
joyvest | Joined since 2019-12-11

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2021-06-23 10:38 | Report Abuse

Listen is a very straightforward case. KPMG is expected to win if no " unwarranted outside force" is intervened .

2.KPMG has discharged their professional duty of care with integrity to safeguard the interests of all stakeholders including Government

3. it is the onus of Serba to prove they are innocent in court or otherwise.

4. KPMG would be liable due to negligence had they not raised the " Red flag " to signify foul play.

5. The persistent denial of Serba is greatly detrimental to the interest of all shareholders by and large

6. Exodus is expected to be imminent like failing sky.......


2021-06-22 23:20 | Report Abuse

We are reasonable and rational.

We are onlookers who are clearer than the insiders who could be biased and blinded to accept reality..

We dont have to wait till tomorrow and then conclude with hindsight.its too late to stop the rainfalls..


2021-06-22 23:07 | Report Abuse

Kmpg is a watchdog.

When a watchdog sees an intruder it barks to alert its master(SC).the master must act fast ,the intruder could be hostile.....


2021-06-22 23:01 | Report Abuse

The way it goes,the share price is doomed to be depressed


2021-06-22 22:59 | Report Abuse

Kpmg got nothing to lose either

Kpmg expect to be sued .that's why kpmg has already insured with huge professional indemnity (PI) insurance to cover themselves.they have all the means to fight on.....

Kpmg is expected to win.if they didn't raise the fundamental inquiry ,they could lose due to professional negligence.


Who suffers the most? You know better....its the shareholders....


2021-06-22 22:50 | Report Abuse

10.52pm on 21.6.2021


2021-06-22 22:50 | Report Abuse

I had already given you guys with the shocking news.....


2021-06-22 22:45 | Report Abuse


SD is digging its own grave deeper and deeper with its irrational chain of actions....


2021-06-22 22:42 | Report Abuse

Do u mean to say that every one should listen to the pay master like slaves or dogs?

If the pay master asks you to lick his axs,would u do that? If you do, you are as shitty as scumbags. where is your integrity and dignity?

What do you understand auditing and independence?


2021-06-22 22:33 | Report Abuse


1. Why lawsuit against kpmg.? Just wanna to prove to the world that SD did noting wrong,?

2.SD seems to be very confident to win the lawsuit with "special " assistance from higher level .

3. By winning the lawsuit,all the irregularities are regularised and the shows of circus will continue as usual.

4. Basically Kpmg has just raised the fundamental inquires in the discharge of their professional duty.

5.the answers given by SD are not reasonable to KPMG to justify them to issue a clean audit report from their professionism has done nothing wrong since outset

7.the more SD deny instead of clearing the air of uncertainty ,the more damaging to their share price.

8. The longer the lawsuit,the longer the agony of the shareholders are to endure.

9.Exodus of major shareholders is imminent and unavoidable ......


2021-06-22 12:42 | Report Abuse

The more they talk and deny ,the more damaging to the share price.

Its better for them to be silent ....silence is golden....


2021-06-22 12:37 | Report Abuse

Tonight England game...


2021-06-22 11:53 | Report Abuse

no point to have high volume where more supply than demand ............

price is depressing with no hope of rebounding .....


2021-06-22 11:51 | Report Abuse

yes, but it appears to be dying if not stagnant ......with no progressive news but negative news around ...........


2021-06-22 07:47 | Report Abuse


Forced resignation or gratefully voluntary resignation?

Only he knows it himself but it would definitely sign the signal to the market that more fishy is about the company.

As I have said ,all the major shareholders are losing patience now and have expressed displeasure with the way it is handled.

the recent exit by EPF is just a beginning ,which is seen as a harbinger of more exodus to come.....

In this counter , there is no such thing as very cheap now,the cheapest has yet to come....


2021-06-21 22:52 | Report Abuse


How to go up? The following link is self -explanstory.

If you are still blinded to it ,you are very pathetic..... › ...
Will Sputnik V take off in Malaysia? | Free Malaysia Today (FMT)


2021-06-21 22:41 | Report Abuse

Busy with EURO 2020....


