
moonslayer274 | Joined since 2023-05-11

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2023-08-07 09:01 | Report Abuse

I reckon that boy will always be in attendance wherever Cody's Wish races. Heart warming story. Perhaps when nothing else work, seek solace in befriending horses, dogs and cats. That already is recuperation in progress.


2023-08-07 08:50 | Report Abuse


Quite a story behind their relationship. And Cody's wish carry the blue colors of the most famous stable in the world Godolphin. Wow.


2023-08-06 22:09 | Report Abuse

If at end May 2024:
1) If price dips below to 20 sen, irrespective, warrants, mother share, Inno, Kretam, whoever, gets run down, stampeded by a train of bull elephants. Warrants total wipe out. It could be a time Dracula has cast a spell on the mines to only produce iron oxide. Run for cover, if this happens , Grandma egg queen will invade to spit on us, and force us to suck her you know what……I’d rather run to Tawau fish market, help Fishermen Buncit to run the fish business, as cover from being intimidated by grandma SRAE (suck radio active eggs)
2) If it stays dormant at 30 sen level, why in the first place would I be interested in a most unexciting counter, meaning I had rather reshuffle and buy something else. No doubt, 30 sen would be a partial loss for warrants, but creates the satiety that at least, I have tried to avoid a sleeping elephant. Mother share holders are in a square position. Also be prepared for the onslaught by GSRAE.
3) If the price is hovering at 40 sen, OMG is this the best that it can go. Warrants lose a little but Mother share makes a 10 sen gain per share. What a tiring 9 month wait from today!
4) If the price ascends to 50 sen, with warrants in the money, then the mother share have no way of overwhelming the warrant multiplier gain. As shown earlier with starting capital of 40K, at the end of May, warrants are able to buy 200 lots of mother share, while the original purchase of mother shares remain at 133 lots, both respectively at 50 sens.
I am putting forward these issues as within the same Co there are options that can be exercised. But once the warrants expire, there is only the mother share to contend with.

Now, on to Frederick Chong’s acquisition: It is unknown if during his tenure as FM whether he has purchase shares. But on records of recent annual report his name doesn’t appear as the 30 top shareholders. By virtue of his initial foray into recent purchases, that instills confidence at least for the immediate future. And more intriguing is his purchase of time restricted shares. Would he spend 120K for Info that he knows which we don’t, buying at 4 sen level for 3 mil shares. Oh well he is the CEO isn’t he!...He should know better. One advantage is their collusion as Kretam assassins, is that the market maker INNO shares the same bed.
Perhaps, this is where I apply the adage described by Income, β€œfollow the God of Gamblers and you will win big”. So in this respect, I let Frederick Chong dictate my cards. But at the same time I will hunt down Income if it doesn’t work out. πŸ˜πŸ˜„

Bahvest is an established miner, thus it should be performing well, or else top management is sleeping. Go figure with the top 10 miners of this world and their pertinent info, and be bedazzled by their success. Bahvest is only at the tip of the iceberg. The only single metal mining company in Bursa.


