
joyvest | Joined since 2019-12-11

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2023-05-18 09:10 | Report Abuse

Whether you like it or not , the lawsuit will proceed and the encroachment in private land is still valid. DL is set to be richer by RM 300k per month if the new management wish to continue to operate the Factory.


2023-05-18 08:59 | Report Abuse

His compensation of RM 20M++ is more than enough to cover the shortfall if only proven to be guilty. No big deal.


2023-05-18 08:53 | Report Abuse

The fellow is detained until 19th May ( this Friday) .Whether he will be charged or not remains to be seen. Nevertheless , As at to date, he is innocent until proven to be guilty by the Court. We'll wait and see.


2023-05-18 08:49 | Report Abuse

The moment of truth will be known at 9.00AM whether the recent news is receptive to the market or not be it market makers or otherwise from the reflection of share price . if it is positive, then someone wins the jackpot.If it is negative, someone bites the dust.


2023-05-17 19:15 | Report Abuse

Predecessor fault of deliberate omission but the compsny need to account for the shortfall,I am Afraid.


2023-05-17 13:22 | Report Abuse

Some times the right thing for you is the wrong thing for someone else and vice versa.

Right or wrong is illusionary. There is no yardstick. One moment you are right and next moment you are disproved to be wrong and vice versa.



2023-05-17 12:54 | Report Abuse

The disposal of almost entire shareholding by DL indirectly tells FL to take all the shits with you..

DL is leaving for good.DL has accumulated the net loss of 100m since his reign from 2005...


2023-05-17 07:06 | Report Abuse

Under the reign of DL since 2005 till 2023,Bahvest has been making total net profit of RM 100m vs total net loss of RM 200m over the years

As at to date,the company has reached the net accumulated loss of RM 100m.(200m-100m) under his reign of 18 years

You may fool us by putting the blame to the bad weather However when you look at Parker in "Gold rush",he can still make tons and tons of money even under the extreme weather in USA. You know clearly,DL is under par


2023-05-16 12:07 | Report Abuse

You mean 67 % of gold mine ( Land ) for the remaining sublease of 17 years has yet to be developed ??

It is learnt that the total sublease created was 35 years. Do you mean to say that DL has so far developed only 33 % in the spell of 18 years ( 35-17) ??


2023-05-16 11:17 | Report Abuse

No , not in a million years


2023-05-16 11:07 | Report Abuse

Delay in announcing the QR wont change for the better picture but for the worst with the further loss of RM 21M as compensation payout to be recorded. The cashflow is further stricken by the same amount so is the wealth of the investors.

Irrespective of the outcome of the EGM, DL is set to be richer by RM 300K per months for the rest of the remaining lease of 17 years. Whether you like it or not , the management after the upcoming EGM be it new (FL camp ) or the incumbent ( DL camp ) have to dig deeper and harder to get an extra monthly yield of 1000 gramme of gold @ RM 330 per gramme = RM 330,000 to pay for the factory rental of RM 300K . The new management need to pray hard the the gold price wont fall below RM 330 /Gramme otherwise they have to dig their ass out ...


2023-05-16 09:48 | Report Abuse

United we stand, otherwise we fall..... How many people understand this ? Those who understand and practise this are wisemen. Those who understand this but still act opposite are buffoons.


2023-05-15 19:45 | Report Abuse

Yer,I can not disagree more than that.He is the pain in the Arse..

He claims he is an economist but i am skeptical about it. In macro economy,Government spending is important to the growth of the economy but he cut it.

At one point,he also claimed that he was an accountant but in actual fact ,he was not .At first,he denied until he was proven to be a bogus .what a plonker!


2023-05-15 12:27 | Report Abuse

Though DL has trimmed this shareholdings to 3% ++ , he is still a shareholder , an incumbent director ( at least until the upcoming EGM where it is voted otherwise) , a legitimate landlord ( Southsea ).All the above three options are open to him.

