
madiba | Joined since 2013-12-10

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2015-12-01 12:46 | Report Abuse

Given that on such perceived 'negative' results, the stock did not encounter any massive selling and instead ended up on the morning session on good volume only means 3 things :

(1) 'Negative' result was discounted and priced in;
(2) No major shareholder selling;
(3) Likelihood of institutional funds and or major shareholders buying given the price stability.

I won't be surprise Mpay moving back up to the 29-30 cents level in December on the back of more positive announcements subject to no major weaknesses on Bursa or overseas bourses.


2015-12-01 10:46 | Report Abuse

Post analysis:

Significant notes in the account -

(1) 'Hence, the Group has decided to make a provision for impairment on its older Chip and Sign technology related inventory and fixed asset totaling RM7.204 million. As a corporate strategy, the Group has started promoting our payment solutions and services to countries where the payment industry still adopts the Chip and Sign technology. The Group may write back some recoverable value once this inventory is successfully rolled out to these countries' ' This is unlikely to be repeated in the next quarter '.

Comments : Third quarter loss due to one time provision. Further write off unlikely to re-occur and more likely positive write back next year once the older technology is migrated over to neighbouring countries still using the chip & pin.

(2) 'The Group cash position and liquidity remains robust with a healthy cash equivalent balance
exceeding RM 80 million and zero outstanding debt. The Group balance sheet remains strong with a net asset backing of RM0.15 per share, an increase of 2 sen compared to RM0.13 per share in the corresponding 3 quarters preceding period'

Comments : Confirmation of my earlier September 2 2015 analysis:-

Sep 2, 2015 10:02 AM | Report Abuse

1) RM 80 million cash in the bank.
2) Strong balance sheet.
3) Zero debt.

(3) 'As a corporate strategy to ramp up the Group earnings, it intends to enter into smart partnerships with various key industry players in the financial, retail, e-commerce and big data eco-system to enhance and expand the Group business revenue channels.'

Comments: In the pipeline already beginning with the huge retailer association called MRCA and then a company called Fusionex in big data. Expect more significant partnerships that will 'ramp up earnings'.


In a nutshell these are confirmation as in my November 23 2015 write up ie:

Nov 23, 2015 11:41 AM | Report Abuse

Good morning all. Yes the FY quarter is indeed late and if no announcement is made by tomorrow latest I suspect the results will not be favourable in the short term.

Given that the company is pushing hard for its emoney roll out ie high burn rate and the sequential difference in new contract bookings I will not be surprise if it registers a loss although cash in the bank should still be above RM 70 mil if not higher.

Further given that Mpay and all other players in the payment terminal industry are migrating over to the new chip and pin technology as required by Bank Negara in 2016 and beyond, this opens up the possibility of financial provisions required for old software technology and inventories already spent.

In a nut shell I do not expect a good financial quarter reporting. These provisions (if any) is part and parcel of prudent financial accounting management and it does not change the bright outlook of the company in 2016 and beyond. Good luck all and I stand ready to buy on any major weakness arising there from the news.


These are great buying opportunities for those who analysed it well. Good luck everyone!


2015-11-23 11:41 | Report Abuse

Good morning all. Yes the FY quarter is indeed late and if no announcement is made by tomorrow latest I suspect the results will not be favourable in the short term.

Given that the company is pushing hard for its emoney roll out ie high burn rate and the sequential difference in new contract bookings I will not be surprise if it registers a loss although cash in the bank should still be above RM 70 mil if not higher.

Further given that Mpay and all other players in the payment terminal industry are migrating over to the new chip and pin technology as required by Bank Negara in 2016 and beyond, this opens up the possibility of financial provisions required for old software technology and inventories already spent.

In a nut shell I do not expect a good financial quarter reporting. These provisions (if any) is part and parcel of prudent financial accounting management and it does not change the bright outlook of the company in 2016 and beyond. Good luck all and I stand ready to buy on any major weakness arising there from the news.


