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2020-05-01 23:02 | Report Abuse

Blog: Coronavirus? China’s commodity imports remain robust

Apr 15, 2020 4:10 PM | Report Abuse

China is clever not to buy more US T-bills, but to hoard more strategic war material just in case Donald Duck resort for war to end deep depression like what had happened in WW II.

Also is good to stock up inventory for economic reason when demand for the commodities is low, thus can buy more with same amount of money.

Most important is to keep out from US T-bills, don't be like a fool again in 2008/9 US credit crunch when China extend a helping hand, but only to be bitten by the ungrateful dog.

Don't underestimate what this Duck can do in order to shift focus of those idiot Americans....He may start war with Iran, or to create military confrontation in South China Sea.He may want to forfeit debts owed to China too.......

News & Blogs

2020-05-01 22:50 | Report Abuse

Blog: World’s biggest central banks meet as pressure mounts to do more

Apr 27, 2020 11:07 AM | Report Abuse

Salient points from this writeup:

1. Eurozone economies may shrink 15% in 2020

2. 3 Central Banks i.e. FED, BoJ and ECB going to set rules and regulations for world financial order. Ignoring other economies and their voices.

3. No participation of world second largest economy will not bring fruitful expected outcome.

4. FED balance sheet stood at US$6.57 trillion. It may as well go up to US$ 10 trillion when Central Banks of other nation start selling US T-Bills and Bonds. FED need to print more money to buy those unwanted T-Bills and Bonds.

5. US$ very soon will become Banana Currency. And Gold will be US$ 1 million per kg. US dollar collapses and WW III begins.

6. US-China economy will decoupling sooner than expected. May be soon after Covid-19 pandemic, China will say we are not selling these and these to US companies, and we are not accepting US$ as payment. All quotation with third country will be RMB.

News & Blogs

2020-04-30 15:23 | Report Abuse

Slowly slowly China is going to phase out US$ as medium of trade settlement.
Buy from China? You pay in RMB.
No RMB? Bring Euro and Yen also can.
US$ is no more acceptable.

Want to sell anything to China?
Give you a choice. Receive payment in RMB or US$. Up to you.

China is making preparation to do away with US$.
China is selling US T-bills and bonds.
US$ is fast becoming Banana Currency........

News & Blogs

2020-04-29 21:46 | Report Abuse

US will have to experience either hyperinflation, or deep depression.
FED balance sheet may be US$ 10 trillion by Dec 2020.
US T-bills and bonds new issues will have FED as sole buyer.
Existing T-bills and bonds will have to redeem. How US govt going to pay if there is no bidder for new issues?

News & Blogs

2020-04-29 21:34 | Report Abuse

What is there to worry?
If Thai products are price competitive with acceptable quality, US consumers are going to pay import tax.
Need not worry, US cannot produce anything to replace Thai goods.
Donald Duck just know how to quack only. Similar goods produced in US is 4 times more expensive. No way businessmen going to move the factory back to US......

News & Blogs

2020-04-28 15:04 | Report Abuse

Do you note the difference between leadership of US and China?
POTUS led the attack, followed by its machai.
China leadership has no time to respond to the idiotic action.
Foreign Affair Ministry spoke person is sufficient to counter the morons.
In other words, POTUS is at the same level as spoke person from China Foreign Ministry.

If Donald Duck wish to be treated like one moron, he will be treated like one......

News & Blogs

2020-04-28 13:50 | Report Abuse

Claim to be third largest economy of the world?
US$6.6 billion for population of 1.3 billion.
Every Indian can get US$5 'financial aid' equivalent to enable TARP Indian version via commercial banks?
I would rather believe RBI should put up 10% equivalent of its GDP or US$ 200 billion to be helpful.
FED can put up a US$ 2.7 trillion rescue package. Why RBI cannot even put up 10% of what FED is doing, but every now and then want to boast it is The Third Largest Economy after US and China?


2020-04-27 11:44 | Report Abuse

AA going to bankrupt if govt refuse to bail out.
Antony may not want to call for RI as he might not wish to put good money into dying AA. Just want govt to use tax payers money to rescue him? Just wait and see.

