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2023-10-23 08:51 | Report Abuse

Considering Malaysia is a Muslim country Anwar did well well already


2023-10-23 01:01 | Report Abuse

tesla in China is a win win

China improved Tesla and Tesla improved China.


2023-10-23 00:57 | Report Abuse

As for China....China will do well. No stopping already.

Why is it that China can adopt EV? It is China. China got no fake news. Everyone trust the government and everyone just follow in line. And the products is so good it is irresistible


2023-10-22 23:39 | Report Abuse

The CCP lol
The CCP is doing a damn good job.

What happens when by 2030 China is the only economy follow through on ev


2023-10-22 22:51 | Report Abuse


BMW to quit EV market.

actually, GM, Ford, MBW, Toyota, Nissan, Stellantis all want to quit EV market. because they lost.


2023-10-22 22:04 | Report Abuse

Tesla 2000


2023-10-22 20:17 | Report Abuse

In 2023 Tesla increased the gap from legacy companies in EV in Europe Japan and America. This is the opposite from legacy companies closing the gap . That is the main lesson from 2023.

A new development in America is America faces a risk of the public turning away from EV....in terms of Tesla Vs legacy company EV.....Tesla has won


2023-10-22 19:54 | Report Abuse

No much propaganda from America it's is understandable if people hates Palestinians hate Hama...but it is a result of America propagandas


2023-10-22 19:51 | Report Abuse

I am happy to let it be global south Vs Israel and America...I am happy with wang yi statements


2023-10-22 19:49 | Report Abuse

U compare what u write with the position of Singapore la.

No country in the global south will support your statements


2023-10-22 19:48 | Report Abuse

Me? I think there is nothing emotional about the escalation...it's a strategic move whose time has come


2023-10-22 19:46 | Report Abuse

And the reality of the war in Palestine. It's not Hama's Vs Israel......it's every organisation is Palestine Vs israel


2023-10-22 19:44 | Report Abuse

It's not proper for a Malaysian Chinese to be against Hama's. It's just not proper from moral angle, from prudent angle, from logical angle, from any angle


2023-10-22 19:40 | Report Abuse

Among the top 15 companies who will go bust? Difficult to say. Everyone still got every thing to play for. Many of state owned companies can get unlimited financing, at least for now


2023-10-22 19:33 | Report Abuse

No difference what subjects in university.

It's all about the person


2023-10-22 19:30 | Report Abuse

All legacy companies are in crisis. China observer would not know that. China observer only tell lies. The reality is with EV god. Told u he is god.


2023-10-22 19:26 | Report Abuse

The total addressable market is still very exciting. Still attracting new entrants. And that is only China... of course plenty of them are also eyeing export markets


2023-10-22 19:23 | Report Abuse

As for China....China will do well. No stopping already.

Why is it that China can adopt EV? It is China. China got no fake news. Everyone trust the government and everyone just follow in line. And the products is so good it is irrestitable...every year 28 million cars are sold in China. Now EV sales reach 40%...plenty of growth in China for Tesla and for Chinese ev.....the reality of China is the opposite of fake news provider China observer


2023-10-22 18:32 | Report Abuse

Civil war? That would be America


2023-10-22 15:35 | Report Abuse

technology adoption and EV adoption.

no country in the world do technology adoption like China.

that is amazing, not some thing to curse. or tell lies about.


2023-10-22 15:27 | Report Abuse

Chinese EV is very deep and broad.

besides tesla and BYD, you have GAC Aion, Huawei Aito, Geely Zeekr, polestar, SAIC MG, many many more
top 15 brands

BYD 比亚迪
SAIC-GM-Wuling 上汽通用五菱 (joint venture)
Tesla 特斯拉
Geely 吉利汽车
GAC Aion 广汽埃安
Chery 奇瑞汽车
Changan 长安汽车
Hozon Auto 合众汽车
Li Auto 理想汽车
Great Wall Motors 长城汽车
NIO 蔚来
XPeng 小鹏汽车
Leapmotor 零跑汽车
FAW VW 一汽大众 (joint venture)
SAIC VW 上汽大众 (joint venture)


2023-10-22 15:20 | Report Abuse

in the environment that is China, only tesla and BYD is making money.

the legacy companies are kaput.

instead of talking rubbish like China observer, people should admire and love China for doing some thing positive for the environment.


