
ilsbilsb | Joined since 2022-03-11

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ilas bila sbut (Indonesian name Short form = ils bil sb) Disclaimers:- All my comments & view with reference to my limited experience in i3 forum are ONLY for sharing leisure and joke. Do not buy or sell any stock based on my comments. You are advised to consult license remiser for your investment.





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2023-11-16 05:19 | Report Abuse

If you are properly prepared and knowledgeable, every crash/collapse/inflation or recession gives an equal market opportunity. I've seen folks amass up to $500,000 throughout crises and even do it with ease in a terrible economy. Without a doubt, someone has become enormously wealthy as a result of the crisis.


2023-11-16 05:17 | Report Abuse

I just googled her name and I'm really impressed with her credentials; I reached out to her since I need all the assistance I can get. I just scheduled a call to my broker.


2023-11-16 04:40 | Report Abuse

The adviser I'm in touch with is Catherine . She works with Public BB incorporated and interviewed on Awani Television. You can use something else, for me her strategy works hence my result. She provides entry and exit point for the securities I focus on.


2023-11-16 04:37 | Report Abuse

wow ,that's stirring! Do you mind connecting me to your advisor please. I desperately need one to diversified my portfolio


2023-11-16 04:31 | Report Abuse

Through closely monitoring the performance of my portfolio, I have witnessed a remarkable growth of $? in the last six month. This experience has shed light on why experienced traders are able to generate substantial returns even in lesser-known markets. It is safe to say that this bold decision has been one of the most impactful choices I have made recently...


2023-11-16 04:19 | Report Abuse

investors should exercise caution with their exposure and exercise caution when considering new investments, particularly during periods of inflation. It is advisable to seek guidance from a professional or trusted advisor in order to navigate this recession and achieve potential high yields.


2023-11-16 03:43 | Report Abuse

Managing money is different from accumulating wealth, and the lack of investment education in schools may explain why people struggle to maintain their financial gains. The examples you provided are relevant, I embrace challenging times while others tend to avoid them. Well, at least my advisor does too, jokingly.


2023-11-16 03:39 | Report Abuse

As an investing enthusiast, I often wonder how top level investors are able to become millionaires off investing.. I've been sitting on over $??? equity from a home sale and l'm not sure where to go from here, is it a good time to buy into stocks or do I wait for another opportunity?


2023-11-15 14:31 | Report Abuse

Thank you, i3 lurker . This clarifies an that reinforces what I knew. It is hard to open the refrigerator in my home and find anything to eat that is not contrary to my body's requirements. It is always best to know though and never too late to change.


2023-11-15 14:29 | Report Abuse

I just subscribed to Tut tut channel! You have explained it so clearly! I'm blown away, but the number of people that have been brainwashed for so long and do no grasp your valuable information.
I'm going to share this with the people i care about. Thank you Tut tut.


2023-11-15 14:27 | Report Abuse

Tut tut here? Omg


2023-11-15 14:26 | Report Abuse

I eat rice everyday 3 x a day, drink black coffee in the morning and evening but thank God I have no health height is 169cm and my weight is 58kg


2023-11-15 14:24 | Report Abuse

I have been eating Basmati rice (no more than 1/4 cup dry) for over 50 years and my doctor is in awe that my heart is so healthy...Basmati rice and East Indian curry spices with generous addition of ginger root, garlic, onions, and red or green hot peppers is pure delicious medicine...


