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2023-01-06 09:23 | Report Abuse
And the profit taking session begins
2023-01-06 09:08 | Report Abuse
However, for now, it is the attention of the punter and profit taker. Go for it if you have spare $_$
2023-01-06 08:52 | Report Abuse
Thank you to @CalvinTeng for posting his write up and finding here. I had to agree. Put your $ _ $ in Banks FD is better off and safe as well. During these trying times, no one want to invest in such counter.
2023-01-06 08:46 | Report Abuse
Revenue, all the while being handled like entrepreneurship-like shop, profits earned also not give back dividend. Market technology are moving fast and yet here talk about selling and deploying reader machine. Should have learnt this during the MCO isn't it. Now want to put new person who has experience to lead, macam too late becoz many have taken the advantage and deploy latest tech.
Just go to their website and have a look at their director face, how they look like ? Ada mirip itu long ka ? Looks fierce except the BWK.....
Wishes them all the luck they need, and if they intent on keeping the profits and no give dividend, good bye then. Like @Phoebe says, The business fundamental have changed, they don't keep up fast enough, then tuhan kasi bless.
2023-01-05 21:19 | Report Abuse
Hopefully not another BWK, and please pay shareholders dividends due to them, whether enterprenuer-led or not. Made so much, much give also. Made but no give, better make it as sdn Bhd.
2023-01-05 19:06 | Report Abuse
Or all these are sandiwara to push price low so can entry and profit again, nice move if theory is right
2023-01-05 16:34 | Report Abuse
Why want be lidis, abang adik ma, duduk bai2 cakap la...kalau tak syiok, bring it on la
2023-01-05 16:20 | Report Abuse
Plan all along....haihzzz kesian sama ikan bilis investor la
2023-01-05 15:32 | Report Abuse
Dei @joyvest, how you know la, perhaps its them the b o d is suspecting..... 40 sen coming soon
2023-01-05 15:29 | Report Abuse
BWK...can come out and say something ????
2023-01-05 15:27 | Report Abuse
4pm showtime? Now already started ohh....
2023-01-05 15:26 | Report Abuse
Betul ke ada internal affair issue? Related to laundering something something ke? Aiyoh.......This time really run la
2023-01-05 15:21 | Report Abuse
selling like hot cakes now!!!!
2023-01-05 15:07 | Report Abuse
0.545 now....will further down south anytime soon ? 30 sen perhaps ?
2023-01-05 14:57 | Report Abuse
When this counter going to be saspendered???
2023-01-05 14:27 | Report Abuse
Banyak sandiwara semasa here. Better bring your money concentrate on other stocks, more chance of earning profits. This one dah la don't give dividends when making profits, no on dips, who knows what will happen. Haihzzzzz....lausaiiiii
2023-01-05 14:10 | Report Abuse
Jangan2, ada insider trading ke? please la, smaller timer investor sudah "lausai" beli ini counter. Jangan kasi lgi more lausai
2023-01-05 12:56 | Report Abuse
@Phoebe, you mean 0.51 coming very very soon?
The owner want to selloff the company ka? Why so pangsai one
2023-01-05 11:44 | Report Abuse
I guess this is what happen when one become too ambitious.
2023-01-05 11:43 | Report Abuse
what;s the LD price ? Anyone?
2023-01-05 10:54 | Report Abuse
Ptuuuuuiii...apa punya counter ini....
2023-01-05 09:08 | Report Abuse
Apa yitu 2 direktor bikin sampai sudah kina saspen?????
2023-01-05 09:06 | Report Abuse
50 sen coming soon....haihzzzzz...betul2 penny punya stock quality. Should not have been in main market, should stay in ace......haihzzzzzz...banyak kena trapped.....
2022-12-30 09:11 | Report Abuse
Ini counter sudah terlebih "lau sai".......siapa pergi beli pun lau sai punya. like @8dragon says, maybe can wait for @0.50
2022-12-27 08:59 | Report Abuse
Hello @OngKawKaw, merry xmas! Yessa, now no cheap but can still buy to accumulate. Maybe got luck. But better buy its competitor. This counter, better luck next year lo....long time no hear BWK, miss BWK very muchy!
