
ks5555 | Joined since 2018-06-28

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2018-07-09 17:28 | Report Abuse

The world is laughing at us! We voted for 92 year old kleocrpat just to get corrupted Najib kick out!

News & Blogs

2018-07-09 17:25 | Report Abuse

Nowadays, most of the remaining 'tuan melayu' are corrupted warlords either in UMNO or PPBM! But PPBM warlords are more corrupted because the top guys like Mahathir and Mohiden are the first generation kleocprat!

News & Blogs

2018-07-09 17:23 | Report Abuse

UMNO goner! 'Tuan melayu' goner! BTN goner!

News & Blogs

2018-07-09 17:22 | Report Abuse

Malaysia has too little voters! So reducing voter age is one way to increase the number!


2018-07-09 17:20 | Report Abuse

Just like what Mr Teh will advise you too!


2018-07-09 17:03 | Report Abuse

Today bursa stage a mild rebound! But given the weak undertone, this could be sell on strength momentum!
So far i don't see good trading opportunity! Best to sell you stocks!


2018-07-09 17:01 | Report Abuse

Come on! We all know that MCA wants chinese schools to produce it's future voters! That's the whole purpose of vernakular schools to begin with!
And UMNO tried to copy it by using national schools to produce UMNO voters!
In the end both UMNO and MCA fail! You can't produce fixed voters!
It's about time for professionals to formula single stream national schools charter fro multiracial malaysians!
If Pakatan fail to act now, we are going to face a very chaotic divided malaysians in foreseeable future!
In fact we already see how some of our politicians can't even speak Bahasa! We have AG who fail to master our very own language of the land! It's very shameful to say the least!
Insisting using English, which is act of elitism as perhaps only 20% can comprehend, you guys are creating unnecessary polemic!
It's time to face the reality! We don't even have common language to begin with!


2018-07-09 16:54 | Report Abuse

That's exactly what Mahathir wants with Khazanah! Khazanah has been very profitable for the past decade! And now Mahathir wants Khazanah to bailout his cronies!
So where is the changed Mahathir that bolehlanders have been talking about!

News & Blogs

2018-07-09 13:44 | Report Abuse

There goes Mahathir the spin doctor! Already on his anti US remarks! Won't be surprise he will bring his anti Israel and anti Jews views soon! Haiz, when Mahathir talks about corruption, he is actually setting up projects fro his cronies!

News & Blogs

2018-07-09 12:50 | Report Abuse

Finally this time i support LGE for been firm with Singapore water agreement! It's about time to stand up with that bugger habit of looking for gaduh!

News & Blogs

2018-07-09 12:49 | Report Abuse

Mahathir only interested to gaduh with Singapore! Also want to gaduh with Israel, Saudi, USA and Australia! In the end, Mahathir only shiok with himself! Just look at Anwar, this two months busy accepting invitations from other world leaders, eager to network with him! Difference between world leader and kampong leader!


2018-07-09 12:25 | Report Abuse

To traders, don't try and catch knifes!

News & Blogs

2018-07-09 06:26 | Report Abuse

As for Herbert, he is strong supporter of Mahathir! Mahathir make sure everything is overpriced, then brainwash rakyat to be grateful for the peaceful overpriced things that his cronies have created! ECRL which was only 55 billion suddenly become 81 billion under Mahathir and demand to see President Xi to reduce it to 70 billion! Of course rakyat will be jumping up and down worshipping Mahathir and ever grateful because now bolehlanders will get overpriced ECRL ticket to balik kampong! And once ECRL go bust just like everything that Mahathir touched, rakyat of course will be helping him to bail it out! Mahathir favorite song was 'I did it my way' but rakyat force favorite is,'When will we ever learn'!

News & Blogs

2018-07-09 06:21 | Report Abuse

Malaysians are world best whiners and complainers! Then again our politicians are also among most corrupted! Before you say Pakatan leaders are saints, obviously you are living in Bolehland! Only 2 months already PPBM are full of warlords, Amanah too begin to feel the tons of easy money! DAP suddenly gets tons of VVIP queing for contracts! As for PKR, only Azmin camp are laughing all the way to the banks! Only Anwar and family remain in dark and continue their fruitless reform agenda! And the funniest of all is, our dear Mahathir who plundered over 100 billion and create 4 billionaire sons, wants rakyat to be extremely hard working like japanese to produce Proton 2.0 which will be overpriced thanks to 30% profit policy for cronies!