Who is squeezing whose ball ? Apparently, there has been no sign of withdrawal of the legal lawsuit on the trespassed land by the landlord(DL) ,which insinuates that He doesnt back off easily and not succumb to the shenanigans ( if any) of the predators. The squeeze of his ball by the predators is out of the question here.

The recent exercise of the landlord ( Southsea) to charge Rental on the trespassed land is an " Pre-emptive" move to prevent him from loss of control and management in Bahvest. For control wise, DL can still increase his shareholding any time by buying back even cheaper price than he first offloaded. For management wise, as said , he is still the incumbent Director until he is legitimately removed) . The drama is not over yet

The recent pathetic share price has already been reflected of the poor reactions from the marker be it market maker, institutions, Private equity and /or syndicates which could roughly tell you that they are not in favour of the removal of 3 directors , one of whom is still holding a tramp card to hold Bahvest at ransom, neither are they in favour of the so called new mgt,


2023-05-15 09:08 | Report Abuse

SC will not interfere but leave it to EGM where both camps will lobby hard for their supports.

From the reflection of the current share price , it could tell you that the market is not happy with the removal of the three incumbent Directors. DL is still regarded as the driving force to the sustainability of Bahvest. The market would have reacted positively had the Market welcomed FL and gang as the expected new management . Apparently, this is not the case.


2023-05-15 00:42 | Report Abuse

Whether FL and gangs are up to the task remains to be seen and with reservation.FL is successful on his oil palm plantation empire doesn't mean he can be successful in gold mining,which is a different ball game.

Though DL has trimned his shareholding to 3 %++,he is still the director till the upcoming EGM where it is stated otherwise. It is premature to jump to conclusion where the bird is already in hand.

DL still has the trump card and it is going to be a long battle to see who is the ultimate victor.


2023-05-14 22:12 | Report Abuse

As long as he says what he means and means what he says,i don't really bother his grammar.WTF


2023-05-14 18:57 | Report Abuse

When the new management takes over,they can still continue with the production on the trespassed factory even after 90days as long as they continue to pay the monthly rental of RM 300k for the factory in line with remaining lease of 17 years big is as usual.


2023-05-14 09:53 | Report Abuse

That datuk bought on 12th.

It is believed that SHH has yet to be updated.


2023-05-14 08:32 | Report Abuse

Can't be wrong.

That Datuk Lee is reported to hold about 14% shareholding directly and indirectly in Bahvest, which is considered to be significant to be able to influence the outcome in the upcoming EGM.

The show of circus with more clowns and jokers has just begun


2023-05-13 22:18 | Report Abuse

From the reflection of the current share price, I believe you can feel that the market is nervous but about what?

1) about the future prospects of the co affected by the lawsuit of trespassed land? Or

2) about the leadership of the new mgt in terms of their capacities and capabilities following departure of the " Gold digger DL" ? Or

3) about the emergence of third parties? Or

4) about the BOD disharmony without cohesion in a concerted way? Or

5) upcoming QR? Or

6) about the recent drop in gold price? Or

7) about the default of external borrowing? Or

8) about all the above?


2023-05-13 21:39 | Report Abuse

From the reflection of the current share price, I believe you can feel that the market is nervous but about what?


2023-05-13 20:46 | Report Abuse

If not mistaken, before the hostile move to the BOD ,the cash availability of the company was recorded at around RM 76 m,half of the cash was gone by now through the futile acquisition.

Basically ,the cash is the fund invested from spectrum of investors.

The indiscriminate acquisition is clearly an abuse of fund at the expense of investors


2023-05-13 19:45 | Report Abuse

Revenue Group acquiring 51% stake in Innov8tif for RM36M is just one of the shenanigans with the agenda to exhaust the cash availability of the company.

The company will be cash stricken very soon .


2023-05-13 19:31 | Report Abuse

So do you think the new mgt has been reflected in the current share price?