News & Blogs

2020-04-27 11:07 | Report Abuse

Salient points from this writeup:

1. Eurozone economies may shrink 15% in 2020
2. 3 Central Banks i.e. FED, BoJ and ECB going to set rules and regulations for world financial order. Ignoring other economies and their voices.
3. No participation of world second largest economy will not bring fruitful expected outcome.
4. FED balance sheet stood at US$6.57 trillion. It may as well go up to US$ 10 trillion when Central Banks of other nation start selling US T-Bills and Bonds. FED need to print more money to buy those unwanted T-Bills and Bonds.
5. US$ very soon will become Banana Currency. And Gold will be US$ 1 million per kg. US dollar collapses and WW III begins.
6. US-China economy will decoupling sooner than expected. May be soon after Covid-19 pandemic, China will say we are not selling these and these to US companies, and we are not accepting US$ as payment. All quotation with third country will be RMB.

News & Blogs

2020-04-27 10:45 | Report Abuse

Earlier batches were political/war refugees.
Now they are coming as economic refugees, same as those Vietnamese boat people came in Hai Hong.

If Vietnamese boat people can put in Pulau Bidong, why not these economic refugees?
By providing illegal migrants shelters and jobs, you are committing an offence under Penal Code called Harbouring of Criminals. Employers if found guilty in Singapore are punished with jail sentence and rottan.

If no stern action taking against the illegal immigrants, there will be more and more cases like what we have recently off the coast of Langkawi.....

News & Blogs

2020-04-26 10:16 | Report Abuse

Still think all loans given out stand good chance to recover?
Many property developers and construction companies will fold up.
Many transport companies and airline going to holland.
Many SMEs will close shops.
Many people will lose their job.
Many people will not be able to pay car loan and housing loan.
Many people will default credit card payment.

Govt's revenue from import and export duties diminishing.
Govt's GST and excise duties evaporate in thin air.
Govt's income tax for company and individual will disappear.
Govt's dividend from GLCs and Petronas may not forthcoming.
Govt's out of budget expenditure (by whatever name) already shot to the moon.

What can PM do?
1. Ask BNM print more money (effectively make Ringgit shrinks faster)
2. Ask Treasury issue more Bond with higher coupon rate (Borrow more and pay more interest)
3. Ask Finance Minister to kowtow to China (Get more RMB), as no other western country is in position to lend money to Malaysia.
4. Raise GST from 6% to 15%.
5. Downsize Cabinet.
6. Downsize Civil service from 1.6m to 1.2m
7. Freeze or reduce civil servants (and MP, Ministers) salary by 10%.
8. Temporary reduce govt pension by 10%.
9. Cap CEOs of GLC at 600k a year (i.e. 50k a month) with no other fringe benefits.

When Covid-19 pandemic hit, all must suffer, not just the underprivileged, but the elite too.
PM must take prudent and appropriate action to minimize damage caused to Malaysian economy and suffering to its people.

News & Blogs

2020-04-26 00:38 | Report Abuse

Malaysian GDP is about rm 1.5T in 2019.
Loss per day lockdown is rm 2.4B. 8 weeks (56 days) total loss rm 134.4B
Just based on lockdown for 8 weeks already wipe off 9% of GDP for 2020.
If slow down of Malaysian economy post MCO to be another 9%, effectively Malaysian economy will shrink by 18% for 2020.

Si lor, die lor, Malaysia surely in deep recession.
How to put more money in share market when whole world experiencing GDP contraction ranging from 10% to 20% ?
How manufacturers going sell their products within Malaysia and abroad when main concern is to put food on the dining table?

News & Blogs

2020-04-24 13:28 | Report Abuse

So what about Malaysian financial institutions?
Which one is the most vulnerable? Can NPL be at 20%, 25% or even 30%?
Could it be MBSB?
Could it be Ambank?
Maybank or CIMB?
How about Bank Rakyat?

Note: All these are exposed to high risk borrowers.