News & Blogs

2018-07-08 20:58 | Report Abuse

The key to going cashless is QR code! We yet to see retailers adopting QR code! So far online shopping are booming here! In fact Malaysia is among highest online shoppers! So yes, we already in cashless stage except not yet on retail side!

News & Blogs

2018-07-08 20:17 | Report Abuse

Very silly dude! Cashless means transaction without using cash! And China has been doing this for years! And this dude go on talking about credit card, completely difference issue altogether!


2018-07-08 17:41 | Report Abuse

And to EPF, PNB, Tabung Haji savers out there, be prepared to get low returns this year! Don't place too much hope this round! Pakatan leaders nowadays too busy plundering and already forgotten about reform agenda or how to bring our economy into competitive level! Sad!


2018-07-08 17:39 | Report Abuse

Since we have Tabung Harapan, may as well open Tabung kecewa to donate to bursa!


2018-07-08 17:38 | Report Abuse

Not only UMNO BN died on 9th May! Our bursa also most probably buried too! Just that we were in delusional that Pakatan will bring hope or harapan! No harapan so far! So far only kecewa! That's what my malay friend told me!
So, if you think for the past 2 months, bursa only brought you kecewa! Then fear not, i think 90% including Mr Koon are not making money!
Which bring us to the tough question, should we try to have hope! I can't answer that! I guess even the general mood among rakyat is quietly turning into kecewa as well!


2018-07-08 17:26 | Report Abuse

Even a technical rebound fail to materialize! I guess it's hedge funds playground nowadays! The only way to make money is to short! Then again, i completely missout this round! If i had short futures, i would be laughing all the way to the bank!

News & Blogs

2018-07-08 16:50 | Report Abuse

Even his own son too stingy to donate to Tabung Najib! So far only 200k!

News & Blogs

2018-07-08 16:17 | Report Abuse

Posted by DreamConqueror > Jul 8, 2018 04:16 PM | Report Abuse

But if you hv not really tasted the widest range & variety of grapes, then you can't call yourself an expert grape taste

Answer : Actually i am more of mango guy!


2018-07-08 16:16 | Report Abuse

Apparently, those UMNO warlords who are keen to jump ship found that PPBM is not easy gravy train!
Some already discover that PPBM actually already has it's own chain of warlords!
So basically PPBM is already as corrupted as UMNO itself! And it seems, Mahathir is now keen of uniting Amanah with PPBM! No wonder most of Amanah warlords were given ministerial posts!
So now UMNO warlords are shifting their sight on PKR! Maybe because they think once Anwar takes over, they will be rewarded!

News & Blogs

2018-07-08 16:12 | Report Abuse

Decision is yours! No one stopping you! If you like sour grape, it's your problem! Plenty of sweet grapes which better in every way!

News & Blogs

2018-07-08 15:54 | Report Abuse

Posted by Lyo82 > Jul 8, 2018 03:47 PM | Report Abuse

Wow.. even guys like Nazifudin knows how to appreciate Tawainese sweetie... at least he got good taste on woman.

Answer : Sweetie! She's expired! There's plenty of single pretty iban girls below 24 looking for hubby here in Johor! Unless you like rotten ones who can't stay with one man!

News & Blogs

2018-07-07 22:31 | Report Abuse

Posted by Banana John > Jul 7, 2018 10:25 PM | Report Abuse

hahaha... big small river.
calvin brother?

Answer : Calvin with his fake optimism! Holland king all the way! And of course we have Norway king! Bring negativity, cut loss advocate! Cheering in bear market!


2018-07-07 21:47 | Report Abuse

Posted by Livermore > Jul 7, 2018 09:41 PM | Report Abuse

give big mouth lim time...he still not get use to it as finance minister... believe he will well perform, of

Answer : Do you notice he only like to be seen dress in black blazer day in day out! Is Malaysia that cold!


2018-07-07 21:34 | Report Abuse

Well actually Zakar Naik was well loved by Najib! But the love for two indians really took off! Zakar Naik is now Mahathir best buddy! Something never change in Bolehland!

