
prince4 | Joined since 2016-07-20

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2020-07-16 15:51 | Report Abuse

bursa take out socket ...close lamp...


2020-07-16 15:33 | Report Abuse

我心的只有你 阿公头... 没有她 套


2020-07-16 15:31 | Report Abuse

基金经理和外资逃跑对他们来讲都是平常事常常做的事 !外资没卖掉股票哪来的盈利!高价你们要票他们要现金...好呗..就交易吧...哈哈就卖给你们吧拿钱来吧...

GENTING RM11 ,PBBANK RM26 ,BAT RM70 你看专业的基金经理和外资一看到"本梦比"的时候就一起36计走为上策趁高套利卖掉还在带着做空...空空如也!


2020-07-16 15:31 | Report Abuse

你说一间公司一年只能赚几亿公司价值几百亿,你会不会卖我不知道哦 !也许你会非理性还在那边傻傻的幻想天马行空!


2020-07-16 15:24 | Report Abuse

Mikecyc sumatec娘娘住冷宫了,终老在冷宫死在冷宫!


2020-07-16 15:21 | Report Abuse

还在打口水战啊你们...还在讨论啊 哈哈...


2020-05-22 15:36 | Report Abuse



2020-05-22 15:34 | Report Abuse

stncws you want me write chinese ok lah...


2020-05-22 15:32 | Report Abuse

spread usd pair eud 1-2 pips... some pair with usd spread 3-10 pips


2020-05-22 15:27 | Report Abuse

deposit 500 usd can trade 1lots contract ,most of small player one time trade 10 lots to 100 lots


2020-05-22 15:23 | Report Abuse

1 pips = 1usd


2020-05-22 15:22 | Report Abuse

forex is very liquidation market small player one day can trading long/short and in or out 10x above.


2020-05-22 15:20 | Report Abuse

forex normal day can swing minimum 100 to 1500 pip repeat few times in one day


2020-04-30 15:55 | Report Abuse

kgroup 在顶部放巨量 30%换手率 !36计


2020-04-17 16:22 | Report Abuse

Niama 谁把我写的删除 ?

prince4 Post removed. Why?
26/03/2020 2:02 PM

股票投资特别留意 这个在情趣恐慌 跟市场交易失灵之际...不要乱杀...KLCI在1800点你不卖?1600点你不卖? 1200点居然你要狂卖?物极必反...输家怎么来的就是这样来的!


2020-04-16 08:52 | Report Abuse

都没公告....只有 mikecyc 一人在2018 时候自己以为!2019的时候 又在那边自己以为! 今天2020还是自己以为,就好像根本没世界末日都没发生也没这回事...mikecyc 自己在想世界末日 ! mikecyc 总是自己以为...在幻想...又幻想...搞到自己神经兮兮...不用活那样 ! 大家都知道等Netx有通告的时候..大家才来做决策!


2020-04-16 08:52 | Report Abuse

shares consolidation 要先给通告通知所有股东,然后才跟交易所 proposed 先,然后一定要开股东大会 (EGM ) 给股东 voting ,只有通过 SPECIAL RESOLUTION 才能批准做shares consolidation...大家都知道唯独只有mikecyc 一人不会所以"不知道自己不知道 " 那么叫笨咯..讲了两年还在讲那么就叫犯傻 !不然你就问你理买射(remisier)他会跟你讲的如果他不会我看你需要来cheung kong center 找我...连基本berhad公司规则都不懂, 假厉害sek siew siew ban dai biao 广东话 笑死人...自己打自己脸... 我来教你啦..


2020-04-16 08:52 | Report Abuse

Mikecyc 连consolidation 都不懂从2018 年讲到现在!
怎样知道公司有没做都不懂!连交易所 bursa 条规都不懂就来这边 sek siew siew ban dai biao 广东话...笑死人... 哈哈


2020-04-09 17:32 | Report Abuse

大户不会投资(钱) 劣势的板块...航空 !


2020-04-09 17:27 | Report Abuse

slowly slowly is truly... gambateh....


2020-04-09 17:25 | Report Abuse

now 8.5c still holding together happy on the way 10c


2020-04-08 16:34 | Report Abuse

炒家在忙着捡便宜股来炒 !


2020-04-08 16:34 | Report Abuse

Covid19 大家都没工作做没收入都来股市找钱 !


2020-04-08 16:32 | Report Abuse

炒家在忙着捡便宜股来炒 !


2020-04-08 16:32 | Report Abuse

Covid19 大家都没工作做没收入都来股市找钱 !


2020-04-08 16:32 | Report Abuse

炒家在忙着捡便宜股来炒 !


2020-04-08 16:31 | Report Abuse

Covid19 大家都没工作做没收入都来股市找钱 !


