
newbie8080 | Joined since 2018-03-16

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2018-04-20 14:47 | Report Abuse


Do you have the link for HLB valuation of PUC @ RM0.50?

Interested to know their comments.


2018-04-20 12:09 | Report Abuse

How does PUC finance the purchase of 11 Street for RM90mil?

Since it just purchase Picture Works for RM52 mil.

PUC annual revenue is less than RM50 mil and loss making, only minimal cash at hand.

Looks like may be another private placement or rights issue

Previously private placement at RM0.14, significant below the current stock price of RM0.26


2018-04-20 10:17 | Report Abuse

Looks good with the acquisition of 11Street Malaysia.


2018-04-20 09:51 | Report Abuse

I can really feel the heat from you already. Haha.

With all due respect to you, I'm only commenting based on my opinion.

By the way, I do agree with you that J@K$ is one of the smallest company bidding for BOT power plant in Vietnam and is definitely a game changer.

Hopefully, you do invest substantially in this counter in view of your very positive and optimistic support for this counter.

I wish you all the best.


2018-04-19 19:09 | Report Abuse

Push harder.....reaching rm1 soon.


2018-04-19 15:07 | Report Abuse

RM0.90 is coming

Many planning to re-enter or top-up


2018-04-19 15:05 | Report Abuse

For the power station in Vietnam, Japan's Marubeni and Korea Electric Power secured the US$1.87 billion from the financing consortium, according to Thomson Reuters Project Finance International.


2018-04-19 14:59 | Report Abuse

Wait for correction only re-enter


2018-04-19 14:54 | Report Abuse


I really wish that will come true.


2018-04-19 14:50 | Report Abuse


I'm not interested in J@k$ as a counter, but rather fascinated with the followers of this blog and KYY as a shareholder.

I wouldn't say its negative, probably cautious. If you noticed, the counter in terms of fundamental and technical, it's not doing well recently.
Doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure this out.

Well, there is a positive side of it.
If the power plant is implemented and executed perfectly, it should be a great contribution to JAKS earnings. The uncertainty is definitely greater, thus the risk tied to it.


2018-04-19 10:54 | Report Abuse


I have a lot of time to spend on writing.
Should not be problem right bro?


2018-04-19 10:52 | Report Abuse

Yup, he's average price is low.
Not sure how long he will keep purchasing.


2018-04-19 10:49 | Report Abuse


There are many businesses that are certain.

I can quote you a few companies with their biz.
Eg: Coca Cola & Pepsi(drink), Gillette(shavers) , Microsoft(Windows, Office)


2018-04-19 10:07 | Report Abuse

Seems like it really benefits from the US sanction on Russian steel industry.


2018-04-19 10:05 | Report Abuse

Any idea where this stock is heading?
Towards 0.80 or 1?


2018-04-19 10:04 | Report Abuse

This counter used to be a RM8 billion market capitsalisation.

Looks like game over.


2018-04-19 10:01 | Report Abuse


The topics are interesting in both the counters.
We share ideas and comments here.

I have yet to explore other topics.


2018-04-18 13:03 | Report Abuse


Maybe. Future are something no one can control.
Don't be too optimistic as running a power plant involve heavy capex.

Take a case study of Tanjong Bin Energy by Malakoff which had just completed recently.
High coal prices partly affected the power plant's profitability.
The power plant also had occasional outages due to technical issue.


2018-04-18 10:32 | Report Abuse

After 2028 only profitable.

KYY will be 95 years old to see it break even.


2018-04-18 10:30 | Report Abuse

HANOI: Infrastructure firm Jaks Resources Bhd expects its US$1.87 billion (RM7.49 billion) power plant project in Vietnam to break even in eight years, generating an internal rate of return of 12%.


2018-04-16 14:52 | Report Abuse


Please push to RM3.

Haha....hopeful that you have RM200 mil to push


2018-04-16 11:43 | Report Abuse

@ Lim Tek Wai

Please push harder..haha


2018-04-16 10:37 | Report Abuse

Not sure if KYY noticed that power plant biz not doing well.

Look at MALAKOFF (7 power plants)

Look at YTL POWER (3 power plants)

Both share trading at 52-week low.


2018-04-14 11:29 | Report Abuse

@Goldchia MH

KYY is 85 year old this year.

I don' think he can wait another 3 years.


2018-04-13 18:10 | Report Abuse

Tomaso Andreatta, vice chairman of the European Chamber of Commerce (EuroCham) in Vietnam, said at an international conference on clean energy in Asia last month that Vietnam should gradually stop the construction of new coal-fired power plants to avoid an increase in greenhouse gas emissions and environmental pollution levels, according to the Vietnam Investment Review newspaper.

