
ks55 | Joined since 2014-06-09

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2020-02-24 17:38 | Report Abuse

When PM resigns, same goes for all Minsters/ Deputy Ministers.
Legally and officially no one can claim he or she is still acting in capacity as Minister.


2020-02-11 15:34 | Report Abuse

Only KYY believes cash in XingQuan was genuine as he has insider as External Auditors.
Only KYY believes Since Die is a good buy.

Only kcchongnz keep on warning 'receivables' are highly suspicious.
Only kcchong keep on telling newbies to stay away from Since Die.


2020-02-11 15:25 | Report Abuse

You trust that Tan Sri?
It will be similar to put your trust in Linear Corp, Master Skill or London Biscuit.
All came with similar Modus Operandi.
All will end up in similar manner.


2020-02-02 20:32 | Report Abuse

All promoters tend to put up as gospel truth their facts, only hope they don't turn bankrupt this round........


2020-02-02 20:31 | Report Abuse

If this round market crash, can you survive?
Can you survive another 1997/98 crisis?

Don't be arrogant.
Talk facts if you already sailang and sialang in Jaks with OPM, will you commit suicide?


2020-02-02 20:26 | Report Abuse

For those who claim they are successful in stock market, just ask yourself why do you still need to struggle in the market?

When can you achieve financial independence?

Do you need handout from your children?

Or can you afford to send your children for university education?

I can safely put aside all those worries.
Can you?


2020-02-02 16:47 | Report Abuse

Are you selling Jaks tomorrow?
If you do, congratulation!
If you don't, my deepest condolences..........

Promoters surely coming back after Jaks has picked up from its low, and tell you their 'story'........


2020-02-02 16:30 | Report Abuse

Is Andy Ang falls into the above category?
Promoters will not tell you before they sell the stakes..........


2020-02-02 16:29 | Report Abuse

Blog: The Ugly Mainland Chinese: CSL, Xingquan and Maxwell.

Feb 2, 2020 12:38 PM | Report Abuse

What have you learnt?
Counters with certain characters as major shareholders/ Directors by all means should avoid.
They have proven records of self-enrichment, not trustworthy, no integrity, and some to the extend of cheating with both eyes wide open!

Do your home work.
List down who are those in BOD that may delay your retirement planning.
Find out which one is grossly over promoted right now.
They will all exhibit herd behavior tomorrow under coronavirus tsunami.


2020-02-02 16:29 | Report Abuse

As expected, if you put up something bad about Jaks, surely the promoters will go after you.

Mind to check when was my posting?
Check lah stamping date and time!

News & Blogs

2020-02-02 12:38 | Report Abuse

What have you learnt?
Counters with certain characters as major shareholders/ Directors by all means should avoid.
They have proven records of self-enrichment, not trustworthy, no integrity, and some to the extend of cheating with both eyes wide open!

Do your home work.
List down who are those in BOD that may delay your retirement planning.
Find out which one is grossly over promoted right now.
They will all exhibit herd behavior tomorrow under coronavirus tsunami.


2020-02-02 12:28 | Report Abuse

Blog: Retirement plan ... in progress

Sep 18, 2016 12:09 PM | Report Abuse


Why still want to make more money than necessary?
Treat market as pass time.
Get some thrill, not sleepless night whenever DJ down by 300 points.
買股是為了增加生活情趣, 不是終日提心吊胆


2020-02-02 12:12 | Report Abuse



2020-02-02 11:59 | Report Abuse

Blog: Jaks Resources - My opinion

Feb 11, 2019 8:18 PM | Report Abuse

"A 1,200MW power plant can power up 1.2m homes satisfying the need of 6m people which is almost the population of Selangor state. At RM300 per household, it is a RM4.32billion per annum business!"

Not business sense, but cow sense!
You think Vietnamese can afford RM 300 electricity bill per month?
What is the average electricity bill per each household in Malaysia?

Figures are plucked from the sky.
Pakai tembak only............

News & Blogs

2020-01-20 16:19 | Report Abuse

PLUS Toll suppose to expire by 2018, now go straight to 2058.

I won't live to see if it is going to extend further, but seems it would.

No govt of the day willing to let go anything that drop from the sky, without paying a single sen extra.


News & Blogs

2020-01-20 16:11 | Report Abuse

In order to make Khazanah appear to be viable business entity, PLUS toll collection extended infinitely.