2015-11-01 13:38 | Report Abuse

Happy sunday everyone, just a note to update since its 1st November 2015.

Mpay shares has moved up nicely from 24.5 cents on 1st Oct 2015 to 29 cents end Oct or a whopping gain of 18.4% in 1 month. Comparatively the Bursa index has gained only 2% from 1633 points to 1665 end October. If you were to compare the performance since 1 September when the buy call was made the performance is even better ie an awesome 49% in 2 months from 19.5 cents to 29 cents currently.

I expect this beta out performance to continue as reflected even in the short term as the index retraced back 50 points since the Malaysia Budget whilst Mpay share has been hovering near its recent October high of 29.5 cents.

Last friday announcement was interesting :

ie to deploy Mpay Managed Payment System (MPS), Mobile Point of Sales System (MPOS), Integrated Point of Sales System (iPOS) and to provide third party acquiring (TPA) services in Singapore.

This statement to me indicates that Mpay is complying to certain regulatory requirements in Singapore to enable it to prepare for deployment of the aforesaid. As such I will not be at all surprised that it will announce a major contract win in Singapore with a bank there soon.

With these series of news flow previously and more to be expected, the stock will remain firm to higher and any short term dips (if any) especially from overseas weaknesses should be considered as excellent buying opportunities. Those who have taken profits early are now forced to buy back at higher prices so most definitely this stock outperforms and rewards both long term & short terms holders though I must add this is not a contra play stock.

Good luck everyone.


2015-10-26 21:24 | Report Abuse

Excellent news just out as expected. This is an excellent synergistic partnership and value creation between two listed companies combining offerings and enhancing verticals.

Fusionex listed on the London Stock Exchange with a market capitalization of about 160 million pounds or circa Ringgit Malaysia 1 billion is a very credible big data and loyalty operator with a Grade A client lists :

The combination of payments, e-money and loyalty into one integrated platform with data analytics insights offers a compelling value proposition to any serious investor looking for beneficiaries in the e payment migration, evolution of loyalty points to e-money incentives and the big data ecosystem. The crystalization of this partnership would create significant earnings enhancements moving forward for Mpay in the next 12-15 months.

With the operational synergies I won't be surprised that there would be some exciting changes in the shareholding structure of Mpay with this partnership drawing in long term value institutional investors. As mentioned before in comparison with GHL (3x of book value) Mpay is of great value even at 34 cents (2X of book value) let alone anything below 30 cents.

This is great news for loyal Mpay shareholders who has not sold the stock through the recent crisis and have bought more on weakness. Most definitely not a stock to be caught short.
Good luck everyone.


2015-10-22 11:11 | Report Abuse

Good morning everyone. Just an update on my last posting dated 8 October 2015 regarding

'Moving forward credible sources have indicated some exciting synergistic partnership announcement with an international loyalty operator...... These will be very significant game changers to the valuation model on why Mpay is dirt cheap even at 34 cents (2X book value) compared to GHL (3.1X book value) with the new earnings stream. ' : 8 Oct 2015

According to sources the company will be announcing the above very soon and in addition to that major account wins with some large Malaysian financial institutions, Exciting times ahead both in the short to medium term.

Other than the usual shallow consolidation (unless overseas markets worsens) in light of these expected announcements which will enhance Mpay earnings very substantially, the upwards momentum trajectory and out performance shall continue intact.

Good luck everyone.


2015-10-08 08:45 | Report Abuse

Lets recap what has been happening since the last big buy call @ 20 cents dated 02 September.

(1) Up 35% to 27 cents since that date with two major corporate announcements in the bag ie acquisition of Trustgate and award of e-wallet contract from MRCA;

(2) Overall Bursa market is rebounding from oversold levels with the recent recovery in oil price and better export figures;

Moving forward credible sources have indicated some exciting synergistic partnership announcement with an international loyalty operator and a huge e-money partnership with a giant Malaysian shopping mall group in the pipeline that will give Mpay significant recurrent earnings and market footprint. These will be very significant game changers to the valuation model on why Mpay is dirt cheap even at 34 cents (2X book value) compared to GHL (3.1X book value) with the new earnings stream.

