
ktsk88 | Joined since 2012-10-18

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2016-06-07 09:50 | Report Abuse

if kingkongtruth is some sort like policemen or men in blue trying to overseeing all the offences happening in Bursa............he should apply for a job in Bursa to monitor such activities...................i can safely said that all transactions done in Bursa is willing buyers willing sellers basis................how can you prove someone manipulate the stocks?.............based on hearsays?..............comments?........what a joke.


2016-06-07 09:47 | Report Abuse

crazyremisier......................you think Bursa is stupid and go investigate you?................what are the proved?...............Mexter rise from change in guard offmarket at 0.15s.............then it shoot past to 0.23s.....................so it is norm for buyers or sellers along the way....................even you buy or sell along the way also didn't posed any offense.


2016-06-07 09:44 | Report Abuse

Michele...............just being sarcastic.................i never ever parted way with VIVO b4 it reach it maximum potential....................i only play along the way.....buy n sell to made profit....................while holding my old holding from 3 years back.


2016-06-07 09:23 | Report Abuse

hello crazyrmisier.................kingkongtruth is KOI KOH?..............no wonder.


2016-06-07 09:17 | Report Abuse

sell...........later will come down to 0.26, then 0.24, then worst 0.20s.............the chart is on downtrend.........run for your life now.


2016-06-07 09:05 | Report Abuse

whatever it is as long as they can't get 75% approval votes then gone like SONA..................Credit Suise accumulating is not a good omen..............made sure you guys get the stock corner and don't let CS get 25% of the total shares.

News & Blogs

2016-06-07 08:59 | Report Abuse

subscription as a camouflage to siphon more from the country thru GLC.


2016-06-06 17:00 | Report Abuse

market in downtrend........................every stocks down too................i guess kingkong stocks all in the uptrend?.............


2016-06-06 16:31 | Report Abuse

kingkongtruth..............you think i boasted with just a side of a palm that made most noise..................there are 2 persons here can attest to my holding record.........that is suffice to proved.

i don't wanna argue with you when you're not even in the picture that day.


2016-06-06 16:28 | Report Abuse

if based on your TA analysis................means you're a TA analyst............and using TA as guideline in making buy or sell calls...........doesn't means you're coverage on the stocks i m talking about.

i do not trust TA.......to made my judgement.............not because it is not accurate but always fails big time.


2016-06-06 16:25 | Report Abuse

kingkongtruth.............i m humble enough to be bullied and riddled with arogant comments by someone that i need to prove myself..............not that i'm showing off.

gets you facts right here because attacking me.

ask STUTU whats happened that warrants me to show my record on VIVO.


2016-06-06 16:18 | Report Abuse

Kingkongtruth.......i never said you mentioned a sell call on Panamy.....................i said since you're a TA person...................the sell call on Panamy should have initiated at 26.00 then.

Can you please read the sentence carefully.


2016-06-06 16:08 | Report Abuse

You thing the company promise too much?..........................but that proven in the last 2 quarters announcement................so i think we can trust them..................if we can't trust the company, the management, the results, news etc................why we invest then?.

Better keep the monies and worry less and no need argue here............no need to monitor thru FA, TA whatever it is.

Everyone have the rights to comments or initiate a calls based on facts n concrete news release to the public....................so do not abuse it with bad intentions..................for me i don't call for people to buy in VIVO..................i even show to the public 2 weeks back my holding on VIVO..........to proved my words and action.

Do not doubt me cos i am proven here with figures.


2016-06-06 16:02 | Report Abuse

Kingkongtruth......you have reply me on this.

Posted by ktsk88 > Jun 6, 2016 03:51 PM | Report Abuse X

kingkongtruth...............if based on your TA...............Panamy is ripen to be labelled a sell long time ago at 26.00..................but today it still at 29.xx.............

Hai-O...............based on TA should sell 2.4x, but now 2.63


2016-06-06 16:01 | Report Abuse

If i listen to people don't buy Panamy at 26.00 then i might not be enjoying the dividend for almost 3 years now and the stock goes past 30.00 last week.


2016-06-06 15:57 | Report Abuse

kingkongtruth..............the LYC and the director fake info............i known about this when the stocks trading at 0.16s........................i argue with crazy then.............and the stock when to 0.23s as crazy mentioned.............so along this path many of the people here making................so it up to them to sell then.

Not only you alone calling the sell.

But crazy should have insider info that we don't have in hand.......................same arguments you bombarded me in VIVO.....................the company comes out with many projects won and this should be a good indicators to buy in..................yet you said you have insider news that is bad and can cause the stocks to retreat back after run up from 10s to 0.37s. The run up because the company change it core biz and profitable............thats why the new valuation for VIVO..............yet you said the opposite.

Don't know what is your intentions...........bad to good, you said bad.