2023-08-06 18:28 | Report Abuse

It is common knowledge that in retrospect a Co on an ascending trajectory aided by tailwinds would result in actively traded warrants following in pursuit. And it is more likely the gain multiplier achieved is higher than the mainstream share.
For quite a while I have been contemplating to sell the mother share, collect the proceeds and buy the Warrants. I wasn’t sure then, because Kretam assassins’ equivalent warrants inventory, except Inno and Frederick Chong, were acquired FOC. What more, I have this nudging gut feel that BV will improve its position in the near future. Then the Frederick Chong acquiring Warrants announcement appeared to partly quell the uncertainty. Thus, I now only hold warrants, since last week.
There is no elegance to the strategy except simple mathematics with 101 level probability distribution and what if scenarios put into a cake mixer to produce simple rough cut outcomes.
Below is a simple simulation: For eg: At hand: 40K
Warrant ex price: 43 sen
BV shares: 30 sen/share............ BV warrants: 4sen/share
Total shares: 133 lots........ Total warrants: 1000 lots
Holding period: Till end May 2024, 3 months before expiry.
1) End May 2024, price of mother share: 30 sen. Warrants, out of the money, with slight premium maximum of 2 sen. Thus, losses might be 50 to 60% of purchase value. Total losses will be 20 K -25 K.
2) End May 2024 price of mother share 40 sen : Warrants might just register 2.5 -3 sen, out of the money but with small premium, due to closeness to ex price: losses will be 25 to 30% amounting to 10K -15K
3) End May 2024, Price of mother share 50 sen: Warrants will be 7 sen plus premium 3 sen (out of the money) : total 10 sen. At this price, total warrants valued at 100K. To continue investing would be to buy mother shares, at 50 sen. Total no of lots purchased approximately 200 lots. Comparatively, mother share owners only 133 lots at 50 sen.
4) End May 2024, What if price is 60 cents? Go figure yourself, think I have no other work than to carry out this reiteration till kingdom come? 😁😁😁

I will post later on comments and risk of this endeavor. See ya later.


2023-08-06 16:04 | Report Abuse

I think distant cousin of coronavirus infection. Whatmore weather changes drastically from being sweltering hot, and switching to a down pour.


2023-08-06 15:59 | Report Abuse

After my earlier thread, i thought i could sit down to continue. Tapi tak boleh. My pelvic bone and my shoulder joints betul2 sakit la. Takkan nak tekan Panadol saja.
Now reclining on the sofa and watching Astro Tamil Movie.πŸ˜‚πŸ˜€


2023-08-06 13:18 | Report Abuse

Choop18. β€œThis is the mother of all seriousness”.
Bro, it’s not my intention to hype up the situation by an eye opening, Adrenalin eliciting and enhancement suspense phrase, but just mere trading barbs or playing poker threads with Income, who titled his thread as β€œThis is more serious”. The content of the linked message is ordinary or mundane, however provided signal or signs for my consequential decisions.
Firstly, a disclaimer will be appropriate: What is written or inferred here is just deductive logic based on public disclosure; could be flawed or the degree of accuracy highly questionable. Just sharing my 2 sens worth, I am neither an Influencer nor a provocateur.
A refresher on the corporate raiders:
-Inno: a 100% wholly owned Kretam Entity. Now holding about 10% of Bahvest. Uncle Freddie owns close to 50% of Kretam. Thus indirectly owns 5% of Inno. Being the highest stakeholder, this investment holding entity likely the market maker.
-Uncle Freddie: stakes 3.57%
- Marlex trading 2.42 %
Yong Fen Voo: 2.74
Frederick Chong: 1.89%
Since they engineered this corporate raid, highly doubtful they have pared down via shorting of their stakes during the massacre of Dracula. Thus in total Kreatam assassins have amassed slightly over 20%. Except for Inno and Frederick Chong, all previously held warrants in equivalent %. If this was a symphony, Uncle Freddie is the architect /conductor, Frederick Chong the piano player (CEO/ED)), and the rest backing musicians. And recently, Freddie planted a Priceworth assassin into Bahvest as CEO. Its becoming clear now this whole Bahvest stable is a Kretam Iceman manouvre.
Would it be agreeable that if Kretam is funding the purchases for Inno, and Inno’s foray into Bahvest as an ongoing entity involved investments, thus it will be generating income via investment activities by creating short and long positions? Think for a moment, how is INNO gonna generate income, who pays for this 10.2%. Would dividend income suffice to repay borrowings? Unlikely. Interesting to explore!

Then came the Frederick Chong warrant announcement. I will continue in another thread.


2023-08-05 23:08 | Report Abuse

I get back to you tomorrow morning. Just had 2 panadol to relieve this sore throat and muscle aches. Soon will be off to a snooze.