News & Blogs

2018-07-07 21:31 | Report Abuse

Posted by hollandking > Jul 7, 2018 09:23 PM | Report Abuse

keep up the good work, sifu cpteh, u r the best

Answer : Oh yes! He is so shiok at the moment! Guess not making money is his core strength!


2018-07-07 21:30 | Report Abuse

Well, this show how well love Najib is among his warlords! Only 90k from target of 1 million! Guess it's true, UMNO warlords may be getting billions but in the end, they are stingy!

News & Blogs

2018-07-07 21:06 | Report Abuse

No comment! Been the most hated in i3 and trying to add salt to wounded players certainly invite more insults! Learn to be wise! There's nothing to gain!

News & Blogs

2018-07-07 18:51 | Report Abuse

Just changing from Najib cronies to Daim cronies! What, you think Mahathir honestly want to help rakyat! You must be so naive! What makes you think GLCs in Malaysia offer cheap but high quality services! Take TM for example, they can afford to offer cheap internet but too much cronies to feed! Same goes to Tenaga and so forth! In short, there's no reform on GLCs!


2018-07-07 17:09 | Report Abuse

How long can Pakatan use Najib as their bogeyman! UMNO BN is dead! Beating dead horse will not get rakyat excited! Cost of living continues to remain high! Employment prospects low! Business are not thriving! Just look at the latest QRs! 80% are in red! Instead we are feed with daily nonsense of witch hunts and vengeance! So where is the reform you guys promise! Why PM continue to play dictatorship! PM continue to hold absolute power! Even AG must report to PM first! Unacceptable!


2018-07-07 16:50 | Report Abuse

Not yet 100 days but the euphoria completely goner! Harapan stands for hope, yet very few feel there's hope in the air!
Ringgit continue to plummet despite oil price at one of best prices since 2014!
The once 'i am not chinese, i am malaysian' mantra completely goner the moment LGE insist on using mandarin as official language! This polemic could have been avoided if only LGE explain that it's was just an translation of official statement from Bahasa! Easy issue that turn into unnecessary polemic! A disaster in PR!
No sooner did everybody started to get the feeling that the old Mahathir was back when he wants to jumpstart Proton 2.0! Well, to be honest, i would love to see Proton 2.0 and start chucking out it's cars for bolehlanders! I am sure it will turn into epic failure and need to be bailout! It will surely reduce Mahathir to bogeyman that we used to know!
Judging from current performance, Pakatan leaders so far has been a disappointment! They know most of their promises will never be come to fruition! And worse, we are starting to see how Pakatan is turning into another gravy train like UMNO BN! And maybe few years down the road, we may see arrogant ministers telling rakyat to shut up! Before long, the reform agenda was just that! A pipe dream!
Please prove me wrong!


2018-07-07 16:05 | Report Abuse

You know, if Pakatan is smart, they should bring development to Kelantan and Terraganu as fast as possible! PAS weakness is development! Just look at Selangor, PAS can't compete in urban setting!


2018-07-07 16:04 | Report Abuse

Amanah got only like dozen of parlimentary seats! PPBM the new UMNO 2.0 also fail to make the cut!
What really shocking is that party that cherish multiracial like PKR now getting the bulk of voters! I was actually surprise to see PKR becoming dominant party in Pakatan! Me and son joined PKR few years ago! I was with DAP for over 30 years! It was my son who ask me to join with him! And i am glad!
Going forward, if PKR continues to play moderate and reform agenda as it's theme, i believe PKR will become the sole biggest party in peninsula!
As for racist parties like UMNO, Amanah, PBBM, MCA, MIC and so forth, i doubt think they will be able to gain much traction! Except for PAS! If PAS able drop it's H card, then it may attract UMNO members to it's fold!
As for PPBM, The only pull factor is Mahathir! And at his age, we really don't know how long he will be around! Once Mahathir is gone, PPBM will be a goner for sure!
At the moment DAP and Amanah try to play two parties but in reality they are one! And this strategy actually play out very well as they got bulk of the ministry posts! But for how long!

News & Blogs

2018-07-07 14:52 | Report Abuse

What! MAS was great! Come on, Mahathir has driven MAS down few times and had to be bailout like twice! Let Malindo take over MAS place! In fact Malindo kept KLIA1 operational for years now!


