
laychee | Joined since 2018-03-31

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2019-06-19 15:26 | Report Abuse

Strange. China has no response.

China wants Taiwan actually using Hong Kong as a bait.

But Hong Kong has nothing to do with trade war.

China flew 2 fighter jets passed Taiwan border back in April. The last crossover was like around 60 years ago.


2019-06-19 14:12 | Report Abuse

Today is a panic buy day. Which stock to buy? Many.

Because last FOMC meeting suggest a rate cut send the world indices to the roof.

This round the indices may rise again tomorrow.

Today is not about rate cut. It is about Trump calling up Xi begging for a deal + European stimulus hopes.

News & Blogs

2019-06-19 10:32 | Report Abuse

Today interesting day. DT gives positive news after Europe promised a stimulus plan.

Tonight US Fed will give clue on interest rate or even do a rate cut straight away but unlikely as DT is positive on a deal.

All will send stocks to the roof.


2019-06-18 21:31 | Report Abuse

Dufu insiders very aggressive.


2019-06-18 21:30 | Report Abuse

Drop because dragged down by topglove bad news.


2019-06-18 10:54 | Report Abuse

Satay boys playing music chair in great tech. They need to lure some of them over here to goreng.


2019-06-17 13:20 | Report Abuse

Moving into construction from property?

Construction got good prospect this year as gov has stopped all major new projects for a year already. Time to restart many.

Construction is now a more attractive cake compared to property.


2019-06-17 11:50 | Report Abuse

When will the winners of ECRL be announced?

Before that, the key event for the coming weeks are:

1) Any major DT or China announcement (most likely from China, as DT now having issues with comrades)
2) US Interest rate hints this Wednesday (our Thursday)
3) G20 summit next weekend

Market may go sideway if there is no major event. But people are betting a drop in USD soon as rate cut in July is very likely especially US Broadcom gives earnings warning with 2 billion less.

News & Blogs

2019-06-16 10:56 | Report Abuse

Trade war now becomes football as analysts here are using 'greatness' to judge.

Theorectically, communism will prevail if the leader is strong.

Democracy is weak or chaotic when the two strongest parties attract half of the citizen.

Britain, US, Malaysia, ...are now having the 50-50 support problem.

From logical point of view, China will win.

But DT is using every single loophole of US democracy to win such as signing executive orders...

News & Blogs

2019-06-15 17:14 | Report Abuse


Hong Kong suspends controversial extradition bill after backlash

Hong Kong leader Carrie Lam announces suspension of controversial bill, saying it had caused 'a lot of division'.

27 minutes ago


2019-06-15 13:49 | Report Abuse

Solar is considered old technology.

Now the world is secretly venturing into electric cars. It's the future while the supply of petro will run out by 2050.

The problem with electric cars is the rare earth used in the battery which is detrimental to the environment during manufacturing and disposal.

News & Blogs

2019-06-15 13:44 | Report Abuse

China central government wants to be world#1. Communism can only survive if the whole are of the same ideology.

Communism will not support open and fair market. Open and fair market can only slow down the wealth collection intention and result.

DT has been doing great for US. DT just US to be good with US slowly giving up the status as world benevolent police like post world war II era.

One is strengthening its communism strength using unfair trades.

The other is giving up its world influence by strengthening its internal structures (rights for white people).

Who is better? No one.

News & Blogs

2019-06-15 12:22 | Report Abuse

For the past few days, DT seems to soften a bit after the poll shows he will 100% lose in the next election. He was ranked #6.

After that, he seems eager to settle the war soon. He even cancelled a dispute complaint with WTO.

Now, trade bodies are forbiddibg DT to raise more tarriffs before 2nd of July.

As long as China is keeping quiet, it will win this war.


2019-06-14 19:54 | Report Abuse

Current gold price hinting a no deal sino-us trade war or brexit?


2019-06-14 19:47 | Report Abuse



2019-06-14 09:47 | Report Abuse

All ECRL related counters are approaching the moon after two weeks of silence during gov school holiday. Welcome back (your money), dads!


2019-06-14 09:46 | Report Abuse

It depends on USD outlook.