Do watch out for it as the price is unlikely to drop much given these news coming up soon and further given its current out performance benchmarking against the recovering Bursa index coupled with the recent spurt in GHL stock price. I am looking at the 29-30 cents TP level first stop in reaction to these news.

Good luck everyone.


2015-10-01 23:36 | Report Abuse

Some seriously big big names in that association ecosystem:

Analysing the combined turnover of association members (assuming full participation) if you were to cursory aggregate up the combined revenues of all members will translate to over RM 15 billion per annum of which more than 50% are through card based transactions. Assuming this conjecture, Mpay should earn a MDR fee of around 1% on providing the common e-wallet payment gateway translating into a potential revenue of circa RM 75 million on full roll out traction.


2015-10-01 10:07 | Report Abuse

Good question JamieC. The private placement takers led by Datuk Yvonne Chia ex head of Hong Leong Bank are not in this for the short haul. Its probably them behind the scene putting the new earnings driver traction and accumulating more shares indirectly to get the maximum valuation and private benefit from the eventual takeover from a corporate entity. It may take months but it will come eventually and it will not be anywhere lower than 34 cents (2X book value) when the time is ripe. With CIMB putting a recent fair valuation on GHL at RM 1.65 (current RM 1.04) or 4.5X of book value, the wide discount valuation between GHL and Mpay will compress over time with Mpay share price playing catching up to benchmark valuation. Good luck.


2015-10-01 09:32 | Report Abuse

Relative performance.

The recovery is well under way and unless the Bursa index plunges below the previous low of 1503 made on 25 August again I do not expect this share to go anywhere below 20 cents any time soon. Lets have a look at the statistics.

End August End September % change
19.5 cent 25 cent + 28% Mpay
1612 1621 +0.6% Bursa Index

Year to date Mpay has moved up 16.3% from 21.5 cent to 25 cent whilst the Bursa index has contracted -8% from 1761 to 1621 end September. This solid relative out performance will continue.

We have had a glimpse of what new business stream are ahead with the acquisition of a stake in the 2nd largest certification authority Trustgate (1 of only 3 in Malaysia) which will enable Mpay to gain a foothold in the potentially huge internet of things security ecosystem apart from the financial banking certification authentication.

I expect further exciting corporate announcements soon on other new business streams and key account wins which will enable Mpay to roll out its major earnings driver moving forward in the area of e-money. Do watch out for it as it is consolidation well at this 23.5-25 cent region before the next leg up subject to no major deterioration in overall market conditions. Good luck everyone.

Note: The RM 80 million cash in the bank is intact. It will be stated in the next quarter financial result due out mid November.


2015-09-22 12:15 | Report Abuse

Good corporate news should be coming soon. Watch out for it.


2015-09-02 10:02 | Report Abuse

Good morning. Lets recap the situation for Mpay:

1)RM 80 million cash in the bank.
2)Strong balance sheet.
3) Zero debt.
4) NTA backing of 17 cents.
5) Price to book of only 1.2X.
6) Valuable e-money licence from Bank Negara (ie digital banking).
7) Major beneficiary of Malaysia's e-money migration 2016-2020.
8) Regional China Union Pay TPA provider.
9) Fragmented major shareholder (Mr Chew holding less than 20% and major buyer in the market below 20 cents recently).
10) Datuk Yvonne Chia and other placement takers (Silverlake's indirect nominees) still holding an aggregated d20% block @23 cents.
11) Earnings lift off FY 2016.
12) Beta relative out performance against the Bursa index even in a bear market.

........the list goes on.

