
ktsk88 | Joined since 2012-10-18

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2016-02-18 11:02 | Report Abuse

Nekosan, pls read properly the posting........TP for SYF is 70 sen and don't misled the price for Vivo.

No one is expecting Vivo Tp is RM1.00..........except you.....do not be like skunks that can't even read and starts hamkaleng me n Daz Ng.


2016-02-18 10:49 | Report Abuse

I don't know how this skunk read, the 70sen that i meant is for SYF stocks.

Posted by myviewmasturbator > Feb 18, 2016 10:36 AM | Report

myview the mother fukker and his ball carrier denghoi poosy licker both talking cock..daz ng another idiot with ktsk 88 must be dreaming 70 cts..just like the 72 virgins as promised if you mati syahid..
come on dont conned innocent players..
this share was only worth 8 cents many months ago
to all those who read this posting SELL selll SELL SELLL..DONT BUY
THIS myview bought at 30 cts together with his gang


2016-02-18 10:35 | Report Abuse

If there is insider info that the coming QR is bad, it will continue to slide today.

Else the selloff is due to other reasons we do not known.......or as i said some operator purposely push down to grabs more.......before announcing the QR anytime from now.


2016-02-18 10:13 | Report Abuse

Dell888, agreed on your comment about Dr.Yeoh.

Weakness is obvious....but the volume is getting smaller after yesterday routs........mean not about coming QR reports etc as someone mentioned yesterday.


2016-02-18 10:08 | Report Abuse

Daz Ng, noted......i will hold until 70sen level.


2016-02-18 10:00 | Report Abuse

Daz Ng, about Nihsin the company is not doing well fundamentally. You think it can go up to 40sen?.......a lots of sellers on queue at each level.

How about SYF...........you still holding?..............what is the TP?.......i am holding some.


2016-02-18 09:57 | Report Abuse

Posted by Desa20201956 > Feb 18, 2016 09:52 AM | Report Abuse

Next....CRCc is the most corrupt organization in China....their head was expelled from the party and given life sentence.

Sometimes when a head is corrupted and found out, of course will be expelled n jailed.......it show that the China Govt is doing their jobs and to protect public interest.....this is good corporate governance........and it didn't mean CRCC is bad.

We are not like Malaysia, where GLC heads is corrupted to the core and yet still helming and ruin the corporation image and the country image.

Please get the facts right.


2016-02-18 09:46 | Report Abuse

Basically, all companies listed are more or less got political connection to get the contracts......if we standby the comments by desa20201956......we do not have to invest in Malaysian stocks.


2016-02-18 09:42 | Report Abuse

MyView, of course we can do that if we have the numbers. Then we can grab at cheaper pricing.

Do not surprise if Brahmal is the one doing that yesterday..........because he is just holding 2-3% shares acquired recently.

Just see any filing to Bursa later.

Yesterday volume is huge, i think won't be from small investors like us.


2016-02-18 09:35 | Report Abuse

Of course there are rules, if i holding 2 million shares, i can just sell at buyer pricing and pulled down the price by 1 sen or 1.5 sen. When weak holders/investors saw the price down and panicked they will sell too then creating more sellers. Then i would throw lower and at the same time grabbing along the way.

I think this does not need genius to master.


2016-02-18 09:26 | Report Abuse

Yesterday volume almost about 4.75% of Vivo total shares in issued, someone could be pushing it down to grab more and cheaper from the market.

If i have holding of 2-3% of the shares, and i wish to add my holdings to 5%, i can easily placed out few millions shares to my fund manager to do the total damage to the share price and as investor panicked selling, i would grab it. Throw and grab.

That's why the price slide down all the way with high volume transacted yesterday.

If this is the works of someone, we would know later thru filing to Bursa in coming week.


2016-02-17 14:38 | Report Abuse

yeah ktsk88 is stupid........the skunk is the cleverest of all.

Please don't listen to my comments.


2016-02-17 14:23 | Report Abuse

Sorry someone said me a loser.......cos i bought at 30sen?........bullshit.

My average cost for Vivo is 0.21875 sen, my Warrant C is free.....0.00 sen.

So you tell me now sitting at a loss or not?.


2016-02-17 13:28 | Report Abuse

Avago acquired Broadcom.