News & Blogs

2020-04-23 21:03 | Report Abuse

GDP for Malaysia will go down by at least 8/52 = 15%
If slow down post MCO is taken into consideration, GDP may be less by another 10%.
Recession is inevitable.

What will be the prospect for banking industry? NPL up by 25%?
What about manufacturing sector?
Can AirAsia survive with another 2 weeks lockdown?

News & Blogs

2020-04-23 20:45 | Report Abuse

So tomorrow Bursa will again down by 50 points .....

News & Blogs

2020-04-23 12:30 | Report Abuse

Still think all loans given out stand good chance to recover?
Many property developers and construction companies will fold up.
Many transport companies and airline going to holland.
Many SMEs will close shops.
Many people will lose their job.
Many people will not be able to pay car loan and housing loan.
Many people will default credit card payment.

Govt's revenue from import and export duties diminishing.
Govt's GST and excise duties evaporate in thin air.
Govt's income tax for company and individual will disappear.
Govt's dividend from GLCs and Petronas may not forthcoming.
Govt's out of budget expenditure (by whatever name) already shot to the moon.

What can PM do?
1. Ask BNM print more money (effectively make Ringgit shrinks faster)
2. Ask Treasury issue more Bond with higher coupon rate (Borrow more and pay more interest)
3. Ask Finance Minister to kowtow to China (Get more RMB), as no other western country is in position to lend money to Malaysia.
4. Raise GST from 6% to 15%.
5. Downsize Cabinet.
6. Downsize Civil service from 1.6m to 1.2m
7. Freeze or reduce civil servants (and MP, Ministers) salary by 10%.
8. Temporary reduce govt pension by 10%.
9. Cap CEOs of GLC at 600k a year (i.e. 50k a month) with no other fringe benefits.

When Covid-19 pandemic hit, all must suffer, not just the underprivileged, but the elite too.
PM must take prudent and appropriate action to minimize damage caused to Malaysian economy and suffering to its people.


2020-04-21 11:15 | Report Abuse

Ask yourself, will you fly in near future, say 3 months from now? Fly where? Most countries still close their borders!

Will you fly 6 months down the road? You want to take risk as many destinations in countries AirAsia fly may still consider extremely high risk.

Can AirAsia survive without govt bailout plan?
Virgin Australia closed down yesterday.
Virgin UK seek bailout money from its sunset country run by idiot PM.

Should Malaysian govt bail out AirAsia?
To me, answer is NO!
Check the record on its Principal Officers.
What had they done make me feel sad and angry.

So, how much is AirAsia fair price?
You make your own intelligent guess.......


2020-04-21 10:47 | Report Abuse

With world crude oil price plummeted to negative $40 per barrel for WTI in last day May futures trading, and Malaysia lockdown, coupled with all oil refineries shut down, I am just wondering why HYR still can hold at 3 ringgit.

I am not sure how HYR treat its inventory, is it first in last out? Is it last in first out?
Anyway, HYR must reflect market value for its crude oil inventory, which could be up to 60% off.
Petrol pump price may drop below 1 ringgit per litre this Friday. So HYR may suffer another big loss in revenue.

Should HYR fair price is at rm 1.50 or even lower?
Up to you to make an intelligent guess.


News & Blogs

2020-04-20 13:17 | Report Abuse

Only Alliance Bank assets at risk?
What about Maybank loans?
Are they not toxic?

How much NPL for Malaysian financial institutions? 15%? 20% or 30%?
Renong was once considered too big to fail.
How about GLCs now?


2020-04-20 12:56 | Report Abuse

WTI down to $15, and proceed to $10 all the way.
Gold $50k per kg, all the way to $ 1m.
FED QE after QE, then proceed to unlimited QE.
FED is buying up junk bonds issued by Boeing, Exxon, etc.
It is even more toxic than TARP.

It is safe to park your money in Poh Kong.
Under MCO, Poh Kong not opening up for business, but gold bullion in its safe/ strongroom appreciates regardless workers stay at home or not.
You will see value of its inventory balloon sky high........