2020-04-08 16:13 | Report Abuse

炒家在忙着捡便宜股来炒 !


2020-04-08 16:13 | Report Abuse

Covid19 大家都没工作做没收入都来股市找钱 !


2020-04-08 16:11 | Report Abuse

still holding together happy on the way 10c


2020-04-08 16:09 | Report Abuse

johnchew5 你别吃饱没事做来VC 踢馆知道吗 !


2020-04-08 16:07 | Report Abuse

炒家在忙着捡便宜股来炒 !


2020-04-08 16:06 | Report Abuse

Covid19 大家都没工作做没收入都来股市找钱 !


2020-04-08 16:01 | Report Abuse

哎哟哟 dragonslayer 哥,你还在让费时间在吹水我们静悄悄去找股买 !vc 赚了300%整备要吃鲍鱼了!只有愚蠢的才会让费时间在网络吹水,难怪你们会可怜到要吃日本鱼和 maggi 面 !


2020-04-08 10:55 | Report Abuse

WTI price below 50 USD will impact OIL GAS company fundamental will deteriorate make many oil and gas company future financial from profit turn to heavy losses .If the company with high debt will face collapse or bankruptcy in future.

Market money would not flow in oil and gas stock because everybody scare buy this trouble sector company they have huge debt will face collapse or bankruptcy in future .Expect local and foreign funds money would not flow in oil and gas stock because everybody scare buy losses money . so now no prospects cannot buy and hold oil and gas company.

High debt company cannot buy ,high prices stock cannot hold , MARKET NEVER SLEEP MONEY NEVER SLEEP just buy LOW PRICES stock and CASH RICH COMPANY. This is a OPPORTUNITY markets SMART MONEY no longer will FLOWS in cheaper stocks ,market will GORENG lows price stock at BOTTOM.


2020-04-08 10:55 | Report Abuse

WTI price below 50 USD will impact OIL GAS company fundamental will deteriorate make many oil and gas company future financial from profit turn to heavy losses .If the company with high debt will face collapse or bankruptcy in future.

Market money would not flow in oil and gas stock because everybody scare buy this trouble sector company they have huge debt will face collapse or bankruptcy in future .Expect local and foreign funds money would not flow in oil and gas stock because everybody scare buy losses money . so now no prospects cannot buy and hold oil and gas company.

High debt company cannot buy ,high prices stock cannot hold , MARKET NEVER SLEEP MONEY NEVER SLEEP just buy LOW PRICES stock and CASH RICH COMPANY. This is a OPPORTUNITY markets SMART MONEY no longer will FLOWS in cheaper stocks ,market will GORENG lows price stock at BOTTOM.


2020-04-08 10:54 | Report Abuse

WTI price below 50 USD will impact OIL GAS company fundamental will deteriorate make many oil and gas company future financial from profit turn to heavy losses .If the company with high debt will face collapse or bankruptcy in future.

Market money would not flow in oil and gas stock because everybody scare buy this trouble sector company they have huge debt will face collapse or bankruptcy in future .Expect local and foreign funds money would not flow in oil and gas stock because everybody scare buy losses money . so now no prospects cannot buy and hold oil and gas company.

High debt company cannot buy ,high prices stock cannot hold , MARKET NEVER SLEEP MONEY NEVER SLEEP just buy LOW PRICES stock and CASH RICH COMPANY. This is a OPPORTUNITY markets SMART MONEY no longer will FLOWS in cheaper stocks ,market will GORENG lows price stock at BOTTOM.


2020-04-08 10:53 | Report Abuse

WTI price below 50 USD will impact OIL GAS company fundamental will deteriorate make many oil and gas company future financial from profit turn to heavy losses .If the company with high debt will face collapse or bankruptcy in future.

Market money would not flow in oil and gas stock because everybody scare buy this trouble sector company they have huge debt will face collapse or bankruptcy in future .Expect local and foreign funds money would not flow in oil and gas stock because everybody scare buy losses money . so now no prospects cannot buy and hold oil and gas company.

High debt company cannot buy ,high prices stock cannot hold , MARKET NEVER SLEEP MONEY NEVER SLEEP just buy LOW PRICES stock and CASH RICH COMPANY. This is a OPPORTUNITY markets SMART MONEY no longer will FLOWS in cheaper stocks ,market will GORENG lows price stock at BOTTOM.


2020-04-08 10:52 | Report Abuse

WTI price below 50 USD will impact OIL GAS company fundamental will deteriorate make many oil and gas company future financial from profit turn to heavy losses .If the company with high debt will face collapse or bankruptcy in future.

Market money would not flow in oil and gas stock because everybody scare buy this trouble sector company they have huge debt will face collapse or bankruptcy in future .Expect local and foreign funds money would not flow in oil and gas stock because everybody scare buy losses money . so now no prospects cannot buy and hold oil and gas company.