2016-02-17 13:12 | Report Abuse

I am talking about fundamental stocks that been battered down will recovers. Not those hype.

Don't get me wrong Desa20201956


2016-02-17 13:01 | Report Abuse

Which shares didn't go down and recovers?...........it just can't go up forever and every stocks have their days.


2016-02-17 12:53 | Report Abuse

xox is without fundamental. do not compare with vivo


2016-02-17 12:32 | Report Abuse

the stock is oversold now. time to accumulate more.


2016-02-17 11:52 | Report Abuse

opportunity to buy when everyone runs.


2016-02-17 11:45 | Report Abuse

Price being artificial push down to collect judging from the volume spiked.


2016-02-17 10:43 | Report Abuse

happy trading..........don't take things so seriously with the skunk. Just concentrate on your money making investment.


2016-02-17 10:35 | Report Abuse

michelle, the reports gonna due end of this month or earlier if you see rebounds in the stock price and volumes.


2016-02-17 10:30 | Report Abuse

This is the trend for an upside stocks......when everyone lost hope and faith with the stocks based on down trend and low volumes.....it will strike back. So please don't sell if you know that the coming quarter result should be anytime now. Even GM Teoh chartist already forewarned that in the latest articles.

Whatever come down will go up back.


2016-02-17 10:25 | Report Abuse

Even the Govt defer the JB Gemas projects won't affected Vivo since they are only in bidding. Not that they have succesfully bidded and defer.

Please get the priority right before commenting and scare the people here.


2016-02-17 09:58 | Report Abuse

soon all the cursing will befall back to him and one fine day we will have peace of mind here when you notice no more postings from him.


2016-02-17 09:57 | Report Abuse

one way ticket cursing and talking here daily for someone and yet he don't feel tired repeating. what a thick skin fella.


2016-02-17 09:42 | Report Abuse

Just shy away from this forum.


2016-02-17 09:07 | Report Abuse

Dividendshark, i m still holding Bornoils.......and their latest QR will only be release in Mar'16/Apr'16. Judging from the gold price spike, i am confident the results should be good compare the previous quarter.


2016-02-16 16:52 | Report Abuse

SKPRes=SapuraKencana Petroleum?....................i got news that they have trimmed down their workforce in thousands....becos some of my customers use to trade at their sites.


2016-02-16 16:41 | Report Abuse

Charts cannot be relied 100%..........


2016-02-16 16:21 | Report Abuse

Now i am trying to discipline myself, when a stocks is battered down until evryone is throwing, i will start buying in but providing the stocks is fundamental good.


2016-02-16 16:15 | Report Abuse

The stocks pricing is advently battered down to low level with lesser volume........one thing for sure it is done on purpose to weed out weak holders for a run up. This is typical trend for a stocks when they're gonna run up.

Just careful not to be caught off guard when it suddenly spring up when you least expected it.

Hold on if you're genuine buying the stocks for future.


2016-02-16 11:21 | Report Abuse

Just ignore all the spammers, do not reply or advising them. Just read whatever relevant to the stocks in terms of news, announcements, etc.

Do not read spams or else you will feel more restless.

News & Blogs

2016-02-13 11:23 | Report Abuse

Whether is OTB,KYY etc............you need to research the stocks before jumping in......and most important do not play stocks on margin.

You will loose all your pants if going on margin...........i experience before in 1999.

If you have own funds to pickup those stocks, you just need the stocks to rebound back and you wont loose nothing.

If you're on margin, then no one can helps you.......


2016-02-13 10:58 | Report Abuse

At least i can breathe better now since SC given approval..........cos holding lots of warrant.


2016-02-13 10:33 | Report Abuse

I am sure Sona will gets the majority of the shareholders to voted the deals thru since big investors like Credit Suisse/PAG/Pacific/etc are holding more than 50%......and all small investors are eager to get the QA thru after holding more than 2 years over.


2016-02-13 10:14 | Report Abuse

SC approved the deals but said is overly fair value and ask Sona to renegotiate the pricing and if they still stick to the pricing, SC still approved provided shareholders voted and approval of the deal. I am sure the shareholders will approved it even the purchase price is not revised because Sona is gonna starts getting income from oil sales in the market since the oilfield is producing currently.

It just need utilise the 80% trust monies to expand current oilfield as on of the condition for the approval.

So all in, everyone benefits rather than voted down the approval even the price is abit high.