News & Blogs

2020-04-20 12:08 | Report Abuse

Still think US families enjoy high standard of living?
High cost of living? Yes!
High quality of living? No!

Many families in US are without broadband.
Many families in US are without computer/labtop/smart phone.
Many school children do not know how to use computer.

Yes. Some US students are smart.
BUT more are IT illiterates........

News & Blogs

2020-04-20 11:54 | Report Abuse

What are the lessons learnt?

1. Save more on sunny days. Not everyday is Sunday!
No saving? Don't blame others but you ownself.

2. 人离乡贱 故乡月更圆

News & Blogs

2020-04-20 11:37 | Report Abuse

Very soon oil companies in US may have to pay for 'old newspaper collectors' to take away the rubbish.........

News & Blogs

2020-04-20 11:34 | Report Abuse

Expected lah.
No where to store US oil, want to sell also no buyer.
That is the reason Donald Duck mati-mati wanted Saudi and Russia to cut production.
You think this Duck want to save oil price?
I think he just want to ask people help him to find storage for US oil.
WTI is 50% discount to Brend.
One is produced from US soil, the other is from European/Arab soil.
Still remain some storage capacity for Brend because China is shifting oil back home.
US oil? Let it pollute US Gulf and Donald Duck can claim another 200 billion USD from oil companies........

News & Blogs

2020-04-19 17:40 | Report Abuse

Five eyes are forever trying to blame others.
UK, US, Canada, Australia already starting to point fingers at someone else.
Only leave New Zealand waiting to start raising its hand.

Can't help. If you don't obey order from Donald Duck, you will be penalized....

News & Blogs

2020-04-19 14:51 | Report Abuse

I have no doubt India will be the next epicenter!
Yesterday new cases rose beyond 2k.
Very soon will be 10k per day all the way to 50k per day.
That may happen in next 2 months, and Modi still talking of opening up India by May.
What a joke...........

News & Blogs

2020-04-19 14:42 | Report Abuse

Do you spread rumours to cause fear when there is no concrete scientific proof?
Better wait till facts are established before any announcement, this was what WHO actually did!
When was WHO informed about unidentified new virus? 31 Dec 2019.
When was DNA sequencing and isolation for the unknown virus (later named Covid-19) published by China?
When was human to human transmission established and announced by WHO?
When was first case of Covid-19 happened in countries like Malaysia, Singapore, US, UK etc?

Don't put blame on anyone except yourself for failing to take precaution and appropriate preventive measures. China already show the world how it fought Covid-19 and won by locking down the entire city of 11 million population. Many countries follow the path because China already show them the way, the truth and the life that no one can imaging.


2020-04-18 20:40 | Report Abuse

Malaysia should send more doctors to help UK fight Covid-19.
UK has now derogated from colonial master to an undeveloped world when Public Health England dare to ask doctors and nurses to wear aprons to treat coronavirus patients.
For the failure of idiot PM Boris Johnson who advocated herd-immunity, 50 precious lives of UK doctors and nurses perished for no reason.....

News & Blogs

2020-04-15 16:10 | Report Abuse

China is clever not to buy more US T-bills, but to hoard more strategic war material just in case Donald Duck resort for war to end deep depression like what had happened in WW II.

Also is good to stock up inventory for economic reason when demand for the commodities is low, thus can buy more with same amount of money.

Most important is to keep out from US T-bills, don't be like a fool again in 2008/9 US credit crunch when China extend a helping hand, but only to be bitten by the ungrateful dog.

Don't underestimate what this Duck can do in order to shift focus of those idiot Americans....He may start war with Iran, or to create military confrontation in South China Sea..

News & Blogs

2020-04-15 11:44 | Report Abuse

Are law firms so desperate to make money at the expense of public at large?
These fella have not much to lose other than rental, clerical staff salary, and loss of revenue. They don't need to write off 'inventory' or 'restarting cost' for machinery. What more they can just carrying out their business from comfort of their luxurious home!