2023-08-05 21:22 | Report Abuse

Bros, Normally its warrant and exercise price conversion to mother shares. But I have done the reverse due to the above notification. Now i don't own a single share. Call it crazy or suicidal, but come May 2024, I will make a decision, 3 months b4 expiry. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ I thought perhaps someone else will feature the announcement in this thread. But till today, this info has not been captured


2023-08-05 17:39 | Report Abuse

@MarioBros... Hopefully such political culture will change in the near future. Kalimantan hold lots of mystery too... mineral wise, of course

Bro, ever since the facets of gangsterism evolved through socio economic changes, so does the word protection money, a crude affliction of society, that now assumes another connotation: corruption.. Gangsters cannot thrive unless they are aided by people with power and authority, as propagation of triads and secret societies require a sound financial pinnacle. In fact after influenza, the next rampant disease in this world is the disease of desire, spun from the heart: corruption. And most things can be related to two sides of a coin. On one side is political-gangsterism, the other is business driven gangsterism. Both are in synergy and in mutual cooperation, meaning, one cannot exist without the other.

True enough, S’wak experiences this predicament, stifling businesses. But the fact of the matter is, this phenomenon is a global feature, under the guise of economic development. Corruption is just a modified and elegant cosmetic molding of protection money. China, India, Nigeria , Sudan, Saudi. Have not our GLC’s or PLC’s penetrated these nations. albeit some made it while others did not.. Again is this not a scheme requiring two sides to a coin?..... Bro, Kedah REE no political gangsters meh?....😁😁
Back to Sabah. The inauguration of Kretam and assassins’ corporate raid on Bahvest: Did we witness a carnival occasion with CM HJI spotting a red silk sport-shirt with a Mexican hat and doing hoopla, dancing alongside the specially invited rock group, Baby Metal from Japan, rejoicing the event? And after a ritual chanting session from Raja Bomoh to chase away the spirits of Dracula and the vampires, the keys to Bahvest and scissors to cut the ribbons were placed on a silver platter, thereafter offered to Kreatm Iceman in respectful gesture from the CM? Definitely NO. And be mindful this is also a Sandakan move to invade the Tawau Devils. Not a carnival like Dubai Wold Cup.

I requote, β€œWhen Kretam was going rough and tough, Dracula was wetting his diapers” And do tell me if Dracula is not a gangster with his political master’s protection, for as long as he serves them right. Uncle Freddie, Kretam Iceman, might be 71, but matters pertaining to the dark side of conducting businesses are like eating Kit Kat for him. However I might be wrong, if he prefers almond coated dark chocolate.


2023-08-05 12:22 | Report Abuse

KK7198: 😁😁😁 Bro, kasi chance sikit la, on weekends you post issues, formulated with analogies, approaching assignment level questions. Know what, you are driving my memory years back to the mid 2000 when I did my post grad MSc in Integrated Process Plant Management, a weekend affair, usually a head cracking endeavor required to come to terms with the assignment questions prepared by industry professionals, unlike the textbook affiliated academicians.
Anyway Bro, you perhaps don't realize, you possess the talent of those uncommon breed of people applying lateral thinking with a provocative paradigm, seeking predictive perceptions as recourse to perhaps a stalemate or constraint.
I recall Songbird in the Breeders cup, losing not by a nose, but by the hair of a nose.😎 Lets estimate the profitability of Songbird From the auction purchase date till retirement at stud over a 4 year career racing span: All cost and revenues In USD
Auction: 400K
Maintenance cost (overestimate) per month for food & nutrition, stable up keep, Salaries: 15K X 48 months= 720K
Other cost: legal, insurance, entry fee, transport etc. 10K x 48 months = 480K
Total investment: 1.6 M

Earnings: Career earnings from winning races: 4.7 M
Sold for stud duty: 9.5 M
Total Life earnings: 14.2 M
Net returns from owning Songbird: 12.6 M in USD . In Msia currency,:57.96 M
Holy shit: KK7198, that amount of cash generation from a 4 legged mare, we could have dont know how many generations not laughing, but singing (due to Songbird) to the bank.
So KK7198 set a date: we go with the BV assassins πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜… to Tanjung Rambutan. eye for a yearling, purchase and rewrite the Malaysian thoroughbred racing history as being the most successful, with respect to highest winning purse ever achieved by a single race horse owner .
Eh, Ok got to attend to some chores first. Return later in the evening to matters pertaining to champion wanna be, BV.


