult license remiser for your investment.





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2023-10-23 16:41 | Report Abuse

We all need a good laughter to forget Bursa Reddish all over the place.
A good laughter is the best remedy for a sad Bursa week or months, some one says.


2023-10-23 16:32 | Report Abuse

Palestine will stop fighting if no nation will keep on pouring money to her. Like Ukraine, will not stop fighting if the West and US pour in millions upon millions to Ukraine besides sending thousands of military equipments to Ukraine.


2023-10-23 16:28 | Report Abuse

100 millions went into the drain just like that. Poof. PMX and Lafiji want to do Subsidies Rationalisation next year but just ina few days, PMX spent RM100 millions, by just opening his mouth. That money can help our B40 population. Did Saudi Arabia, the oil rich Muslim nation pledged money to Palestine??? Msia is a poor nation compare to Saudi Arabia.


2023-10-23 16:16 | Report Abuse

Lastly, Engage with regional and international organizations: The PMX might collaborate with regional organizations, such as the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), and international bodies like the United Nations, to address the situation and advocate for a peaceful resolution.
Will PMX implement some of the steps which I have said above???


2023-10-23 16:14 | Report Abuse

Engage in diplomatic channels: The PMX may utilize diplomatic channels to engage with other world leaders, particularly those involved in mediating the conflict, to express Malaysia's concerns and contribute to diplomatic efforts aimed at de-escalation and peaceful resolution.


2023-10-23 16:14 | Report Abuse

Promote peaceful negotiations and a two-state solution: The PMX could reiterate Malaysia's support for a peaceful resolution based on a two-state solution, where Israel and Palestine can coexist side by side within secure and recognized borders.


2023-10-23 16:13 | Report Abuse

Support humanitarian assistance: The PMX may highlight the importance of providing humanitarian aid to affected areas and urge the international community to support relief efforts for civilians affected by the conflict.


2023-10-23 16:12 | Report Abuse

Advocate for international diplomacy: The PMX might stress the significance of international diplomatic efforts and urge the international community, including the United Nations and relevant regional organizations, to intervene and facilitate dialogue between Israel and Hamas.


2023-10-23 16:12 | Report Abuse

Call for an immediate ceasefire: The PMX may call for an immediate ceasefire from both sides to prevent further casualties and destruction. They could emphasize the importance of dialogue, negotiations, and peaceful resolutions to the conflict.


2023-10-23 16:11 | Report Abuse

Here are some general considerations for PMX in response to such a conflict:
Express concern and condemn violence: The prime minister may start by expressing concern over the escalating violence and the loss of civilian lives. They could condemn any form of violence, particularly acts that target innocent civilians.


2023-10-23 14:57 | Report Abuse

WARNING for those with Apple Watches
my husband and I both have apple watches and one night we were getting it on when suddenly we heard a voice that wasn't either of us

my husband and his watch had called someone
see there is danger in calling out the wrong name because otherwise I would have just called his phone but she's called out Roger and said a Chris Roger from work hey Roger,
I'm getting rogered we were both in shock we were both in panic but we were soon both really curious

who did we call yeah
yep it turns out it was one of the people who work at our church

praise be while my husband was doing me missionary he called a missionary


2023-10-23 14:31 | Report Abuse

Msia can just follow our bigger Islamic neighbour Indonesia… in dealing with this Palacetin issues.


2023-10-23 14:29 | Report Abuse

I agree Boleh land is entering uncharted waters full of sharks. One more wrong move, we will be eaten alive by the financial sharks???


2023-10-23 14:24 | Report Abuse

You are spot on Sslee. Stony gave me hints what is the future of Aax. Stony never in his lifetime did shirtless stunts in public. The coded messages given by Stony, only a minority will understand its meaning. Omg

Posted by Sslee > Oct 23, 2023 11:55 AM | Report Abuse

To be fair, it was Maybank analyst Yin Shao Yang that cause the raise of AAX price. But somehow Stony shirtless might be the cause of its downfall.