2021-06-21 22:26 | Report Abuse


No need to wait to soar....the only way is down way ticket to the blues........


2021-06-21 22:22 | Report Abuse


Basically no one can help SD ,not KPMG,not EY not YE,not TDH(Tom ,Dick and Harry) but only SD can help itself......


2021-06-21 22:19 | Report Abuse

Fishy more fishy.

KPMG keep digging more and more irregularities but SD keep denying and denying to the detriment of the interest of shareholders to the extent that all the major shareholders have expressed displeasure of the negative news and the ways in which it is handled.

The major shareholders are losing patience and exodus is imminent and unavoidable...


2021-06-21 15:28 | Report Abuse

One way ticket ..........

Tu..... Tu..... train tuggin' down the track........
Gotta travel on, ain't never comin' back......
Oh, oh got a one way ticket to the blues.............

SD is one way ticket to the blues................


2021-06-21 13:45 | Report Abuse

you thought its cheap at 59.5

the cheapest has to come .............


2021-06-21 13:34 | Report Abuse


no need to wait . time will tell how worse and damaging it will become.

even though you get 3rd , 4th or 5th .....independent opinion , it doesnt improve the situations. the inquires put forward by KPMG are very simple and fundamental and no technicality is required.

the way it goes , it is pathetic


2021-06-21 13:26 | Report Abuse


i prefer to be stuck on anything other than this counter ....... hopeless and pathetic.....


2021-06-19 08:22 | Report Abuse


You said it would fly to 0.50-0.60 so I took the lower as our bet.

U must keep your promise after end of June 2021.

Winner takes it all and loser stands small.


2021-06-18 09:25 | Report Abuse


when a girl has found out something fisher about her boyfriend , she throws some simple fundamental questions . If her boy friend can not answer but keeps saying he does nothing wrong.Do you think she will believe him ?.

If he is innocent , he must prove it beyond reasonable doubts. very simple even my dog also knows that ..............

Every one makes mistakes, we must admit them and move on with assurance of no recurrence of the same in the future . If you keep denying them, it doesn't do good to anyone but it will make matter worse than you could possibly imagine......


2021-06-18 00:03 | Report Abuse will will not reach 0.50 by the end of June....too bad


2021-06-17 23:26 | Report Abuse

Kpmg vs 1mdb.

1.KPMG was removed by 1mdb for refusing to sign for the audited report due to fishy issues.

2.Deloitts took over from kpmg.deloitts was sued for negligence by MOF

3.Kpmg had vindicated their stand for not compromising their independence.

4.Same case in SD...Kpmg knows what they are doing but SD are not ,pathetically speaking.

5.the major shareholders are losing their patience now. will experience the greatest exodus in the market very soon

7. plummeting is imminent and unavoidable.....


2021-06-17 19:22 | Report Abuse

The opposite GG is dick.

Basically,SD is dead .the outcome of independent review is expected to be the same as KPMG. Do u really think SD has done nothing wrong and can get away from it? No substance but form in SD


2021-06-17 07:40 | Report Abuse

Opportunity or otherwise

1.Buy now if you believe the independent reviews conducted by EY are in favour of serba in the end.
2. Your belief is your personal choice.
3. You are the one who knows on what basis you have established your own belief
4.No one can stir your belief if your will is strong
5.Your belief is your goal
6.If you believe otherwise,then act opposite.
7.Point 2,3,4 ,5 will take care by itself.


2021-06-17 00:03 | Report Abuse

Don't be cocky....


2021-06-16 23:22 | Report Abuse


Fear but not retract
Stand up we fight
Sacrifice until last bleed of blood
Defect not in our mind
Victory we acclaim
Forever our courage be remembered


2021-06-16 22:06 | Report Abuse

EU will never approve sputnik V for some reasons......not in a million years....


