
ktsk88 | Joined since 2012-10-18

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2016-06-15 11:53 | Report Abuse

thank u Joycetan................we know earlier and annoucement by the CEO that bonus is coming so dilution is expected...................this news is old news.

anyway appreciated the efforts to inform the investors here.


2016-06-15 11:47 | Report Abuse

you're right Michele...............even news that IRIS got the govt jobs of providing NRIC cards..............it won't go up..............not like MYEG which is control by someone(u know i know lah).................sure got supporting to maintain the price............i am not surprise if Valuecap got hands in it.


2016-06-15 11:45 | Report Abuse

vhock2...............joycetan sprucing up today with 1 comment.............:)))


2016-06-15 11:44 | Report Abuse

for me i try not to invest in political connected stocks...............it is risky.


2016-06-15 11:43 | Report Abuse

Look at Seacera tiles...........it was fine until someone have political connections getting the jobs and it going downtrend.


2016-06-15 11:42 | Report Abuse

Hunter2016..............this 2 counters no volume.............so people dont like it.........some investors do not like to invest in stocks that have political connections, some Board members are from the elite ruling party.


2016-06-15 11:30 | Report Abuse

someone now change ID to ladies name................more polite and gentle..................hahahaha.


2016-06-15 11:25 | Report Abuse

hunter2016................the PE 8x won't stands in Bursa............ppl don't care about that rules.............usually all the stocks are trading at around 15-17x.


2016-06-15 11:14 | Report Abuse

the only things we can do if you think VIVO is still on track is to buy and average out at 0.25s................no way you should sell and cut loss.


2016-06-15 11:11 | Report Abuse

hunter2016.............we are looking at EPS 0.03s or 76mil profit for this year.......no matter which quarter is greater or lesser as long as it met the 76mil or better.


2016-06-15 11:07 | Report Abuse

thanks justinvestor for the news..............that is what we should do........sharing whether bad or good.................but don't abuse, use vulgarity, curse family members etc.

be gentlemen and grow up like an adult.


2016-06-15 11:01 | Report Abuse

sywoon, they tipu but here got members succumbed to their scare tactics and sell...............now in dilemma to buy or not.


2016-06-15 10:54 | Report Abuse

it is obvious they come to create panic to buy.................only weakholder's sold at 0.25/0.255s now in dilemma whether to buy back at higher now or continue wait..................if continue wait and the stock go up 0.005/0.01s a day then they more panic.

why wanna fear when you know your chess is on solid path.......


2016-06-15 10:49 | Report Abuse

CRAZYREMISIER.................dont worry...........we do not pointing our fingers at anyone here except some crazy person creating new ID to post and hurled abuses.


2016-06-15 10:36 | Report Abuse

we need to calm when dealing with some syndicate here.............the more they created panic and expected us to sell, the more we hold to create lesser tickets for them to buy......................we should accumulate if you got the funds to do so.

when they can't get more tickets................they will starts pushing.............then those bought earlier can sell back to them and halts their uptrend.............let them taste back their medicine.

eventually, when big genuine investors comes in...............the stocks will continue the uptrend thrust when they spotted it was undervalued.

we need to understand how the syndicate works.........then we know where we stands and our chance to made gains.

if you can't beat them, join them on the game.


2016-06-15 10:25 | Report Abuse

If Britain leave EUROzone..............Malaysia will be affected more or less but not to the big extents................i presume...........since all trade is done in USD, of course our country debts in GBP and importers will be affected.................but this can be offsets by exporters gaining more in exchange gain received.

The most affected is EUROZONE countries.........

This is my opinion.................don't bombard me.


2016-06-15 10:02 | Report Abuse

MIRACLEDY......................some crazy nuts going banana becos he can't influence the members here to part ways VIVO stocks to the lowest 18s-20s.

That is why creating new ID every minutes to bashed and hurl abuses to us.

Admin I3, please banned this people................they're getting out of hand abusing with vulgarity.


2016-06-15 09:48 | Report Abuse

crazy people with mental illness................so free to create ID............aren't you tired and feel like a clown.


2016-06-15 09:46 | Report Abuse

some people here keep vreating new ID to comment because he accuse me for using mutiple ID to ask n answer...................so in order for him not to fall for the same predicament..............he keep on creating new ones to comments.

Your hidden agenda is exposed by your own doing.


2016-06-15 09:44 | Report Abuse

CWINGZ...............you come to advise is another question................people here some buy and keep the stocks...............so we know our stand............

as for all the didi/gorgor...............i don't need any favours from you.............cos i am following VIVO closely for updates..................any change in the company directions i will inform the people here and we will discuss the next course of actions to take.


2016-06-15 09:36 | Report Abuse

so we won't sell now...........just wait it drops gradually to their targets before go in and wait for rebound.........then we sell back to them when they push up.


2016-06-15 09:34 | Report Abuse

at least some kind people here come here to advice us the lowest the stock can go, now we no hurry to average out...............thanks STUTU/all the faked ID person.


2016-06-15 09:23 | Report Abuse

everyday coming here telling the same thing, bashing the same people, accusing people creating new nicks to comments or talk to themselves.

i guess he himself don't know what is he talking about when he creating almost 10 new ID yesterday and today to bashed people.