2020-01-16 14:38 | Report Abuse

Based on cost of investment and internal rate return, the profitability of ytlp is alike having more than 2.5 x profitability compared to jaks power plant in Vietnam.

hng33, you are brave !
you are so brave to tell the world facts and figures as above.

Hopefully the promoters will not ask you to go to YTLP thread.
This thread is only for those who wish to promote Jaks, and not competitors........

They scare Jaks fans will switch over to YTLP.
You will then be the sinner..........


2020-01-16 13:55 | Report Abuse

Jaks is good, TP 5 ringgit in 5 years time.
TP is 10 ringgit in 10 years.
TP is 15 ringgit in 15 years.
And TP is 100 ringgit in 100 years time.



2020-01-16 13:53 | Report Abuse

Who ever talk bad about Jaks is going to face karma, as according to some promoters here.........


2020-01-16 13:52 | Report Abuse

hng33 is very brave to suggest buy YTLP instead of Jaks as an alternative.

He is no more friendly party, he is a foe now.
If he dare to go against the promoters, surely he will be banished from i3........


2020-01-15 10:06 | Report Abuse


Jan 14, 2020 2:59 PM | Report Abuse

Posted by ks55 > Jul 8, 2019 7:56 PM | Report Abuse X

Rule of Thumb, PN17 good for 2 sen or so.
Even though tomorrow can be 10 sen, towards the end it will be 0.5 sen before delisted........


2020-01-14 14:59 | Report Abuse

Posted by ks55 > Jul 8, 2019 7:56 PM | Report Abuse X

Rule of Thumb, PN17 good for 2 sen or so.
Even though tomorrow can be 10 sen, towards the end it will be 0.5 sen before delisted........


2020-01-08 22:57 | Report Abuse

OTB I do not wish to wash all dirty things here.
I had indirectly indicated to you, do not simply spread faked news here.
I had my high respect on you, hence I do not want to challenge you.
Every time when the share price of Jaks drops, you come out and continue to spread faked news again in order to win this argument.


Another lie by OTB!
When was my first comment in Jaks?
31 Dec 2019, right?
That was the time Jaks was on its uptrend!
That was the time promoters were out in full force, putting up articles after articles, promoting day and night non-stop.
That was the time you suggest to buy even at 1.28, can't you remember?

When market down, I suggested Cut Loss Strategy as what you used to preach.
How come you choose to ignore?

What lah Win Big, Lose Small.
All nonsense!

I don't even know you, how come I earned your respect?
I am not KYY. I don't deal with OTB.
I don't know who is OTB.
How come you know me?
More so when you say you 'respect' me?
So, this is just another lie.

How to respect a liar like you, OTB?


2020-01-08 22:54 | Report Abuse


Jan 2, 2020 10:22 AM | Report Abuse

I love what kcchongnz preaches:
1. Margin of safety
2. FCF
3. Profit margin

and from myself:
1. Credibility and trustworthiness of Directors/ Major shareholders
2. Financial Strength of major shareholders

I need not explain what is Margin of Safety for Jaks. You analyse and come to a conclusion yourself.

As for FCF. Jaks generates any cash flow from its operating units? How does Jaks provide cash flow from its daily operation including millions paid to its directors every year? kcchong is definitely very good by one look at Jaks account and he will walk away.

Profit margin on its main revenue sources? What s the GROSS profit out of total Revenue? Again kcchongnz has quoted too many times why he will walk away from Sin Die (of course on receivables too).

Credibility and trustworthiness of Principal Officers managing Jaks, are you not paying any attention to how they were given millions share options (ESOS), then tens of millions of FREE shares, in addition to millions in Directors' fees? If he help Jaks to make hundreds of million profit every year like Genting, fair enough he should be rewarded accordingly. BUT when Evolve Mall is dead, Pacific Star not able to deliver VP, compensation paid to the Star, and Vietnam project yet to bring in single sen profit, he already think he deserves all the share given to him for free. Why is he so thick skin to demand all those free shares when company under his management still suffer losses due to his incompetency?

How strong is major share holders in terms of financial strength?
Read list of major share holder and you will know they are as strong as WC of the meow-meow group. That could be the reason why they are so hard up to demand for free shares at the expense of minority share holders.
If at all, Vietnam power project really making big money later on, won't be surprised they will find ways and means to enrich themselves further, before they will pass any left over to you......


This posting offended you? Fake again?


