
ks5555 | Joined since 2018-06-28

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2018-07-11 17:44 | Report Abuse

Recognising UEC is like opening a pandora box! Once open you can't close it!
Before long, you create another polemic because you will hear leftist who want mandarin as 2nd language! And soon, demand for the 80% to learn mandarin! It's going to be never ending racial tension that erupt into massive racial crash!
Please, to those who wants to see chaos in Malaysia! Don't reinvent the wheel!


2018-07-11 17:40 | Report Abuse

Under Geely, Proton sales has shot up! I must admit, the newer production are quite good! Drastic quality improvement!


2018-07-11 17:34 | Report Abuse

South Korea billionaire already setting up his plant in Malaysia to capture the ever growth electric car market in China!
Yet our dear PM wants to re start fossil fuel national car! Meaning our PM is so short sighted he still living in the bygone era of the 90s!
Electric car will be big in few years time! Yet none of our Pakatan leaders are aware of this! They are too busy plundering the new HSR gravy train for their buddies!


2018-07-11 17:27 | Report Abuse

Analysts are short sighted! TM has only 2 million broadband consumer! There's like 8 million potential consumer out there! Analysts only concern about the downsizing of revenue but they completely ignore TM yet to capture full potential of the market!


2018-07-11 16:49 | Report Abuse

And two months down the road, you know there's another 200 billion banana skin that you can't avoid at all!


2018-07-11 16:48 | Report Abuse

It's like the moment you stand up and walk again, another banana skin slip on your feet!


2018-07-11 16:47 | Report Abuse

And what worse is, markets don't recover at all! It just lay there fall on the ground!


2018-07-11 16:46 | Report Abuse

Nowadays, the knee jerk reaction is really super severe! It's like falling down on banana skin! You flip like 180 degree landing on your head!


2018-07-11 16:21 | Report Abuse

It's pointless to feel optimist about Malaysia! Mahathir factor is now the biggest fear among foreign funds and investors! The moment they hear Mahathir's name, they head for the exit door!
This week, i see flow of long term funds going out as well! This is a serious sign! This means, foreign funds have no interest in Malaysia!


2018-07-11 15:14 | Report Abuse

Mahathir thinks his 'tuan melayu' still the best card to play! But i guess like his Proton 2.0, majority muslims no longer interested to be bait with race and religion card!
The majority muslims have move on! They see PKR and PAS as more to their liking!
The reason is simply! For donkey years, UMNO only create corrupt system that serve interest of warlords and royals! In the end, majority muslims remain stagnant! And slowly, party like PKR develop malays who are reliant! And majority muslims moving towards reliant culture!
So don't expect PPBM to attract UMNO members to join them anytime soon! Most would probably be heading to PKR and PAS! Who wants to be associated with corruption and PPBM is certainly going to be another UMNO which promote corruption to the core!


2018-07-11 15:09 | Report Abuse

Updown! Yup! So the panic today is just knee jerk reaction! But bare in mind, Donald Trump already said that this is just the beginning! So 25% across board may materialize!

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2018-07-11 14:58 | Report Abuse

Posted by albert787378 > Jul 11, 2018 02:56 PM | Report Abuse

China can do more .ask Chinese to boycott kfc ,starbuck you name it.

Answer : Open more Line Clear Mamak shop in China! Soon alot of chinese will be as fat as malaysians!


2018-07-11 14:51 | Report Abuse

During Obama times, China play US so bad, they treat Obama like dirt! China even gave public snub to Obama because they think US was very weak and lame! Today, China face their greatest opponent! Donald don't give face to China! That's why China willing to spend billions to mainstream media and US lobbyists to fight Donald Trump! It's just huge ego thingy that China so used to getting away! Not anymore!

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2018-07-11 14:44 | Report Abuse

Posted by albert787378 > Jul 11, 2018 02:41 PM | Report Abuse

China can easily harass American companies based in China as trump did to ZTE .

Answer : China already harass US companies for decade! Google, Youtube, Wassap and so forth are banned in China! That's just a small example!