2023-08-04 21:36 | Report Abuse

Follow the god of gambler, and you will win big.

Bro ,sini siapa yang ada macam Chow yuen fatt. Day3 kecik anak saja for God of Gamblers. Bro, lebih baik dia stay saja kat Hang Seng Index or Macau casino.😁😁


2023-08-04 19:36 | Report Abuse

@moonslayer274... Am I right to say she thinks like a malfunctioned ChatGPT?

One thing's for sure, she would put a 10 foot pole to distance herself from DAY 3 vicinity. Might be mauled or wretchedly torn to pieces by some parties here, if they spotted her on site.


2023-08-04 12:12 | Report Abuse

The reality is that she took it upon herself and neglected responsibility when passing adverse remarks denigrating personality attributes in her comments.. Thus, when judgment day opportunity arises, we now bear witness to all this slewing and bludgeoning being the bane of her frequent name calling, undermining others


2023-08-04 12:10 | Report Abuse


Bro. seriously do you think that Joy lost money....I highly doubt it. In all probability she has not an inkling of an iota of "Hari Ketiga" in her inventory. Joy is just a mere influencer and provocateur, and very academic and textbook nature and lots of mimicry in her analysis and approach.


2023-08-04 11:46 | Report Abuse

Where is jovest the eggs suckers?🀣

Interpol spotted her kat JAKS, very active.


2023-08-04 10:46 | Report Abuse

youarewelcome88, Cicakman,

In my 2 sens worth analysis, what the market maker profit from these short selling activity driving down from 70 sen sen to whatever desired level will be shown under investment income for M&A equities, being the sponsor for this Co. So might as well go and buy the market makers entity of interest, now only at 27 sen. They don't have commercial banking licence except as IB. And Now, being recently listed via backdoor, reverse takeover, they have to perform and produce credible financial reports to support being an ongoing concern with Bursa. This is not to promote M&A equities, as I do not own one single share of it, but just the logical consequences.


2023-08-04 10:21 | Report Abuse

Why Inno at certain time and price keep accumulating?

Idaman pujaan hati!πŸ˜„


2023-08-04 09:10 | Report Abuse

Moon n tommy.....what an exciting race in yesterday.

I saw the race this morning, I feel it would have been more exciting if the field had more entries. But you reckon this is a top class field? I doubt it. like maybe a class 2 cup or similarly like that.


2023-08-04 08:11 | Report Abuse

M&A sec, market maker, will use nominee shares to short,short, short then up a bit, and continue with this cycle until the NTA is about 2-3 times multiple of 8 sen resting at between 20-25 sen. They will use the retail market to cash out the difference between 70 sen and the bottom price, but still eventuality retaining their initial share inventory.

There are over 3000 traded Co in Bursa, what is so compelling about the current valuation of a call center that you mati -mati do not want to miss. The Co has no legs, is not going to run anywhere, 2-3 years down the road you will still see this Co, but with a more realistic value. So what;s the hurry?.....


2023-08-03 22:49 | Report Abuse

KK7198, You see eh, despite those achievements and accolades, Clyde still considers himself as a newbie, fashioning himself with the humility and molding the attitude of necessity to embark on a journey of self rejuvenation via a process of life long learning, if he is to be successful in this profession. This brief account of his life cycle has cues that we could adopt as lessons in life. Perhaps this is what separate the boys from the men. On the same token, market players should emulate humility despite achieving success in their trading endeavors. With humility comes an open and receptive mind. Ha ha ha. Bro I better stop, b4, I begin to sound like professional egg sucking grandma.😁😁😁


2023-08-03 21:49 | Report Abuse

Inno Sabah keeps buying a lot of bahvest shares... In open market...