What we have now are external shocks impeding the stock upside as it was @30 cents before the whole market crashed. Once the situation normalised over the course of the next 3 months I expect the clarity above will resonate. I am activating my buying again in this down-turn to capture excellent prices in expectation of a recovery to the 28 cents level (1.65X price to book vs GHL 2.5X currently) on the back of a less volatile and steadier market condition underpin by further clarity via corporate announcements and reduction in valuation discount. Good luck everyone. Stirred but not shaken.

Note: Buy and sell at your own risks as usual. I don't hang around forums.


2015-07-29 14:42 | Report Abuse

The news out on The Edge and The Star newspaper are just affirmation Mpay is gaining in the e-payment ecosystem. The price is holding very steady despite the index tanking and more shares issuance from the placement and warrants conversion. This simply points clearly that there is no distribution or shares overhang and that the smart money continue to accumulate the counter. As mentioned before this is one stock that will outperform the index once the Bursa index recovers. The transformation to a financial technology counter is gaining traction. Good luck everyone.


2015-07-22 10:03 | Report Abuse

Good morning everyone. Status update 22 July 2015.

The placement shares of which Datuk Yvonne Chia and related parties to Silverlake Axis holding approximately 30% equity in Mpay were listed yesterday and as mentioned before I do not see any major profit taking from them moving forward.

Further Mr Chew emerged as a major buyer of the warrants accumulating 13 million warrants for conversion before expiry. The total warrants bought for conversion by insiders is estimated at around 80 million before expiry bringing in another RM 16 million cash into the company on top of RM 29 million raised from the placement shares. Thus total cash in the company including clean receivables is estimated to be circa RM 55 million with zero debts.

Status :Cash rich with new reputable banking shareholders.

A cash rich company in the hands of new major shareholders who are highly reputable bankers and finance technology infrastructure experts will not sell out at only 30 cents. The stock is in play and undergoing a business transformation into a finance technology counter.The smart money are still accumulating before the real upswing begins once the value creation gets noticed by small cap institutional investors. My personal short term TP is 40 cents once the Bursa index starts recovering. Downside is limited to 26 cents. Longer term ie 2-3 years I am looking at RM 1.20 - RM 1.30 once clarity on the new earnings stream flows through with the Silverlake tie up.

As a comparative benchmark Mpay has strong historical correlation with GHL stock price movement (technical stock traders please confirm) being in the same generic payment sector thus it will be wise to keep an eye on both. I have built my positions on both Mpay and GHL since beginning of this year to outperform the Bursa index and has been well rewarded thus far. There is no reason to change my position and am looking to increase my exposure on any short term weakness,

Good luck everyone.


2015-07-08 10:59 | Report Abuse

kelvinfixx may I humbly suggest that you keep your comments to a higher level of analytical thinking, fair comments and devoid of derogation lest it shows your complete immaturity and total lack of experience in investing not withstanding your past comments has proven to be of no value whatsoever to anybody here. Thank you,


2015-07-08 10:54 | Report Abuse

When the whole overall market roils from the twin effect of overseas Grexit and domestic politics concerns it is analytical to have a statistical relative performance check on the last 3 times the Bursa index went below 1700 points:

16 Dec 2014 Bursa Index 1673 : Mpay 18 cents closing
29 June 2015 Bursa Index 1691 : Mpay 27 cents closing
8 July 2015 Bursa Index (today 10.45 am KL time) Index 1693 : Mpay 29 cents

It is comforting and confidence building that the counter has performed relatively well past 6 months even in bear market conditions like now. Mpay is up 35% whilst the index is down 4% year to date.

Not many counters on Bursa has outperform the index and Mpay to me is one stock to remain invested in even on beta basis . Worse case downside is around 26-27 cents (2-3 cents risk) whilst upside once the market recovers is 50 cents (21 cents reward) whilst my long term target is RM 1.30 which is still a 65:35 probability in despite of the short term uncertainties.

I continue to accumulate on this weakness as before since the beginning of the year.
Good luck everyone.