Good to bad, you said bad.

Seems every stocks also bad to u.

Please made you stance right.


2016-06-06 15:51 | Report Abuse

kingkongtruth...............if based on your TA...............Panamy is ripen to be labelled a sell long time ago at 26.00..................but today it still at 29.xx.............

Hai-O...............based on TA should sell 2.4x, but now 2.63


2016-06-06 15:48 | Report Abuse

Whats else of the stocks that we need to sell?...............i hv many in my portfolio....

Genting, Panamy, Hai-O, Rubberex ....................do i need to sell now?


2016-06-06 15:43 | Report Abuse

That's is why i said............we all here are investing based on information from the press releases................and i have confidence in the company..............if anyone here doesn't agreed then they can opted out.

If you have insider informations then by all means spills out the news that we are not aware if your intention is genuine in helping us from further losses unless your intentions is opposite.

Barring any absent insider news, i will still holding on my VIVO


2016-06-06 15:39 | Report Abuse

Please differentiate the facts.............there are delivery partner for this China giants..............not owned by Chinese companies or listed here in Bursa.

If they're listed here in Bursa................i can said all are conned.............i have experience in 1-2 stocks before.

But they have tie-up with this Chinese only..................and it is the Chinese state firms............not any TOM DICK HARRY companies there.


2016-06-06 15:36 | Report Abuse

WJY...............have you sold down................you should have made your own decision and not relied on people to give you the order...............try to have critical thinking and don't greedy.

Hope you recover soon.


2016-06-06 15:34 | Report Abuse

kingkongtruth..............policies of growth for a country remains same whether is election year or not...............if the projects is viable and beneficial to the people no matters whom administer the country or Govt of the day................the projects still goes on.

Same in Penang..........they are coming out with mega projects never ever imagine or bring out by the previous administration.

So why worries too much over the long term.........where is your foresight?


2016-06-06 15:31 | Report Abuse

I am not protecting anyone here................investment need your ability to have critical thinking put in place and don't greedy...................you bought and must know when to exit........................that's all i can said......do not blame game.


2016-06-06 15:29 | Report Abuse

Bear in mind the contracts not only in Malaysia but beyond this regions especially when they are delivery partner for China Giant CRCC and China Nuclear now.

Don't tell me you can't foresee this ....................


2016-06-06 15:28 | Report Abuse

the sustainability will be there................for the next 2 years.........beyond then we need to see future contracts won along these 2 years..........in order to have sustain profit beyond 2019.


2016-06-06 15:25 | Report Abuse

kingkongtruth, if you can't differentiate fundamental company with potential then don't simply bombarded ppl..............VIVO is difference comparing Mexter.............you might made a good call to sell Mexter after rising from 7sen to 15s ..................but that doesn't means you're right too pertaining VIVO.

You think the forum here belongs to you that warrants your call for everyone to go away?...............what you think you're ?...............Gangster? Samseng?


2016-06-06 15:22 | Report Abuse

cheerleading?...................we see value in VIVO..............thats is not cheerleading.

You think we use virtual monies to invest in VIVO..............kingkongtruth?......


2016-06-06 15:13 | Report Abuse

ACE stocks run up might be coming to an end..............so hold those got fundamental.................looking at the selling trends on all ACE/Penny stocks.


2016-06-06 14:18 | Report Abuse

justinvestor...............why bother this type of people..............they are not suppose to be here investing................everything is seems conned to him.................i am wondering if he has conned many that's why the retributions befalls him back and he realized it and turn over a new life trying to helps people?...................if he is then he shouldn't be here...............at the wrong place.................he should go to churches/temples to sit on board to helps people or perhaps helping himself there.

We are here sharing a stocks information and pin points those strong points of the company so that investing public can judge and invest ................our positions is more or less the same calls by those investment bankers eg. CIMB/MIDF/Eng Securities etc than come out wit long reporting of VIVO.......................we never ever twisted those findings or projects that are reported......................i don't see why we are seems and looks like conning people.

Looks like we are fools.....or the investments bankers too except STUTU is the genius here.


2016-06-06 13:05 | Report Abuse

Most of the top 20 actively traded stocks mostly penny and ACE with most without fundamental and profitable...............all being plays up and push up one after the others...........so the unlucky ones will get caught in the end holding rubbish.

That is why VIVO didn't have it days yet due to this rotational plays on cheap penny stocks.

When the plays end with losses to the players greedy by calls, then they'll realise that it is better to screens thru some penny/ACE stocks that have fundamental and profitable with good upside in coming months or medium to long terms..................and they will notice VIVO then.

Hence, i have confidence that this ppl will back to VIVO later after the run on ACE is finish and suffers big losses.

Those MB stocks are not in good supports too with most of them reporting disappointed quarterly results and their stock prices take a beating.

