
passerby | Joined since 2012-04-08

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2012-08-03 16:46 | Report Abuse

SGD 1.30 ++ now


2012-08-03 16:18 | Report Abuse

Chong :Well, ignore the bad comments & keep the good one I'll say.

I still think you should put it in more neutral way, perhaps putting a note or a qualifying remarks to remind your reader to make the decision base on their own discretion can be one of the option.

It is an sincere advise to protect yourself, you never know when will one of your reader turn their tide on you when the thing goes wrong (just like sample you have posted )& especially he knows in & out of our country laws well.

Anyway, it is your own right to decide how you wanna post you comment. :)


2012-08-03 15:47 | Report Abuse

System Administrator : This user t10nointerest is doing his advertising at your site for free ? Don't you think you should charge him to do so like you charge other online advertisers?


2012-08-03 13:06 | Report Abuse

KC : I'm dropping by for awhile only each day not going to stay long, haha


2012-08-03 12:44 | Report Abuse

haha, finally some one just said something. hit the light? go back think think again


2012-08-03 11:30 | Report Abuse

pshiny, you critics is welcome if my statement seems like blaming people. Will try to improve on that :). I suggest you pick up this book at book store : FINANCIAL LAW - Securities Law


2012-08-03 09:57 | Report Abuse

Chong: You can try to be more neutral on your opinion or post. Perhaps by doing so, the negative critics that you are going to receive will reduce in future.

Currently, you really sound like the particular counter full time promoter to me & remind me of the "monkey story" - (sorry in advance, hope no offense, just my view ) :)

However, one thing I noticed so far, you are at least promoting counters with certain degree of fundamental & not the empty shell counters


2012-08-03 09:43 | Report Abuse

System Admin : Engage some moderators to this forum, got some annoying posts spamming around


2012-08-03 09:29 | Report Abuse

Finally, the project is indeed moving after so many years. Hahaha, busy months for the project team


2012-08-03 09:26 | Report Abuse

KC Loh :You explained the construction industries in a broader picture. Appreciate that :)

Seems like no body here heard anything like I heard. Just forget about what I ask, might be rumors anyway, haha.


2012-08-02 22:03 | Report Abuse

Chong :I can only agree half of your statement only. If I not mistaken, when IBs issue any SW, they earn money regardless the SW in money or out of money. This is how they make their money

1) Warrant in money : There will be cash raised when IBs sell the warrant to public. If I'm not mistaken, IBs need to hold certain amount of the mother share in their holdings before they can issue the SW at certain ratio as regulated by Bursa.When warrant in money, IBs just uses the cash they have raise from selling of the SWs issued to finance the purchase of their mother share at interest free rate - money from public. Upon maturity, they will disposed the mother share at market price & earn back the price different of mother share. The profit should be more than sufficient to cover the cash to be distributed to the warrant holders.

2) Warrant out of money : This is no doubt the most preferred way by IBs. They maximized their earning by if the warrants become toilet paper.IBs could raise more cash by selling the warrants at higher when mother share price is higher but does not have to pay any cash back to warrants holder when warrants expired out of money. The fund raise is definitely higher than their purchase cost of the mother share they need to hold & there is no paper works cost involve.

They are never worry if they need to pay more, only matter of maximizing their earning. Hence, to say that they need to fork out additional RM10 million might not be so true.


2012-08-02 16:25 | Report Abuse

Take a good example of Gamuda-MMC, after the contract sealed for tunneling worth few billions, their share went up or down ? Gamuda-MMC also subjected to political risk.

I really agree what Hustle post earlier - don't touch the bee backside since it sting & very painful.


2012-08-02 16:13 | Report Abuse

Something like that. I banged my head hard before. So now, even when a company announce whatever mega project they have secure, I won't be jumping in knowing that the insiders(company staffs ) have prepare themselves to dispose to public.

And note, the earning won't be reflected so soon after the announcement, it might only be reflected in the financial report in next 2 or 3 years down the road.


2012-08-02 16:02 | Report Abuse

then better don't the risk...:)


2012-08-02 15:52 | Report Abuse

tajimasunrise: you have to assess whether what your lecturer said practical or not practical.

Share with you how my peer assess my lecturers when I was at my uni time.

