
rr88 | Joined since 2017-05-17

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2021-02-18 23:05 | Report Abuse

Remember perwaja? This silterra is its twin brother. If you are looking for trouble then you buy n hold.

Today operator bought 0.58 - 0.67 n took his profit at 0.66 - 0.68. Then bought fresh reload 0.69 - 0.77. Tomolo he will take his profit 0.745 - 0.795 on these reload bullets. After he is done price will fall.

They make a few cents on huge volume when you are dreaming of 1.00 or higher.

They make money from yr unrealistic dream.


2021-02-18 21:41 | Report Abuse

This is how operator makes his money


2021-02-18 21:39 | Report Abuse

Normal lar. When all is looking up to the moon, it will drop lar.


2021-02-18 19:53 | Report Abuse

Whole day buying in & selling out every 1 to 2 cents. Cleared all positions by closing. Check account ballance, up by 322k.


2021-02-18 15:54 | Report Abuse

UMA coming lar. Bcause bursa doesnt want to look like sleeping & st (the opposite of intelligent). Then tomolo gap down 20 cents, no bridge to cross, 7 cents cut loss budget over ran.

Follow this mdman operator up to a point, dont go all the way to trouble mdland.

Quit this dance b4 the music stops n sheet hits the fan.


2021-02-18 15:31 | Report Abuse

These warrants will burn your ess good when mother shares drop back to 40 cents bcause they will drop below 8 cents.

Dont stay too long in any goreng play. Sell/stay away.


2021-02-18 15:17 | Report Abuse

If you let yr emotion rule, you would rush to buy in the heat of the moment. When the dust settle, then you would realize that you hv been conned by a goreng master. Stay away.


2021-02-18 14:18 | Report Abuse

Hentam lar why worry. Down you cut loss lar. Cross the bridge when you come to it. You already made 32 cents in 3 trades on the way up. Spare 7 cents for cut loss n you still nett 25 cents. You make more in 3 days trading than you invest in 3 months.

He he...


2021-02-18 11:57 | Report Abuse

Dont be naive. Operator not only buy. They buy n sell at the same time to lock in profit. Dataprep will crash n it will take down dnex with it. Current buyers will become biggest losers soon. Stay away.


2021-02-18 11:35 | Report Abuse

Pump completed. Now comes the dump.


2021-02-18 10:37 | Report Abuse

This kind of volume after 1.5 hrs is a churning distribution volume where left pocket is trading with right pocket looking for victims. Once they are done it will do a free fall.

Dont look. Because if you do, it will suck you in n become a victim. The idea of churning is to place trades such that it will suck in buyers.

What you should look at is qtrly revenues are only rm8 mil n losing rm2mil every qtr for the past 2 yrs. It will go back to 20 cents.


2021-02-17 15:32 | Report Abuse

To 0.53 n pulled back to 0.385. Tp above 0.53 = 0.53 + (0.53 - 0.385) = 0.675. Its over folks. Now get the hell out of there. Bcause these things always end up in tears.


2021-02-17 10:21 | Report Abuse

Operator clearing shares on hand. Get out. Red in 20 mins.


2021-02-17 10:15 | Report Abuse

Star not shooting. Its evil intention. Push up yesterday morning & dump for 2 days. Crooks at work.


2021-02-17 09:41 | Report Abuse

Red in 20 mins. Broad market is weak today. Make or lose, escape now.


2021-02-17 09:30 | Report Abuse

It is called MISPLACED ILL-TIMED OPTIMISM. When seeing oil price moving up fund moved in to push dayang. Then overnight it was a clear sign that oil has peaked out n staging a reversal. Oil shares will come down now n trap fund n a lot of people. Make or lose, sell. Strategy: cut yr losses short.


2021-02-16 16:51 | Report Abuse

Square yr bet by end of day. Dont get sucked into this la la land trade. It could easily fall as fast as it spiked. Know yr risk when you opt to speculate.


2021-02-16 15:48 | Report Abuse

A FAILED BREAKOUT. Run for your life.


2021-02-16 15:23 | Report Abuse

Cut loss lar. Market has weakened across the board in afternoon session. This 2-day wonder will return to 0.18 n will burn yr ess in the process. Keep yr ess in a safe place.


2021-02-16 15:02 | Report Abuse

The BUBBLE has burst. Its about to give up ALL todays gain. Be careful. Keep yr finger in a safe place.