2021-06-16 15:37 | Report Abuse

Subsequent opinion

1. it is the right of serba to seek for 2nd opinion
2. As i have said, even you go to another auditors with professional integrity , the opinions are still the same as the previous ones as the inquires are fundamental and not complicated unlike medical complication or legal complication can be fairly concluded by us as to what the outcome would be . we dont have to be experts but common sense prevails


2021-06-16 15:20 | Report Abuse

dick and gg are good kinky partners


2021-06-16 15:02 | Report Abuse

take a gamble .

gamble that EY has cleared the doubts cast by KPMG and conclude in good tune.....


2021-06-16 14:30 | Report Abuse

Nail in the coffin

whoever has signed the final audit report will be responsible for it


2021-06-16 14:23 | Report Abuse

KPMG did nothing wrong with the audit of 1MDB

KPMG refused to sign the audit report and ended up to be removed by 1MDB ,who appointed Deloitts to take over . Deloitts had failed to deliver its duty of care , which was sued by MOF for negligence .

KPMG had vindicated their refusal of signing in the end


2021-06-16 14:19 | Report Abuse

look good, sounds good but it may not be so .....

Company can look very magnificent outside but deep inside is a totally different thing altogether.....

dont let the cover of the book fool you.....


2021-06-16 14:12 | Report Abuse

who is arousing who ?

Dick is arousing GG ? or GG is arousing Dick ??


2021-06-16 14:10 | Report Abuse


1.Why makes you think KPMG has not carried out the double checks ?

2.Any other audit firms with professional integrity and by their professional training would cast doubts and raise such fundamental inquiries arising from their conduct of audit process.

3.Why makes you think that EY would conclude differently ?

4. KPMG has nothing to lose. If the views are contrary to theirs , KPMG can kiss and say goodbye and hand over to its successor ie EY

5. If the views are agreeable , KPMG can also kiss and say goodbye and let its successor to clear up the mess.....

6. The game is over


2021-06-16 13:58 | Report Abuse


gg can be goofy gooney as well


2021-06-16 13:51 | Report Abuse

Common Interest

the fruits are found to be " rotten" by KPMG . Can EY perform magic to turn the "rotten" fruits into " fresh " ones ? No magic, no show.....

In the end, no magic show is expected and same conclusion is drawn . Such tactic is to buy time only ....


2021-06-16 13:43 | Report Abuse

a cow is a cow
a gg is a gg
a dick is a dick
dick and gg are good companions
dick and gg are fun lovers


2021-06-16 13:39 | Report Abuse


1.KPMG is still the auditors
2.EY is just appointed for independent review
3.KPMG and EY were removed by 1MDB before Deloitts took over
4.Deloitts was found to be negligent in the exercise of duty of care
5. What makes you think that EY would conclude different view as KPMG?
6. Both are international well known audit firm with high integrity you think EY would risk itself by over-turning the view of KPMG and face the possibility of lawsuit for negligence later?
8.the finding of EY is still unknown while the regularities are still unresolved


2021-06-16 13:33 | Report Abuse

what are all these dick, gg ,cock ,pussy etc etc in this forum ?

are we running a kinky fun club or something ?


2021-06-16 13:30 | Report Abuse

you are free to keep averaging until no averaging can be done in the end.

Sometime , averaging can make you poorer and poorer......


2021-06-16 13:27 | Report Abuse

what conclusion can you draw now ?

it is not as simple as guilty or not guilty ? You are not the judge. Even though you were the judge ,you ought to conclude your verdict beyond reasonable doubts otherwise you would be backfired.


2021-06-15 23:08 | Report Abuse

Investors are investors no matter how big or how small.

All of them expose to the same risk and return according to their risk perspective.what makes you think that those who are holding millions of share can ditate the market?

Have they not been taught the lessons of market force?.no one can ditate the market? Certainly not you and me nor tom,dick and harry

You are just an opportunist at the right time when the tide is with called lucky bustard but it won't be long when you will experience the opposite in so long as you are in this market.

So there is no need to make mockery of others by boasting how great you are .....your complacency and arrogance is larger than your loss


2021-06-15 21:03 | Report Abuse

I suggest you to learn to differentiate between Ass and donkey 1st before you talk cock and chicken