2023-10-22 15:17 | Report Abuse

the demand for EV in China is very high

and the options and choices in China is amazing. The manufacturing prowess , the innovations are just amazing. The product quality, the pricing is just unbeatable.


2023-10-22 15:13 | Report Abuse

nothing will stop EV adoption in China .

that is already a certainty , u still got China Observer producing rubbish and still got people believing in China observer.

the EV god is electric viking................ in fact western media is producing rubbish and lies.


2023-10-22 15:11 | Report Abuse

interestingly ev adoption is happening in Thailand at a much faster rate than else where,.


2023-10-22 15:06 | Report Abuse

as if Palestinians living in slums are the Hitlers when it is in fact the Jews in their BMW are the Nazis.


2023-10-22 15:05 | Report Abuse

using the word anti semitism just confuses the real issues.


2023-10-22 15:00 | Report Abuse

making fun of Palestinians is done by the west.........not by the global south.


2023-10-22 14:59 | Report Abuse

did wang yi make fun of the palestinians?


then why should malaysians make fun of the palestinians?


2023-10-22 14:55 | Report Abuse

there is no anti semitism because there are small number of jews in Egypt, Iran, Lebanon , all across the middle east and they are not being genocided.

the war in Palestine is between the occupiers and those who were occupied, land taken away without compensation or agreement.

what u have in the media are one sided views. there is no anti Semitism if the Jews rule by kindness,


2023-10-22 14:31 | Report Abuse

what is happening is China will be doing its best for the environment while the west will keep polluting.

what is even more interesting is China and the global south will be improving while the west will keep polluting.


2023-10-22 14:28 | Report Abuse


Haiyoh China EV maker in distress leh. Many closed shop after cannot tahan leh. Selling EV is one thing after sales service is another thing. Kesian. Haiyoh. Correct?

China observer? China observer is the worse content creator on the internet.


2023-10-22 14:05 | Report Abuse

anti semitism is not the desired word.

anti occupation and anti hegemony are better words.


2023-10-22 12:41 | Report Abuse

who teach the word anti semitism? its a ridiculous word.


2023-10-22 11:33 | Report Abuse

The Palestine problem will not be solved by education.
It will be solved by negotiated settlement fair to all or one side gets totally genocided


2023-10-21 13:28 | Report Abuse

PMX has instead chosen to go to Saudi forum...PMX has chosen the safest least controversial option


2023-10-21 13:26 | Report Abuse

What could PMX done different?

PMX could have gone to xijnping forum in Beijing but he chose not. PMX could choose to open doors to Palestine refugees but he choose not


2023-10-21 13:22 | Report Abuse

I think it is ok to be cowards. The most important is to stay alive to fight another day. The story of liu pang general Han xin very useful


2023-10-21 09:37 | Report Abuse

GM and ford will have to pay the government billions in penalties or buy credits from Tesla paying billions to Tesla.
It seem in this scenario all biden plans have back fired , all biden has done is to make America suffer....


2023-10-21 09:30 | Report Abuse

With the anti China mood so strong in America, the same mood has driven an anti EV mood in America. Jump to hydrogen? This is fantasy. They will not make it. There is no hydrogen infrastructure....and battery so improved so much and so cheap.

What happens is there is decoupling....China will be EV, America will jump here jump there not going any where...and Tesla will be the only profitable EV maker in America and Europe


2023-10-21 09:20 | Report Abuse

The story of 2023 is not Tesla losing share. Rather it is the inability of legacy companies to sell EV at a profit. 4 quarter Tesla will show a big rebound on higher production,

It has been more difficult more expensive to rejig an old factory to make EV than promised...that is the real story.

It is GM ford VW and Toyota that has failed to meet their targets , not Tesla.


2023-10-21 01:34 | Report Abuse

if it is true america goes anti EV just because China is good at EV, then just too bad for the world and climate change.


2023-10-21 00:31 | Report Abuse

while China celebrates EV and everyone buying EV, America is going in the other direction. .....the S curve is still real and the limiting factor for tesla is production ,not sales.


2023-10-20 23:34 | Report Abuse



2023-10-20 23:33 | Report Abuse

Even strong earnings might not be able to save stocks

its not about tesla. Its about stock market.


2023-10-20 23:06 | Report Abuse

everybody else is unable to make EV and sell at a profit.


2023-10-20 23:05 | Report Abuse

it is the mission of Chinese EV and tesla to make EV cheaper than petrol cars, and in China has largely succeeded.

now the problem is with legacy autos.