Malaysian Bar is one of the most selfish business-minded body by requesting special treatment to further enrich its members. It should has a big heart as how its members can help those underprivileged to have food on the table. I have not heard any good news from any law firms to donate a single sen in fighting for the survival of the most needy.

If Malaysian Bar succeed to open up members' doors for business, plantation and construction workers are more eligible to start work. Same goes to factory workers and all the SME. They need money more desperate than the elite lawyers........

News & Blogs

2020-04-13 16:45 | Report Abuse

Aiya. Talk so much what for?
You don't know crude oil supply outstrip demand meh?
You don't know unlimited QE may add another 10T USD into the market meh?
You don't know Americans no need to work but can simply survive with govt handout meh?
You don't know Americans will all turn out to be beggars meh?
You don't know USD is going to collapse meh?

How come you don't know this world will be flooded with $ and hyperinflation is on its way?
How come you don't know gold will be traded at $1 million per kg very soon?
How come you don't know international trade may be in RMB, Euro and Yen instead of $ very soon?

$ will become banana currency in 2 years, by then to buy a loaf of bread will need one gunny sack of $ like Venezuela or Zimbabwe........

News & Blogs

2020-04-11 21:47 | Report Abuse

Anyone wish to recommend a stock may do so, but promoting every day and night non stop already gone overboard. It amounts to brainwash, what more if they gang up trying to reinforce each other with intention to lure newbies into the trap.

When a particular counter has been over promoted, and with so many 'experts' putting up articles after articles to reinforce each other, that will create a fake sense of confidence among followers. (三人成虎)

What happen when the confidence collapses, the consequence will be far more severe than if the share had never been promoted in the first place. Fake hope give rise to over-confidence to sailang and sialang with OPM.

I have no intention to condemn anyone if promotion is done in appropriate manner and in good faith.Putting up one or two 'research paper' is sufficient. Need not go to the extend of psy-war to achieve your desired outcome..........

News & Blogs

2020-04-11 14:49 | Report Abuse

Many SME cannot pay salary for their workers.
Many listed company especially with high gearing will go into PN4. Find out!
Many property developers will not launch new project.
Many 'tycoons' with pledged securities go belly up.
Many people lose their jobs.
Many people cannot afford to pay housing loan.
Many banks will see NPL go to 20% level.

News & Blogs

2020-04-10 22:25 | Report Abuse

With Unlimited QE, USD will become banana currency.
Gold will hit $ 1 million per Kg.
Buy Poh Kong and Tomei to hedge against inflation!

News & Blogs

2020-04-09 10:28 | Report Abuse

What a joke!
India has enough face mask?
Does India make any face mask in the first place?
Modi likes to talk big!
India sure to become next epicenter in 3 months.
Modi should make sure India has enough undertakers and burial ground for the dead...

News & Blogs

2020-04-09 10:18 | Report Abuse

You notice the difference between China and US when coming to treat Covid-19 patients?

China housed all patients with mild symptom in 16 makeshift hospitals with excess beds.
US chase away patients with mild symptom back home and let them effectively spread among the community through their family members.

Yet idiots like Donald Duck and Pomelo try to shift the blame to China alleging covering up. That is the mentality of low life American leaders......

News & Blogs

2020-04-09 10:00 | Report Abuse

Those who passed away outside hospital were not tested for Coronavirus.
Trump's Administration purposely not carry out the test, so death associated with the virus would be low.
This idiot in fact pence wise pound foolish as the untested dead will spread virus to more unsuspected donkeys in America.

News & Blogs

2020-04-07 12:54 | Report Abuse

Where is the Indian Boy with crystal ball?
Very similar to our Bomoh King with 2 coconuts, looking for solution with 2 bamboo binoculars.

Malaysia Boleh!
India Boleh!!!!

News & Blogs

2020-04-07 12:52 | Report Abuse

India will be next epicenter in next 3 months.

News & Blogs

2020-04-07 12:23 | Report Abuse

How come Pope (Emperor of Christian world) is so insensitive?

Pope doesn't know what had happened?
He doesn't know when it happened?

