
sheldon | Joined since 2013-10-31

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2018-04-05 13:29 | Report Abuse

throx I hope everyone understand that even if government approve BJTOTO to accept betting online (via an app), the users still has to be non-muslim Malaysian only....

I disagree because handphone and computer appliances do not ask the owners their religious beliefs in the registration process. It's absurd for there to exist a Muslim handphone or a Hindu laptop. Hence orders placed via these devices will not reveal any details of religion.


2018-04-04 10:42 | Report Abuse

I keep picking up and price keeps tumbling. At this rate I might become a major share holder with no cash and sitting on a pile of losses.


2018-04-02 09:51 | Report Abuse

ironcrowz All the divisions has been doing badly.
TQ for your insights.

Even with brick & mortar, there are many Muslims buying. There's a signboard that discourages Muslims at the entrances of the outlets but many still patronise. With small bets, it gives people some hope to strike it big.

There are so many ways to circumvent the barring of Muslims like getting others to buy or buying from illegals etc. The Govt & the people should realise that legal Btoto has contribute lots to the coffers which I believe has benefited all religions.

If they want to kill the goose that lays the golden eggs then the religious preachers should not complain if the treasury squeezes the rakyat in other forms like raising the GST. There's a lot of truth in the doctrine "No Money No Talk".


2018-03-30 09:34 | Report Abuse

paperplane well, the investment is churning enough income or not? if investment done well like Berskhire, will be good. But anyway their inv assets seems still small, aboutn 700mil plus??

> 59m shares or about 7.9%


2018-03-30 09:18 | Report Abuse

KWAP sold 700k shares but they're still stuck with a big load of garbage


2018-03-29 10:07 | Report Abuse

declining every quarter and the management keeps repeating the same story i.e. increased cost of raw materials.

They said in the past that they will increase automation to lower cost but looks like getting worse.


2018-03-28 11:56 | Report Abuse

Come one come all. Petron shares at fire sale prices!!


2018-03-27 15:26 | Report Abuse

my first foray into BToto, I made money. Now I'm sitting on a pile of losses. Despite mitigated by dividends, it's still a very large net loss.


2018-03-27 09:44 | Report Abuse

amazing - 45 mins into the trading day & not a single lot traded


2018-03-24 06:22 | Report Abuse

bestreturn - yes tq.

i can imagine! Capturing the younger set hence top line growth & no more brick & mortar & salaries of staff manning them.


2018-03-21 13:13 | Report Abuse

invest28 Hi all,refer to brent oil or crude oil price?

doesn't matter - they're all highly corelated


2018-03-21 12:02 | Report Abuse

mamatede Tomorrow gonna jump, world oil price boom.

If you read the last quarterly Petron financials, it stated that the gross margins i.e. crack spread fell because of faster rise in crude relative to product prices. Hence it's not good for Petron.


2018-03-20 09:11 | Report Abuse

no support for this counter despite the cash flow & quarterly dividends


2018-03-18 04:59 | Report Abuse

Ng Shu Tsung - if insider trading involves share buyback in the interest of shareholders, then it should be allowed. I hope this sudden surge in buying is due to this.


2018-03-17 04:43 | Report Abuse

Insider trading as I've always suspected is alive. SC will normally inspect the CDS accounts of the key personnel to check any movements before price-sensitive info is released but there are still ways to get around.

In the US, they go to the extent of wire-tapping.


2018-03-16 09:55 | Report Abuse

The fact that price is reacting adversely before the announcement could imply insider trading is alive & well or perhaps investors taking bets that performance will be bad


2018-03-15 16:38 | Report Abuse

if it's pending QR, then probably a terrible result await


2018-03-15 15:59 | Report Abuse

Melissa Ooi - this stock has been sliding & sliding but you seem optimistic.

I'm curious - are you an independent analyst, a BToto employee, a fund manager or working for the syndicates?

You can be truthful since none of us know each other.


2018-03-14 22:36 | Report Abuse

WTF is happening!?


2018-03-12 16:01 | Report Abuse

price is sinking. I hope it's not reflective of the impending results.


2018-03-08 10:39 | Report Abuse

We are up but Hengyuan in -ve territory. It's about time that the investors realise that the business models are quite different and these 2 should be decoupled.


2018-03-07 16:25 | Report Abuse

To pacify ourselves, just look at POS Malaysia - also a very steep plunge


2018-03-07 15:33 | Report Abuse

Guys - let's look from the big perspective. There's no free lunch.

Destiny / God is not going to allow you to make money by simply shifting papers, making a few clicks & a few phone calls. There are people out there who make a tiny fraction of your potential gain through real hard work. The man up there is going to make sure that he gets his pound of flesh from you before you enjoy the gains if any.

Even gold from the earth cannot just be extracted easily where you can just put the gold nuggets into your pocket & walk away. Some extractors do some sort of animal sacrifice. One must give to get something. Some call it sacrifice.

So we have to sweat it out first before we can reap the gains.


2018-03-07 14:54 | Report Abuse

After attempting to catch this sharp falling knife and many ouches later, I'm now a major shareholder haha


2018-03-07 14:40 | Report Abuse

Whoa!! Looks like a total bloodbath!!


