
jacklimeu2 | Joined since 2020-01-22

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2020-07-15 16:44 | Report Abuse

too flat. Someone is controlling again...


2020-07-15 16:08 | Report Abuse

Even now, at 15, it's dangerous for those just entering. Those who entered much lower, different story.


2020-07-15 15:59 | Report Abuse

don't think there will be any sudden movements...will close down at around 15...ib and sharks knows retailers waiting....lol


2020-07-15 15:28 | Report Abuse

I like both news. record profits, OBM, high ASP, buy buy buy....

vaccine coming, sell sell sell....

fallacious understanding provoke emotions that help move prices....


2020-07-15 15:22 | Report Abuse

tiantsai @jacklimeu, ya still need to see after 4 pm....i plan just turn off monitor
big movements is good. I just missed by 2 sen yesterday...

big down i buy, big up i sell....


2020-07-15 15:13 | Report Abuse

At least today's movement is more natural, unlike yesterday flat line before 4pm....


2020-07-15 10:43 | Report Abuse

Much more natural today, the usual intraday volatility. Yesterday was so artificial.


2020-07-14 22:55 | Report Abuse

peter555 stay calm .. don't get washdown by panic selling

Glove V Shape Recovery explain what happened today
nothing new....100% into gloves ONLY, what to expect?....and bad english to boot....


2020-07-14 18:12 | Report Abuse

I don't think the game is over....people have short memory....next month when the Q4 results are announced, and possibly dividends and share split announced, there will be people again calculating the huge profits into future value....


2020-07-14 17:54 | Report Abuse

Roslan67 @jacklimeu2 , post again..want to see now..show now.
I am not a calculator, see the calculations by others....hint: see the usual profits just before covid...add in increased capacity, add in sustainable asp increase (prices will not go back to pre-covid), and you will get real long term value....the excess profits from unsustainable high asp is transient....it will run through maybe 4 quarters....factor these profits in as one off, in dividend/share distribution etc....and you will get the real value within this 1 year or so....anything over that is bubble....

Bubbles are actually good....can make lots of money....but being a zero sum game, someone will have also to lose lots of money....


2020-07-14 17:40 | Report Abuse

Roslan67 @jacklimeu2 , since u say its overvalued...ok after qr report then u can tell what the fair value should be ?
check my posts.....i have already indicated what the long term value is.....and explained why current record profits cannot be used to calculate price....and how to properly value in this excess profits....


2020-07-14 17:35 | Report Abuse

mach10 some still pretend to talk about FA at such a high valuation. no serious investors will buy at such a high price.
go serious investors....just waiting for people to see the qr record profits and calculate the bubble value and buy up....at least 4 more quarters of record profits expected....


2020-07-14 17:31 | Report Abuse

CakapSohaiThings Greater fool theory! In trading, fret not about the valuation.

Overvalued?? Meh, all you need is to convince the next idiot to buy it at a higher price than you!
Alright guys, lets find the next idiot to push the price higher tomorrow. UP UP UP
That's how a bubble works. Wait for the next round.


2020-07-14 17:18 | Report Abuse

vanness_lyh Posted by jacklimeu2 > Jul 14, 2020 5:05 PM | Report Abuse

ChrisMz manipulation kaw kaw..
see my comments earlier....i see the price so flat, definitely someone controlling....

Aiyoo....sifu ah sifu, I know you so pro like playing more than 10 years experiences, but please don't act like you're god la? Hahaha you really think you so pannai?
It's not god or magic....just keeping an keen eye, and see unusual patterns....

I am sorry you may have lost money, but some of us did warn that a correction is due....i thought it will happen last Friday....but it delayed to today....

of course i am not "pannai"....i liquidated my first portion at my 1st target, 10.80....if i had hold on till today, I would have profited much more, so I am actually stupid....but wait for the next run, and I will still liquidate the next batch at the target....3 more batches to go.


2020-07-14 17:05 | Report Abuse

ChrisMz manipulation kaw kaw..
see my comments earlier....i see the price so flat, definitely someone controlling....


2020-07-14 17:00 | Report Abuse

The gloves bull is not over lah....there are still at least 4 more quarters of stellar profits to run....after latest round of bubble, all my shares are now completely free....so let's see how high I can cash out....lol


2020-07-14 16:51 | Report Abuse

vanness_lyh rr88, nah noobhai troll people, trust me you will get karma together with that jackylimeu
people warn you about the bubble, we will get very good karma, no?....lol


2020-07-14 16:35 | Report Abuse

aiyo.....just missed 2 sen!!!!


2020-07-14 16:30 | Report Abuse

Damn, just missed my buy at 12.50....


2020-07-14 16:29 | Report Abuse


below my last 3 sell prices already....lol


2020-07-14 16:22 | Report Abuse



2020-07-14 16:02 | Report Abuse

someone given up trying to defend....now retail collecting thinking it's a good price....


2020-07-14 15:40 | Report Abuse

TG already pulling back, but someone still controlling spmx....


2020-07-14 14:48 | Report Abuse

Still so flat... definitely controlled by someone.....


2020-07-14 13:35 | Report Abuse

Big bubble now. No fundamentals. The put warrants makes no sense, other than people buying high, expecting other people to buy from them still higher...


