
ks55 | Joined since 2014-06-09

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2020-01-05 11:22 | Report Abuse

When did Jaks pay dividend?
Never before!
Directors self-enrichment scheme perhaps.
Just like HYR, even when it made 5 ringgit or 10 ringgit a share, you think you can get peanut from the Chinaman?
What more Jaks is only has 30% of Vietnam power project, Chinaman can simply ask Andy Ang to go fly kite. What can Andy do? Nothing man!
Chinaman has history as how to manipulate accounts, and to cheat on Malaysian Partners.
Jaks is no exception!


Dec 31, 2017 9:31 PM | Report Abuse

When did Hengyuan pay dividend for the last time? 2013?
When do you expect Hengyuan to pay dividend again? 2023?

Like all Red Chips, if you still think Hengyuan is making 5 ringgit or 10 ringgit a year, and expect windfall dividend, you might as well wait for Xinquan to declare a 10 sen dividend.

Sama-sama lah, all are red chips.

Don't believe, check CAP, Maxwell, CSL, Xinquan, Xinghe, Kanger, CNOuhua, all were PE 1.5x, and all cannot afford to pay dividend.

Later on fire will break out in their factories/ refinery.

Be careful, when major shareholders start to unload, it will be like Maxwell owner selling her share at 2 sen..........


2020-01-03 20:17 | Report Abuse

Only newbies will come to i3 to question others why this, why that.
Try to find fault?
You don't owe me any favour, likewise I am not owing you any explanation.

If you have done your homework, you need not scare what others have to say.

Promoters only want people from same camp to reinforce their belief.
They are not here to seek your opinion if yours differ from theirs.

And I am not talking to any promoters, they always think I want to sabotage their position.

News & Blogs

2020-01-03 17:30 | Report Abuse

There are so many promoters with dozens of article praising Jaks non stop.
They already formed their own opinion and keep blind eyes and start to attack others not in their camp.

Why are they so scare?
Aren't they have made in depth analysis?
Why still need to ask TPs of others?
TPs of the Share Brokers readily available but they choose to ignore?

If I say my TP is 5 ringgit, all the promoters will cheer sky high.
If I say TP is 50 sen, seems like they wanted to condemn me to hell.

Go back to Hengyuen on 31 Dec 2017, those same promoters are again here promoting non stop, with the intention to brain wash newbies.


Dec 31, 2019 3:05 PM | Report Abuse

Posted by ks55 > Dec 31, 2017 9:29 PM | Report Abuse X

Why am I here?

I hate to see idiots promoting Hengyuan day and night non-stop.

Already gone overboard.

Just syiok-syiok sendiri.

Always think of the positive side.

Never want to pay attention to the negative aspects.

Try to lure ignorant newbies without giving due caution to the potential risk.

Promoters are not promoting a decent stock with decent price with good faith.........ALL IN ALL, THEY ARE HERE TO CON YOU..................


The above posting was on 31 Dec 2017, when promoters like musang, KYY, and many more promoting Heng Yuan day and night non stop.

What lah crack spread, what lah profit 10 ringgit per share, what lah TP 50 ringgit, and all those sifu already took flight and left behind newbies licking their wounds, including highly educated personality like sslee.

Don't blame others if you think Jaks is good buy at 1.28
Think how much is Jaks upward potential
Think if there is another KYY to buy up 32% of Jaks share, and what is the potential of Jaks hit 1.80 again, and what is the profit in terms of percentage.
Not to forget the risk of losing your capital.

I am not here to discourage you to buy Jaks, but to remind you there are so many alternatives, if you are holding the principle for Rule 1, not losing money. AND Rule 2 to follow Rule 1.


2020-01-03 17:03 | Report Abuse

Quality of certain character really make me sick!
Just wondering how are they going to teach their children good values...


2020-01-03 16:55 | Report Abuse

Who is my partner?
I don't like cunning fox for sure!