2015-07-06 10:45 | Report Abuse

More research information about one of the core new shareholders in Mpay and who they represent:

Silverlake Axis listed in Singapore-

Datuk Yvonne Chia was recently just appointed to the Board of Silverlake and its not a coincidence she is now taking a substantial stake in Mpay with her son Mr Andrew Chia. Coupled with the other placement subscriber Mr Chu Hong Keong who is also the CEO of Silverlake Axis Malaysia, you should know what is going on,

Silverlake has a huge unutilized cash hoard of RM 350 milllion in its balance sheet and made a net profit RM 248 million in 2014. There are strong synergies between Silverlake and Mpay's’ products and solutions, and a natural alignment of target customers in the Asia pacific region.

A takeover will add depth and range to Mpay's portfolio of software solutions and services to deliver and support business transformational initiatives and to enhance Mpay's profitability from the migration towards e-payment, e-money and the evolving digital economy in Malaysia.

Assuming a 20% corporate business re-alignment of profitability divisions from Silverlake towards Mpay post acquisition will impute a net profit of RM 50 million moving forward. Assuming an enlarged paid up capital of 705 million after placement & full warrant conversion and applying an average PE of 18 times post takeover this will impute an average price of RM 1.30 per share.


I will continue to accumulate on this Grexit and Malaysian domestic politics induced price weakness as the chances of a takeover is 65:35 and the upside long term target is compelling given that nothing ever happens by coincidence in Malaysia. I will research more about the other core new shareholder later. Good luck everyone.


2015-07-02 15:51 | Report Abuse

This is to re-affirm my last comments on 16 June and there has been no red flags to indicate a change to my buying position at current levels.

June 16, 2015 01:30 PM | Report Abuse

Spot on. The new shareholders credibility and business transformation will awe everyone moving forward. Oversold and cheap at current levels once more revelation of the new shareholders come out. This is a financial technology stock that will continue to out perform the index.


Once clarity on the new shareholders are out very soon I do not expect any shares overhang whatsoever from the placement shares and or warrant conversion. Kindly note I do not hang around forums all day to answer your queries or sarcasm.

You are free to buy or sell on your own risk and no malice intended. Once the new shareholders are known I trust you will know the truth. I am not a short term sentiment or technical trader merely a keen regional investor in stocks like Mpay and GHL in Malaysia. These Grexit induced market gyrations are perfect for investors like me to accumulate as Mpay will continue to outperform the index as before. The worse is over.

Good luck everyone.


2015-06-16 13:56 | Report Abuse

You do get some idiots in this world. Please forgive them. By the way the new purported shareholders are extremely credible I heard definitely not short term holders and will likely increase their stake as they transform the company into a financial technology counter. This stock is a takeover play within the next 6 months. No share overhang expected from the private placement or warrant conversion. Good luck everyone.


2015-06-16 13:30 | Report Abuse

Spot on. The new shareholders credibility and business transformation will awe everyone moving forward. Oversold and cheap at current levels once more revelation of the new shareholders come out next week. This is a financial technology stock that will continue to out perform the index.


2015-06-15 16:43 | Report Abuse

When the market roils and fear sets in with heavy forced liquidation from weak holders coupled with contagion effect from the IFCA melt down, I hereby declare its my dream come true prices at 26.5 cents to accumulate today. No selling to date just buying from my side. Stirred but not shaken.


2015-06-01 23:47 | Report Abuse

kelvinfixx you are obviously doing selective analysis here. You said about weak performance and I showed you the statistical proof of price out performance of Mpay against the index.

Now you are talking about something else ie GHL 1st quarter earnings. Please analyse where this GHL top line growth came from and whether its also correspondingly reflected in similar earnings per share growth numbers? Once you find that out you will know that top line growth came from the injection of Epay Australia via issuance of new GHL shares. I am bullish on both counters for the record please track back on my postings early this year on these two counters.