High debt company cannot buy ,high prices stock cannot hold , MARKET NEVER SLEEP MONEY NEVER SLEEP just buy LOW PRICES stock and CASH RICH COMPANY. This is a OPPORTUNITY markets SMART MONEY no longer will FLOWS in cheaper stocks ,market will GORENG lows price stock at BOTTOM.


2020-04-08 10:41 | Report Abuse

Covid-19 make many of corporate will impact company fundamental will deteriorate.
For Example :Past revenue 100 mil ,profit margin 10% earning 10 mil now covid-19 future revenue will reduced nearly 90% or become near zero and followed future earning from profit turn to heavy losses too, past they revenue how big their basic operating cost high will followed financial more heavily losses .If the company with high debt will face collapse or bankruptcy in future.

Large and medium-sized companies can't operate without income, and all of them are returned to them like a startups company,valuation will also fall the stock price will also follow down.
Expect local and foreign funds money would not flow in big cap and mid cap stock because everybody scare buy high losses money . In this few month expect Funds manager money would flow out bigcap and midcap stocks so now no prospects cannot buy and hold bigcap and mid cap company.

market stock RM10 drop to RM5, RM5.00 drop to RM 2.00 , followed RM2.00 drop RM1.00, followed RM1.00 drop to 50 cent, followed 50 cent drop to 20cent ,followed 20 cent drop to 10cent ,followed 10 cent drop to bottom.

High debt company cannot buy ,high prices stock cannot hold , MARKET NEVER SLEEP MONEY NEVER SLEEP just buy LOW PRICES stock and CASH RICH COMPANY. This is a OPPORTUNITY markets SMART MONEY no longer will FLOWS in cheaper stocks ,market will GORENG lows price stock at BOTTOM.


2020-04-08 10:39 | Report Abuse

Covid-19 make many of corporate will impact company fundamental will deteriorate.
For Example :Past revenue 100 mil ,profit margin 10% earning 10 mil now covid-19 future revenue will reduced nearly 90% or become near zero and followed future earning from profit turn to heavy losses too, past they revenue how big their basic operating cost high will followed financial more heavily losses .If the company with high debt will face collapse or bankruptcy in future.

Large and medium-sized companies can't operate without income, and all of them are returned to them like a startups company,valuation will also fall, and the stock price will also fall
Expect local and foreign funds money would not flow in big cap and mid cap stock because everybody scare buy high losses money . In this few month expect Funds manager money would flow out bigcap and midcap stocks so now no prospects cannot buy and hold bigcap and mid cap company.

market stock RM10 drop to RM5, RM5.00 drop to RM 2.00 , followed RM2.00 drop RM1.00, followed RM1.00 drop to 50 cent, followed 50 cent drop to 20cent ,followed 20 cent drop to 10cent ,followed 10 cent drop to bottom.

High debt company cannot buy ,high prices stock cannot hold , MARKET NEVER SLEEP MONEY NEVER SLEEP just buy LOW PRICES stock and CASH RICH COMPANY. This is a OPPORTUNITY markets SMART MONEY no longer will FLOWS in cheaper stocks ,market will GORENG lows price stock at BOTTOM.


2020-04-08 10:17 | Report Abuse

i buy 3c now 6.5c still holding together happy on the way 10c


2020-04-07 17:10 | Report Abuse

my colleague handle acc cbl buying vc..


2020-04-07 01:40 | Report Abuse

Covid-19 make many of corporate will impact company fundamental will deteriorate. For Example :Past revenue 100 mil ,profit margin 10% earning 10 mil now covid-19 future revenue will reduced nearly 90% or become near zero and followed future earning from profit turn to heavy losses too, past they revenue how big their basic operating cost high will followed financial more heavily losses .If the company with high debt will face collapse or bankruptcy in future.
Large and medium-sized companies can't operate without income, and all of them are returned to them like a startups company,valuation will also fall, and the stock price will also fall
Expect local and foreign funds money would not flow in big cap and mid cap stock because everybody scare buy high losses money . In this few month expect Funds manager money would flow out bigcap and midcap stocks so now no prospects cannot buy and hold bigcap and mid cap company.
market stock RM10 drop to RM5, RM5.00 drop to RM 2.00 , followed RM2.00 drop RM1.00, followed RM1.00 drop to 50 cent, followed 50 cent drop to 20cent ,followed 20 cent drop to 10cent ,followed 10 cent drop to bottom.
High debt company cannot buy ,high prices stock cannot hold , MARKET NEVER SLEEP MONEY NEVER SLEEP just buy LOW PRICES stock and CASH RICH COMPANY. This is a OPPORTUNITY markets SMART MONEY no longer will FLOWS in cheaper stocks ,market will GORENG lows price stock at BOTTOM.