USD is smudged by potential interest cut in 31st of July.


2019-06-12 11:39 | Report Abuse

One quarter of good result by cost cutting under new CEO is sending this stock to moon.

The previous CEO must be sleeping.

But companies like this, revenue is also important.

News & Blogs

2019-06-12 11:21 | Report Abuse

US is 18 months behind China in terms of 5G technology.


2019-06-12 11:19 | Report Abuse

It depends on Nasdaq.

To me, chance of ending trade war this month is quite slim.

Xi called DT friend after shaking hands with Putin.
China then announced stimulus plan and initiated an extradition law in Hong Kong.

DT then asked Xi to end trade war while they meet in G20.

The question now is why Xi took so many retaliatory steps while called DT a friend?

The situation in Hong Kong is really bad as extradition bill will scare a lots of investors away from Hong Kong.


2019-06-12 11:13 | Report Abuse

Chance of US rate cut in June is almost 0%.
Chance of US rate cut in July is almost 100%.

DT wants rate cut in June.

This is extremely bad for USD.

Unless China's Xi want to end trade war now. Then chance of rate cut in July will drop to maybe 50%.


2019-06-12 09:02 | Report Abuse

Sorry yesterday Asian market surge was due to China's stimulus announcement not Trump.

China will build more infrastructures just to make GDP look good.


2019-06-11 18:24 | Report Abuse

A few days ago: President Xi went to Russia and made a deal with Putin. He then called Trump his friend.

Yesterday: A lots of org asking US government to delay the ban of Huawei by 1 year. Google also asked US government to lift the ban.

This morning: Trump threatens Xi to attend G20 submit and make a deal with him when they meet or he will raise tariff again

Many sees this as a good sign.

But the question now lies on Xi whether he wants to give up his economic war on the developed nations by 2025.

If Xi concedes, trade war will be over but his vision 2025 will fail.


2019-06-11 11:37 | Report Abuse

Prices are going back to pre-Huawei incident scenario.

Not sure about Ideal. But property/construction seems getting a boost of some sort this week maybe due to possible ending of trade war end of this month.

But if China reacts negatively to Trump's threat a few hours ago to Xi, market will lao sai again.


2019-06-11 11:32 | Report Abuse

Today is the first day kids go back to school. Yesterday was the last day of kids holiday. Yes, Monday(yesterday) is the last day of Raya holiday.

The first thing dads do today is to buy dufu, maybe due to too much visit to Japanese restaurants for the last two weeks.

No more jokes. The facts:

1. US Nasdaq sharp rebound for a week already. Today only see action in DUFU is due to two week school holiday for the past two weeks when all dads went 0% investment and 100% cash.

2. Trump is predicting a trade deal by threatening Xi to attend G20.

3. All Asian markets believed Trump.

4. Gold retreated after Trump promised a deal. That may reverse US Fed reserve promise of at least 3 rate cuts. Trump also criticised US Fed today. All leaders in world are too afraid to see rise in gold price as it is an indicator of an incompetent leader if price rises.


2019-06-10 10:45 | Report Abuse

School only starts tomorrow. Still got chance to buy some expensive stocks today.


2019-06-10 10:27 | Report Abuse

Weird movement for this counter. USD plummets but this stock...


2019-06-08 09:38 | Report Abuse

Yes, with strong RM, export may not be attractive in the near future.


2019-06-07 13:50 | Report Abuse

Biggest operator Hong Leong recommended this stock today. Maybe they start to sell now...

News & Blogs

2019-06-07 10:23 | Report Abuse

DT is now king of the stock market. He says something positive, matket up. Vice versa.

News & Blogs

2019-06-05 12:11 | Report Abuse

From technical point of view, yes. Just like US Fed stepped in yesterday just before the US market indices reaching the previous support line. If it broke the support line yesterday, markets could crash.

News & Blogs

2019-06-05 11:35 | Report Abuse

Yes, lower your expectation, hope for the best from the new government. That's all we can do.

News & Blogs

2019-06-05 11:31 | Report Abuse

The new government looks like UMNO 2.0. Don't expect too much.