The downside is more steeper if they hold on their MB stocks.................so the best is still VIVO...............cheap, profitable, plenty of projects kicks in, bonus distributions,etc.

So the risks is at the minimum, with high rewards.

News & Blogs

2016-06-06 12:38 | Report Abuse

OT is not when it was at old days when they get listed. At that time the co-founder/etc still have a said in the company and insisting quality foods served................now they are more on personal capacity managing Nam Heong Cafe in Ipoh n KL. So the running now under different personnel overcome the F&B......................guess some big shot take control the group and hence the lousy foods and services.

But prices going high and some place they out of stocks for chillies, pepper etc.

Look at the stocks price you should know........................cannot go back to the glory days.


2016-06-06 10:13 | Report Abuse

crazy................i just thinking SGB already in the doldrum for sometime and suddenly push up today with same trending like Mexter...........so i thought maybe your team are playing.......the same with LKL today..............i have monitor LKL since 0.28s


2016-06-06 09:57 | Report Abuse

crazy next week inform me the next stock.................i thought your team focusing on LKL and SGB today.


2016-06-06 09:09 | Report Abuse

crazy, are the same syndicate playing Spring Galerry today...........the trend up today same meexter.


2016-06-03 16:53 | Report Abuse

okay time to go............have a nice weekend...........see ya on monday.


2016-06-03 16:52 | Report Abuse

in the markets, it buyers n sellers willingness and no forcing.............so who making or who losing is own decision and foresights...............no cheating involved.


2016-06-03 16:50 | Report Abuse

i don't sell my dignity and consciense........................as long i made money the right ways............no cheating.


2016-06-03 16:44 | Report Abuse

It doesn't matter operator, investors, daytrader, contrarian.............our aims is making money from the markets...............whoever can furnish us the info that made us gaining is a friends.................no matter what it does.

So it is onus to the person to believe fully or half heartedly and take profit along the line.............you decide your own fate or profits.................do not blame others if you're greedy.

That's all i can said.


2016-06-03 16:32 | Report Abuse

so far the crazyremisier is crazy to certain extenrs and that is already proven from 0.14s to 0.22s.................anyone wanna sell at those level already done so...............so it is own risks thenafter.

I doubt about him at the first place................but after understanding his scope of duties and job...............i am more approved his words or actions so far.


2016-06-03 16:14 | Report Abuse

jjs02100.............yes my target usually 0.005/0.01 sen.............anything more is bonus to me..............i try earned that daily if i can....................if not hold 1 week or 2........as long as i earn something for that month is good already on top of my employment salary.


2016-06-03 16:03 | Report Abuse

myviewsohai, it doesn't matter what counters as long we know the company background, it fundamental then we know what to do then.

some stocks like mexter can be traded, but if i am into it............i will take profit even for 2 sen profits.....................i know my target for the day or week or month..............how much i want to made.


2016-06-03 15:58 | Report Abuse

myviewsohai, no one scold you................i do not borrow money for investment...........all from my own sweat money.........i do not need to see AKPK.


2016-06-03 15:50 | Report Abuse

myviewsohai, all stocks you pun said collapse............what stocks you think will go up...............you recommend here and we monitor see if it is accurate then we will salute and respect you....................else just piss off.

Even Genting also collapse from 9.80 to 8.28


2016-06-03 15:39 | Report Abuse

vivo is fundamental stocks...............because it listed under ACE and all the sentiments in ACE market are pulling it down along...................one it graduated to MB then you see his potential.

I suppose to join in Mexter but i do not have bullets..........so nothing wrong to cheerleading or discussing here.

At least i made some friends here..................crazyremisier.


2016-06-03 15:31 | Report Abuse

if you want to buy let ppl stop dumping, then Crazy will push up then if his original plans is still intact.


2016-06-03 15:30 | Report Abuse

overall ACE market is pulling all ACE down...........ppl realise it is downtrending and crazy can't support it until people finish dumping then it will rebound.


2016-06-03 15:28 | Report Abuse

WJY, you haven't sell yet?..............i thought you shld average down n dispose some................greed will kills eventually.............discipline is the keys.


2016-06-03 14:04 | Report Abuse

Cakap banyak tak guna jika Credir Suisse hold more than 25%..............then the 75% will not meet the approval requirement of Bursa.

Blocked of Credit Suisse from getting more shares from the market..............or else same fate like SONA.


2016-06-03 12:33 | Report Abuse

Now, REACH, RSena will be next to exit our markets....goodluck to the shareholders...........if you can exits and making small loses better leave than to hope hope hope.

Any of the big funds buying into the stocks then you are doomed like Cliq/Sona.


2016-06-02 16:25 | Report Abuse

WJY.............you think you made enough you can sell...............don't give pressure to crazy.