
snowball2000 | Joined since 2022-04-15

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2023-07-24 11:29 | Report Abuse

Looks like KSENG is back to an upward trend.... ;)


2023-07-20 10:19 | Report Abuse

sorry dicky, my bad... ;0


2023-07-20 10:13 | Report Abuse

Matching up, slowly but surely... ;)


2023-07-20 10:11 | Report Abuse

Yes, RM0.10 / share just paid out. If they are paying interim of RM0.20, it seems they are expecting better times ahead. However, UOADEV has about RM0.92 in net cash / share, payment of extra dividends is not an issue... ;)


2023-07-10 16:08 | Report Abuse

0.056/0.88 x 100% = 6.36% in dividend yield, comparing to FD is not too bad..... ;)


2023-07-10 16:07 | Report Abuse

Sure got la, 0.056/share already approved in AGM ma... announcement should be within this month, be patient... ;)


2023-05-31 14:32 | Report Abuse

Good QR overall! :)


2023-05-30 18:05 | Report Abuse

3Q23 QR still pending. What is HLFG cooking?


2023-05-30 18:02 | Report Abuse

An excellent quarter for SHL. 4Q23 EPS: 0.0898, FY23 EPS: 0.2239. Coupled with a net cash of RM1.40 per share and net asset of RM3.66 per share, the current share price of RM1.90 seems to be undervalued.


2023-05-23 10:33 | Report Abuse

Good QR overall despite slightly lower profit due to increased cost base. Future outlook remains positive... :)


2023-05-17 12:13 | Report Abuse

kena kuat kuat sekali lagi...


2023-04-29 09:38 | Report Abuse

Can't see much in terms of future plans. Anyone has any highlight?


2023-04-29 09:31 | Report Abuse

PBT contracts slightly. Given the various challenges (labour cost, resin cost, finance cost etc.), its current performance is considered commendable. Outlook remains challenging...


2023-04-28 18:01 | Report Abuse

"SK Nexilis and Kibing Group, two major foreign investors have set up
a production base in Kota Kinabalu Industrial Park (KKIP). The generation
of cargo from these facilities will increase cargo volume handled
at Sabah Ports and on a larger scale, boost the contribution of the
manufacturing sector to the State’s gross domestic product (GDP).

With the future partnership with DPW, we can expect to benefit immensely
from DPW’s expertise in logistics solutions and supply-chain operations
thus setting a game changing landscape for Sapangar Bay Container
Port and Sabah as a whole."


2023-04-28 17:59 | Report Abuse

"We are also excited about the prospects of Indonesia relocating its capital to Nusantara, East Kalimantan. This would make the capital closer to Sabah especially to our east coast ports. Tawau Port clearly holds a strategic advantage as it shares extensive land and maritime borders with Kalimantan. The prospect to broaden and merge with bigger
hinterlands is immense and we are keen to start exploring opportunities with our Indonesian counterparts to facilitate business growth."
Source: Page 15 of Annual Report 2022


2023-04-28 11:06 | Report Abuse

Cash and bank balances will drop significantly post RPT. Praying very hard for dividend payout to be maintained moving forward...


2023-04-28 09:33 | Report Abuse

The Company shows sign of meaningful recovery with its latest FY's profit (RM0.1705/share) more than doubled those of previous FY's (RM0.0823/share). However, the first and final dividend is only RM0.03/share. Until its dividend returns to at least RM0.07/share as in 2017-2019, the share price will not recover.


2023-04-26 13:25 | Report Abuse

Just wondering how the First Republic Bank debacle would affect the banking sector...


2023-04-25 13:23 | Report Abuse

Yes, agreed. KSENG is very much like ORIENT....;p


2023-04-19 10:27 | Report Abuse

Dividend payout is necessary for share price maintenance, keep it up! ;)


2023-04-19 10:20 | Report Abuse

Queuing at RM7.99... ;)


2023-04-19 10:18 | Report Abuse

Also known as "ta pau"..... ;0


2023-04-19 10:15 | Report Abuse

Yes, who wants this "kiam siap" company..... ;P


2023-04-19 10:13 | Report Abuse

Annual reports had always been out by end April for past 6 years, so it should be soon....


2023-04-03 16:44 | Report Abuse

SHL gapping up to 1.98 today, with relatively high volume. Anyone has any news?