Wonderful, reduce public spread, corner the stock, and send it to above Rm1 by year end. In my dreams....😁😁😁


2023-08-03 21:20 | Report Abuse

Moon, I'm a bit puzzled. Is it difficult to obtain a mining licence?
Mining is a state matter, albeit based on a common national regulatory framework but with some variations and differences among states in some aspects. I have dealt quite extensively previously on land matters with state land offices in Perak, but never applied for any mining licence b4 but safe to say applications pertinent to Gomen Dept are usually a matter of compliance to requirements and supported by verified /validated documents to justify the authenticity of the application. There is usually no complexity with gomen applications except patience and perseverance to follow procedures and guidelines. I mean, imagine a fishermen or Dracula could even obtain mining licence: that already speaks volume, that applications with the qualified assets and facility of interest would possibly be successful to obtain the mining licence.
"The key word now is not gold, but got mining licence or not".. I invoked this statement not to position the process of obtaining licence as difficult. Its sort of an emphasis that If you scan through the top miner players in the world, most are diversified akin to a supermarket miners of metals. The future of Bahvest is not gold, but metals.


2023-08-03 19:33 | Report Abuse

Cicakman, In the not too far future, Bahvest will be a household name just like how people recognize Petronas, Maxis, Nestle and the likes of them.....akan menjadi syarikat yang menjana cukai yang sinificant kepda Gamin Msia.


2023-08-03 19:28 | Report Abuse

Moon, u heard very hot news........

Bro, Political version on REE ni boleh di katakan OK saja lar. Tapi US had conducted studies, published few years back saying WEST Malaysia is confirmed rich in un-mined source and potential global supplier of REE.
East Msia, common continental shelf with west Msia, so in all probability E Msia is also one of the last few places rich in unmined REE. Bro I agak agak lah , REE kedah, tak boleh lawan REE East Msia Bro in terms of tonnage underground.
That is why the key word now is not gold, but got mining licence or not!.....And Bahvest is the only company listed in Bursa with mining activity as a metal player. All others are importers and traders and retailers. Bro sebab itu last month kita explore subject Sabah Sarawak and Kalimantan. And Bro Kalimantan is no small thing......Thats the next big thing in 5 years time, provided JOKOWI got good successor.
Yang problem nya is Gamin dahulu tak fikirkan nak ujudkan regulatory framework and compliance matters for mining activities secara comprehensive. Tidur, tidur tidur Haiz.....


2023-08-03 18:08 | Report Abuse

Income: Why despair about something you never had. The word rich is important if you know you have many years to live, and being fearful that you might end up as a dependent, not able to care for yourself. But would rich be important if you know that you will die in another few days time. And on which occasion have you seen two different classes of people enjoying their trappings in life, in their separate graves..... Bro just be contented, be grateful and thankful that you get to live in the era where you witness Moonslayer, KK7198, Cicakman, Youarewelcome and others defend the future champion Bahvest against the evil Dracula aided by a grandmother with radio active stinker eggs stuck in her tooth.😁😁😁😁


2023-08-03 15:49 | Report Abuse

They have plan few moths ago to goreng d3 before listing.
Mesti mau caya.

Bro, dia punya sponsor M&A securities, boleh tahan, memang very naughty. Lagi satu dia punya listing is Cloud point. Rasanya kedua2 nya nahas.


2023-08-03 15:20 | Report Abuse

@moonslayer274... Greeny Incredible Hulk lah... Sudah kena radioactive particles mah

Woah, serious bro, got to go buy an Ostrich egg, rub it off your body to remove the entire green coloration from radio active particles, On completion you should not dispose the Ostrich egg into trash bags, because radiation is still prevalent. Look for a grandma who are experts at sucking Ostrich radio active stinker eggs, ask them for the favor of sucking to remove the content of the Ostrich eggs into their digestive systems. That way, the environment will be preserved without trace contaminants. On the eventual fate of the grandma, just send her for incineration.


2023-08-03 12:06 | Report Abuse

Moon,dulu dia datang rumah kita buat kacau..I just wait the right times.
This one just mukadimah only.🀣

OK permission granted! Operasi sapu habis. 😁😁😁


2023-08-03 11:57 | Report Abuse

0.25 - 0.35 cts can curi Joyest eggs.

