
sheldon | Joined since 2013-10-31

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2019-11-24 09:30 | Report Abuse

CPO prices have since increased by a big jump, which should augur well for cash levels and dividends.


2019-11-22 09:58 | Report Abuse

I make sure & I tell my kids as well that every time we need fuel go to Petron. (When I held Digi shares, I switched my entire family from Maxis to Digi).

I think the unexplored potential of Petron stations is the basic groceries. May be the management feels that it's too much of an effort for some loose change but Petdag considers it as a significant source of income. Besides the straight forward income, the grocery and petrol pump complement each other.


2019-11-21 22:17 | Report Abuse

A Loss : 0
B 0 - 50m - 2 (Sheldon, john 0909)
C 51 - 100m : 2.5 (hock007, damiantreez, Chiovo Capital)
D - > 100m 0.5 (Chiovo Capital)

Looks like John 0909 & I are spot on


2019-11-20 15:19 | Report Abuse

Looks like someone's taking my advise really seriously. There's a bump in trading volume.


2019-11-20 10:57 | Report Abuse

Rwkl - I see your point on KLK especially on PE basis but not so much on net asset/share basis relative to other plantation cos.

Despite that B. Kawan with its industrial chemical business & Oleochemical via KLK is quite attractive at today's prices.


2019-11-19 15:40 | Report Abuse

I fear that this Co has all the ingredients to be taken private namely:

1) 10% of shares taken off the market making it cheaper
2) hardly any trading liquidity
3) under appreciated by the investors (i.e. cheap) - resulting that the major shareholder could acquire the Co for a song

We, the non-controlling interest would then have to give up this prized possession with little compensation


2019-11-19 07:37 | Report Abuse

Positive on EPS, all things being equal.

They are not permitted to buy any more.


2019-11-19 07:35 | Report Abuse

Agreed untong - it should pay much more dividends in proportion with its earnings. Earnings are all huffing & puffing, which can be manufactured by any decent accountant.

Being able to convert it to cash dividends is the real deal!


2019-11-11 06:20 | Report Abuse

The way I look at it - so long as the co generates a profit and Petron reinvests a portion, it's value should increase.


2019-11-07 22:46 | Report Abuse

Yes untong PetronM is definitely a very much unsung hero and underappreciated by investors compared to Petdag.

Philip Greta - noted your views - a fresh perspective TQ.


2019-11-07 14:32 | Report Abuse

I don't like pension plans either. Even worse are companies with ESOS plans. I avoid such companies.

My biggest reservation of Petron is its group structure - what goes into the listed entity and the unlisted entity is not transparent.


2019-11-07 11:27 | Report Abuse

The score to date :

A Loss : 0
B 0 - 50m - 2 (Sheldon, john 0909)
C 51 - 100m : 2.5 (hock007, damiantreez, Chiovo Capital)
D - > 100m 0.5 (Chiovo Capital)

I hope we won't be rudely shocked with a loss like a few quarters ago.


2019-11-07 09:56 | Report Abuse

Noted john0909 - i believe that's what your model is saying.

Chiovo Capital & damiantreez - The alternatives given are very broad range of earnings. You should stick your neck out and choose one or else it's as good as guessing between negative to positive infinity.


2019-11-06 20:50 | Report Abuse

This co has quite a bit of headwinds going forward - Petronas Pengerang for one.


2019-11-06 09:30 | Report Abuse

Choivo Capital C/D - you're pretty optimistic.

I say B


2019-11-05 15:41 | Report Abuse

Calling john0909 (& anyone else) ... what's your prediction of profit for the 3rd quarter?

A. Loss (urgh!)
B. 0 - 50m
C. 51 - 100m
D. >100m (wishful thinking)


2019-10-31 17:15 | Report Abuse

Chi bai - I wanted to buy but hesitated. Looks like the bus has left!


2019-10-26 22:47 | Report Abuse

Wow! A great achievement! The company has reached almost the statutory limit of 10% in share repurchase.

I love this management!


2019-10-19 14:51 | Report Abuse

Haha Choivo Capital - a sarcastic remark on flying cars.

I agree to the carbon emission. My take on electric cars is that there are too people here who cannot afford a new car. So they will still be moving around in their old IC vehicles.

So looks like for Choivo, it's do or die. Either you're going to become extremely rich or PN17 case.


2019-10-10 14:50 | Report Abuse

Below 5!! a threshold I never thought it could ever cross


2019-09-23 04:59 | Report Abuse

888STOCK888 Uncle Tan needs cash to privatise BJLAND, this is just temporary... It will rise again

.... makes sense


2019-09-18 09:23 | Report Abuse

whatever happened to the obvious Magnum-Toto arbitrage? Looks like nobody's playing the game. Maybe Magnum is indeed more valuable.


2019-09-06 09:43 | Report Abuse

I noticed that this counter is negatively correlated to the market


2019-08-23 13:41 | Report Abuse

john0909 @sheldon, .... Not just merely a guesstimate, supported with some data, hence come out with the prediction of 20-23cents eps... i will try few more quarters and see if such direction is correct/reliable or not...