2023-10-23 14:16 | Report Abuse

Holding cash for the moment. Next year selling and buying gld, jewellery and branded luxury goods will be charged luxury tax and also some more SST 8%. Government discourage people to buy and sell physical gld. In macam, buy digital Gld saja lah. Any tax for digital gld?

News & Blogs

2023-10-23 14:11 | Report Abuse

Foxcon is the puppet of US. Surely China fights Foxcon


2023-10-23 14:09 | Report Abuse

Too bad gld not up some more, I cannot upgrade my Rottweiler gld chain to another thicker and heavier version… have to wait until for full war or else gld can’t move. I stop upgrading my Rottweiler gld chain if no Gld Upwards lah.


2023-10-23 14:00 | Report Abuse

He is not James Bond. He’s James Bomb?


2023-10-23 13:55 | Report Abuse

Malaysia is a Muslim country. Anwar is a Muslim, so he will support Palestinian who is a Muslim state. We must understand why Anwar is so vocal to support Palestinians. Whereas Singapore is not a Muslim country. That’s why Singapore Prime Minister can be neutral in this Palestinian issues.

If China attacks Taiwan, will the Malaysian Chinese be neutral to China and be neutral to Taiwan? This is certainly the same situation which is faced by Anwar at the present moment. Certainly Anwar will support his religion which is Islam and also Palestinian which is Islam state.


2023-10-23 05:52 | Report Abuse

James is sour grapes fellow. Jealousy, eyes reddish of people good luck


2023-10-22 16:57 | Report Abuse

If gld up some more, I will upgrade my Rottweiler gld chain to another thicker and heavier version… until at last my Rottweiler can’t move. Then I stop upgrading lah.


2023-10-22 16:54 | Report Abuse

Bv is the only… with a bullet proof Vest. Good for you all


2023-10-22 16:52 | Report Abuse

Kesian operators main sendiri, no bilis to eat.


2023-10-22 16:46 | Report Abuse

Collect for 1 year baru jual. Osem


2023-10-22 16:37 | Report Abuse

Bintai mahu jadi Bintang dah. Percayalah


2023-10-22 16:36 | Report Abuse
You all know who is this lucky yellow haired guy (in i3 ID foto) with his mom kisxing him for 10 seconds??? Haha


2023-10-22 15:46 | Report Abuse

Your talks above confuse me. Just wait for another bio war after David19… U and I know who invented the last bio war… they didn’t want to admit because didn’t want to pay trillions and trillions of US dollars as compensation to millions of dead people. If another David20+ coming, I will avoid human contact for 4 to 5 years. That is the solution for Bio war. Betul???


2023-10-22 12:00 | Report Abuse

i3 lurker Sir, Enjoy all your pilling contracts with dementia ladies, ok? The ladies welcoming you to bring rain to a drought small Valley . Haha Enjoy your time there.


2023-10-22 11:39 | Report Abuse

i3 lurker will fly to Japan next week… hammer a pilling contract (hamsap contract with dementia ladies) haha

Posted by i3lurker > Oct 22, 2023 11:28 AM | Report Abuse

You meant to say if you buy AAX you get a free complimentary RM0.00 priced porno picture of No Shirt with Tits & Nipples?
Wrong delivery, not your order?
Your Order was below the waist?


2023-10-22 11:34 | Report Abuse

we all talk about the pyramid and how could they have possibly built it but do you know that in India we have so many temples the one with the highest goam is there in Tabu which is where the Chola Dynasty had happened and rajar Raja cholan had built it that particular Temple has the highest go in the whole world the top Stone alone it's a single stone that weighs 80 tons 80 tons not 1 ton or 2 tons for this particular Stone they had to use a ramp which was 6 km long 6 km long to get it up there without any Machinery without any cranes which was pulled by Bulls elephants and people and they didn't have plaster it's withstood six earthquake you know what happens when an earthquake comes but do we know that we all go to the pyramids we go see the Leaning Tower of Pisa we are actually appreciating a building that doesn't stand it's falling over and Wow Let's Take a picture let's take a selfie and we getting excited but we have temples today that stand and they didn't use plaster so think about our culture think about how advanced we were I mean we need to feel proud about that.