We're looking for roads ahead.


2016-02-06 11:32 | Report Abuse

I have added additional 100 lots (big) of warrant C at 0.185 sen 2 weeks ago.


2016-02-06 09:34 | Report Abuse

Quarter results expected in Mar'16.......and their golds are sold to establishment/commodity markets based on market pricing in US Dollars or RM equivalent price based on Bank Negara/Banks pricing.


2016-02-06 09:28 | Report Abuse

Projects acquired by vivocom are breakup into 3 categories...........1 is Govt projects which is critical to the economy and will go through whether the times is bad just will takes longer.......2 is private initiative projects in which i am sure the private company have all the funds to see it thru......3 is projects by CRCC outside Malaysia which will not affected by our economy scenario.

So it kinda spread risks projects on hand for Vivocom.........even for other developers or construction firms listed here.

If you think you can't swallow this kind of investment, just sell and change into something you can take a safe bets like consumers stocks, hospitality stocks or some recession proof stocks.

We need to see thru 2 to 4 quarters of results from Vivocom and it will reflected on the pricing.

Investment need patience especially company like Vivocom which venture into new charted territory.

Anyway wishes all Gong Xi Fa Cai and hope next week everyone can made profit from Vivocom when they expected to announce the quarter result thenafter.

Announcements & Events

2016-02-05 12:58 | Report Abuse

Anything with the name of Ranhill, don't ever touch it. The last i get scammed is Ranhill last privatisation...........farks.

News & Blogs

2016-02-05 12:45 | Report Abuse

Tabung Haji is a pilgrimage funds and nothing to do with us. Let them handle it with their own dignity, face saviour etc.

They owe it to their own kind....why we must bother.

News & Blogs

2016-02-03 12:41 | Report Abuse

Sleeping MB no need to do anything, just get salary and perks and signed as per instructions.

What can a SRP fella brings along with him the needed growth potential to develops the state.


2016-02-02 14:21 | Report Abuse

You think the Govt or the listed company will listen?.............you have been living here for so long and you should know how our Govt runs the country.

They don't ever listens to your protest.

They do not suffers becos everything is free loaded to them.


2016-02-02 14:14 | Report Abuse

The Chinese don't talk much, they dangle $$$$ and agreement in front of you..........either you sign and take the money or leave it.......not like American whom force you to the wall, thru invasions, wars, sanctions etc.


2016-02-02 13:58 | Report Abuse


The Chinese is spoiler no matters what they handle......they can sell at a loss just to disrupted the markets and later increase the price.

Now Edra Power from 1MDB under the Chinese, Shell, what else.......i guess many that we do not know since not published publicly.

I do not know what is in our Govt mind, keep selling valuable assets to foreigner and just thinking of laying their own pockets.

It is eventually the public like you and me will suffers in the long run.


2016-02-02 13:42 | Report Abuse

Another China dominance company..........later our economy besiege by Chinese and they starts dominate the economy............hope theysell the fuels later according to market price and all others starts to follow a price war and the Govt can only look helplessly. Screw big time our budgets and the whole economy falls under the Chinese control.

Hope this day can materialise and we see what the Malay's Group can do.


2016-01-30 11:57 | Report Abuse

Inthenewss, please keep your money in FD and you don't have to comments so much then. If everyone wanna keep waiting for a stocks to announce good quarterly result......you won't be able to ride the early train with cheaper tickets.......looked at all the export oriented stocks lately that sky-rocketed that you won't believe.

If everyone follows your advise to ride in when good quarter result cemented then you're trapped on the high side........Comintel Corp (comcorp) is one examples..........Seacera.......etc


2016-01-30 09:08 | Report Abuse

Myview, what you have said is truth. We are paying perhaps a small premium for future earnings knowingly well the earning is forthcoming and the quantum is expected to increasing each quarter.

The next reporting quarter could be anytime now and the Management is waiting for the right market atmosphere to release.....same like those awarded projects announced on and off to keep the buying momentum and share price steady.......a good moves by the company.

If those figure projected by CIMB/MIDF is taken as indicator...........by end of 2016 hopefully the company can apply for transfer to the Main Board.

Hopefully we will see some movement before the Chinese New Year next week.

Cheers and Happy Chinese New Year everyone..........Gong Xi Fa Cai.