2020-01-03 16:51 | Report Abuse

What's wrong to cut paste?
I am not interested to see what other has posted before 31 Dec 2019.
I do not want to be influence by what they wrote
I speak my mind
I form my own opinion
I got interested in Jaks only after I read Jaks was withdrawing its appeal, and prepared to pay penalty of 50 million to Star.


2020-01-03 16:48 | Report Abuse

Sorry, I came to this forum only on 31 Dec 2019.
I may not know who are the promoters before that.


2020-01-03 16:42 | Report Abuse

Let me know what is your average cost
Let me know what is your expected profit
I will be in better position to advice you how to maximize your profit and minimize your risk

TP is such an amateur question.
You want TP?
There are TPs ranging from 75 sen to 120 provided by Share Brokers.


2020-01-03 16:28 | Report Abuse

DK66, if you are sincere, I can let you know.


2020-01-03 16:18 | Report Abuse

TP for Jaks at 3.00?
That is what promoters crying for?

Find out what are better buy with the same price, and stand lower risk of losing money.
So call High Risk High Gain. So many punters may want to try their luck here.

Again I love kcchongnz preaching: BUY GOOD SHARE CHEAP.

Is Jaks at 1.25 cheap?
Is Jaks constitute good share?


2020-01-03 16:10 | Report Abuse

Broking firm has NO SINGLE CLIENT, NO SINGLE STOCK Policy since 1997.
I wonder that rule still apply?

How can sifu put all eggs in one basket?
You must be insane!


2020-01-03 16:07 | Report Abuse

I am waiting for the powerful force to surface, if any.
Surely I will rule out KYY to be active again in Jaks.

Perhaps Ma Chu You may come to the rescue?


2020-01-03 16:04 | Report Abuse

For a deal done, there must be a seller who think the price may fall.
There must also be a buyer who think share price may move up.

If there is a powerful operator, Newton's Law of Gravity may not apply for short period of time.
Just like powerful rocket propel space craft to the moon!

Japanese candle stick can cheat.
Volume may be a better indication.
Fred Tham's TVVA or momentum play for day trader may be more effective than 1000 days chart............


2020-01-03 15:29 | Report Abuse

If anyone is so confident, buy staggered at every 10 sen interval.
Surely you will get your average cost lower and lower.

Dollar-cost averaging is just one of the investing principle. Be flexible, need not follow 100%........


2020-01-03 15:26 | Report Abuse

My posting address to general public not to a particular target.
Some may have make big, if they buy low.
Some may be losing a fortune if they buy high.

Those who buy at high price should exercise basic investment principle.
Let profit runs, but remain vigilant to preserve your capital, cut loss when necessary.


2020-01-03 15:19 | Report Abuse

Most followers in this forum bought at 1.28 and above.
Is it good for them to exercise cut loss strategy>

I am not referring to those who bought at 50 sen.
Surely they will be laughing all the way to bank if they are selling now.

Are you the one who bought at 1.28?
You will just be the cushion for those who bought at price much lower than yours.

Preserve you capital if you still want to be relevant in stock market..........


2020-01-03 15:13 | Report Abuse

Get ready to cut loss, that is what I said.
What is that to cut loss at 1.25?
Belum lagi 8% lah.

Get ready with your cut loss strategy.
Some sifu may want to use local maxima as reference, i.e. 8% off 1.32, that is cut loss at 1.21
Some sifu may want to use purchase price, i.e. 8% off 1.28, so cut loss at 1.18

Some sifu may want to hold until Q1 result, then Q2 result, then after FY result.
Cut loss strategy is applicable when needed to suit one's requirement.

If they really have the confidence, need not cut loss.
Never heard of dollar-cost averaging?
When price fall further, it gives you opportunity to buy more
03/01/2020 2:45 PM


2020-01-03 15:03 | Report Abuse

You may have to consider a very serious proposition.
If no forceful driver, or operator you may like to call, do you think share price will move north?