However it would be most unfair if you or me carry on grumbling on about other better stocks here to which really I think you ought to put your money elsewhere and use your unusual selective analysis into actual proven capital gains elsewhere. Lets not waste each other's time.


2015-06-01 19:16 | Report Abuse

To answer the question about weak performance here are some statistical facts to put to rest what is misplaced perceptions about Mpay weak performance vis a vis the Bursa index :

Date Index % performance to date 1 June 2015 (1743 points)
02 Jan 2015 1752 -0.6% (6 months)
02 March 2015 1817 -4.1% (3 months)

Date Mpay price % performance to date 1 June 2015 (29 cents)
02 Jan 2015 21.5 cents +34.9% (6 months)
02 March 2015 23.5 cents +23.4% (3 months)

Date Mpay-W price % performance to date 1 June 2015 (9.5 cents)
02 Jan 2015 6.5 cents +46.2% (6 months)
02 March 2015 6.0 cents +50% (3 months)

Therefore Mpay share price has risen 34.9% since beginning of the year whilst the index has remain largely flat whilst the warrants has risen 46.2%.

On a 3 months basis, Mpay share price has risen 23.4% % whilst the index has retreated -4.1% whilst the warrants has risen a whopping 50%.

The out performance shall continue once the gyrations caused by the 1MDB and political issues subsides over time. Lets deal with facts and not poor perceptions and misguided sentiments.


2015-06-01 17:18 | Report Abuse

I appreciate all value added comments and nothing personal or derogatory are most welcomed. If you are bearish on the counter then you should just sell and move on. If you are bullish then you should be vigilant and be prepared to buy especially on short term market downturns caused by political swings or overseas weaknesses like now.

I do not comment on the 1MDB or political situations as your guess is as good as mine nor do I wish to pick the market bottom arising from the market gyrations. Therefore if there is nothing to add I prefer to remain silent and status quo.

There should not be any spoon feeding here and you should activate your investor knowledge by investing in quality research information across the board and not merely listening to wild rumours or worse still sentiment based contra trading. My status quo positions and thoughts are in all the postings today. Good luck everyone.


2015-06-01 16:25 | Report Abuse

@skyea my sincere apologies I am not on social network. Lets keep the value sharing professional and nothing personal. Thank you.


2015-06-01 16:12 | Report Abuse

@TSN430 you should convert your warrants to mother shares by subscribing cash 20 cents per warrant. You can request the conversion exercise form from your broking house or from Mpay registrar Tricor Investor Services telephone number: 2264 3883. You can exercise the conversion in stages or in one tranche before expiry 6 August 2015. You will not regret converting into mother shares once you know who the new major shareholders are moving forward. Good luck.


2015-06-01 15:37 | Report Abuse

Since you are so bearish kelvinfixx please sell everything today when prices are still firm and leave the forum immediately since you have no further interest. Thank you.


2015-04-15 09:37 | Report Abuse

Observing the price volume action yesterday and this morning, my analysis points to a much higher close than 30 cents end April. The consolidation mode mentioned 7 days ago is coming to an end and we will see a stronger trajectory here on running into May as more information is released on the emoney and the placement takers.

Remember with the business transformation, this is no longer an ACE technology company but a cash rich finance company with a main board switch takeover play moving forward.

This is not a call to buy or sell the stock so please manage your own risk. I have been buying at 28 cents as I stated earlier and am accumulating more next few days below 30 cents as the value proposition is compelling with limited downside risk.. Good luck everyone.


2015-04-14 10:47 | Report Abuse

I am very disappointed that this forum has been abused by unnecessary degrading comments that are neither constructive and or of added value to shared investor information. Kindly refrain from doing so failing which I have no choice but to leave this forum. Thank you .


2015-04-10 19:30 | Report Abuse

@ iWarrants I am not God and there is no TP. When a company turns from being an ACE listed technology company to a potential main board cash rich finance company with the e-money licence after warrants conversion its a game changer in valuation benchmark. Previous price movement and valuation is irrelevant.