2021-02-16 10:28 | Report Abuse

Cannot babe. Sellers ribu2 lining up. Its called a FALSE BREAKOUT. Soon buyers will scramble to exit door towards 1.30. Escape now b4 that happens.


2021-02-16 09:24 | Report Abuse

Dump on any green bcause everything will turn red today


2021-02-16 09:19 | Report Abuse

Dump on any green bcause everything will turn red today


2021-02-16 08:29 | Report Abuse

Know what u r buying. Silterra is another walking dead pet of mahathir, a twin brother of perwaja. Those who tried to care for all these pets, all ran into trouble.

Sell. When the hype dissipates, you will lose big money here.


2021-02-11 23:52 |

Post removed.Why?


2021-02-11 23:52 |

Post removed.Why?


2021-02-11 23:52 |

Post removed.Why?


2021-02-11 23:52 |

Post removed.Why?


2021-02-11 23:52 |

Post removed.Why?


2021-02-11 23:52 |

Post removed.Why?


2021-02-11 12:27 | Report Abuse

Know what u r buying. This 25 yr old loss making silterra zombie will haunt u when u lose 50% if u buy now.


2021-02-11 12:15 | Report Abuse

10 cents to 1.24. Sell lar if u do not want any big trouble. Day traders get out now.


2021-02-11 11:47 | Report Abuse

Rolling at the top from 0.20 to 0.40. This is where mass losses happen. Sell/stay away.


2021-02-10 14:59 | Report Abuse

It is called manipulator in trouble. He scooped up this morning but is unable to sell. Desperately blocking at 0.845 while trying to con people n sell at 0.85. Sell.


2021-02-09 20:43 |

Post removed.Why?


2021-02-09 20:43 |

Post removed.Why?


2021-02-09 20:43 |

Post removed.Why?


2021-02-09 20:43 |

Post removed.Why?


2021-02-09 20:42 |

Post removed.Why?


2021-02-09 20:42 |

Post removed.Why?


2021-02-09 20:42 |

Post removed.Why?


2021-02-09 09:35 |

Post removed.Why?


2021-02-05 16:31 | Report Abuse

Sold 0.87. You trade what you see. The future is not for you to see.


2021-02-05 16:04 | Report Abuse

Hold. Chart says up again monday.


2021-02-05 15:14 | Report Abuse

Danichuah. Bought 0.90 want to sell 1.00. Then it drop to 0.885. Normal lar. Fooled by this market. When you are wrong, cut loss quick. Better lose 1.5 cent rather than 10 cents.


2021-02-05 14:43 | Report Abuse

The math is simple. Shark got stucked. He tried to push but failed today. So he is bailing out at marginal loss. Once he is out volume will disappear big time n it will drift slowly2 to around 0.55 n sleep there for a year. Sell.


2021-02-05 14:39 | Report Abuse

There is a big fat seller happy2 selling at 1.56.


2021-02-05 13:42 | Report Abuse

Did you know that new daily cases in the US have dropped by 60% in the past one month, from 300k++ to 100k++ ?

And did you know that over 35 mil of american population have been vaccinated in one and a half month?

And do you realize that by this rate, and increasing under their new president, that they will achieve herd immunity in 4 months?

And do you know that herd immunity means new cases will plunge like a stone to near zero?

And do you realize that demand for gloves in the US will also drop like a stone by then?

Sell/short. Tp 3.40 - 3.60.


2021-02-05 13:42 | Report Abuse

Did you know that new daily cases in the US have dropped by 60% in the past one month, from 300k++ to 100k++ ?

And did you know that over 35 mil of american population have been vaccinated in one and a half month?

And do you realize that by this rate, and increasing under their new president, that they will achieve herd immunity in 4 months?

And do you know that herd immunity means new cases will plunge like a stone to near zero?

And do you realize that demand for gloves in the US will also drop like a stone by then?

Sell/short. Tp 3.40 - 3.60.


2021-02-05 13:42 | Report Abuse

Did you know that new daily cases in the US have dropped by 60% in the past one month, from 300k++ to 100k++ ?

And did you know that over 35 mil of american population have been vaccinated in one and a half month?

And do you realize that by this rate, and increasing under their new president, that they will achieve herd immunity in 4 months?

And do you know that herd immunity means new cases will plunge like a stone to near zero?

And do you realize that demand for gloves in the US will also drop like a stone by then?

Sell/short. Tp 3.40 - 3.60.