2018-07-11 14:43 | Report Abuse

Once upon a time, Japan was so great we really thought Japan would take over the world! But then, Japan can't compete with China in term of cost and price!
Today, Japan has lost out! Today we anticipate China to take over the world! China is so wealthy now, even Xi has super expensive hobby of militarization the whole world! Well, once half trillion tariff kicks in, i doubt think China has enough money to keep that little island in South China Sea! Hence drastic scale down of it's military bases around the world!
Eventually, China will blink and they will have to compete with new competitors from Latin America, Indonesia, Phillipines and so forth because they are cheaper! For MNCs, it's all about cost! And China is getting expensive, with tariff, China is just too expensive!
So don't believe those well paid mainsteam media! They are only doing what they are paid for!

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2018-07-11 14:30 | Report Abuse

If all half trillion are tariff, then MNCs have no choice but to close shop in China and shift back to US or other countries! Then China glorious days are goner! China soon become another stagnant economy like Malaysia! Or probably, Latin America will boom because the same MNCs shift their operation closer to home!

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2018-07-11 14:28 | Report Abuse

Posted by trendplayer > Jul 11, 2018 02:25 PM | Report Abuse

what happen 2 those co. from US in China, what they sell back to US would b very expensive, n thrump would hurt his own ppl.. they will turn n hate him instead.. at n end what will happen, wait 2b seen..

Answer : No, this MNCs only going for the mega profit! It won't hurt americans because they don't create value and jobs for americans! Which is exactly what happen to Malaysia after US MNCs close shop here and shift to China decade ago!

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2018-07-11 14:17 | Report Abuse

But the thing is China so wealthy now that they can afford to spend billions to pay mainstream media and US lobbiysts to spread fake news as if the whole world will go down! So ignore the mainstream news, mostly fake news! That's why you need to listen from neutral well informed alternative news!

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2018-07-11 14:15 | Report Abuse

Most of the impact on other Asean countries are superficial! In fact most benefit tremendously as US will look for alternatives! Before China rise, most of goods imported by US came from Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam! Today, almost 90% comes from China! Asean has been losing out for decade now!

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2018-07-11 14:11 | Report Abuse

Eventually China will gives in! Beside, the additional 10% tariff on 200 billion is not as severe as the first 25% tariff! Then again, this is only the beginning! Donald can increase further if China doesn't blink!

News & Blogs

2018-07-11 14:07 | Report Abuse

China has imposed 25% tariff on US goods for decade now!


2018-07-11 01:41 | Report Abuse

Let's take real truth here! While some still getting high on new Malaysia euphoria, the truth is cronies and buddies of Pakatan leaders are extreme fast moving in to corner the instant wealth which UMNO warlords enjoyed for over 60 years!
Already there's a long que line of cronies and buddies demanding to be rewarded! Some what high pay GLCs position, some wants high play government posts! Others just want to make few millions per projects! There's of course want position and power! Welcome to the real game politicians play!
Now, past 100 days, you should hear plenty of excuses for not fulfilling Pakatan promises! Eventually, things will be back to the same corrupt ways! And reform agenda buried, remain another fantasy of once alliance that told us they are better and corrupt free!


2018-07-10 23:48 | Report Abuse

Well, rumour said that Senior Lim to be made speaker of Dewan! Actually i fully support such idea!
This will be good for him! Rather than hear him talk nonsense through his many articles!
By making Senior Lim speaker, at least he will be taken serious! I don't care about race or religion! We want to see whether Senior Lim got what it takes to handle high profile position!

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2018-07-10 22:57 | Report Abuse

If LGE suspected serious poor management or leakage, the best people to know are the auditors! Come on, don't tell me, LGE dont even know his ministry has tons of competent staff to do it!

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2018-07-10 22:55 | Report Abuse

You cannot simply go to media and try to be hero! I have said many times, don't try the hero thingy! One of this day, LGE is going to be fry by rakyat!

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2018-07-10 22:54 | Report Abuse

What LGE should have done is to send team of auditors to check why LRT3 cost so much! Then pass to MACC if element of corruption detected! Do i have to teach our MOF how to handle things!