The warrants looks extremely attractive as mentioned earlier considering that its moving 1 on 1 with the mother share and I expect the mother share to break its previous high of 38 cents. Furthermore a study of the shareholding structure on an enlarged basis looks fragmented upon warrants conversion and post private placements thus raising the potential of a takeover sooner or later.

@bullbear777 please do not be cocky although you are a good trader. I just accumulate stocks I feel comfortable with big themes like Mpay & GHL which has been outperforming and likely to continue to do so.

However I can make mistakes too. This is not a call to buy or sell the stock so trade at your own risks. Good luck everyone.


2015-03-30 16:28 | Report Abuse

@JamieC I am expecting it to be out this week. Good luck.


2015-03-24 08:55 | Report Abuse

Good morning boys. Restructuring and new corporate shareholders are on.
Short term TP 26.5 cent removed and a new TP of 30 cents is set.
Do expect the announcement this week.

Good luck everyone.


2015-03-20 09:47 | Report Abuse

Morning boys. I am expecting a major announcement next ten days. In light of this and having taken my profit at 26.5 cent, I am now incline to start accumulating back some position at 25 cent and below. The earlier TP at 26.5 cent is now pending evaluation of the announcement if any. The warrants at 5.5 - 6 cents looks relatively cheap if the announcement is substantial. Good luck everyone.


2015-03-12 09:31 | Report Abuse

Morning boys. I am taking my second block profit today at 26.5 cent. This is not an advise to sell or buy but merely to inform and be accountable based on my last posting previously on February 24. Profit 47% holding period 3 months from end December 2014.


Feb 24, 2015 10:41 PM | Report Abuse

As mentioned earlier today I have removed my selling zone level advise posted on January 17.

With this news (which was expected early January 2015 but delayed to today) my new TP is now 26 cents. Good luck everyone.



2015-03-11 09:56 | Report Abuse

Reposting from Feb 12 2015

Feb 12, 2015 11:37 AM | Report Abuse

Definitely stronger earnings traction here on. Momentum should build up fairly quickly to the 90 cents level first stop.


Ok guys I am taking my profit here on this momentum at 97-98 cents. Entry price on February 12 was 81 cent. Profit 20% 1 month holding. Thank you and good luck to all.


2015-02-25 17:11 | Report Abuse

QR out later today, year on year net earnings growth should be circa > 50% though from a low base. Strong headwinds ahead as quarterly earnings have peaked so really need to get new business revenue stream kicking in for the share price to sustain longer run.

Technically the breakout just happened today though I won't be surprised for some form of short term price pull back next couple of days. All the best.


2015-02-24 22:41 | Report Abuse

As mentioned earlier today I have removed my selling zone level advise posted on January 17...

Jan 17, 2015 02:21 PM | Report Abuse

@Mr Mondrian I am not the holy grail. One must take cognizant of red flags raised if certain assumptions made, were not fulfilled which in this case the nett buying position in December when the whole market was selling resulting in a low average entry price of 18.5 cent, was taken based on a substantive roll-out announcement which has not materialize to-date.

As such given the red flag I think it was prudent to take some profit off the table at 22 cent yesterday resulting in a gain of about 19% over 6 weeks which is brilliant to me given that most counters on Bursa Malaysia have tanked into a negative portfolio.

All my nett buying and selling positions are purely voluntary disclosure in nature and not deception behind the scene like some other operators. Preservation of capital is key but most certainly I am not selling it down nor buying any more at this level of 20.5 cent. I will continue to be a nett seller at 22 cent and above until I see an improvement in expected roll-outs as planned.


With this news (which was expected early January 2015 but delayed to today) my new TP is now 26 cents. Good luck everyone.