The education minister confirms this. (from the way he talks and is still ignorant what he conveyed was wrong and insisted that he was right)

News & Blogs

2019-06-05 09:40 | Report Abuse

The recent tech war made US Fed to almost confirm 3 rate cuts in the coming 6 months which is good for stock markets but bad for USD. Trump has been asking Fed to cut rates and he made it this time. Trump triumphs.

Ringgit did not strengthen. USD weakens.

News & Blogs

2019-06-05 09:36 | Report Abuse

Most importantly, we need to know when the market will rebound.

If today US rebounds again, it could be an indication of a strong rebound in coming sessions.

No news from China means good news so far. No retaliation is somewhat unexpected.

Trump is diverting attention from China by lighting fire on US borders telling the world that he is not about bringing China down, it is only about making US great again. I think this rebound will be very rewarding to him. In short, Trump triumphs.

News & Blogs

2019-06-04 08:41 | Report Abuse

Before that, we first need a more capable minister of education and also hardwork for centuries and mindset changes before that can happen.

News & Blogs

2019-06-03 20:11 | Report Abuse

What if the foreign is from Chinese origin?


2019-06-03 13:21 | Report Abuse

This counter depends heavily on crude oil price. It's like a hedge.


2019-06-03 09:25 | Report Abuse

Trade war has evolved into tech war. Tech stocks will be volatile.


2019-05-30 16:33 | Report Abuse

WCT, Gadang, Ekovest, Suncon.... linked to ECRL or frankly speaking they are the potential winner(s) of projects.

News & Blogs

2019-05-30 16:29 | Report Abuse

Change it to warm light or turn on blue light filter on new equipments.

Blue light excite cortisol, suppress melatonin.
We need cortisol to wake up from sleep, melatonin to fall asleep.

9pm, we need melatonin. 4am we need cortisol.

Too much cortisol and too less melatonin can degrade our immune system.


2019-05-30 16:23 | Report Abuse

China is preparing the 'rare earth' nuclear launch code. Fear is still minimal in tech sector.


2019-05-29 20:18 | Report Abuse

Yesterday 4.50pm maybe support from goveenment as Taiwanese government was also doing that but failed.

Government officials around the world are preparing for a nasty crash soon.


2019-05-28 17:54 | Report Abuse

4.50pm gap up and down on many stocks.
Gap up: BAuto, Sime, Padini, all cash rich companies...
Gap down, many construction related stocks

Anyone has experience on this? Foreigners, EPF?


2019-05-28 14:44 | Report Abuse

If you think can rebound, buy or keep loh.

If you think can koyak, don't buy or sell loh.

Wood counters may be the target of next goreng. But it also depends USD strength.


2019-05-28 12:30 | Report Abuse

Need to compare with the same quarter last year. Many businesses are very seasonal.

Demand will be weak due to weak global economy.


2019-05-27 12:20 | Report Abuse

If China presses the last button to ban export rare earth to US, tech sector will crash.

But this is the last (nuclear launch like) approach. I doubt this could happen.

Huawei vs Rare Earth. Just paying a visit to rare earth factory is enough to scare Trump by giving 90 more days to Huawei.

Report also shows that US is rebuilding its rare earth mining and processing facility and will be ready soon. Until that happens, Trump may tone down a bit.

News & Blogs

2019-05-27 11:30 | Report Abuse

This is necessary as equality will be the blockage for everything in this country.

We need to grow together. Open tender will usually benefit the Chinese only as we receive better education since independence not because we are rich, we are willing to fight for brighter future.

News & Blogs

2019-05-27 11:10 | Report Abuse

Action is the best proof of everything.

If you are a boss, you would hire a worker who has a lots of certs and background or you hire someone who can get things done?

Even if you are deaf, as long as you can help a company to make money, it is still better than those who can only talk and does nothing much meaningful.

If a company cannot make money, it will close down. [this simple truth cannot be understood for the past 60 years as someone think money can fall from the sky by getting loans.... who is going to pay the loan in the end? Money won't fall from the sky]

Some people even think if this company close down, jump to another company LAH. But how about the company you caused to close down? What's the impact to the local economy?