2018-03-07 08:33 | Report Abuse

If the major shareholder or any of the board or senior management were to sell then, it would require disclosure.

So it can be implied that this recent meltdown was caused by small players coupled with the lack of trading liquidity.

It could also be foreign portfolio investors being bearish about the country hence cashing in on their gains whilst the exchange rate is good.


2018-03-07 08:27 | Report Abuse

MelissaOoi Berjaya Sports Toto Bhd - TQ Melissa.

I interpreted the bursa's announcement as BToto losing the case especially in the light of the share price moving to historic lows.

I guess the management at Toto should be taught to communicate in simple English - saying it plainly after all that legal & corporate gibberish like "BToto won. Why? because ...".


2018-03-06 22:22 | Report Abuse

Actually if Tunepro is not cooking up the books, the performance isn't all that bad. They've that all important top-line growth.


2018-03-06 19:42 | Report Abuse

21 Nov announcement states that ESOS was offered to employees with a strike at 0.99. Now surely these employees have skin in the game and they are sore.

But I'd expect them to work hard and pour in all their creative juices to get this company on track to profitability. If the share price wanders too far below the strike, then Tony may see good employees leaving and he (and we) will be left with the duds.


2018-03-06 12:58 | Report Abuse

Dear Sheldon,

please kindly enlighten me the follow
1. in which occasion i did not exercise the virtue of being humble ?
2. do you consider the example or calculation i use to illustrate the strategy "buy more earn more " is an act of counting the chickens before they hatch that will bring bad lucks.

why ?

you comments have confused me. I do not know what you are up to ?

Mr Halite - While I'm appreciative of your views, the notion of humility also includes not being extremely dogmatic in your convictions to extent of brushing-off other issues of concern. Such bullish convictions I've noticed often seem to be followed by a downturn. Don't take it too personally - I'm just superstitious - take it easy bro.


2018-03-05 16:54 | Report Abuse

Believe me - save for a small minority, we never learn what to do during a bull and bear.

We think we do but we tend to repeat the same behavior again and again. That's the hard truth.


2018-03-05 16:27 | Report Abuse

Mr Halite - I've been as investor/speculator on Bursa for more than 2 decades. Whilst your intentions are good and you seem to speak from the heart, it's my observation on numerous occasions that it's best to humble oneself and not to count the chickens before they hatch.

That's bad luck.


2018-03-05 15:22 | Report Abuse

what could be the likely cause of such a sellout?

1. Investors classify it in the same kettle of fish as Hengyuan

2. Margin traders do not have the cash to pick up hence force sold

3. care to add anyone.....?


2018-03-02 10:23 | Report Abuse

Insurance is a complex business. It requires some human interaction for clarification. Their battle cry of "Click Buy Protect" tak boleh pakai la.


2018-03-02 10:01 | Report Abuse

Try calling its customer service hotline 1 800 88 5753.

This so-called hotline rings but nobody picks up. Business must be very good that they don't need anymore business. Looks like this Co is so full of sh...


2018-03-02 04:18 | Report Abuse

Tunepro product has no visibility like Digi or Air Asia. The reason is that the so-called staff like to look good in the Annual Report.

As I've mentioned before, I tried my best to give it motor insurance business but difficult to execute. I'm not so click savvy so I tried to call for guidance but nobody pick up. I think they feel that they are doing consumers a favor. Does anybody work in this useless Co?


2018-03-02 04:12 | Report Abuse

Insurance companies have brought me nothing but misery. First loss in Manulife and now Tunepro.


2018-02-28 23:06 | Report Abuse

However the top-line growth is a glimmer of hope


2018-02-28 23:00 | Report Abuse

My instincts were right - Very bad! No wonder that even the major shareholder was selling away like insider trader. They must have got wind of this early on.


2018-02-28 10:17 | Report Abuse

Instincts tell me that the result will be bad. The delay is probably due to the management searching high and low, far and wide as to how to show a decent profit.


2018-02-28 10:02 | Report Abuse

Heng Yuan only declare a minuscule dividend despite strong earnings. To me it's a big red flag!


2018-02-28 05:04 | Report Abuse

I just observed that Dutchlady's EPS for the year was 184 and its share price = 70. Petron's EPS 150 share price = 11.40.

Maybe because the food industry is less risky. Another key difference is Dutchlady's generous dividend payout.


2018-02-26 14:59 | Report Abuse

The reason for the rise in price of late I believe is due to a recent report that the government may want to resolve the tax matter instead of taking the matter to court and leaving shares in a limbo.

Sigh! about time. No investors would like to be hit with taxes out of the blue. Once paid and 7 years are up, it should be done.


2018-02-26 10:09 | Report Abuse

If we draw parallels to Petronas Dag, then Petron share price should be stratospheric. Something's amiss.


2018-02-23 22:03 | Report Abuse

Performance declined year-to-year


2018-02-23 12:11 | Report Abuse

I've noticed this potong stim effect every time when people anticipate a big price hike.

May be it's just the principle of buy on rumour and sell on fact.