Jan 2, 2020 4:18 PM | Report Abuse

No driver, no price mover how to go up?
If there is another KYY willing to put in his money to buy up 32% of Jaks, that may jack up its price but will never reach 1.80.
Insider like Merican ever ready to dump and pocket easy money from FREE shares awarded for their lousy job.

But is KYY willing to be involved again after bitter lesson?
Any fund managers willing to park money in Jaks?
If no investor with significance willing to bet on Jaks, Jaks can only ding-dong until all has lose interest.
May Day if share price falls to level that trigger margin calls, all pledged securities will be another KYY in making.
Do you expect them to support Jaks share price when margin call coming non stop?
Good to learn from lesson experienced by WC when meow-meow sinks one by one and WC has no more 神符


2020-01-03 14:57 | Report Abuse

Want to win, let's win big.
If need to lose, lose small.

Cut loss at 8%, your sifu didn't teach you meh?


2020-01-03 14:45 | Report Abuse

Get ready with your cut loss strategy.
Some sifu may want to use local maxima as reference, i.e. 8% off 1.32, that is cut loss at 1.21
Some sifu may want to use purchase price, i.e. 8% off 1.28, so cut loss at 1.18

Some sifu may want to hold until Q1 result, then Q2 result, then after FY result.
Cut loss strategy is applicable when needed to suit one's requirement.

If they really have the confidence, need not cut loss.
Never heard of dollar-cost averaging?
When price fall further, it gives you opportunity to buy more

News & Blogs

2020-01-02 20:50 | Report Abuse

His achievement for past 20 months?
I can't think of any other than as 'Black shoes Minister' and 'Jawi Minister'.

He has no fresh idea as how to improve Malaysian education system.
He has no idea how to make local university graduates to be more employable.
He has no idea how to create a pool of talent to be more competitive in IT era and e-commerce ecosystem.

He won't be super dumb if he knows where to look for leads.
We were at par with Singapore if not better 5 years ago in accelerator program in Tech Startups.
We are now lag behind even when compared with Indonesia.
Check with Tech In Asia (TIA) to find out who should be responsible........


2020-01-02 16:18 | Report Abuse

No driver, no price mover how to go up?
If there is another KYY willing to put in his money to buy up 32% of Jaks, that may jack up its price but will never reach 1.80.
Insider like Merican ever ready to dump and pocket easy money from FREE shares awarded for their lousy job.

But is KYY willing to be involved again after bitter lesson?
Any fund managers willing to park money in Jaks?
If no investor with significance willing to bet on Jaks, Jaks can only ding-dong until all has lose interest.
May Day if share price falls to level that trigger margin calls, all pledged securities will be another KYY in making.
Do you expect them to support Jaks share price when margin call coming non stop?
Good to learn from lesson experienced by WC when meow-meow sinks one by one and WC has no more 神符


2020-01-02 10:48 | Report Abuse

I never say kcchongnz commented in Jaks forum.
Read carefully.

I love what kcchongnz preaches:
1. Margin of safety
2. FCF
3. Profit margin


2020-01-02 10:46 | Report Abuse

If they misrepresenting facts with malice, you correct them.
What is that you fail to rebutt but choose to use vulgar words (or derogatory terminology) to seek a fight?
I believe you are well-mannered gentleman, please behave like one........


2020-01-02 10:37 | Report Abuse

Good to have the promoters view.
Fair to have naysayers provide their views too.
This is the adversarial system how legal system works, likewise share market works.
If everyone shares same view, who is going to sell?
Sellers do think Jaks not worth that price, so they sell.
Buyers think Jaks worth more, so they buy.

Adversarial system enables both sides to argue their case, the the judge will make final decision based on facts before him.
In this case, let Mr Market decides. Only different is fix the time frame.
Will one year time frame good enough?