2018-07-07 14:14 | Report Abuse

Well, they say ignorant can wreck havoc on those who are not well informed!
Actually, a full blown tariff will dent around 1% of China GDP! Which means, China will have to rely on it's own domestic consumption to take up the slack! With almost 2 billion population, only China itself would be world 2nd 16 trillion economy!
In short, hedge funds have succeeded in playing the fear factor to the max!
The rounds of tariff made by Donald Trump is a tool of negotiation! This is way we must understand first! What the mainstrem media have been playing is all but fake news! So you must listen to selected non mainstream which actually explain the facts from tall tales!
As for US, they are biggest winner! Tariff from China alone brings in 100 billion for US coffer! Jobs are created internally as more US based factories will shift back to homeland! Since Donald is anti union leader, there's already sign that those shifting back will see non union workers filling in new jobs!
Basically, this tariff is extremely beneficially for US! It's up to China to engage in fair trade and respect IP rights of other countries!

News & Blogs

2018-07-07 13:56 | Report Abuse

Silly game! Even old bugger Mahathir wants to play anti Saudi over 2.6 billion! Just proof that it came from 1MDB! Tons of paper trails which can be proven in court of law! As for Zeti, with such a huge amount, she is bound to raise red flag in the first place! If she said she didn't know then most probably she is imcompetent! As governor of the day, she should be the first to know! There's no two way about it!

News & Blogs

2018-07-06 21:15 | Report Abuse

Honestly i think Najib is just a crook and should never have been part of the government! But he at least did the right thing by abolishing ISA! And why should we believe Mahathir! It's high time to remove him!

News & Blogs

2018-07-06 21:13 | Report Abuse

Najib handover peacefully to Pakatan! And all this Mahathir is doing is create so much polemic for his own gains! Pakatan leaders should grow some spine and kick the oldman become he bring whole Malaysia to the ground!


2018-07-06 18:37 | Report Abuse

For China, it means, they cannot play with US anymore! Gone are the days of military supremacy! China will have to downsize or completely abandon military bases around the world, it's super expensive hobby! I think that's the only casualty of this trade war!


2018-07-06 18:36 | Report Abuse

Will the US tariff cause global recession! Not really! It just that hedge funds are making a killing at the moment! Of course this opportunity will be played out to the max!
Once this usd50 billon tariff are fully implement, a month later things will go back to normal! Just a mall part of half a trillon export!
Beside, US is getting some revenue from tariff! If all half a trillion are levied, this means about 100 billion for US government! This comes from China alone! Not yet include EU, Canada and Mexico! Overall it's good for America! Hey, everybody have wall of tariff against US for decade now!
At the moment, the irrational pessimism is playing out at it's max! Wait for a month or so, everybody wil forget about it!

News & Blogs

2018-07-06 18:07 | Report Abuse

Mahathir set 1MDB taskforce which is unconstitutional! And this task force giving advise to AG! Same with Council of Elders which is illegal and should not directly intervene! Yes, too much political intervention at this point!

News & Blogs

2018-07-06 18:05 | Report Abuse

What a load of BS! AG still under PM! Until AG and all top official under parliment, we don't believe what Mahathir says!

News & Blogs

2018-07-06 18:04 | Report Abuse

Senior Lim talking nonsense again! Wasn't he the one agree to appoint 92 year old to be PM again!


2018-07-06 17:28 | Report Abuse

Guys! Based on today closing, i must say things are bleak!

News & Blogs

2018-07-06 17:27 | Report Abuse

Just look at her! 34 pretending to be teen! She must be dating like dozen men a week! Becoming like public bus! What wants such trashy old lady!

News & Blogs

2018-07-06 17:12 | Report Abuse

Doesn't really matter what Mahathir is spinning nowadays! Foreign funds are selling their long term stocks! This is the ultimate sign that foreign funds will abandon Malaysia! There's must be showing very wrong and there's possibly they know something! Like i said, recession is on the horizon!


2018-07-06 17:10 | Report Abuse

Bursa shocking 26 points down today! Foreign funds continue to sell their holdings, even long term ones!
This shows that foreign funds are snubbing Mahathir administration!
Sad to say Malaysia will be gong backward! No prospect! Zero!