2020-01-08 21:28 | Report Abuse


Jan 2, 2020 10:22 AM | Report Abuse

I love what kcchongnz preaches:
1. Margin of safety
2. FCF
3. Profit margin

and from myself:
1. Credibility and trustworthiness of Directors/ Major shareholders
2. Financial Strength of major shareholders

I need not explain what is Margin of Safety for Jaks. You analyse and come to a conclusion yourself.

As for FCF. Jaks generates any cash flow from its operating units? How does Jaks provide cash flow from its daily operation including millions paid to its directors every year? kcchong is definitely very good by one look at Jaks account and he will walk away.

Profit margin on its main revenue sources? What s the GROSS profit out of total Revenue? Again kcchongnz has quoted too many times why he will walk away from Sin Die (of course on receivables too).

Credibility and trustworthiness of Principal Officers managing Jaks, are you not paying any attention to how they were given millions share options (ESOS), then tens of millions of FREE shares, in addition to millions in Directors' fees? If he help Jaks to make hundreds of million profit every year like Genting, fair enough he should be rewarded accordingly. BUT when Evolve Mall is dead, Pacific Star not able to deliver VP, compensation paid to the Star, and Vietnam project yet to bring in single sen profit, he already think he deserves all the share given to him for free. Why is he so thick skin to demand all those free shares when company under his management still suffer losses due to his incompetency?

How strong is major share holders in terms of financial strength?
Read list of major share holder and you will know they are as strong as WC of the meow-meow group. That could be the reason why they are so hard up to demand for free shares at the expense of minority share holders.
If at all, Vietnam power project really making big money later on, won't be surprised they will find ways and means to enrich themselves further, before they will pass any left over to you......


This posting offended you? Fake again?


2020-01-08 21:26 | Report Abuse


Dec 31, 2019 3:51 PM | Report Abuse

For Pensioners like you and me:
No harm taking small portion of your cash to polish up your trading skill at the same time making some pocket money. I always believe 買股是為了增加生活情趣, 小賭怡情, 大賭傷身


I made qualification here. Anything offended you?


2020-01-08 21:24 | Report Abuse


Dec 31, 2019 3:05 PM | Report Abuse

Posted by ks55 > Dec 31, 2017 9:29 PM | Report Abuse X

Why am I here?

I hate to see idiots promoting Hengyuan day and night non-stop.

Already gone overboard.

Just syiok-syiok sendiri.

Always think of the positive side.

Never want to pay attention to the negative aspects.

Try to lure ignorant newbies without giving due caution to the potential risk.

Promoters are not promoting a decent stock with decent price with good faith.........ALL IN ALL, THEY ARE HERE TO CON YOU..................


The above posting was on 31 Dec 2017, when promoters like musang, KYY, and many more promoting Heng Yuan day and night non stop.

What lah crack spread, what lah profit 10 ringgit per share, what lah TP 50 ringgit, and all those sifu already took flight and left behind newbies licking their wounds, including highly educated personality like sslee.

Don't blame others if you think Jaks is good buy at 1.28
Think how much is Jaks upward potential
Think if there is another KYY to buy up 32% of Jaks share, and what is the potential of Jaks hit 1.80 again, and what is the profit in terms of percentage.
Not to forget the risk of losing your capital.

I am not here to discourage you to buy Jaks, but to remind you there are so many alternatives, if you are holding the principle for Rule 1, not losing money. AND Rule 2 to follow Rule 1.


My subsequent posting. Anything fake?


2020-01-08 21:21 | Report Abuse


Dec 31, 2019 11:10 AM | Report Abuse

Everybody must follow KYY.
He exits Jaks year ago.
He knows power business inside out.
First he bought into Mudajaya because of India power project.
He lost a fortune there.
Then he bought into Jaks because of power also.
Again he lost another fortune.

Believe he must have swear no more power play.
Enough is enough regardless what other promoters have to say.

Do you think you are smarter than the superinvestor like KYY?
Do you think KYY can't smell anything when you are able to smell?
Jaks won't go back to 1.80 without driver like KYY.
Who else can buy up to 32% of Jaks if not KYY?
Even with 32% stake, he was not able to drive Jaks higher.

Now Evolve mall is dead.
Now Jaks pays 50m plus interest.
Now Jaks is facing LAD from residential unit buyers with VP not in sight (could be abandon?)
Now profit from Vietnam power project is nothing but only on paper.