“Many nations have stopped using coal for operating their power plants because of concerns over the environmental risks," the newspaper quoted Andreatta as saying. "Vietnam should follow suit.”

Investors from countries with strict pollution limits are designing, financing and/or constructing coal-fired power plants in Vietnam with technological specifications that are not acceptable in their home countries, said Koos Neefjes, former policy advisor of United Nations Development Program in Vietnam.

Air pollution from coal-fired power plants at a national scale is also rising significantly.

If all coal-fired power plants proposed under the government’s masterplan for power development were to be built by 2030, premature deaths caused by emissions from coal-fired power plants in Vietnam would raise from an estimated 4,263 in 2011 to 25,402 in 2030, according to the UNDP report.


2018-04-13 16:25 | Report Abuse

Lol, now is only 1.47.


2018-04-12 11:14 | Report Abuse


Too many variables to determine the future earnings.

Too many external factors that can derail the power plants earnings.
Eg: Currency, Vietnam's economy growth, PPA amendment, main contractors financial strength, etc


2018-04-12 10:04 | Report Abuse


Normally mature business with strong cashflow companies are able to consistently provide long term dividend.

J@K$ is currently not there yet till probably after the completion of the 2 power plants and paring down some debts.

Though the company could still proposed a minimal dividend to appease shareholders.

My 2 cents


2018-04-11 15:30 | Report Abuse

@Lee Richard


Looks like it's going downtrend.


2018-04-10 17:47 | Report Abuse



Anyway, this company tends to have many debts unpaid due to many reasons.

**Referring to the receivables from customer.


2018-04-10 17:44 | Report Abuse


Anyway, this company tends to have many debts unpaid due to many reasons.


2018-04-10 17:36 | Report Abuse


Unlikely the company is able to settle their debts completely as most of it are tied to the current inventory.
Eg: The 2 lift boats

Till construction are over and the company has received payment(likely after it secures a charter contract), only then able to payoff the debts tied to it.


2018-04-10 10:18 | Report Abuse


Of course la, the company is having a huge debt of over RM1 bil
and is currently serving interest of RM32mil per annum.

And it's debt seems to be growing.


2018-04-10 10:12 | Report Abuse

GE14 is just weeks away. Most court hearing will be postponed


2018-04-09 14:50 | Report Abuse

Now US and China have intense trade war. Some projects or investment may be pulled back to protect the national interest.

It may be a DOUBLE WAMMY for J@K$ when the company lose the RM50 mil legal dispute with The STar and abandon project by CPECC.


2018-04-07 12:14 | Report Abuse

I dare say KYY only gives out less than 1% of what he robbed from Day 1 till present.

KYY can refute this if I'm wrong


2018-04-07 12:14 | Report Abuse

I thought Robin Hood robbed the rich and give to the poor.

KYY robbed the poor and keep most of it to himself.

1) I do not think there are any rich individual here.
Referring to USD30 mil and above

2) I dare say KYY only gives out less than 1% of what he robbed from Day 1 till present.

KYY can refute this if I'm wrong


2018-04-06 11:35 | Report Abuse

From KYY Blog:

From Bursa announcement, you can see the table and the price chart below that on 28 April 2017, I have already accumulated 45,949,300 shares when the price was 65 sen. I must have started buying a few months before that when the price was below 60 sen. On 17 May 2017, I reported that I have bought another 7 million shares totalling 52.7 million shares when it was trading between 60-90 sen. As I am not good in calculation, you can work out what is my average cost.

>>> I must have started buying a few months before that when the price was below 60 sen ???????


2018-04-05 14:39 | Report Abuse


Thumbs up!


2018-04-05 11:39 | Report Abuse

At the High Court today, the High Court adjourned the hearing of the 2 applications for injunction until 6 April 2018. The ad interim stay restraining the issuing financial institutions from paying out the proceeds of the Bank Guarantee and Star Media Group Berhad from receiving the proceeds remains in effect.

#Stay tune for tomorrow's verdict whether J@k$ will be paying up RM50mil to The Star.


2018-04-05 10:58 | Report Abuse

KYY wrote so many articles this week.
Wonder who are the idiots he mentioned?


2018-04-05 10:56 | Report Abuse

Send@i looking for RM0.82 soon.


2018-04-04 17:17 | Report Abuse

China busy fighting trade war.
Some investments may be pulled out investment from neighbouring country.
CPECC which is developing the power plant may be affected.


2018-04-04 16:22 | Report Abuse


Maybe KYY will be one of them


2018-04-04 16:19 | Report Abuse

KYY margin call very soon


2018-04-04 15:45 | Report Abuse

Send@i looking for 0.86 soon.