
ktsk88 | Joined since 2012-10-18

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2016-06-15 15:53 | Report Abuse

goodboy.............ya ya ktsk88 dog fights.....all because ktsk88 faults....))


2016-06-15 15:48 | Report Abuse

i trying be fark and blob....................don't listen to me too.


2016-06-15 15:45 | Report Abuse

i will push down to 18s......better than you richardcslim


2016-06-15 15:43 | Report Abuse

hahaha..........we see banana's today.......all over our heads.


2016-06-15 15:33 | Report Abuse

i think CRCC not involved in the Prasarana awarding of LRT3 projects.


2016-06-15 15:27 | Report Abuse

okay back to normalcy .......i m what i am. the rest of you is not ktsk88 as someone always accuse me as.

have a nice day all.................i m back as ktsk88.......no more jokes.


2016-06-15 15:26 | Report Abuse

Datoryu.................sorry ya............i m on the shooting end and bashing and they involved all of you as me ktsk88.


2016-06-15 15:25 | Report Abuse

oh Fahmi.....you mean ktsk88?.......very cunning ktsk88 use 3 ID asking sell low............then used many asking buy.


2016-06-15 15:22 | Report Abuse

LGMGL............thanks ktsk88 for sharing


2016-06-15 15:19 | Report Abuse

now everything is related to ktsk88...............so i m a big time sinner in i3.


2016-06-15 15:12 | Report Abuse

justinvestor............miss apa fun lah............goodboy/koi koh/justinvestor semua is ktsk88..............sendiri main syiok sendiri hari hari.


2016-06-15 15:08 | Report Abuse

koi koh dont conned people................ later i get the bashing.


2016-06-15 15:05 | Report Abuse

goodboy are u ktsk88?...........don't pretend there.


2016-06-15 15:04 | Report Abuse

see justinvestor (ktsk888) laughing at himself.


2016-06-15 15:01 | Report Abuse

KOI KOH..............where got many male chicken?................so far is only me talking to myself.


2016-06-15 14:26 | Report Abuse

come on guys/gals................don't simply made mistakes, later i m the ones get the abuses.


2016-06-15 14:09 | Report Abuse

Michele.........although i m 50 but looks like 30+ since everyone i met surprise at that..............to be honest.........but i am not macho kinda babyface like those Korean pop singers.......hahahaha............stutu sure jealous.

ktsk88 got pop star face at front and bitchy face like Michele at the back.


2016-06-15 14:05 | Report Abuse

ktsk88 suddenly so famous in i3 because 2 persons promoting me big time...........CONMAN of i3, MAN with Multiple Faces.


2016-06-15 14:04 | Report Abuse

justinvestor/michele..............dont joking there..........later someone said you both are ktsk88................now everyone coming here in VIVO or whichever blogs i go will be labelled as ktsk88 reincarnation.


2016-06-15 13:48 | Report Abuse

remember all the commenter here actually is me.................why you bother to reply them?.


2016-06-15 13:48 | Report Abuse

stutu, are u talking to axejay?....................or you talking to me actually?...........hahaha


2016-06-15 13:44 | Report Abuse

Posted by stutu > Jun 15, 2016 01:41 PM | Report Abuse

lol.. you guys want tips from a forum??? haha.. laugh die me. I am sure many people succeed in stock market thanks to forums

from your comments...............we know you not sincere from helping, more happy to see people loss big time and learn the lessons.

thanks stutu.


2016-06-15 13:42 | Report Abuse

STUTU, please go to I3 Admin and reports me..............let them ban me since i con people.

Let I3 Admin read all my comments and see deemed fit to ban me.


2016-06-15 13:40 | Report Abuse

i think i did mentioned to member about KTC/LKL/BIOHLDG/IVORY/HAI-O earlier if you folllow my comments.............all this have up by now.................if you have enters you should making profits now...........maybe my con jobs does works.


2016-06-15 13:38 | Report Abuse

stutu............yes focus on how i con ppl here................see who is being con later by me.

thanks for the compliments.


2016-06-15 13:37 | Report Abuse

tan56, vsolar could be push since Credit Suisse is into it.


2016-06-15 13:36 | Report Abuse

said what u like stutu....................in the end people will know who is conning or being conned.

stop arguing................just focus on the stocks........


2016-06-15 13:32 | Report Abuse

stutu thanks for the invitation......................i won't simply meet people.



2016-06-15 13:28 | Report Abuse

what for you wanna see my face...........................i m an old china man with lots of pimples holes. scare u faint and loose ur appetite......"))))


2016-06-15 13:27 | Report Abuse

stutu................here is the ground to discuss about VIVO................not a ground fights or fist fighting arena.


2016-06-15 13:25 | Report Abuse

STUTU, we here to discuss n sharing not to meet up and fight.

are you nuts.