Now you tell me is it worth the risk to put your money in Jaks.
Not to forget Andy Ang and other Directors got tens of million of FREE Jaks shares on top of their million dollar Directors' fees every year.

My third posting. Anything fake?


2020-01-08 21:17 | Report Abuse


Dec 31, 2019 10:47 AM | Report Abuse


Parkson is closing down its stall in Mytown.

Do you think Evolve mall can survive?

Just google Evolve Mall Lowyat Forum to find out answer yourself.........

My second posting, anything fake?


2020-01-08 21:15 | Report Abuse


Dec 31, 2019 9:16 AM | Report Abuse

Jaks has to pay 50m plus interest up to the day it pays up.
Simply abuse Malaysian legal system, and to incur unnecessary interest.

Next is to see how much LAD claimed by its residential unit buyers.
Don't be like Magna Prima paying 50k per unit, instead of 100k.
You should know Magna Prima's reputation already down the drain as far as property development is concerned.
Likewise, no more Jaks peroperty can sell now.
Evolve Mall has less than 20% occupancy ?
Find out yourself..............how good is Jaks, if not because of hype on Vietnam power project.
Again, you must be reminded when KYY first promote Mudajaya, based on power project in India.

What is the moral story?

My first posting, anything fake?


2020-01-08 21:05 | Report Abuse

For he will milk on you..............


2020-01-08 21:01 | Report Abuse

What fake news?
What you wrote are all gospel truth?

You are creating so much false hope with intention to cheat!
Not a balanced write up to promote a decent stock with decent price.

How come if selling at 1.25, you are still laughing all the way to bank?
Meaning that you are have ill intention to lure newbies to chase high so you can make more profit, right?

Very unethical to fool and cheat newbies for their hard earned money.
Can you sleep soundly if any of the newbies commit suicide just because he cannot stand losses?
Not to forget you are preaching margin finance or OPM...........


2020-01-08 20:49 | Report Abuse

OTB I do not wish to wash all dirty things here.
I had indirectly indicated to you, do not simply spread faked news here.
I had my high respect on you, hence I do not want to challenge you.
Every time when the share price of Jaks drops, you come out and continue to spread faked news again in order to win this argument.


Another lie by OTB!
When was my first comment in Jaks?
31 Dec 2019, right?
That was the time Jaks was on its uptrend!
That was the time promoters were out in full force, putting up articles after articles, promoting day and night non-stop.
That was the time you suggest to buy even at 1.28, can't you remember?

When market down, I suggested Cut Loss Strategy as what you used to preach.
How come you choose to ignore?

What lah Win Big, Lose Small.
All nonsense!

I don't even know you, how come I earned your respect?
I am not KYY. I don't deal with OTB.
I don't know who is OTB.
How come you know me?
More so when you say you 'respect' me?
So, this is just another lie.

How to respect a liar like you, OTB?


2020-01-08 17:05 | Report Abuse

When somebody start using vulgar words, he think only he himself only know how to use?

Don't force me to use vulgar words on you!


2020-01-08 17:00 | Report Abuse

I don't really enjoy at war with some one in i3, all are virtual foes.
I never want to address my comment to a particular person, unlike you.
Scroll up to see how my comment prior to this afternoon?

Only someone keep on telling I am lying repeatedly, and further more when he try to bring my children into this affray, I tak boleh TAHAN.

If you are a gentleman as you claim, just write your family.
What is that to talk about karma here karma there.
Do you really believe in karma?
Then you should be the first to go to hell, when you drag my children in this argument.


2020-01-08 16:52 | Report Abuse

I don't respect people like you either.
Bearing in mind, my children definitely doing better than your children, and I need to show proof.

Merely sending both of them to UK surely beat you flat.

Surely their income, together with incomes form their spouses with beat your children and their spouse (if married) flat.

Still want to compare your children and my children?

Next generation perhaps.............


2020-01-08 16:39 | Report Abuse

How can a man not telling the whole truth to call himself Gentleman?
Merely every sentence end with Thank You?

Do your parts, sell your buy call to your subscribers.
If you post any thing here will attract people with different opinion.

Then you will start calling them liars, telling lies, spread fake news, demand prove, demand facts, demand figures.

Remember, we don't receive payment like you do.
Best to keep your buy call among your camp.
Need not share your 'highly valuable' research in i3.