2023-11-15 14:23 | Report Abuse

Thank you dear.
You make it SO easy to understand WHY these foods are no good for the body!!!
I truly want to send this article to SO many people.
Yet they don't seem to want to know!?!? So I listen and take care of myself. If they would ONLY LISTEN!!! oh well


2023-11-15 14:21 | Report Abuse

I've seen quite a few articles on the science of diet and its ill effects on our bodies but honestly this is definitely one the best ones when it comes to going into detail especially concerning fats. Thank you so much for such an informative articles on how to improve our heart health and how to live healthier in general. Having had a heart ache at the age of 51 and never having smoked or drank alcohol and reasonably active and fit I totally missed the mark on sugar and its damaging effects that cause cardiovascular disease as I am guilty of eating cookies, pastries etc.. or just too much sugar all together. It's still a work in progress but after watching this articles I will now be working harder to minimize the consumption of these detrimental foods.Thank you so much


2023-11-15 14:16 | Report Abuse

My friend was diabetic for years, then he started following a Carnivore lifestyle five months ago. Today, 2023, he no longer take diabetic medication. His doctor removed him from diabetic meds because eating Carnivore lowered his A1C from 12.0 to 6.5. in a matter of 5 months. His goal on his next A1C in year end 2023 is to be 5.6 or lower, which would make hism a None diabetic. ) He have also lost 20 kg in the last five months and dropping. :-)


2023-11-15 14:10 | Report Abuse

I've been watching a lot of your comments of late.
Highly informative, objective and rational reasoning to the materials you lovingly deliver to your audience. This is the sort of education material that really needs to be delivered in our schooling systems as part of set/general syllabus.
Kids with the right information can start making informed decisions as to what they choose to consume…..and that, longitudinally, would have to help to reduce health issues and suffering in later life through poor diet and a positive impact to health bills and public spending. Great work my dear.


2023-11-15 14:04 | Report Abuse

Thanks i3 investing for clarifying things I had a feeling about.
Oxidative stress is hard to explain. Vegetable and animal fats is not that health in many cases. I honestly don't like White rice but not just because of health reasons. It is the same with bread. Over-processed food. I don't have diabetes. I had high blood pressure and I mean really inexplicably high like 200/100 etc. yetta yetta. But I stopped doing certain things and blood pressure went down to normal. Never mind. I tried everything myself.


2023-11-15 14:00 | Report Abuse

Rice is my main staple for many years. You are correct about eating rice and not other carbs such as beers, cookies, ice cream etc...
I walk 10 miles a week and work out 50 minutes per day, 5 times a week. I read 2 hours a day and have a great group of friends to keep us connected to share stories and travel.
The main thing in life is keep yourself free from negatives things and absorb as much as possible in positive things in life.

News & Blogs

2023-11-15 09:24 | Report Abuse

Assalamu alaikum i3 lurker sir, I've been watching your comments since last year. I’ve lost significant amount of weight and I’m feeling stronger than before. Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge. May Allah bless you i3 lurker in this life and the hereafter.. Alhamdulillah.


2023-11-14 07:52 | Report Abuse

EVs are just glorified golf carts. Compared to ICE vehicles, they're relatively simple to design and build. Toyota is a serious company with the engineering and the collective knowledge to have built, tested, and compared all conceivable vehicle designs. If they conclude pure battery EV, in current form, is not worth developing, I'd trust their judgement over Elon Musk's.


2023-11-14 07:49 | Report Abuse

I am certain there will be a big celebration for the BRICS+ on 1-1-2024 and the welcoming ceremony of the 6 new members into the expanded economic group.


2023-11-13 15:57 | Report Abuse

I've decreased my intake of grains and increased my fruit intake by a tremendous amount. I've always eaten a lot of fresh vegetables. Basically my diet consists of mostly fruit and veggies. I've lost weight, decreased cholesterol, my blood pressure has decreased also. These numbers were never high but over the years these numbers had began to creep up during my yearly physicals. I've lost my chocolate cravings when I increased my fruit intake. So I don't think fruit behaves the same as other carbs.


2023-11-13 15:19 | Report Abuse

I've decreased my intake of grains and increased my fruit intake by a tremendous amount. I've always eaten a lot of fresh vegetables. Basically my diet consists of mostly fruit and veggies. I've lost weight, decreased cholesterol, my blood pressure has decreased also. These numbers were never high but over the years these numbers had began to creep up during my yearly physicals exam. I've lost my chocolate cravings when I increased my fruit intake. So I don't think fruit behaves the same as other carbs.