Today, they are not calling for a sell, now focusing attacking me.

If I3 admin acts fairly, they have no reason to banned me so far since my inception here. I am not conning people.........not like some people that gets it ID banned.


2016-06-15 13:17 | Report Abuse

please justified your call of sell on the stock that will goes below 20s.................else just tell the members what you thought of VIVO.......

1) Worth investing?...............if no, why?
2) Promote your stocks that can be better than VIVO.................let ppl judge your choice.

No point arguing.


2016-06-15 13:14 | Report Abuse

gab_tan.................i didn't go on provoking others all this while since VIVO at 0.23s.

now ppl keep attacking me and likened me to all the ID here as same person.

do you think i just let it be?..............keep quiet like chicken?................you tell me la what to do.


2016-06-15 13:11 | Report Abuse

who are you STUTU?.................i know you?................why meet?. .... for what?


2016-06-15 13:10 | Report Abuse

if i had failed..............i won't be promoting since 0.23s all up to 0.365s where along the way ppl here also making profits.

now your turns to show your words are putting into actions by downtrend the stock price to 18s-20s.


2016-06-15 13:07 | Report Abuse

blab................even if i fails...............you too are going the same............if you can't made that 18s20s level you foresee and forewarned the people here...........


2016-06-15 13:02 | Report Abuse

me cheapskates......................when are the 18-20s coming..................since you said you foresee that level.................you should now made it happens.............else your credibility is gone......since you asking ppl to sell.


2016-06-15 12:56 | Report Abuse

if you think i am talking to myself, then please don't come to disturbs..............it made u goes banana.

why should i meet you?.................none of my biz.

i gv nothing to do with you.


2016-06-15 12:52 | Report Abuse

stutu................i conned you?..............if no, why the concern?...............others are grownup that can think and read articles from MIDF/MERCURY/CIMB about VIVO b4 investing....................then you go lodge reports that the 3 firms conning people.

AM i so special and powerful can convince the members to invest?.................since you already mentioned i and my lousy analysis.

the more you both speaks the more credibility downgrade on yourself.

I speaks about VIVO based on the news you can get from those 3 firms reporting............now pluck from air.


2016-06-15 12:48 | Report Abuse

hello blab idiot...................why i wanna pikat Michelle? if you already said i am the same person.


2016-06-15 12:46 | Report Abuse

now the idiots using STUTU ID to speaks.


2016-06-15 12:45 | Report Abuse

Micehele why you need to show him?....................give him middle finger will do.


2016-06-15 12:44 | Report Abuse

whoever you are be wise up and act like a gentlemen.................use only your own ID to comments.............don't each day come here creating new ones to talks........no guts or you're transgender?.


2016-06-15 12:43 | Report Abuse

don't ever come any members that defend me, he will use the timing as though i am the one with another ID replying. All ID is connected to me............crazy idiot.

Why don't he said i am connected to Dr yeoh................and i am his sons.


2016-06-15 12:39 | Report Abuse

Just investor, everyone have it limit. Michele losing her patience same with me yesterday.

Idiots breeds idiot.

Just ignore it.

He can't pull down the price now making fuss out of nothings.


2016-06-15 12:37 | Report Abuse

Michele forget this dumb person.


2016-06-15 12:15 | Report Abuse

Fark, why i must admit I m myview?

Are you having birth defect forcing me to admit.


What I do, I will admit openly. Otherwise piss6of.


2016-06-15 12:05 | Report Abuse

VIVO is connected to CRCC...............CRCC connected to Govt or not i do not know...............but their credibility is wellknowned all over the world...............so it is obvious to our Govt either awarded to them or Japan/Korea/etc.

What i m talking political connected is someone in the Govt but sits on Board of listed companies and being so get the contracts without tenders.

Please differentiate it la.


2016-06-15 12:03 | Report Abuse

yesterday 1 member bought in warrant B at 0.14s.........now can sell back to the syndicate at 0.145s.......for some profits...........they try push up 0.15s................you keep them at bay 0.145s.........hahahaha.

don't sell all at 0.145s..................just give 100 shares each time to pull down it............later they frust..........they will jump up the bid n collect......then u keep give out 100 shares.


2016-06-15 11:57 | Report Abuse

hunter2016................most CHINA listed companies in Bursa are real bad company.........most of them have some creative accounting in their books...........some having single PE and profitable but no dividends .........surprising right?.

Hence, do not invest in such directly listed China companies in Bursa ever.............but VIVO is Malaysian listed and control by Malaysian............so the difference is obvious........and the contracts are awarded by CRCC or private companies to VIVO............for verifications someone living in KL/PG/Johor can verified the projects.

If this projects are there and on going............we can assure it is genuine.