
signn | Joined since 2016-08-06

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ah biao





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2017-11-08 10:10 | Report Abuse

Secrecy, normally I dun comment too much. But by saying worthless these ppl really are stupid and deserve to lose.

They dun really know how to invest n just bark like idiots...Pity them


2017-11-08 10:04 | Report Abuse

Waa now WD holders looking for bomoh dy? Walao


2017-11-08 10:01 | Report Abuse

Reach is like personas n hibiscus upstream company. Oil price go up they will earn first. Senergy is down stream company they earn later


2017-11-08 09:57 | Report Abuse

Speak up if u didn't sell so soon u will earn more too. Trade fast some more la hehe


2017-11-08 09:57 | Report Abuse

Profit 25% not enuf. Keep until reach cross over 75c
My average is 33c hehe


2017-11-07 19:26 | Report Abuse

Speak up wants us all to sell reach n help him by buying senergy la. All for his motive to push up senergy


2017-11-07 12:27 | Report Abuse

too often people trade using emotion and refuse to cutloss when the shares deteriorates in front of them n go into DENIAL

dont be a fool. you will only lose more money

at least try to recuperate some cash back n buy others.

do not play with emotions and feel painful. cut n move on

this uncle want u to play smart la aiyo


2017-11-07 12:24 | Report Abuse

Posted by Muthusamy > Nov 7, 2017 11:48 AM | Report Abuse

signn, WE is stable but it does not react much to mother on 27 n 28 oct. As WE rise lower than mother. but WD does better. Of all the tips u stated, i understood all. call warrant is like gambling style but company warrant is just like invest in mother share.

reply from me:
WE does not react much is becoz its X price is still high at rm2.08
however it will always have a premium until perhaps 1 year into its expiry.

yes call warrant is like gambling style but company warrants WILL behave like gambling style also when IT IS NEAR ITS EXPIRING PERIOD

please get this into your thick skull

i am hearing excuses only. your choice your own decision.

it is always painful to admit ones wrong n mistakes. your only choice is to pray for luck or cut loss when WD recovers a little bit

i can only say good luck to you. This happens to everyone including me. hence i buy CW with caution now.


2017-11-07 11:04 | Report Abuse

The longer your warrants to expiry the higher your premium, like WE it's very stable


2017-11-07 11:03 | Report Abuse

Tips on buying call or company warrants
1. At least 3 months to expiry. Choose longer if can
2. Choose the lower exercise price if possible
3. Choose the lower premium
4. Try to get highest gearing

1,2 is easy to get
3,4 u will have to juggle

Remember warrants dun follow same rules. They are highly speculative n dangerous.

All the best


2017-11-07 09:56 | Report Abuse

U guys are buying lower than the management dy..So why worry la.
Acadi I agree with u.

That's why our friend missed reach at 33c lol

Politics is a problem yes, but u havta see more. Especially when global trends are moving...It's a tidal wave that will bring up all boats. This is more important la


2017-11-07 09:49 | Report Abuse

Clearly u guys dunno how to play call warrants.....


2017-11-06 21:36 | Report Abuse

U can never be sure about warrants. They sometimes do not follow mother shares movement. Warrants are very unpredictable n their premium depends on the expiry dates. WD will expire soon less than a month. This maybe why it does not follow normal Movement as the mother.
Good luck. That being said, nobody can predict with certain where expiring warrants will move. It's really just pure gambling now.


2017-11-06 17:01 | Report Abuse

Looking at so many comments in i3 for so long, I think Millennial s are the most gullible now...Haha.pity


2017-11-06 16:59 | Report Abuse

Young newbies best listen to old uncle when investing. Otherwise u lose until pants drop also dunno wat happen


2017-11-06 11:01 | Report Abuse

I noticed speak up is a lot like the others, promoting kau kau when a stock is low, get the masses in, the sell off. Now condemning reach n ask us to buy senergy? Senergy is not moving that's why.

Speak up is another unethical con man. Just ignore him


2017-11-03 13:18 | Report Abuse

I think we hit the nerve hahaha


2017-11-02 10:40 | Report Abuse

Becoz they think is good? Hehe


2017-11-02 10:37 | Report Abuse

Guys dun u think it's exhausting to explain n talk to those who are just troublemakers?

Good luck hehe


2017-11-02 10:04 | Report Abuse

Kept since 33c. Uncle slow n steady hehe


2017-11-02 10:02 | Report Abuse

Curious u can buy WD to be a hero. Go for it. I know u dream to be a hero hehe


2017-11-02 10:00 | Report Abuse

Sigh, so many pasar makan fortune tellers.
So many self serving n unethical ppl. Hehe


2017-11-01 12:54 | Report Abuse

aiyo 600mil only? talk about really missing the point man...

anyhow...good luck to all hehe


2017-11-01 12:51 | Report Abuse

i guess those who likes to talk kok only are also losers...hehe

even worse, never have the chance at all...only green with envy n jealous


2017-11-01 12:47 | Report Abuse

seen too many times dy.

panic sellers use their emotions to buy n sell...thats why they will always lose money..pity

smart players will buy now and keep n see how tomolo

only those play with margin always sell fast fast ..i guess no choice lo


cannot say for sure tomolo rebound but stocks always go down fast ..then go back up

those chicken, just sell need to badmouth other ppl or the stock la. aiyo. be gentlemen la. lose dy ...admit lose la

those win also dun lunci la. keep quiet only can dy hehe


2017-11-01 09:51 | Report Abuse

Omg wd down to 4c. Karma will get back at those who mislead ppl. Bad heart


2017-10-31 20:30 | Report Abuse

looking at the historical charts, really look like the funds sold down to push down wct share price.