2023-11-13 15:15 | Report Abuse

Interestingly, even though I spend a lot on those supplements, basic food prices are skyrocketing, so finding a good balance is my current goal.


2023-11-13 15:14 | Report Abuse

Since the majority of what we consume ends up as waste in the sewer system after we've (hopefully) extracted as much of the nutrient content that we can, what are the other reasons we still need to eat actual food? We constantly read about how you should eat this or should not eat that with some of the same foods being mentioned on both lists! Intuitively, I'm sensing that replacing all food with just the "supplements" you need has its own issues (even ignoring how many should be "taken with food" which, I presume, means they require something else to kick off their digestion), but I'm also curious about some future approach where supplements provide the bulk of the nutrients with only some "medium" being required.


2023-11-13 15:11 | Report Abuse

Sure, in the past, people ate to extract the nutrients in food because it was the only method to obtain these nutrients. Now foods we eat have less than 20% of the nutrients that they used to due to over-farming and other causes. Food also has far more negative contents than it ever used to (pesticides, toxic chemicals pulled from the soil, intentional processing and modification, etc.). But we also now have supplements! I've researched many supplements for years and take quite a few regularly (ok, I take a lot!). Once, I had a friend state "Those shouldn't be replacing food!" At the time I pointed out that they were literally just "supplementing" my food intake, but this is where my question is coming from.


2023-11-13 15:07 | Report Abuse

That said, I have a question for you that may sound ridiculous on the surface: Why do we eat?
For this discussion I will ignore the social impacts of dining, interacting and the pure enjoyment of consuming certain foods. I am also excluding hydration needs except as they pertain to dietary fiber. What I am interested in are the biological requirements and benefits of consuming "food" daily. I will also lump all categories, like vitamins, into the word "supplements."


2023-11-13 15:05 | Report Abuse

First of all, I want to thank you for introducing me to all the aspects and benefits of trading! I have now gone from three (bad) meals per day plus snacks to only one meal per day (on the days that I eat). I try to take one entire day off per week and, once every month or two, take three or more off to achieve autotrade. For a quick background of where l'm coming from, I was into a lot of athletics when I was young as well as being in the food world for over five decades now (let's just say that one of those two areas keeps you healthier than the other! LOL.). However, my research work was in the Neurotrading field and I'm always curious to learn more things, especially areas that seem to be overlooked.


2023-11-13 12:40 | Report Abuse

My grand parents had rice three times a day everyday. Grandma lived at 104 and grandpa lives at 97. I'm Msian. There are a lot of 100 years old people here in Msia, and they also basically eat rice three times a day, at least twice a day. Its no problem if you eat rice. There are tons of living evidences.


2023-11-13 11:18 | Report Abuse

…addition he recommends I do some heart surgery with useless medical terms to confuse me and continued to say it has a 30% chance of working, what!. Then I ask so what caused the heart palpitations. He said a multitude of things. In short he didn't know. He wrote me a prescription for the drug and left. I walked of the hospital threw the drug prescription in the garbage. In that moment desided to answer this question. What caused my heart palpitations? I first started by stop eating everything and slow start introducing foods see if how my body reacts to it. I found the 3 things that caused my heart palpitations 3.lack of water I would go days with no water 2. Stress anytime I got overwhelmed 1. SUGAR I tried all different types of sugar they affect me just the same.


2023-11-13 11:15 | Report Abuse

When I started having heart palpitations. I went to work one day and was rushed to the hospital in the rain. My heart was beating fast and it wouldn't stop. While on my way to the hospital I was pumped up with 3 different medications. Surprise! none of them helped. When I got to the hospital they hooked me up to the heart monitor and gave me in 30 min increment two other drugs. Heart still beating fast. My friend came into the room talked to me and slowly my heart slowed down. This is after an hour. The cardiologist finally made his appearance. So I said what is my diagnosis? What he said made me not trust doctors especially to the fact he didn't do any tests to even have a diagnosis. He said the last medication I was given worked and I should take that medication for the rest of my life. In addition he recommends I do some heart surgery with useless medical terms to confuse me and…


2023-11-12 18:22 | Report Abuse

Just come with me on a wild run and don't think too much.