2020-01-02 10:22 | Report Abuse

I love what kcchongnz preaches:
1. Margin of safety
2. FCF
3. Profit margin

and from myself:
1. Credibility and trustworthiness of Directors/ Major shareholders
2. Financial Strength of major shareholders

I need not explain what is Margin of Safety for Jaks. You analyse and come to a conclusion yourself.

As for FCF. Jaks generates any cash flow from its operating units? How does Jaks provide cash flow from its daily operation including millions paid to its directors every year? kcchong is definitely very good by one look at Jaks account and he will walk away.

Profit margin on its main revenue sources? What s the GROSS profit out of total Revenue? Again kcchongnz has quoted too many times why he will walk away from Sin Die (of course on receivables too).

Credibility and trustworthiness of Principal Officers managing Jaks, are you not paying any attention to how they were given millions share options (ESOS), then tens of millions of FREE shares, in addition to millions in Directors' fees? If he help Jaks to make hundreds of million profit every year like Genting, fair enough he should be rewarded accordingly. BUT when Evolve Mall is dead, Pacific Star not able to deliver VP, compensation paid to the Star, and Vietnam project yet to bring in single sen profit, he already think he deserves all the share given to him for free. Why is he so thick skin to demand all those free shares when company under his management still suffer losses due to his incompetency?

How strong is major share holders in terms of financial strength?
Read list of major share holder and you will know they are as strong as WC of the meow-meow group. That could be the reason why they are so hard up to demand for free shares at the expense of minority share holders.
If at all, Vietnam power project really making big money later on, won't be surprised they will find ways and means to enrich themselves further, before they will pass any left over to you......


2019-12-31 23:48 | Report Abuse

Post from a residential unit buyer : "Please add me in the group which I bought a unit since year 2012 and the developer promised to handover in 48 months. But looked at the photo and progress, seems worried"

Already more than 3.5 years delay, and VP still no where in sight.
Will it take another half year to obtain CCC? Then it will be 4 years behind time.

Take one example LAD incurred by Magnificent Prime in Bollwood Serviced Apartment, 650k apartment booked in 2012, delivered in 2017, Tribunal awarded 100k LAD. Finally settled with all buyers at 50k, or else developer prepared to declare bankrupt.

Now come back to Pacific Star residential units.
Someone claimed 90% sold, delayed 3.5 years to date, may be 4 years before VP finally delivered.
LAD per unit may be 200k to 300k.
You need not be an accountant to estimate what will be the LAD like.

And again what about the remaining 10%?
15% discount? 20% discount or 30% discount?
Can Jaks still make profit with 15% discount?
How much will be the loss if it is at 20% discount? 30% discount?

Bearing in mind, Jaks reputation as a responsible developer already in monsoon drain.
It is not easy to sell any property unless it is at hefty discount of 30 to 40%.

This post direct to general public, don't respond unless you are an idiot.........


2019-12-31 16:32 | Report Abuse

The moral story KYY wish to tell us:



2019-12-31 16:29 | Report Abuse

I concur with what KYY wrote this time.
Nobody can foresee what would Jaks profit may like, just like Indian power project by Mudajaya.

Everybody must follow KYY.
He exits Jaks year ago.
He knows power business inside out.
First he bought into Mudajaya because of Inida power project.
He lost a fortune there.
Then he bought into Jaks because of power also.
Again he lost another fortune.

Believe he must have swear no more power play.
Enough is enough regardless what other promoters have to say.

Do you think you are smarter than the superinvestor like KYY?
Do you think KYY can smell anything when you are able to smell?
Jaks would go back to 1.80 without driver like KYY.
Who else can buy up to 32% of Jaks if not KYY?
Even with 32% stake, he was not able to drive Jaks higher.

Now Evolve mall is dead.
Now Jaks pays 50m plus interest.
Now Jaks is facing LAD from residential unit buyers with VP not in sight (could be abandon?)
Now profit from Vietnam power project is nothing but only on paper.

Now you tell me is it worth the risk to put your money in Jaks.
Not to forget Andy Ang and other Directors got tens of million of FREE Jaks shares on top of their million dollar Directors' fees every year.