2020-04-07 01:40 | Report Abuse

Covid-19 make many of corporate will impact company fundamental will deteriorate. For Example :Past revenue 100 mil ,profit margin 10% earning 10 mil now covid-19 future revenue will reduced nearly 90% or become near zero and followed future earning from profit turn to heavy losses too, past they revenue how big their basic operating cost high will followed financial more heavily losses .If the company with high debt will face collapse or bankruptcy in future.
Large and medium-sized companies can't operate without income, and all of them are returned to them like a startups company,valuation will also fall, and the stock price will also fall
Expect local and foreign funds money would not flow in big cap and mid cap stock because everybody scare buy high losses money . In this few month expect Funds manager money would flow out bigcap and midcap stocks so now no prospects cannot buy and hold bigcap and mid cap company.
market stock RM10 drop to RM5, RM5.00 drop to RM 2.00 , followed RM2.00 drop RM1.00, followed RM1.00 drop to 50 cent, followed 50 cent drop to 20cent ,followed 20 cent drop to 10cent ,followed 10 cent drop to bottom.
High debt company cannot buy ,high prices stock cannot hold , MARKET NEVER SLEEP MONEY NEVER SLEEP just buy LOW PRICES stock and CASH RICH COMPANY. This is a OPPORTUNITY markets SMART MONEY no longer will FLOWS in cheaper stocks ,market will GORENG lows price stock at BOTTOM.


2020-04-07 01:40 | Report Abuse

Covid-19 make many of corporate will impact company fundamental will deteriorate. For Example :Past revenue 100 mil ,profit margin 10% earning 10 mil now covid-19 future revenue will reduced nearly 90% or become near zero and followed future earning from profit turn to heavy losses too, past they revenue how big their basic operating cost high will followed financial more heavily losses .If the company with high debt will face collapse or bankruptcy in future.
Large and medium-sized companies can't operate without income, and all of them are returned to them like a startups company,valuation will also fall, and the stock price will also fall
Expect local and foreign funds money would not flow in big cap and mid cap stock because everybody scare buy high losses money . In this few month expect Funds manager money would flow out bigcap and midcap stocks so now no prospects cannot buy and hold bigcap and mid cap company.
market stock RM10 drop to RM5, RM5.00 drop to RM 2.00 , followed RM2.00 drop RM1.00, followed RM1.00 drop to 50 cent, followed 50 cent drop to 20cent ,followed 20 cent drop to 10cent ,followed 10 cent drop to bottom.
High debt company cannot buy ,high prices stock cannot hold , MARKET NEVER SLEEP MONEY NEVER SLEEP just buy LOW PRICES stock and CASH RICH COMPANY. This is a OPPORTUNITY markets SMART MONEY no longer will FLOWS in cheaper stocks ,market will GORENG lows price stock at BOTTOM.


2020-04-07 01:39 | Report Abuse

Covid-19 make many of corporate will impact company fundamental will deteriorate. For Example :Past revenue 100 mil ,profit margin 10% earning 10 mil now covid-19 future revenue will reduced nearly 90% or become near zero and followed future earning from profit turn to heavy losses too, past they revenue how big their basic operating cost high will followed financial more heavily losses .If the company with high debt will face collapse or bankruptcy in future.
Large and medium-sized companies can't operate without income, and all of them are returned to them like a startups company,valuation will also fall, and the stock price will also fall
Expect local and foreign funds money would not flow in big cap and mid cap stock because everybody scare buy high losses money . In this few month expect Funds manager money would flow out bigcap and midcap stocks so now no prospects cannot buy and hold bigcap and mid cap company.
market stock RM10 drop to RM5, RM5.00 drop to RM 2.00 , followed RM2.00 drop RM1.00, followed RM1.00 drop to 50 cent, followed 50 cent drop to 20cent ,followed 20 cent drop to 10cent ,followed 10 cent drop to bottom.
High debt company cannot buy ,high prices stock cannot hold , MARKET NEVER SLEEP MONEY NEVER SLEEP just buy LOW PRICES stock and CASH RICH COMPANY. This is a OPPORTUNITY markets SMART MONEY no longer will FLOWS in cheaper stocks ,market will GORENG lows price stock at BOTTOM.


2020-04-03 12:14 | Report Abuse

SMART MONEY past few day go to VC ... Next later go which company...


2020-04-03 12:14 | Report Abuse

SMART MONEY past few day go to VC ... Next later go which company...


2020-04-03 12:13 | Report Abuse

MARKET NEVER SLEEP MONEY NEVER SLEEP just BUY BOTTOM LOW PRICES WITH CASH COMPANY . This is a OPPORTUNITY markets SMART MONEY no longer will FLOWS in cheapers stocks market will GORENG lows price stock at BOTTOM.