2023-05-13 14:53 | Report Abuse

Whatever will be , will be
No one is capable of making judgement on the prospects of the company. It depends on what is actually unearthed underneath. Gold or fool's Gold ? no body knows......
The good , the bad and the ugly prospects will be all reflected in the share price
The share price will tell it all.....
It is 0.125 now , does it tell you something good, bad or ugly ? you tell me


2023-05-13 14:40 | Report Abuse

That 3rd party ( Datuk Lee ) is just an opportunist to join the fun. He can swing either side whoever pleases him in financial terms like the Bosku says," you help me , I help you " .Put in otherwise " you lick my asshhole ,I lick yours"


2023-05-13 14:33 | Report Abuse

PLC ( Berhad) is free to be taken over if the incumbent management's performance is below par. It is a public company , it can be owned by anyone Tom ,Dick and Harry.
FL and gangs have yet to be in Management so their performance can yet to be gauged.
Who knows the prospect could be better or could be worse under them( FL and gangs )
It is too early to jump the gun.
Whatever will be , will be
Thats why I say not to get bogged down with it , get a life!


2023-05-13 14:26 | Report Abuse

It is weekend. No point to get bogged down . Please get a life! Life is good.....

3 minutes ago


2023-05-13 10:08 | Report Abuse

Apart from him ( that Datuk Lee) , i cant figure out who is keen to venture into gold mining as it involves a lot of inherent risks and otherwise.If it is not managed well, it can result in substantial losses as it is the case with this company.

One of the loss factors is the high production costs. Gold mining involves various costs, including exploration, extraction, processing, and refining. These costs can be substantial, especially if the mine is located in a remote area or if the ore ( gold deposit ) is of low grade, requiring extensive processing. If the production costs outweigh the revenue generated from selling gold, the mining operation can be unprofitable.

DL has repeatedly been claiming that Bahvest has yet to dig " deep enough " underneath where he believes there are tons and tons of gold deposits awaiting to be unearthed . How deep is deep ? No body knows. Who knows there isnt any or there may be fool's gold? Maybe just maybe it is an excuse to justify the loss making. No body knows , only he knows it himself......


2023-05-13 10:05 | Report Abuse

My mention of "C " definitely doesn't stand for " Corporate "


2023-05-13 09:45 | Report Abuse

Well, I believe it is likely to be him as he ( that datuk Lee ) can convince the shareholders with his vast experience in gold mining in the west . He is a third party( assumed to be neutral to both ) who could be regarded as a better choice as an intermediator between the two camps( DL camp and FL camp)


2023-05-13 09:34 | Report Abuse

At the moment , I am not too sure which camp datuk lee is friendly to. It is believed that at the end of the day, the camp who offers the most to that datuk will win the battle be it Joint venture or otherwise


2023-05-13 09:25 | Report Abuse

Yes,datuk Lee is from sabah


2023-05-13 08:11 | Report Abuse

The third party ,datuk Lee is said to have experienced in gold mining in West Malaysia.

He is a " prominent C" business man..I leave it to your imagination of what "C" stands for.


2023-05-13 07:37 | Report Abuse

The construction of factory on the southsea's land is a plot premeditated by DL and the BOD then with two purposes.

1st purpose is to prevent anyone from controlling and managing Bahvest.Any hostile take over will definitely face lawsuit on the trespassed land like the recent case.

2nd purpose is to whack bahvest with the same lawsuit upon expiry of the sublease. The initial thought of leasing the factory to Bahvest in good faith is out of the question.

The above two purposes will be materialised whichever comes earlier. Unfortunately, the 1st one has been materialised.

All have been premeditated.

It is interesting to see whose side to support from the recent sudden emergence of a third party.As said earlier, whoever offers the most will take it all.


2023-05-13 06:48 | Report Abuse

That's why i say when two dogs are fighting for the bone ,the third runs away with it.

The third party is another datuk...


2023-05-12 22:26 | Report Abuse

Bro ,the keyword is "BOD collectively approved"

DL could not approve it alone so how could DL be held accountable for the " fault" ?
Who knows the previous BOD having shenanigans with DL to approve collectively the construction of factory on southsea's land using bahvest's resources to the ultimate benefit of DL?