2019-12-31 15:54 | Report Abuse

Have you achieve financial independence?
Some may have, but people like Musang and Mr Probability may not.

They still have to struggle to look for their children's education fund.

Wish them good luck.........


2019-12-31 15:51 | Report Abuse

For Pensioners like you and me:
No harm taking small portion of your cash to polish up your trading skill at the same time making some pocket money. I always believe 買股是為了增加生活情趣, 小賭怡情, 大賭傷身


2019-12-31 15:48 | Report Abuse

Do you think I need to make money from stock market to live?
Simply too naive people like musang and 'probability'.

Market crash or not will not affect me in any circumstances, not like you all still have to struggle.


2019-12-31 15:38 | Report Abuse

As what I have mentioned, not just the Musang is an idiot, so called Mr Probability is also a big idiot.
Can't you just mind your own business?
Write what you think is right!


2019-12-31 15:35 | Report Abuse

You know the meaning of opportunity cost?
If you buy A, you will have to forgo buying B.

Buying share is just to weigh balance of probability, say probability of making 30% ( within certain time frame), that is the expected gain.

Calculate to buy A or to buy B with expected gain, which one stand better chance.


2019-12-31 15:27 | Report Abuse

My postings do not direct to any particular person.
I am addressing to general public in the forum.
Don't be an idiot trying to find fault with me.
Just remember, if you wish to post any comment, address it in general.

I am not your father.
You post what you think is right.
I post what is in my mind.

You take care of your business.
I take care of mine.

Do you understand, Musangking?


2019-12-31 15:18 | Report Abuse

Forum here today is as hot as Forum in Heng Yuan exactly 2 years ago, i.e. 31 Dec 2017.

That was the time Heng Yuan almost hitting record high.

Jaks today is almost at local maxima, not much different from HYR exactly 2 years ago.

Wish all the promoters of Jaks good luck.


2019-12-31 15:10 | Report Abuse

This musang again suggest you should buy Jaks even up to 3.00
Is he promoting Jaks in good faith?
What is good faith?
I doubt musang would know.
Go lah check up the meaning in Evidence Act.........


2019-12-31 15:05 | Report Abuse

Posted by ks55 > Dec 31, 2017 9:29 PM | Report Abuse X

Why am I here?

I hate to see idiots promoting Hengyuan day and night non-stop.

Already gone overboard.

Just syiok-syiok sendiri.

Always think of the positive side.

Never want to pay attention to the negative aspects.

Try to lure ignorant newbies without giving due caution to the potential risk.

Promoters are not promoting a decent stock with decent price with good faith.........ALL IN ALL, THEY ARE HERE TO CON YOU..................


The above posting was on 31 Dec 2017, when promoters like musang, KYY, and many more promoting Heng Yuan day and night non stop.

What lah crack spread, what lah profit 10 ringgit per share, what lah TP 50 ringgit, and all those sifu already took flight and left behind newbies licking their wounds, including highly educated personality like sslee.

Don't blame others if you think Jaks is good buy at 1.28
Think how much is Jaks upward potential
Think if there is another KYY to buy up 32% of Jaks share, and what is the potential of Jaks hit 1.80 again, and what is the profit in terms of percentage.
Not to forget the risk of losing your capital.

I am not here to discourage you to buy Jaks, but to remind you there are so many alternatives, if you are holding the principle for Rule 1, not losing money. AND Rule 2 to follow Rule 1.


2019-12-31 11:40 | Report Abuse

Jaks today is just like HYR in Dec 2017, where all promoters were promoting HRY non stop.

Go to HRY and scroll down to see who were the clowns there.
Surely musang is one of them............


2019-12-31 11:36 | Report Abuse

I do not suggest anyone to buy Star.
I just say if you still want to buy Jaks at present price, it will be a better alternative to buy Star for hope of special dividend paid by Andy Ang with Goodwill.