Interesting - let's play the game


2019-08-22 23:33 | Report Abuse

john0909 @sheldon, my prediction is correct, what's the prize for me?

john0909 - you're spot-on!! Was is a guesstimate? What crystal ball do you use?

Well done! I'm glad for the results as its beyond my expectation, considering that Brent fell steeply during the quarter which would adversely affect the crack spreads.

The prize is that you get the exclusive right to take me out to dinner at your expense.


2019-08-19 10:21 | Report Abuse

An odd counter - when market drops a lot, this counter can somewhat hold and when market leaps up, the counter doesn't move much.


2019-08-16 12:06 | Report Abuse

john0909 @sheldon, likely A... EPS should be around between 20-23cents...

So it's A for you - I hope so.


2019-08-15 09:01 | Report Abuse

Any guesses on 30 June quarter results?

A. Big profit (>50m)
B. Small profit (0 to +50m)
C. Small loss (0 to -50m)
D. Big loss (> -50m)

My prediction (& let me warn you that it's usually wrong) is B


2019-08-15 08:56 | Report Abuse

Today sure will trade below 5.50


2019-08-15 08:55 | Report Abuse

Im sure PBB will trade below 20 today


2019-08-08 10:57 | Report Abuse

yes brickfields outlet closed. Left open Da Ma Cai & Magnum


2019-08-07 11:14 | Report Abuse

Looks like RHB prediction is becoming true


2019-08-02 11:38 | Report Abuse

Brent price based on Bloomberg ticker tape, fell $7!!


2019-07-10 03:36 | Report Abuse

David_share - refining margin is currently affected by oversupply of giant refineries in Korea and Petronas muscling in. Crack spread is affected by sharp drops in inventory values caused by sharp drops in Brent crude and other similar benchmarks.


2019-07-03 19:32 | Report Abuse

Given the rather steep drop in brent from mid-May to early Jun but uptrends from early April to mid-May & early Jun to end . Also the narrowing refining margins due to oversupply of refinery services .....

Do you think that Petron - can register a profit for the 2nd quarter? Let's get some opinions.


2019-06-27 14:17 | Report Abuse

TQVM Koyee for your summary


2019-06-17 14:25 | Report Abuse

Choivo - oh I see - apologies. If you ever get a hold of the PFI accounts, I hope you can share with us the dividends declared in 2019 and 2018.

I asked several questions but did not get to ask this. Thanks.


2019-06-15 11:15 | Report Abuse

Choivo you wrote - Maybe i should buy PFI accounts to use as a benchmark.

You can't because it's 100% owned by Petron Philippines


2019-06-02 21:07 | Report Abuse

Petron is one Co that generally makes impressive earnings but share price is not reflective of it. The fact that the Co pays a far less dividends compared to earnings simply means that this co is retaining a lot of profits which should cause the share price to rise. Instead it's just limp.

Many companies make a fraction of the earnings but the share price seem to leap here & there. Strange, very strange indeed!!


2019-05-31 09:39 | Report Abuse

Wow, wow, wow - The issue is the lack of consistency caused by the vagaries of world oil prices


2019-05-29 15:34 | Report Abuse

waiting for the results with much trepidation


2019-05-14 15:42 | Report Abuse

Interim dividend announcement around the corner


2019-05-01 21:56 | Report Abuse

I dread to make any predictions after my last quarter 2018 disastrous way off on a tangent prediction. However from my superficial observation of the prices which inclined Jan to Mar 2019, it should be good. Unless of course the management said that they had hedged.

Share price is somewhat under-valued but buybacks may not be possible as it may breach the minimum public spread.


2019-04-29 12:56 | Report Abuse

This stock is showing good support at 3.60


2019-04-23 12:09 | Report Abuse

The dividend for the financial year has already been revealed at 20 sen per share.

If the share price is not performing then shareholders look forward to dividends but this co is under performing insofar as dividends are concerned.

Compared to other foreign-controlled company Petron is an odd company. Companies from Amway to Carlesberg to F&N & BAT all declare big dividends. At 135m shares, 20 sen only amount to RM27m which is a very tiny amount compared to RM1.53b in reserves.


2019-04-11 09:43 | Report Abuse

Just when you think that it's safe and it can't get any lower ... it sinks to new depths.

What's the main underlying issue?


2019-04-08 11:28 | Report Abuse

Agree with DickyMe - Try appointing a non-bumi as CEO, all hell will break loose. If academic results are any indication of ability, a lot of non-bumi have scored well but how many lead GLCs? Practically none. Good academic results implies that the person is intelligent, hard-working and disciplined - all the qualities required for management.

Hence for GLC stock, I would only buy if price hit rock-bottom & cabut the moment I make some gains because it will not have much upside like Nestle, Dutchlady, Public bank.


2019-04-08 09:19 | Report Abuse

Koyee hi all, just joined @ 0.68 lets hope for the best =)

In your case, the late bird catches the worm haha.