2023-05-12 21:46 | Report Abuse

Yer,maybe its Fool's Gold underneath the soil where DL keeps saying tons and tons of gold awaiting to be unearthed

The most common mineral mistaken for gold is pyrite.

Chalcopyrite may also appear gold-like, and weathered mica can mimic gold as well.

The above are 3 minerals which can be easily mistaken as fool's gold


2023-05-12 20:24 | Report Abuse

Chairman Dennis Kozlowski and former corporate Chief Financial Officer Mark Swartz havw swindled as much as USD$600 million from the company,Tyco


2023-05-12 20:03 | Report Abuse

Who knows the previous BOD having shenanigans with DL to approve collectively the construction of factory on southsea's land using bahvest's resources to the ultimate benefit of DL?

Maybe the company secretary then can shed some light on the way in which the approval was obtained.

Who knows DL had previously orally agreed to let bahvest use the factory in good faith until FL came to mess around to provoke DL?

Who is the culprit to this mess?


2023-05-12 17:41 | Report Abuse

Either third parties and or nominees of the two camps are collecting for lobbying in the upcoming EGM


2023-05-12 15:05 | Report Abuse

Maybe the factory with the structures is of permanent nature and the landowner ( DL) believed it was safer to built it on his own long leased land instead of on the subleased land which last for only 35 years.

Unlike Malaya ,it is true that the corporate culture is feudalistic in Sabah whether you like it or not.


2023-05-12 14:39 | Report Abuse

I believe that lady was mixed up with sublease and concession.

Unlike a sublease, a concession does not involve renting out the property to another party but rather providing additional benefits or incentives to the tenant.

In short , a sublease involves a tenant renting out all or part of their leased property to another party, while a concession refers to discounts or benefits provided by the landlord to the tenant.

Clearly, our case in dispute is sublease ,not concession. Concession never applies here


2023-05-12 09:32 | Report Abuse

* DL , his son and Dr,Kamal are still shareholders in the Bahvest despite their small shareholdings
* This is just to ensure that they can justify their directorships .
* Three of them are still directors until they are removed in the upcoming EGM
* The two camps ( FL camp and DL camp) are still in dispute as to the date of EGM. FL insisted to be in May but DL insisted to be June
* Date of the EGM is still not fixed depending on the outcome of the Court ( legal case brought by FL camp)
* Both parties are monitoring hard on the ROD as to see who are the shareholders ( 3rd Parties ) who have been accumulating the cheap sales
* It can not be ruled out that both might resort to shenanigans with the 3rd parties to outcast each other in the upcoming EGM
* As said, when two dogs are fighting for the bone and the third runs away with it .
* The third simply says to them " you help me , I help you "
* The camp who is willing to pay more will take it all , guess who?
* The 3rd party is said to be very crucial to the outcome of the upcoming EGM
* It can not be ruled out that both camps are capitalising the cheap price through nominees so that no one knows which camp the nominees support


2023-05-12 09:11 | Report Abuse

I will deal with you in a min.
It is not the end of the story yet


2023-05-11 18:34 | Report Abuse

Well well well , coupled with the above uncertainties as mentioned , the share price is expected to go below the nominal value and we will see if DL has made the right decision or not in months to come....if yes, tremendous saving for him

By the way ,dont teach your grandmother how to suxk eggs and dont jump the gun too soon


2023-05-11 17:31 | Report Abuse

*DL knows very well the production will be put to a halt after 90 days
*It is going to be long long legal battle after that
*No production is expected in the spell of lengthy legal battle and the factory is expected to be idle in hibernation for a long long time.
*Share price is expected to slump to penny stock due to no production
*To avoid further financial losses as foreseen by DL ,he decided to exit by selling off his entire shareholding
* Note that the nominal value is 0.10 vs the issued price of RM 0.99 in IPO.
* DL is believed to have sold at the above price of 0.10 and hence no loss to him