2023-10-22 09:55 | Report Abuse

people are finding it very hard to stay together as we move closer to 2023 why do you think that is um because all the programming for the last 10 years has been designed to teach us how to break up it's been designed to P men and women against each other to fear commitment uh to glorify single life to kind of think okay this is how you move on this is how you play hard to get this is how you uh get someone to sleep with you you have created the ground work for divorce and none of the groundw work for marriage you don't see people teaching them that this is how to communicate your pain or this is how to select a partner correctly you say this is how you trick a guy into that this is how you take a girl and this is how you get her to sleep with you and this is how you get her money um we've glorified sex so much and we have almost demonized marriage that we are now programmed to Simply keep uh moving on to the next and finding alternatives

News & Blogs

2023-10-22 09:48 | Report Abuse

people are finding it very hard to stay together as we move closer to 2023 why do you think that is um because all the programming for the last 10 years has been designed to teach us how to break up it's been designed to P men and women against each other to fear commitment uh to glorify single life to kind of think okay this is how you move on this is how you play hard to get this is how you uh get someone to sleep with you you have created the ground work for divorce and none of the groundw work for marriage you don't see people teaching them that this is how to communicate your pain or this is how to select a partner correctly you say this is how you trick a guy into that this is how you take a girl and this is how you get her to sleep with you and this is how you get her money um we've glorified sex so much and we have almost demonized marriage that we are now programmed to Simply keep uh moving on to the next and finding alternatives


2023-10-22 09:08 | Report Abuse

Another bio war—> then Nuke war to cleanse all bio war viruses. This is the logical progression.


2023-10-22 09:04 | Report Abuse

My prediction is like this. After the big power is launching bio war and the whole planet is suffering from bio war then a nuclear war will start.
this nuclear war is to cleanse all the bio war viruses from this earth. So bio war followed by nuclear war.


2023-10-22 08:57 | Report Abuse

I think US soils will take the hit first this time after Hiro and Naga nuke blast. You don’t believe, just wait and see lah.


2023-10-22 08:52 | Report Abuse

Nuclear bombs are some relics of the past. Nowadays big powers playing bio weapons already live David19. You all forgotten already kah. How many die in nuclear war VS bio war aka David19? Go figure yourself.


2023-10-22 08:29 | Report Abuse

… TTB holding icap shares through another company. No wonder, all dealings for control and self compensation year in year out? Condolences for Ttb buying CapA.


2023-10-22 07:44 | Report Abuse

No need to pay for bank safety box rental lah. Just gold chain on my Rottweiler neck is good enough for safety.


2023-10-22 07:41 | Report Abuse

FYI I give my Rottweiler a thicker solid gold chain. This is my investment. Of course it is roaming in my house only.


2023-10-22 07:08 | Report Abuse

GEG is still on track. Beware


2023-10-22 06:38 | Report Abuse

we've created a generation of narcissistis women and what's happened is the rise of social media and the rise of online dating and the rise of feminism has taught women that they are not to blame for any poor choices every poor choice is glamorized so if you want to be a sxx worker it's great if you want to post in bikini pictures online it's fine if you want to be in with it every poor choice is glamorized and every internal reflection is seen as gaslighting yourself so they've even got times for internal reflection to prevent it happening and so what will happen is they are trained to not reflect on themselves because we've been told we've been oppressed for so many years now it's time to make sure we project and so we don't take any accountability and as a result when we get into relationships if we don't feel completely soothed all the time he must be a narcissisx he must be a manipulator he must be gaslighting he he he rather than I I I


2023-10-21 16:20 | Report Abuse

This is call single eye 👁️ gangster betting on number nine.


2023-10-21 16:11 | Report Abuse

Which local bank(s) gave AA loans…
Be prepared to get haircuts for our local banks???