2022-12-22 17:03 | Report Abuse
If you're newcomer, now Ong la, if you're not, then no, if you got extra cash no place to go, then can play2, else no
2022-12-22 09:33 | Report Abuse
Coz this counter really no technology to showcase, only a payment gateway in MY. Unless can become a regional player, otherwise, not much catalyst. You ask yourself, why aren't you buying? Is there an improvement in the economy like next year, economy going strong at 6 to 7%. But now it's cheap so you can buy and keep for long term perhaps, just my 2 sen.
2022-12-08 09:09 | Report Abuse
Shareholder’s Action For Voting
Voted For Against
No. of Shareholders 65 9
No. of Shares 112,408,258 109,654,176
% of Voted Shares 50.6201 49.3799
Result Accepted
65 for, 9 against, this 9 represents 109,645,176 no. of share, this 9 fella powederfull.
To be frank, to a normal shareholder, confidence already go downhill. Is there anything left to be heard ??? Or can wrap up the whole thing already?????? Whatever projected growth catalyst also, don't make a difference for now.
2022-12-06 12:00 | Report Abuse what is today's resolution....? any chance of catalyst and propel it to higher north??
2022-12-06 09:10 | Report Abuse
@8dragon, what;s the LD value for revenue ?
2022-12-01 09:46 | Report Abuse
It's competitor, at least will give out some dividend from profit made. Kudos to competitor. This counter, made profit, however when comes to dividend, only says will think of it in next meeting or so. Mgmt might as well keep all its profits, give share instead. Hmmmm....confirm penny stock in the making.
2022-12-01 09:22 | Report Abuse
penny stock in the making today, now everyone can afford!!!
2022-11-30 23:41 | Report Abuse
Really damn disappointed with this counter, can now say no catalyst at all for the time being other than just being a payment gateway. I think no need agm also. Just a penny stock in the making for it's future.
2022-11-30 16:16 | Report Abuse
or you mean 0.51 sen ? the IPO price is 0.37 though....
2022-11-30 16:13 | Report Abuse
0.15....? Are you kidding me ???
2022-11-30 13:58 | Report Abuse
Anyone knows whats the limit down price of this counter ?
2022-11-30 13:17 | Report Abuse
Strange, CFO just joined this year May, now sudah resign. Apa macam ni?
2022-11-30 10:04 | Report Abuse
I think can buy, but if have patience, wait longer, perhaps can become penny stock.
The card reader business, when RM naik balik, sure sudah rugi. Very volatile business.
2022-11-30 09:29 | Report Abuse
Penny stock target coming soon!
2022-11-25 16:31 | Report Abuse
Another Catalyst? Too bad not n insurance co ....
2022-11-23 20:10 | Report Abuse
Nothing is free, mat Salleh called it "there is no free lunch in this world"
2022-11-23 13:06 | Report Abuse
What you mean @red dragon?
BWK must be buying at cheap sale price now.
2022-11-23 09:52 | Report Abuse
It is worth buying while the price is still low, yeay!!!
2022-11-21 23:35 | Report Abuse
@AmySee, you lagi have to be scared. Too bad this stock become penny stock soon, no catalyst that can be seen.
2022-11-18 12:49 | Report Abuse
@Gash19, I feel you and your pain.
2022-11-18 12:26 | Report Abuse
How to submit vote without attending ?
2022-11-15 21:09 | Report Abuse
BWK sell his share again, hmmm. Brace yourself for further down south.
2022-11-14 21:56 | Report Abuse
This counter Beta value = 1.426
Means the share can fluctuate up and down at very high speed, so position your risk, make sure you have a good risk management plan. Not for the faint hearted.
2022-11-14 18:29 | Report Abuse
Penny stock status is nearing.....
2023-01-06 14:50 | Report Abuse
Haiyah all sandiwara only, end of day they're all abang adik, isn't it? They still can go back home and meet at home and LOL there. Who care what that 30 boxes are. Got money inside ???? Got dirty laundry in it ????? It looks like soap opera for now. I think Revenue need to come out with technology to integrate card reader into the POS machine like those used in McD, Dec athlon, A E 0 n, etc, and not a separate card reader machine just to read the credit card. It's gonna confuse the user/customers, might end up giving up paying and put the stuff at counter and goes off. Now if it can be done, that is TeChN0l0gy.