My Entrepreneur subject lecturer is driving Proton Wira to my campus to give lecturer. Most of my peer skips the class, you know why? just because he's driving Proton Wira. Reason is, if he is so good in the subject, then he won't be driving Proton Wira

My Econ subject, the Dean of the Faculty, he is driving BMW 7 series at that time. Everyone rush to join the class, know why ? we think he is practical & proven to be practical & what he said might be true.

So what you lecturer drive to your campus that you trust him so much?


2012-08-02 15:12 | Report Abuse

KC, you are good in spotting people using multiple nicks. Salute salute, really what an experience :)


2012-08-02 14:59 | Report Abuse

The crowd are practicing - speculate on rumor & sell on news for construction counter (highlighted by someone earlier ).

I get caught before with Gamuda counter, I think similar trend should apply here.


2012-08-02 09:37 | Report Abuse

jeft14, are you one of the SP staff? what info you wanna leak here?Later Tan Sri fire you then only you know, :)


2012-08-02 09:30 | Report Abuse

Anyone heard any news befalling our construction industry recently ? company like TTDI ? IJM construction ? Gadang ? mind to share share some here? my antenna not long enough, so frequency received is quite an annoying & unpleasant. Share also if know anything regarding this term called "political fund".


2012-08-01 23:57 | Report Abuse

...?? haiz...


2012-08-01 23:56 | Report Abuse

:), no further comment


2012-08-01 23:48 | Report Abuse

sound like pulling my legs, if you failed your math, then indirectly mean I didn't complete my primary school?


2012-08-01 23:36 | Report Abuse

No good warrant to invest. Only good share to invest. You trade warrant not invest in warrant in split second time which is equivalent to gambling.

Trading & investing is 2 different thing. So forget about warrant.


2012-08-01 23:30 | Report Abuse

Small small projects if sufficient in quantity add up can be equivalent to 1 big project contract value.

Furthermore, risk of multiple small size projects are much less than 1 big project for the contract that worth equivalent value.

Imagine if contractor unable collect their claims or cash flows stuck for 1 big project, whole company financial at stake - ( Muhibbah APH ).

But looking at the size of Mudajaya, I doubt they will go after all those small small projects.


2012-08-01 23:16 | Report Abuse

Petronas related counter. hmmn... they pay dividend, quite a low P/E, maybe it is worth to further investigate


2012-08-01 23:10 | Report Abuse

TP USD 42, you need the mother to hit above USD 48.8 to turn this toilet paper in-money.

Achievable ?

In 2 different time zone, you lose advantage on the momentum trading.

The price of warrant is set after US market closed. So do you expect you can sell your warrant RM0.005 cheaper if FB mother price drop when US market closed ? Or you can enter at RM0.005 higher if FB mother price rises after US market closed?

The momentum which is essential for warrant trading is missing here for SW for US counters.

Forget about it now euscilyn, or go buy the real mother share on Nasdaq if you really so optimistic on FB.


2012-08-01 22:25 | Report Abuse

Yes, but the number of substitutions. How many can substitute Supermax ( rubber glove )?, how many can substitute nestle ( food/consumer essential )?, how many can substitute Genting (monopoly)? & how many can substitute China Stationary ( stationary )?
& back to my earlier question, what actually draw you in theews82? just curious because 500++ over replies


2012-08-01 21:30 | Report Abuse

Ann Joo is a steel company if I not mistaken. Kian Joo is the one in the boardroom tussle with Can-One.


2012-08-01 21:16 | Report Abuse

What is so special about this company until it convince your to put your money to buy their share ?

When I looks through their website -

, products offered nothing are nothing special:-

1) files
2) pocket files
3) cd holders
4) lever clip files
5) filing bags

All these thing can be substitute easily with the one available at our pasar malam.

Really worth your time to invest this counter?