2015-02-24 17:34 | Report Abuse

A licence from Bank Negara Malaysia that may if executed properly will be a game changer for Mpay earnings depending on their partners' eco system footprint,


2015-02-24 10:18 | Report Abuse

Interesting development. May be a game changer.
Withdrawing my balance selling at 22 cents.

Will wait for the pending announcement to evaluate.


2015-02-12 11:37 | Report Abuse

Definitely stronger earnings traction here on. Momentum should build up fairly quickly to the 90 cents level first stop.


2015-02-09 21:57 | Report Abuse

@chickenstock and sleepyhead and bullbear777 you guys are like trolling me? Who gave you such oddball names. Nevertheless I congratulate you for your sharp trading stance. I am going on holiday soon. Take care.


2015-02-09 13:53 | Report Abuse

To detractors like MC88, chelseazola and mondrian who disliked my earlier call mid January 2015 to take profit at 22 cent and switch to O&G counters like Alam (62.5 cent now 75.5 cent +20%), Icon (68 cent now 74 cent +9%) and GHL (78 cent now 84.5 cent +8%) whilst Mpay worsens to 19 cent now from 22 cent -14%. Time is money.

The performance speaks for itself. Not interested in cheap caustic comments.



2015-02-06 12:12 | Report Abuse

This laggard in the O&G has reversed and will play catching up soon to 75 cents first stop then the 90 cents level. The Equinas boys will not let it languish in their books for too long.


2015-01-28 17:09 | Report Abuse

Mr bullbear777 you are a very sharp trader and observer. Congratulations to you sir.
Well deserved profits instead of complaining like some other forum writers.


2015-01-27 08:31 | Report Abuse

Mr MC88 and Mr Hafiz_444 this counter and its top level management has been a real disappointment thus the advise to take profit at 22 cent earlier which has now been proven prudent. The counter will continue to under perform until the top level management delivers something tangible in the pipeline and more importantly executes it in a timely manner. It is now way behind the curve as there are many ACE counters looking better. It lost countless opportunities to gain traction. I am certainly not buying any more at this juncture.


2015-01-23 10:16 | Report Abuse

The expected roll out plans has no traction to date thus the advise to take some profit off the table at 22 cent earlier. The main beneficiary to the e-payment migration will still be GHL first and Mpay second unless Mpay improves its business execution. GHL at 80 cents looks attractive moving forward whilst Mpay at 22 cents looks fully valued unless it secures execution footholds on its new business models. Its not going to crash but I suspect GHL will outperform here on.


2015-01-20 09:54 | Report Abuse

Its buying zones here on. Expect a sharp move up to the 70 cent soon. Now 61.5 cent. Paul and Quek insiders are loading up!


2015-01-19 10:54 | Report Abuse

Good investment. Sell down overdone. Medium term disparity between valuation and book orders secured. FSPO is one of the few segments in O&G that has seen relatively low margin erosion and capex reduction. In fact floating rates has started to edge back up given that big oil traders prefer to store up than sell at low market rates currently. Expect a minimum 20% return on this stock ie RM 1.50 by March 2015 based on an entry price of RM 1.23 currently.


2015-01-17 14:21 | Report Abuse

@Mr Mondrian I am not the holy grail. One must take cognizant of red flags raised if certain assumptions made, were not fulfilled which in this case the nett buying position in December when the whole market was selling resulting in a low average entry price of 18.5 cent, was taken based on a substantive roll-out announcement which has not materialize to-date.

As such given the red flag I think it was prudent to take some profit off the table at 22 cent yesterday resulting in a gain of about 19% over 6 weeks which is brilliant to me given that most counters on Bursa Malaysia have tanked into a negative portfolio.

All my nett buying and selling positions are purely voluntary disclosure in nature and not deception behind the scene like some other operators. Preservation of capital is key but most certainly I am not selling it down nor buying any more at this level of 20.5 cent. I will continue to be a nett seller at 22 cent and above until I see an improvement in expected roll-outs as planned.