Pope must have living in heaven for too long.
Time for him to step down......

News & Blogs

2020-04-07 12:02 | Report Abuse

Still not getting cue what to buy?
How should you hedge against inflation?
Instead of gold bullion, what is the best alternative?

News & Blogs
News & Blogs

2020-04-07 10:14 | Report Abuse

For stupid mistake done by one idiot, 5373 Britons have died.
This idiot deserved to be punished for sin he did to British and mankind in general.
Under his stupid herd-immunity concept, 36 million Britons to be infected.
Out of 36 million, 440k to 500k will perish.
He deserves to be one of them........

News & Blogs

2020-04-06 16:21 | Report Abuse

New world order emerges after Covid-19.
UK will be like Russia immediately after Soviet dismantled or at best like Russia of 2004.
US will be like China in the 80's.
China and Russia will rule the world.
EU will kowtow to China begging for trade opportunity.
Australia will be like a dog following its master US for a bone.
India, as usual, will be fence sitter.

AFRICA will be the next growth centre fully benefited from OBOR........

News & Blogs

2020-04-06 16:12 | Report Abuse

#### In the longer term, the larger question is how this changes not only the United States but also the globalized trading system—and the international community itself. For U.S. President Donald Trump and key advisors such as Peter Navarro, his chief trade negotiator, the crisis is also an opportunity to shut down globalization, especially by “decoupling” from China, which has been their apparent goal ever since this frankly protectionist president took office. “If we learn anything from this crisis, it should be never again, never again should we have to depend on the rest of the world for our essential medicines and countermeasures,” Navarro told the White House briefing on Thursday. “And if there’s any vindication, it’s the president’s Buy American, secure borders, and a strong manufacturing base philosophy, strategy, and belief.”#####

Yes. Fully agreed.
Either China or US must take the initiative for both economy to de-coupling.
China will be safe from banana USD because of unlimited QE.
Donald Duck can make America 'Great Again' by manufacture everything from toilet paper, to surgical mask, to bolt and nut.

News & Blogs

2020-04-06 16:00 | Report Abuse

Depression vs hyperinflation.
Coronavirus vs Unlimited QE.
WTI at $15 a barrel vs Gold at $1 million per kg.

Which one cause more harm?

News & Blogs

2020-04-06 14:19 | Report Abuse

Australia as a Five-Eyes should seek help from other eye.
All the while PMs of Australia (except Kelvin Rudd) are ungrateful to China, on one hand seeking favorable trading terms, on the other hand back-stabbing China.

What China going do now is ask Au Premier Add Oil, Add Oil (加油!加油!), and ship all medical supplies including mask to African countries and other friendly countries.

Australia deserves what US and UK experienced now.
Sure lah, all belong to the Eyes mah....

News & Blogs

2020-04-06 13:10 | Report Abuse

This idiot PM who suggested let 60% of British caught the virus so herd-immunity can kick-in.
He had high fever since Friday, and now keep on coughing, presumably having breathing problem.

He killed UK economy with Brexit.
He is killing British with herd-immunity.
AND now he is killing himself slowly and softly with his breathing apparatus.

A dumb-dumb PM good for nothing.
An idiot next to Donald Duck.
UK is now prepare for Plan B, in case idiot PM is in ICU...........

News & Blogs

2020-04-05 20:56 | Report Abuse

India for sure unlikely to survive this round.
New epicenter in making.
Social unrest may develop to the extent of causing anarchy and lawlessness.

India in noway to compare with China in every aspect, not like what Westerner used to praise India sky high.

Only through unforeseen crisis like pandemic right now, then the world can assess the strength of a country, and capability of its leadership......

News & Blogs

2020-04-04 17:51 | Report Abuse

What is that to investigate?
US wants to cover-up everything regarding Covid-19.
Donald Duck doesn't want the whole world to know US Navy has fallen to Covid-19.
2 US career already down, White House may close down, all US towns and cities lockdown, and yet this Duck could not find a solution to the crisis ........ healthcare and logistics.....