Enjoy your time predicting the fall & rise of this counter, :)


2012-08-01 20:56 | Report Abuse

Just make a quick browse through, no doubt the company is making money, but the profit recorded is on down trend. With the dividend yield approximately 3% - almost same as deposit, does it worth to take this risk ? There a lot more bigger gems out there


2012-08-01 18:50 | Report Abuse

Wah, sheridansulik , since when Bursa has become so efficient with their announcement ? If buy today, normally tomorrow or a day after only you can see the notices the earliest


2012-08-01 18:44 | Report Abuse

hooi's is selling the Padini shares to buy iCapital shares , donno he's auto robot or real human ? looks more like auto-robot spamming around Padini & iCapital thread, :)


2012-08-01 18:25 | Report Abuse

The real warrant trader will price in the momentum in the premium as well...note, trade your warrant don't invest in your warrant.

Hold it for short period of time only.

The leverage effects is, RM 0.01 upward, you'll jump like crazy but if RM 0.01 opposite direction, you'll get heart attack.

And never average down this stupid instrument.


2012-08-01 18:11 | Report Abuse

tajima-san, you sound like a japanese


2012-08-01 18:09 | Report Abuse

take note, not asking you to buy or sell, ask you to study their reports


2012-08-01 17:58 | Report Abuse

It doesn't sound overprice, only at the premium of 3% only.(RM0.09x4 + RM 3.16)/RM 3.42 X 100% = 102.9%.

It is normal for a warrant with longer life span command premium price.

Discount over warrant will be apparent only when warrant is reaching it expiry ~ less than 2 months, you start notice people giving discount.

I have seen warrant commanding a higher premium over 20% but still got speculator willing to pay for the price.

Normal range of premium 5% ~ 15% depending on counters & which issuing IBs for new SW based on what I have observed so far. And for downtrend call warrant, the premium is always lower.

If you wanna reduce risk in playing warrant, looks for low gearing & in-money type of warrant.

Most importantly, the counter need to be in uptrend with certain amount volume traded.

Not encouraging people to play warrant, just share share useless information of mine. If possible, stay away. IBs are making money regardless the warrant in money or out of money.

If really want to know more read this :Money in Warrants: Leverage Your Way Multiply Profit by Alan Voon


2012-08-01 17:34 | Report Abuse

SKPetro too high profile & too much crowd. Suggest go and put some effort to dig into Deleum Bhd's annual reports


2012-08-01 17:30 | Report Abuse

Wow better than SP Setia ? or any chances to repeat Talam mistake ?


2012-08-01 17:24 | Report Abuse

yes , got pain all gone


2012-08-01 17:22 | Report Abuse

samuel: Some IB issue foreign counters structure warrant, can be found under category - structure warrant - structure warrant


2012-08-01 17:20 | Report Abuse

At RM0.005, with ratio of 50:1, strike price of USD48.8, foreign exchange conversion rate of 1USD = MYR 3.115, you'll need the mother to reach approximately USD48.9 to break even. Currently the mother only trading at USD 21.71 - mission impossible.

Playing momentum instrument already risky, playing momentum instrument with different time zone = (risk)^2 = suicide mission.

Better donate the money to charity center if you don't love it than giving it free away to Ambank Investment Bank.


2012-08-01 12:18 | Report Abuse

I'm not too sure about that but my remiser won't recommended directly. They will only brief me on overall view of the company or industry & their opinion but definitely not ask me to buy but let me decide myself


2012-08-01 11:57 | Report Abuse

rafizah arshad: is it ethical for your remaiser to do so ?

I just read monkey story posted by willy yesterday


2012-08-01 11:39 | Report Abuse

the last post was more than a year ago...not much people wanna talk about this counter?


2012-08-01 10:32 | Report Abuse

Begging ppl to support Digistar ??....:) quite entertaining reading all the posts here :)


2012-08-01 10:11 | Report Abuse

Think think again....all the fund managers selling as claim above , follow the crowd , sit back to watch ? or go against the crowd ? or Chong didn't work hard enough to bring it down :)


2012-08-01 09:40 | Report Abuse

don't rely ...typo error


2012-08-01 09:35 | Report Abuse

read more at bursa announcement, don't really on the port here. There might be an typo error, go validate the info yourself


2012-08-01 09:30 | Report Abuse

The strike price for CSL-CA is RM1.48 , current mother price for CSL is only at RM1.01. If it expired at current condition, ur CSL-CA becomes toilet paper.

If the mother price manage to go up above strike price at expiry , the issuer bank will post a cheque to you and the amount should be calculated as per the formula stated as announced at Bursa.

Go read bursa report here