then acquire back at low


2017-10-31 13:10 | Report Abuse

Waa everyday Sunday ka? Where got shoot to the moon wan. Nothing ever go up in straight line wan. Yesterday 9c damn geng dy. Today got profit taking no surprises la


2017-10-31 10:13 | Report Abuse

WD down to 4.5c ppl who follow fortune teller Andy and buy hoping for 20c. U can claim back your losses from him. Hehe


2017-10-29 12:52 | Report Abuse

8bil shares now!!!

how to easily push up?

kindly share info thx


2017-10-29 11:10 | Report Abuse

all the best to all


2017-10-29 11:09 | Report Abuse

mel koid's TA article says gonna breakout i think

so can buy in if u wan at your own risk la of course

own risk own copied from expert trader hehe


2017-10-28 13:52 | Report Abuse

all the best to all


2017-10-22 15:28 | Report Abuse

It's good to discuss . But pls use the grey matter to think constructively n logically.
Why on earth would suncon want to acquire wct. Suncon is big n has many business. Subway group is large n well funded n well...Big

What has wct got to offer subway group that they do not already have? REIT? Sunway ada, construction? Sunway ada. Properties? Sunway ada, land bank? Sunway pun ada.

This is really borderline fantasy dreaming.

On the other hand, logically, dun care who want to taruh old boss or new boss, wct price going down maybe due to the pp issue. I suspect that. Fear n dilution of shares...That's why

Besides, share prices going down could mean lots of things. Perhaps it's better to price the pp now on the lower end n buy up wd since it's so cheap...Who knows what the owners are planning?

Funds still has hundreds of millions of shares in wct. They dun seem to be throwing millions of shares now..Do they?

So let's see . Those afraid kindly sell.
Fantasy dreamers...Keep dreaming n u won't go anywhere. Good luck


2017-10-20 18:41 | Report Abuse

Waa..Really kena hentam la.

Ya this company will close soon. Hehe
Everything also no good under him lo. All good under u ka hehe
Suncon? Dun joke la. Like that also can?

Really wonder where these brainiacs come from


2017-10-19 18:38 | Report Abuse

hmm if bad things coming..why up today ar?


2017-10-18 18:16 | Report Abuse

Interesting. I have looked at the funds shareholdings and they are holding 100mil ++ shares each.

Looks like they could be intentionally pressing down price. Lol


2017-10-18 17:54 | Report Abuse

So many projects dy still got bad news ar...
No wonder not many ppl make money from stocks lol


2017-10-18 17:34 | Report Abuse

Looking at the steep drop, could be pp causing ppl to worry n sell.
Wct needs money for projects so it's normal to have cash calls or borrow money.

If Desmond is going the pp route, then it's probably time to buy now since he will sure push back up later...So many projects at hand...Should rebound later once the fear of pp settles


2017-10-17 18:04 | Report Abuse

Wct old bosses old dy la. Why they wanna kacau Desmond la. No logic


2017-10-17 18:03 | Report Abuse

It's true money can be made. But looking at now , it's only from buying mother shares.

Buying wd now is not feasible for old bosses. Near expiry. They may buy mother tho

Most of us but WD to sell at higher price. But the owners may sapu WD now since it's cheap to convert to mother later. Again they need to fork out cash.

Hence I also dun think old bosses are interested in coming back to wct. Buy to make money perhaps.

So why is wct price languishing now?

News & Blogs

2017-10-14 17:29 | Report Abuse

It's ok to write stories n recommend your stocks. But to condemn and laugh at those ppl who actually lost money is a new low even for you Calvin.

I hope you will go find a church to repent and ask for at least some forgiveness. It's obvious u lack empathy and education as well.

A really good person at heart will not do that and also keeps harping on about god in his stories.

God bless


2017-10-13 18:54 | Report Abuse

Ivan answer is very simple why I am not selling.

The shareholders bot way more expensive than us at about 70c plus

U really think they will let the share price stay so low forever? Just simple logic

Plus u really think reach will keep on making lossess in the future? Oil price won't go up in the future?

All the best


2017-10-13 17:56 | Report Abuse

My average is 33c.

Not selling n gonna buy more.

All the best


2017-09-26 10:23 | Report Abuse

When will the or cease trading?


2017-09-22 13:03 | Report Abuse

as much as i hate to admit it. some of the guys are right on aax

it is really getting to be a crappy lousy stock.

tony and kama better do something about axx or it will end up being lost on the investors radar...hence doomed to die

News & Blogs

2017-09-20 19:01 | Report Abuse

i bot reach at average about 34c and warrants from 13c all the way to 8c.

funny is that when it is at its lowest nobody will buy a lot. including me.

time and time again, emotions always clouds the mind.

moral of the story, reach is still cheap from its high of what the heck

all the best peeps

News & Blogs

2017-09-15 18:16 | Report Abuse

upstream players like sumatec n reach do benefit from higher oil prices.

however can they make a profit n endure is another story

both also have its issues, but sumatec is the more fickle n endless issues one.

reach is dirt cheap now, guess can ride high on higher oil prices

just my 2 cents


2017-09-11 18:20 | Report Abuse

Some ppl just luv to show off n insult others. Other than just being smart..I guess there's also no Ethics in him.

Need I say anything more about how trustworthy can he be? Hehe

U guys be the judge.

P.s no one is right or wrong in investing. Even HFT fails le


2017-09-09 13:10 | Report Abuse

Right issues are always not a good thing no money and dilutive.

How much share price will go down hard to say.

Doesn't matter if rights are sane price or not with mother shares trading now.

They are issuing an additional 6bil shares extra from an existing 2bil now.

New total shares will be 8bil! About 3x! From existing

How much do u think the dilutive effects will make the share price fall? No wonder epf has sold 1.5mil shares

My 2 cents opinion. And be careful. All the best