Bro, you gangster habis,,,,macam nak baling kerusi semasa EGM BV. Kasi la dia recover dia punya image and ego, sikit saja....πŸ˜ŽπŸ˜„


2023-08-03 11:52 | Report Abuse

KK7198: All the BV Bro defenders coming here to assist to mitigate the psychological setback experienced by victims. So BV now on remote control..... Have a feeling BV second half, jockey might spring a surprise.😁


2023-08-03 11:47 | Report Abuse

What happened

Bro, when you are bombarded by nuclear warheads, you don't wanna stop to ask questions, surely not necessary to rationalize in an emergency.. The fact is get out of these shelling and seek refuge. Bursa has about 3000 over shelters that you could seek cover,, so why permit your ego and emotion to compel you to stay and fight, in a battle that you did not look for. Lose today, but save yourself from further onslaught so that you can live to fight another day. Remember, in the stock market, heroes live for the moment and mysteriously disappear thereafter, Only remaining, are survivors.


2023-08-03 11:36 | Report Abuse

It's actually Rotten eggs falling... as cursed by somebody. It may take a few more days, not 3 days before it turns green

Bro, what? it turns green: Dont you even dare think about wanting to mess around with radio active substances, If you are coming here as a visiting NGO to assist casualties and victims of the holocaust to recover and maintain psychological balance then by all means OK. 😁


2023-08-03 11:27 | Report Abuse

When will UNHCR coming here…???

Bro, this is Chernobyl, UNHCR entry must exercise vigilance, all times must use personal protective equipment. Slight exposure (dabbling in this counter ) is good enough to cause radio active damage.


2023-08-03 11:15 | Report Abuse

Those who have prosthetic arm can catch falling Japanese Sword. Haha πŸ˜‚

So with the knife caught, you can now slice the nutritious bananas and the smelly odor rotten eggs, pack them in between bread slices, and feed grandma with a fortified "banana stinker sandwich."


2023-08-02 19:34 | Report Abuse

It's already Day3+3...lots of floating bodies.

UNHCR inspectors examined the level of damage and suspect that victims under the rubble of the nuclear warhead targets are still rampant. But best not to stay in this territory too long,, The haunting from the bloodshed and mutilated parts and decapitated heads can be a serious traumatic experience. But now the traitor, code name "grandmother suck rotten eggs" has to be brought to justice!


2023-08-02 19:26 | Report Abuse

Anal.ysts work for their masters only… You believe their shxt?

Fuu..yoh! Income sudah show dia punya stripes,whack the table with a sledgehammer.. Macam itu kuda, form sudah mari, Walao weh!


2023-08-02 16:59 | Report Abuse

I know little little about chart that will support what I think larr about today movements.
You don"t see ka?
This is not buy call.
However still low.
How much low you want for long term investment.

Bro, yang I tau this is the only metal company with its own mining activity in BURSA. One, Satu, that means unique. I dont care about rain or shine or JOY, or legal issues or quarter report,,, whatever, all that matters is that it will reach beyond the rainbow. πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„


2023-08-02 16:11 | Report Abuse

Income, itu pun dia nasib baik tau, BV group ni masih lagi well mannered and gentleman, bila dia kena belasah, kita orang tak campur.


2023-08-02 16:08 | Report Abuse

Joyvest can’t stand you all hentam him kaw kaw.

Bro, dia pun tak mahu beringat. Waktu dia keluarkan kenyataan yang personal,"no holds barred" like as though dia saja yang superior. Bila sudah macam ini, sekarang orang pusing balik kencing sama dia la. Dia lupa every 'woof woof' has its day.


2023-08-02 15:46 | Report Abuse

KK7198: Bro "Hari Ketiga" now being bludgeoned. Lots of blood spilled on the streets. If you haven't watched, go take a peek, But Bro, please don't develop any second ideas about wanting to be involved in the massacre. Revisit only on our return from Flemington. By then, valuations would be down to earth. I think "hotstuff" might be caught in a crossfire. He posed an SOS thread. Promoter JOY, not sighted, either absconded or victim of massacre.