2020-07-14 12:21 | Report Abuse

So flat, someone is controlling the price....


2020-07-14 12:08 | Report Abuse

Too flat today... cannot trade....


2020-07-14 09:30 | Report Abuse

like this, it will follow tg: q4 announced, price plunge....


2020-07-14 09:20 | Report Abuse

Too fast, clear bubble. This is not going to end well....


2020-07-14 08:59 | Report Abuse

projected price based on expected profit levels ONLY if the profit is permanent....otherwise it is a one off excess profit, to be calculated in as one off bonus dividend....and NOT to calculate price of share.....


2020-07-13 19:24 | Report Abuse

rayloo What if Supermx is good enough to make 400% higher EPS or 4.6 cents, which is already very good result in my opinion.

Then 1.89 + 2.31 + 5.42 + 4.6 = EPS14.22


14.22 x 60 = RM8.53
that, my friend, is the real value, with normal earnings, in future.....we are in a bubble now....nobody wants the real value, just how much more can sell tomorrow ......


2020-07-13 16:22 | Report Abuse

As long as someone is willing to buy from you at a higher price, it will go up. How high depends on how many people expect other people to buy from them at still higher prices.


2020-07-11 18:06 | Report Abuse

Trying to price shares based on short term one off profits is VERY dangerous and you end up with a fallacious conclusion. It feeds the bubble.


2020-07-10 21:54 | Report Abuse

Those who do calculations, try calculating based on parameters values when the surge in demand and prices is over, and you will get the real long term intrinsic value. Current PAT can be maintained over the period of extreme demand, perhaps the next 4-6 quarters, but is not sustainable beyond that. You cannot then use this high PAT to project forever into the future to calculate PE and target prices, because the market will adjust with increased production to demand and ASP will drop back to normal (which is likely higher than the past). The current excess profits is only worth exactly that, the value of the excess profit, if it is given back to shareholders in some way. So an extra EPS of say RM4/year is worth RM4 per share, maximum.

Thus the true value is: stable value long term+excess profits....anything above this is the bubble....

Lots of people wants to ride the bubble....and yes, you can make a lot of money.....but it is a zero sum game, and someone WILL lose at lot of money when the bubble bust.

The 6 million dollar question is, how long will the bubble last? If I got a Delorean, I will tell you. But since I don't I will just say, enjoy the ride, but be careful. Caveat emptor.


2020-07-10 16:45 | Report Abuse

Not much volatility today....just managed to make some chicken rice money again.....


2020-07-10 14:35 | Report Abuse

Tyco YESSSS so what?
I rest my case....


2020-07-10 14:34 | Report Abuse

noobietrader69 hi, what do i need to say to be added into the stupidity list?
As long as the playground bullies don't like you....just need to say something they don't like....

Usual bully behaviour lah.....


2020-07-10 14:30 | Report Abuse

Tyco jacklimeu2 u r at no: 32 , if u feel uncomfortable or bullied , u can always stay away what ? why still appear here Kiasu n Kiasi 1
Typical bully..... everybody has a right to discuss here....

Your grandfather owns this forum?


2020-07-10 14:14 | Report Abuse

This is worse than /k with bullies branding anyone who holds any view other than their own as heresy and curse your ancestors....worse than trump's supporters.

This is supposed to be a serious investors' forum to discuss and learn. It's hijacked by bullies into a children's playground.


2020-07-09 19:32 | Report Abuse

Like some here, I have sold the first part of my "keep" tranche from 15 years ago.....if it continues to rise I will slowly liquidate as it reaches new highs....

I have learnt you cannot catch the peak....so don't be greedy....


2020-07-09 16:46 | Report Abuse

Good volatility, made some more chicken rice money....lol


2020-07-09 11:37 | Report Abuse

Too flat.....aiyo, either go up high high or drop properly lah!


2020-07-09 10:40 | Report Abuse

No volatility today.


2020-07-09 08:51 | Report Abuse

What's the trading cost with these margin trading accounts?


2020-07-08 12:36 | Report Abuse

Not enough volatility today to trade...


2020-07-08 08:12 | Report Abuse

The market has already reflected the anticipated higher earnings into the price....don't expect any big moves on announcement....

The relation between earnings, profits and share prices is never linear.... so it's a fallacy to attempt to calculate TP based on profit alone....

I repeat: big profits means nothing unless the money trickle down to share owners...


2020-07-07 21:15 | Report Abuse

Posted by jacklimeu2 > Jul 7, 2020 5:37 PM | Report Abuse

Good trading day, enough volatility....made some 4 figure pocket money.... enough lah....
That's what you looking for all these days of talking rite?
If you have been properly following me (unlike some sillies here), you know I have Supermax shares since 2003 SARS time (actually Latexx, moved to super after latexx was taken private)....my long term shares are almost free now (few sen only)....i have gone through multiple cycles of glove mania, although this is the most active!

I have not touched my long term shares, I am playing with my trading tranche, collected usually when it's a baseline. Jan was a good baseline when it was 1.30. It's used to buy and sell, sometimes it's day, sometimes over a period, depending on how the share prices moves. Money can be made in BOTH directions. As long as it fluctuates wide enough to be worth while.


2020-07-07 17:37 | Report Abuse

Good trading day, enough volatility....made some 4 figure pocket money.... enough lah....