Star is in sunset industry, everybody knows that.
How come this musang doesn't know?
Surelah, he is musang, he is not human, he is just an Animal...........


2019-12-31 11:30 | Report Abuse

Musangking still kicking kah?
I thought you already dead in HYR years ago together with KYY?


2019-12-31 11:20 | Report Abuse

If you want to buy Jaks, might as well you buy Star for every Star share will get you 10 sen from Jaks.

You may expect special dividend paid by goodwill from Andy Ang..........


2019-12-31 11:10 | Report Abuse

Everybody must follow KYY.
He exits Jaks year ago.
He knows power business inside out.
First he bought into Mudajaya because of Inida power project.
He lost a fortune there.
Then he bought into Jaks because of power also.
Again he lost another fortune.

Believe he must have swear no more power play.
Enough is enough regardless what other promoters have to say.

Do you think you are smarter than the superinvestor like KYY?
Do you think KYY can smell anything when you are able to smell?
Jaks would go back to 1.80 without driver like KYY.
Who else can buy up to 32% of Jaks if not KYY?
Even with 32% stake, he was not able to drive Jaks higher.

Now Evolve mall is dead.
Now Jaks pays 50m plus interest.
Now Jaks is facing LAD from residential unit buyers with VP not in sight (could be abandon?)
Now profit from Vietnam power project is nothing but only on paper.

Now you tell me is it worth the risk to put your money in Jaks.
Not to forget Andy Ang and other Directors got tens of million of FREE Jaks shares on top of their million dollar Directors' fees every year.


2019-12-31 10:47 | Report Abuse


Parkson is closing down its stall in Mytown.

Do you think Evolve mall can survive?

Just google Evolve Mall Lowyat Forum to find out answer yourself...........


2019-12-31 09:16 | Report Abuse

Jaks has to pay 50m plus interest up to the day it pays up.
Simply abuse Malaysian legal system, and to incur unnecessary interest.

Next is to see how much LAD claimed by its residential unit buyers.
Don't be like Magna Prima paying 50k per unit, instead of 100k.
You should know Magna Prima's reputation already down the drain as far as property development is concerned.
Likewise, no more Jaks peroperty can sell now.
Evolve Mall has less than 20% occupancy ?
Find out yourself..............how good is Jaks, if not because of hype on Vietnam power project.
Again, you must be reminded when KYY first promote Mudajaya, based on power project in India.

What is the moral story?


2019-12-30 01:19 | Report Abuse

Posted by ks55 > Sep 19, 2016 9:28 PM | Report Abuse X

In case you do not know, TTB bought 9m Parkson shares from 01.06.2008 to 31.05.2009. What was the average price paid? Carrying cost 44.1 million. Check for your self.

As at 31 May 2009, your Fund invested RM156.441 million in Parkson, Petronas Dagangan, Fraser & Neave, Padini, Kuala Lumpur Kepong, PIE and Astro.




2019-12-30 01:15 | Report Abuse

Posted by ks55 > Sep 19, 2016 6:02 PM | Report Abuse X

Just focus on Parkson in AGM.
Ask TTB how much icap paid for the Parkson.
Ask how much dividend (inclusive of dividend in specie) so far received.
Ask how much was written off.
Ask how much the carrying cost per share.
Ask if he intend to further write down, and by how much.
Ask when is he going to sell Parkson share.

Parkson is doomed.
Doomed because of yesteryears business model.
Doomed because WC abusing and misusing Ah Kong's money for his own benefit.
Doomed because Parkson may face force selling any time when WC can't service interest on pledged securities, and his personal loan.


2019-12-30 01:12 | Report Abuse

Hard to believe still got people interested in a conman as Fund Manager.
Check the performance over the years.
Check dividend payout.
Compare with what the conman get for his so-called 'professional fees' on Fund Management and Investment Advisory over the years.

Really a big joke to appoint such a conman to manage your money.
Vote with your legs.
Say bye-bye to TTB.