2020-01-08 16:32 | Report Abuse

As simple as declaring dividend, even if Directors from Andy side bulldoze through, and Chinaman does not agree, do you think you can get any dividend?
Go to AGM, and Chinaman just simply vote NO. What can Andy do?
If every now and then, Chinaman wanted to call for right issue, but retaining the profit (as reasons provided by Red Chips not declaring any dividend), what can Andy do?

How come sifu doesn't know how Malaysian business played out MITI shares holder?
Same tactic deployed will kill Jaks, unless Andy can follow their game.


2020-01-08 16:19 | Report Abuse

When somebody has vested interest, what he wrote will all bias.
I need not explain that.
I just need to say he does not paint picture in entirety.
Some truth, but not all truth.

Suppression of truth (even in parts) id fatal to any prosecution case.
No telling the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but truth make any effort down the drain.
Integrity is questionable..........


2020-01-08 16:12 | Report Abuse

Go to read what is the meaning of facts.
You tell facts and figures?

Facts is Jaks is losing money.
Facts are all those already verified.

What facts and figure?
All speculation and feel good (syiok-syiok sendiri)..


2020-01-08 16:06 | Report Abuse

Used to bee sifu, turn out to be a promoter.
He cannot drive Jaks price to move upwards.
He has no financial muscle to do that.


2020-01-08 16:03 | Report Abuse

If you nneed people to respect you, you must in first place give due repect to people not from your camp.

Keep on telling people making fake new with fact (?), you have facts to substantial your claim?

Go back to school to find out meaning of FACT.........


2020-01-08 16:01 | Report Abuse

I don't respect so call sifu any more.
He is here to cheat you!


2020-01-08 15:59 | Report Abuse

When somebody has vested interest, what he wrote will all bias.
I need not explain that.
I just need to say he does not paint picture in entirety.
Some truth, but not all truth.


2020-01-08 15:57 | Report Abuse

I am not scare to go war with so-called sifu.
Done that before.
Not to forget I am not a self-proclaimed sifu.


2020-01-08 15:50 | Report Abuse

Why so many sifus want to tell lies when they come to promote their favourite stock?
Really sickening to say others telling lies but not themselves!

What lah target profit 5 nringgit, 10 ringgit per share, later turn out losing money like no people's business.

Told keep on telling lies to entice newbies!
I really lost respect to so-called sifu asking people to support his share when he has already bought them cheap.

Don't you feel shameful?
Keep on telling people gave fake facts, whereas what he wrote is gospel truth.

If I were him, I feel no place to hide my face too.

Enough is enough.
You put up your buy call, nothing wrong with me.
To keep on telling people sabotage your buy call is unbecoming.

You make your, I write what I think.

You don't owe me favour, neither do I owe you anything!


2020-01-08 14:52 | Report Abuse

留得青山在,不愁没柴烧 比喻只要基础或根本还存在,暂时遭受损失或挫折无伤大体。

Safe to protect your capital as first priority if you already retired, or near to retiring.


2020-01-08 14:46 | Report Abuse

For every 10% lost, you need to have 11% upside to recoup your capital.
For every 20% lost, you need to have 25% upside to recoup your capital.
For every 30% lost, you need to have 43% upside to recoup your capital.
For every 40% lost, you need to have 67% upside to recoup your capital.

In other words, if I buy at 10% lower than you, I will make 11% when selling at your break price.
In other words, if I buy at 20% lower than you, I will make 25% when selling at your break price.
In other words, if I buy at 30% lower than you, I will make 43% when selling at your break price.
In other words, if I buy at 40% lower than you, I will make 67% when selling at your break price.

Not true if you lost 50% of your capital, you will recover your capital if you buy subsequent at 50% cheaper and share price move up by 50%.


2020-01-08 12:10 | Report Abuse


Jan 3, 2020 2:45 PM | Report Abuse

Get ready with your cut loss strategy.
Some sifu may want to use local maxima as reference, i.e. 8% off 1.32, that is cut loss at 1.21
Some sifu may want to use purchase price, i.e. 8% off 1.28, so cut loss at 1.18

Some sifu may want to hold until Q1 result, then Q2 result, then after FY result.
Cut loss strategy is applicable when needed to suit one's requirement.

If they really have the confidence, need not cut loss.
Never heard of dollar-cost averaging?
When price fall further, it gives you opportunity to buy more


I believe nothing wrong on my above suggestion.
Please don't attack me.
I done it in good faith.