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2018-07-10 20:49 | Report Abuse

Posted by peterchu > Jul 10, 2018 08:32 PM | Report Abuse

tom, thats why 1 billion cash is found in the x MOF house

Answer : Back in Penang, we have underwater tunnel that will never be built! This LGE and Najib came from same crook club!

News & Blogs

2018-07-10 20:31 | Report Abuse

And as usually, bursa will turn red tomorrow! The magic of LGE mouth is legendary by now!


2018-07-10 20:29 | Report Abuse

Maybe we just enjoy 2 day technical rebound! Going forward, there's nothing much to be positive really!
More so that our current government seems blur about direction they want to take Malaysia!
For the first time in years, i somewhat giving up on Malaysia! Before some of you shot that this is new Malaysia, you guys better wise up! Don't fall for old wine new bottle with new brand! This tactic has been recycle for years now!
In terms of trades, Malaysia is losing out! Investors care about making profit! And they are scare of Mahathir! This factor alone can damper any positiveness!
I am just watching and monitoring! It's best to stay cash!

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2018-07-10 16:13 | Report Abuse

Najib is a crook no doubt! And he inherit a corrupt UMNO which made him easier to do corruption! But bare in mind, it's Mahathir who architect this system! Until Mahathir steps down, i don't see hope at all! As for LGE, he is now like the father, door mat for Mahathir!

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2018-07-10 16:04 | Report Abuse

egearcentral! I know one businessman who is extremely smart! He operates wantan mee hawker stall! But he 12 dozen of them! And growing! What he does different is that he use central kitchen! And other hawkers will get their broth from him! And i tell you, the taste of his food is much better than those who operate alone! This is something LGE need to learn! Don't try to be a hero! Just be smart!

News & Blogs

2018-07-10 15:50 | Report Abuse

Everytime LGE opens his mouth, bursa turn red! It's very telling how foreign funds think of him!

News & Blogs

2018-07-10 15:44 | Report Abuse

UMNO and PPBM promote corruption! Mahathir simply ignore the fact that he architect corruption system of warlords in UMNO and now PPBM!


2018-07-10 15:42 | Report Abuse

Now, i get it with PAS! Their supporters are very resilient! They are self reliance! In fact i still can't believe to see how prosperous Kelantan people are despite poor infrastructure! Kelantan people have develop strong self reliance culture that now spreading to Terreganu!
PKR also has a unique character! Under PKR, Selangor continue to be Malaysia richest state! Whatever Azmin did, it seems to get full support from selangorians! The result of GE14 is clear of that!
As for PPBM, it is nothing but the same old same corrupt practice! It's the same corruption culture that Mahathir perfected in UMNO! In fact UMNO is Mahathir creation! Najib only inherit a very corrupted system that eventually whoever becomes the president will surely be corrupted!
Likewise, PPBM is no hope! You are look at the same old wine in new bottle! Once Mahathir is gone, you have Mohiden who is as corrupted as Najib was! And PPBM already suffer from demanding corrupt warlords on it's own!
In the end, majority muslims will be looking at PKR or PAS! Because this parties teaches them to be self reliance! The culture of dependency no longer serve it's purpose because it comes with heavy price of corruption!

News & Blogs

2018-07-10 15:33 | Report Abuse

Would Mahathir and family declare their 100 billion loot!


2018-07-10 15:28 | Report Abuse

Well, Mr Teh has been right in this bearish market! I am helping him promote his bleak outlook! No point to hear my view because i would be wrong anyway!

News & Blogs

2018-07-10 15:26 | Report Abuse

Posted by J For Janice > Jul 10, 2018 03:24 PM | Report Abuse

i know beggars want money,but i dont know what this oldman want,i am sure singaporean dont know either!

Answer : We all know what Mahathir wants! He wants Singapore and the rest of the world leaders worship him so he can shiok himself and brag how good he is! Mahathir said even americans want him to be president!

News & Blogs

2018-07-10 14:38 | Report Abuse

Hihihaha! Senior Lim got Negaraku wrong! It's 'rakyat hidup bersatu dan maju' not ' rakyat hidup bersama dan maju'!