2016-06-15 09:19 | Report Abuse

someone keep creating new ID to the mimic all the members here and bashing all the members that are offensive against him.....what a pitance.

even can't use his own ID to represent himself.


2016-06-15 09:13 | Report Abuse

LKL have run up from 0.26, KTC from 0.28, BioHldg from 0.30 all this in about 1 month.................


2016-06-15 09:11 | Report Abuse

after 1MDB.........now Brexit............later what?..........people warn of recession is coming.


2016-06-15 09:10 | Report Abuse

crazy...........the project awarded to Zenith Consortium...........CRCC only have sum part awarded to them...................for me not a big worry..................it was not directly awarded to them.


2016-06-15 09:04 | Report Abuse

blekblek.............we know the stock will down to 0.18s.............thanks for informing.

we will take note of your advice.


2016-06-15 09:03 | Report Abuse

only spoiler now is BREXIT/1MDB being slapped with USD6bil arbitrage claim by SAudi IPIC.


2016-06-15 09:00 | Report Abuse

LKL/KTC/BIOHLDG...........all up..........:)


2016-06-15 08:47 | Report Abuse

Tunnel project put on hold but other outer roads job still going as planned.......further more the project was awarded to Zenith Consortium and CRCC only getting a sum part of the projects...........most important of the tied up with CRCC is the China Silk Road projects in the future.


2016-06-14 18:23 | Report Abuse

Everyone entitle to give comments but restrict to name calling, abuse with xxxx names abs involving family members even you think i am arrogant or lousy analysis. Same goes to those surface today to bashed ask the members here. Show some respect and be respected with genuine comments notbashing and Fxxx.

Everyone can evaluate no need you guys said who is right or wrong.


2016-06-14 18:22 | Report Abuse

Everyone entitle to give comments but restrict to name calling, abuse with xxxx names abs involving family members even you think i am arrogant or lousy analysis. Same goes to those surface today to bashed ask the members here. Show some respect and be respected with genuine comments notbashing and Fxxx.

Everyone can evaluate no need you guys said who is right or wrong.


2016-06-14 16:58 | Report Abuse

Justinvestir, and all those with vivo. No point to reply since they are a bunch of people that feel happy seeing others that have different opinion with them suffers losses or sell as per their calls.

I m just holding it until end of this year or 2017 depending the QR.

I m what I am with just an ID here. Let them said what that like whether I am syndicate runner or conning here.

I do not answerable to anyone about my investment where I bought it high or hold for few years.


2016-06-14 11:48 | Report Abuse

whoever buying and supporting the stock along the way to 0.36s will get bash n hurled abuses today......................no need bother all the new ID comments today..................just monitor VIVO fundamental and decide yourselves.


2016-06-14 11:25 | Report Abuse

different ppl have different appetite...................some bought and keep.............i am those that keep no matters what the market transpired.........because to me VIVO fundamental still no change.

this is my comments all along................bash me is you want..............that's my decision.


2016-06-14 11:23 | Report Abuse

sell now and you are no difference like a contra players.........sigh.


2016-06-14 10:25 | Report Abuse

stutu..........i won't fall for your call again.......just bark what u like......no my problems.


2016-06-14 10:16 | Report Abuse

now rebounding................and all the idiots commentor missing now.

because they success in creating fears to buy at 0.25/0.255s


2016-06-14 10:14 | Report Abuse

buying improving from 16% to 30% for mother.


2016-06-14 10:12 | Report Abuse

shaking weak holders and contra players..............now no one dare to touch........that is the purpose of the syndicate.

so now easy push up to whatever price they want and yet no one dare to buy along this path.


2016-06-14 09:58 | Report Abuse

stutu.....this is last time i said.............myview not my ID...............if you says again...........dont blame me using harsh words on u.


2016-06-14 09:55 | Report Abuse

rugi big or small is my problem....................you dont have to create so many ID this morning to comments.

aren't you look like a fool to do so................you wanna bash me............be gentlemen like stutu using only one ID and bash all the hell you want.

just curse what u want on me or my family.

be a man use 1 ID.


2016-06-14 09:45 | Report Abuse

if i try hard just to sell VIVO so that i can run..............u wrong.

I am still holding 0.3625s...........so i don't deceive anyone here.


2016-06-14 09:42 | Report Abuse

okay then push it back to 10s.............we made VIVO collapse n under PN3


2016-06-14 09:41 | Report Abuse

stutu............u think Valuecap will support VIVO..................the Govt don't have funds to supports the market.............they will only use to filled their own pocket..........

open your mind........don't related my comments on Valuecap with VIVO.

Can you differentiate the difference issues we are talking.............this is tantamount to personal attacks.................not about investing advises.

So if anyone here wanna listen to this kind of people............let it be.


2016-06-14 09:38 | Report Abuse

this is 10s stock ?......................the NTA of the stock is 27s..............and now the stock trading below it NTA.

Sooner later it will rebound.

If the stock NTA is 10s, then i can said it will or have chance to goes below 20s.

Check the company BS.

News & Blogs

2016-06-14 09:17 | Report Abuse

Govt mana ada 20B?.................kalau ada pun masuk poket sendiri dan kroni.