I'm selling half my holdings. Apollo may benefit Scoop, but benefit of Scoop to Apollo, if any, may take several years to realize. The brothers Liang are reported selling because advancing in age and lack of a clear succession plan.
If Apollo is the only listed vehicle in Scoop's business, then it would serve the owner's interest to see that the share price rises. On the other hand, as part of a group companies for which they have no full interest, I hope they'll not strip this company.
Anyone thinks that the share price will go higher after the offer ends?
APOLLO this is the v 1st time, am seeing the stock price is abt the MGO price in msian sejarah. n so none substantial s/holders r selling on the mkt to get their money now than to sign the MGO form ex on Jan 29th n await. Risk is the new owner finally has > 90% of this stock = the condition to be delisted.
Price Action Theory, always can help us all. Watch for a special day of grand BO, break out to the new blue sky. Take risk then n enter...
IN GWS, WHAT HAD HAPPENED WILL HAPPEN AGAIN these were words of wisdom of Livermore Theory.
Jim Rogers - "Figure out the money and you’ll figure out what’s going on." Jim Rogers is asking us, where is the big money in charts n to find them ourselves.
yes, where's the big money picture?
There r 4 ways to big money in stocks:
NEW.OWNER.PLAY + is the 3rd best way to win in stocks on KLSE. + n usually it gives the BIGGEST money if the new owners r the super greedy type! + greedy means, TP, target price could fly multi baggers to 3X to even 10X like hextech did 2 yrs ago. + stock as PLC, is the fastest route for them to be the newly minted billionaires!
APOLLO The New.Owner controls 78.42% i.e. 62,736,000 shares. It has to sell down to < 75% i.e. sell 2,736,000 shares to comply with public spread as a PLC. Or going thru some smart corporate plans. after this MGO, it can choose to taichow anytime with no holds barred.
https://klse.i3investor.com/web/staticfile/view/528248 NB: 1st time in corporate msia, every 1 can buy cheaper than the new.owner who spent big money of $363 million to take over a PLC. Is the new.owner the greatest fool in stock?
1st time in corporate msia, every 1 can buy cheaper than the new.owner who spent big money of $363 million to take over a PLC.
So good oh. Taking over at RM 5.8 And share price is not trading at 5.8 after Jan2024. Why so? What's the story and plan behind? If so, buying at below 5.8 is good bargain. Ya. Dunno y he wants to do that. And, Who are those sellers below 5.8?
@PureBULL sifu, will follow you to buy. So far all your picks are ichiban n I make some $$$$ on Teo Seng, Rexit and last time PMB. So mati2 must buy some Apollo.
You should think why share price up? Because of declared 50 cents dividend but now is over reaction. Their quarter profit 30m but share price is 5.88 already feel too high compare to other company made 30m profit per quarter. All of you chase 50 cents dividend but pay more 1.20. I really feel that too smart already. lol. After ex date drop 50 cents. You get nothing
Today high chance 3 days limit down. RM 7 but profit per quarter only 30m. Genting price also lower than apology but genting profit 200m per quarter. Compare to maybank profit 2.4b per quarter. So my conclusion is apolo over value. The fair price is around Rm4 only
For many years proir to Covid-19, Apollo Food was boring company with declining returns. All that changed post Covid-19 with profits shooting up.
Then came the change in controlling shareholders in Dec 2023. The new controlling party are the people behind the Baskin-Robbins franchise in Malaysia and Singapore.
My valuation of Apollo based on the past 12 years performance came to about RM 5.11 per share. The confectionary business is not a high growth one and to drive 30% business improvements (implied by comparing market price with my business value) would be challenging.
Unless of course there is some plan to inject other profitable busienss into the company. Why would anyone pay a premuim for a company unless they have plans to do magic with it?
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98 posts
Posted by AlphaAdventurer > 2024-01-16 12:22 | Report Abuse
You can still hold it even though you are not accepting the offer 😄 Apollo is not going to be privatised I think