News & Blogs

2023-11-12 14:37 | Report Abuse

i3 lurker,
What? You don’t have petrol subsidy? You must be a citizen of Spore kiasu KiaSi type???

News & Blogs

2023-11-12 10:06 | Report Abuse

Betui ker Defect for national interest?
Assmin, Muydin, Hamsa, Juraido all defect for self interest lah and also Amno … Infamous Langkah Sheraton!


2023-11-12 00:44 | Report Abuse

CHICAGO, Nov. 10 -- Gold futures on the COMEX division of the New York Mercantile Exchange fell on Friday on Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell's hawkish comments.

The most active gold contract for December delivery fell 32.10 U.S. dollars, or 1.63 percent, to close at 1,937.70 dollars per ounce.

Powell said at a conference hosted by the International Monetary Fund on Thursday that the central bank "will not hesitate" to raise interest rates further if needed to curb inflation.

"If it becomes appropriate to tighten policy further, we will not hesitate to do so," Powell said.

News & Blogs

2023-11-12 00:30 | Report Abuse

Why defect? Self interest lah… nothing else matters

News & Blogs

2023-11-12 00:24 | Report Abuse

Change to Tua lah


2023-11-11 17:50 | Report Abuse

Masih intai atau sudah jadi Bintang???


2023-11-11 17:46 | Report Abuse

Where are Moonslayer, Cicakman and etc???

News & Blogs

2023-11-11 12:46 | Report Abuse

i3 lurker,
What? You don’t have petrol subsidy? You must be Spore kiasu KiaSi type???

News & Blogs

2023-11-11 11:00 | Report Abuse

Um mereka Bye den is seeking re erectxion 2024. So now must hentam kaw kaw Russia and China lah.

News & Blogs

2023-11-11 07:51 | Report Abuse

You exchanged that love with my youth, so what's left for me now?


2023-11-11 05:53 | Report Abuse

If you don't love me, then give me back my heart, Blink Blink

News & Blogs

2023-11-10 17:58 | Report Abuse

I can’t understand Um merika always ready to wage war the whole world…
Want to sell weapons or Want to test its weapons???

News & Blogs

2023-11-10 17:55 | Report Abuse

Bobby, why Um merika likes war all over the world??? Ada udang di sebalik batu???

News & Blogs

2023-11-10 17:53 | Report Abuse

Bobby, you are right. Behind Bye den got masters pulling Bye den hands!
But some Durians like idqxxx can’t see the real thing behind the screens… always admiring Um merika is the real saint. Haha 😂

Posted by MagicalBobby > Nov 10, 2023 1:29 PM | Report Abuse
US already knew they couldn't get Ukraine to win their war with Russia, losing $113 Billions in aids.......a month before Hamas attacked Israel on 7 Oct, US released back 6 Billions of frozen funds to Iran, knowing very well, Iran is backing several Muslim fractions against Israel..........

Can Hamas have access to plan such a huge attack on 7 Oct without outside help? Who funded and supplied them with military hardware???

Who is the real Devil here???

172 posts
Posted by MagicalBobby > Nov 10, 2023 1:47 PM | Report Abuse

When US became aware months ago that Ukraine has lost the war (proxy war) they already planned for something else.

Earlier this year, some big guns from US Congress visited and acknowledged Taiwan, hope to infuriate China and invade. President Xi said, Chinese will not kill chinese and that's the end of their facade.

So, US next hope is to stir the hot pot in Middle East.... and the rest they say, is history.

172 posts
Posted by MagicalBobby > Nov 10, 2023 1:53 PM | Report Abuse

Not sure if it is true but US has made Israel to allow 4 hours each day of truce and stop their bombings..........But the question what ends????? Fatten the cows before the slaughter....Cruel!!