2023-08-02 10:40 | Report Abuse


I think the connections of GM should race the Raffles cup, the 1st leg of the prestigious Singapore triple crown, pet distance 1600m, and thereafter the subsequent feature 2nd and 3rd leg races.. Only the last leg is the grueling 2000m SG gold cup. GM, with a good, astute rider and tactical execution could give the competition a run for their money. And if GM pulls thru all 3 as winners, then a new SG horse racing legend is created.


2023-08-01 21:44 | Report Abuse

@moonslayer274... Haunted... Ha ha

Possible bro, those mantras that could caste a dreadful spell that would make an individual have an obsession with the visualization of the person of interest. So got to visit a shaman soon, but i reckon the shaman will advise me to accumulate more Bahvest and invite that person of interest back to the forum thread...kah kah kah
Aye OK Bro, got to stop all this fooling and bullshitting to get back to some serious issues 😁😁😁


2023-08-01 21:07 | Report Abuse

Ini patut tukar kepada Day365?

Bro saya bagi you menu nama 2 yang bakal pasti sesuai untuk keadaan ini :
Bhopal, Chernobyl, Three mile island, Hurricane Katrina, Fukushima Daiichi....pilih mana you suka......FOC ma..
Bro, At about 7 pm while relaxing and watching ASTRO 203, a Tamil Movie, there was a section of the movie when they showed passengers being hurled in a bus from left to right due to a rogue character at the steering wheel. And guess what. The bus, at the top of the front windscreen had three letters written on it. JOY. Can you imagine...meaning not a day passes by without me getting tangled or having anything to do with JOY.....
So bro, I am only a visiting UNHCR inspector here to see the casualties and victim of this holocaust. I have no interest here, so i take my leave now, before you decide to exterminate or nuclear fission the balance remaining within the vicinity of the destruction. bye...😁😁😁


2023-08-01 17:25 | Report Abuse

Yeah yeah... just like how we stripped Dracula by those previous Friday, only left with diapers, now this grandmother will have to contend with free eggs that she will receive and not know into which hole she has to store them, because there will be hordes of people lining up to give FOC eggs......: ROTTEN EGGS.


2023-08-01 16:50 | Report Abuse

Sucking eggs enriched with Omega is to be avoided as it poses a serious health hazard, These Omega eggs contained chromed metallic parts extracted from unwanted celebrity Omega watches discarded into trash bins, later to be picked up by waste re-cyclers and sold as additives to Egg producing companies. These parts are machined into very fine pieces and inserted via molecular inoculation process into eggs.
Frequent consumption of these eggs by grandma might result in certain organs of the body experiencing muscle stiffness and bloatedness in certain critical areas.
So normal eggs are more favorably recommended for good health.


2023-08-01 15:27 | Report Abuse

Moon ,you can give response on Joy The Egg Sucker🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣.
Vb going to play up.
BV bukan? Itu tak perlu monitor. Simpanan tetap untuk masa hadapan.


2023-08-01 13:57 | Report Abuse

I thought the importation of eggs would have solved the egg deficit predicament faced by the nation. Now in DAY 3 we have these shortage being re- introduced. Actually its just a demand supply situation. But the problem now has reached new heights. There are arguments of who are better egg suckers. Then there is the case of the grandma, whole life sucking all the eggs that she can find, to become No.1 egg sucker, but refuse to learn new techniques on how to suckle the eggs and use her tongue to lick the albumin and yolk from the shell in a more profound manner. And now latest is the entry of Income, coming with the problem of egg size against the grandma's ability to swallow the egg as whole. So now it is more clear why eggs can create serious problem, even when mentioned. And while talking about eggs, don't forget about the impending avalanche approaching.😁


2023-08-01 10:31 | Report Abuse

Bhopal, Chernobyl, Three mile island, Hurricane Katrina, Fukushima Daiichi.......