2023-03-08 11:59 | Report Abuse

Seems like a lot of retail investors are taking profit now...


2023-03-08 11:53 | Report Abuse

This is still early days. If the recent land purchases are an indication, 0.20/share is still too cheap, given the nta of 0.598/share as of 31/12/2022.


2023-03-07 13:10 | Report Abuse

cash & equivalents plus investment securities (if liquidated) amounted to more than RM4/share. paying RM0.30/share as dividend is well within KSeng's means. Hopefully the major shareholder and BOD would also take care of minority shareholders like us...


2023-03-03 12:34 | Report Abuse

both price and volume suddenly surge.... what is cooking?


2023-03-02 12:36 | Report Abuse

rightly so, i guessed. receivables at all time high. while some analysts opined that this has peaked, is the recoverability assured?


2023-03-02 11:05 | Report Abuse

KSENG would appear to be a better choice, valuation wise..


2023-03-02 11:04 | Report Abuse

Given the fact that the RPT is expected to cash out RM2/share, ORIENT's cash balance will go down significantly post RPT. Further, its businesses are not expected to be doing very well given the state of economy we are in right now. Despite the plunge recently, it is still not considered cheap.


2023-03-01 11:07 | Report Abuse

Loss attributable to ordinary shareholders is rather small, 6.162 million.


2023-02-13 16:34 | Report Abuse

what happened????


2023-01-16 17:50 | Report Abuse

Sad to say, but there is nothing much small shareholders can do. Hope the major shareholders are not only enriching themselves, having cashed out RM2 / share lately with RPT.... :(


2023-01-16 17:38 | Report Abuse

DP World is an Emirati multinational logistics company based in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. It specialises in cargo logistics, port terminal operations, maritime services and free trade zones. Formed in 2005 by the merger of Dubai Ports Authority and Dubai Ports International, DP World handles 70 million containers that are brought in by around 70,000 vessels annually. This equates to roughly 10% of global container traffic accounted for by their 82 marine and inland terminals present in over 40 countries. Until 2016, DP World was primarily a global ports operator, and since then it has acquired other companies up and down the value chain.


2023-01-16 17:38 | Report Abuse

The Board of Directors of Suria Capital Holdings Berhad (“Suria Capital”) is pleased to announce that the Sabah State Government has approved for Sabah Ports Sdn Bhd, a wholly owned subsidiary of Suria Capital, to enter into a strategic collaboration with DP World, a leading provider of worldwide smart end-to-end supply chain logistics.

The approval was conveyed via a letter by the State Economic Planning Unit and received by Suria Capital on 16 January 2023. The key areas of the collaboration are the management and operation of Sapangar Bay Container Port as well as investment of logistics and supply chain infrastructure in Sabah.

This announcement is dated 16 January 2023.


2022-12-06 15:38 | Report Abuse

Based on the following considerations:
1. Improving financial performance following the reopening;
2. Reactivation and potential monetization of Jesselton Quay project;
3. Renewal of port concession by another 30 years (and this is a BIG ONE); and
4. Potential take-over offer by SM (this is an old news but its possibility cannot be underestimated).

Suria holds a lot of potential in it. Apa lagi mau? :P


2022-12-06 13:28 | Report Abuse



2022-12-06 12:03 | Report Abuse

Its NTA per share of RM0.68 means nothing unless its businesses started to turn around. If someone invests based on this (i.e. its NTA is much higher than its share price), it may well turn out to be "cash trap"...


2022-12-06 12:01 | Report Abuse

Jaks has not been paying dividends and it is not expected to do so in the foreseeable future due to its tight financial position. Just hope that it would not have the need to call for additional capital injection from shareholders via rights issue or private placement. Fingers crossed!!!


2022-12-06 11:58 | Report Abuse

All other segments are making losses except the joint venture in Vietnam. Even then the JV is subject to additional sovereign risk and potential debt crisis which may become more prevalent in emerging economies in 2023.


2022-12-06 11:56 | Report Abuse

Agree with your comments.. In 3Q2022 QR just announced, "the company had incurred RM14.0 million from issuance of LTIP". Strikingly, this amount given to management is almost equal to RM15.789 million in profit before tax recorded in 3Q2022! Would it make sense to award such a huge sum in LTIP to management when the company is not really performing well?


2022-12-06 00:44 | Report Abuse

Never mind, they sell, i buy... ;)