2018-07-10 14:29 | Report Abuse

Very chunning of Geely! Immediately go for Asean Car JV concept with Indonesia! But of late Proton seems to improve under Geely just like what they did with Volvo! I won't be surprise Proton will rise again if Geely expedite introduction of electric cars!


2018-07-10 14:20 | Report Abuse

No sooner after getting sworn in as ministers, our dear Pakatan leaders already acting like little napoleons! They are bringing in their buddies and giving them super high pay jobs!
So basically after sacking 17k Najib appointees, we are now getting 17k Pakatan appointess! There goes our reform agenda!
Pakatan is very fast turning into gravy train and it's very obvious! And what is most obvious is how PPBM has suddenly has corrupted warlords that are demanding projects after projects!

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2018-07-10 14:09 | Report Abuse

Bolehland standard! Always too late but tons of drama at home! Macau so small also can't find Jho Low!

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2018-07-10 14:07 | Report Abuse

But Mahathir is the original MO1! Ho to have clean government when he himself is dirty!

News & Blogs

2018-07-09 22:26 | Report Abuse

Bringing down the price of broadband is a big time! Malaysia yet to see cashless culture because in China, the broadband price so low, they hardly notice it! Once you make access to internet cheap, the multiply effect will be mind boggling! One must accept that cheap broadband like roads, if you have plenty of roads, plenty of areas will be developed! I think Herbert is missing out the whole point!


2018-07-09 21:48 | Report Abuse

I am sure Mr Teh will tell you guys to sell on strength tomorrow morning! And i am sure he will organise emeeting telling you the worse is yet to come!


2018-07-09 21:42 | Report Abuse

Mahathir may not realize it but his influence is actually dwindling! Like UMNO and royal institution, malays no longer regard Mahathir like they use to!
Strangely, it's local chinese who were celebration his return! This is because, it was only Mahathir and him alone who for a brief period in Malaysia history, we experience multiracial harmony!
At last, those days will never come back again! Even if Mahathir try to use the same playbook, the relationship among races are very poor! We can't even agree on one common language!
So to those who still believe that the good old days will see the light of day to continue dreaming! Because at 92, we really don't know how long Mahathir will be around!
And his tactics no longer suitable for this era! PPBM seems certain to sink the day Mahathir is gone! The truth is, malays no longer see racist party like Amanah, PPBM, or UMNO viable for them! Only PKR and PAS still serve malays!


2018-07-09 20:31 | Report Abuse

Nowadays i listen to Mr Teh! So if you see your stock turn green tomorrow, sell! Don't look back! Stay cash!


2018-07-09 18:15 | Report Abuse

I happened to drop by and check Proton cars in their showroom near my house! And i tell you, the quality has drastically improve! And the price actually drop! At like double the quality half the price!
So no wonder Proton sales suddenly shot up lately! Those who lost hope on Proton may change their mind with what Geely has done!
I think Proton may see revival if Geely able to offer appealing model in the future!


2018-07-09 18:04 | Report Abuse

Been a multiracial party, at first, i also didn't expect majority muslims to view PKR as they core party!
But apparently after GE14, i see quite big number of UMNO members joining PKR!
Based on their feedback, they view Anwar and Wan Azizah team as the most credible figure compare to PPBM and UMNO! The massive corruption in UMNO are turning their members off big time! And given PPBM shaky ground and similar corrupted warlords problem, most ex UMNO members are making a bee line towards PKR!
This is something i totally didn't anticipate! But i think, the reform agenda and assurance that PKR represent an islamic yet more multiracial openness appeal towards the moderate majority muslims!
Maybe come GE15, PKR will be the biggest block party in Malaysia!
This is perhaps what Khairy was wishing for in new UMNO!

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2018-07-09 17:58 | Report Abuse

Posted by qqq3 > Jul 9, 2018 05:48 PM | Report Abuse

Siddi is Mahathir blue eye boy...

also the secret weapon in GE 14.....

Answer : Once Mahathir gone, PPBM also goner! The 'tuan melayu' doesn't attract malays anymore! Nowadays malays shift to PKR because Anwar and Wan Azizah seen as more islamic!