
soojinhou | Joined since 2013-03-20

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2014-05-18 14:55 | Report Abuse

In Malaysia, politics is business, business is politics. Political views are business views.

News & Blogs

2014-05-15 00:54 | Report Abuse

Everyone loves a growth story. But it's difficult to find. On top of the usual financial matrices, u have to understand the company well, as well as the industry it is in. It takes a whole lot more effort than looking in historical financial results. I spotted agritrade international at hkd 40 cents just when its coal mine started producing and nobody likes coal due to declining price. It made more in half year than the entire preceding year combined. Took me a whole month to study. One needs to be meticulous and study in great detail to find a growth counter that is cheap. When everyone sees it as a growth stock, chances r, it's already reflected in the price.


2014-05-07 21:41 | Report Abuse

Bleeding from Indon has stopped.

News & Blogs

2014-05-03 21:30 | Report Abuse

Some commented that hishammudin is prime minister material because he is the face of mh370 tragedy. These idiots don't understand that he is also defense minister and his boys slept on the radar on duty and he should be the first one to get the sack.


2014-04-24 15:42 | Report Abuse

Apple posted better than expected results. Apple's RF chips are from Avago. So if Apple is doing well, very likely Inari is doing well also.


2014-04-07 12:10 | Report Abuse

Jokers lah comparing Dsonic and Inari. Inari has a long history of innovation:

13/1/14 - 5 year tax exemption for "design, development and manufacture of fabricated optical interfaces.
31/3/13 - pioneer status certain products resulting in tax return of RM4.1m
Pioneer status for Ceedtec Technology, production date not fixed yet.
1/4/12 - 5 year tax exemption for miniature integrated front end module for wireless mm-wave devices.
1/2/07 - 5 year tax exemption on wireless microwave telecom filters and wireless home broadcast digital tv-card (DTVC)

Dsonic innovate what? Use polycarbonate in IC and passport?
Inari competes globally and Dsonic depends on gomen for project.

Please sell if you all think Inari is a jaguh kampung like Dsonic, I'm waiting to collect.


2014-03-24 13:34 | Report Abuse

Or perhaps u think the best way is for other countries to locate suspicious debris, sent them back to Malaysia and we will then tell them whether or not it belongs to MH370. Wonderful! Great way to treat others who volunteered their planes, ships and manpower to assist Malaysia.


2014-03-24 13:29 | Report Abuse

Then how the heck r other countries going to determine if they found the plane of not? If they found bits and pieces of suspicious cargo? Or r u saying we don't need their planes, their manpower and assets to help look for the plane? Great! Another merry go round just like the first week in South China Sea.


2014-03-24 13:23 | Report Abuse

Dude, it's the 3rd freaking week and they r still vetting the cargo manifold? Are u shitting me? As usual, BN mantra at work here, 'we will release the info as and if we see fit', if they didn't bloody already OSAed it.

News & Blogs

2014-03-12 17:11 | Report Abuse

Thanks. I learned a thing or two from your write up. For example, I didn't know old rubber trees are difficult to source. But of course, my comparison was with plywood industry where the raw materials are definitely more difficult to source.

News & Blogs

2014-03-12 13:36 | Report Abuse


Its in South China Sea, no, its in Malacca Straits, no also. WTF?


2014-03-11 17:37 | Report Abuse

Who buying? Khazanah buying using our money lah!

News & Blogs

2014-03-10 13:28 | Report Abuse

"Abang dah guess sesuatu bila keluarga terdekat dikumpul dan maklumat hanya mereka yang tahu." Bloody stupid statement. MAS is majority owned by Khazanah, which means the rakyat have a stake. Whatever hanky panky the government is up to, the rakyat has the right to know. Only an idiot will make such a dumb statement to defend MAS.

News & Blogs
News & Blogs

2014-03-02 13:24 | Report Abuse

I think jaguh kampungs like Duiitbesar don't understand that education standard is benchmarked internationally, through PISA tests, THES rankings etc. Its not what we say that matters. Its not even what Uncle Koon says that matters. It is what the international community says that matters. What they say affect international perception and ultimately FDI. Without competent workforce, Malaysia can only attract poor quality FDI like Lynas whereas all the high quality FDI goes to Singapore. Katak bawah tempurung don't understand that Malaysia's education ranking has been on a steady slide. So please, don't say Uncle Koon is right or wrong dumbass. You should instead be answering why is our students doing so badly in PISA tests, and why despite generous public spending, our universities struggled to remain on the THES list? Why is our country stuck in the middle income trap, unable to move away from labor intensive industries like palm oil plantation? Faham? Or perhaps you prefer to remain a katak and ignore international rankings?

News & Blogs

2014-03-02 12:19 | Report Abuse

Hmmm... The last I checked, those who are dissatisfied with the system are the majority. BN is now a minority government. I think those who should migrate are the minority UMNO goons like Duitbesar. But then again, they are probably too incompetent and too racist to be accepted anywhere in the world, except maybe Zimbabwe.

News & Blogs

2014-03-01 23:07 | Report Abuse

And the BN gomen has got to stop making tests easier year after year, or lowering grade threshold, just to give the impression that our students are improving. The American SAT tries to maintain the mean at 500 (I think) by adjusting the difficulty of the test. So if the students get smarter, the tests get harder. There are so many people with full As now that there are insufficient scholarships to go around. For goodness sake, get the politicians out of the education system and put the educationists in charge.

News & Blogs

2014-03-01 22:57 | Report Abuse

What is even more shocking is that Malaysia's spending in education is not stingy. "In 2011, Malaysia's expenditure, at 3.8 percent of GDP, was higher than the OECD average of 3.4 percent." (Aliran 2014:Vol.33 No.8) Despite the huge spending, the result is just abysmal. Malaysia has got to stop becoming the default repository for unemployable graduates. Our future competitiveness is at stake.

News & Blogs
News & Blogs

2014-03-01 22:13 | Report Abuse

Peabrain still don't understand that unlike all other developed countries, racism is institutionalized in Malaysia. The other country that did it, South Africa, has longed abandoned it. While racism is practiced everywhere, it is never written into law in all developed countries. The difference is huge. It means that in developed countries, it is possible to initiate legal action if there is sufficient evidence to prove discrimination based on race. While we are talking about human rights, the first article of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which Malaysia is a signatory of, says "All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights." Equal in rights. Go figure Mr Hidup Melayu. That's international standards, not Chinese standards, and yes they hina you also.

News & Blogs

2014-03-01 21:52 | Report Abuse

Katak bawah tempurung don't understand that it's not Chinese that says these, it is actually the international community that says. Civil servants per capita is benchmarked internationally, so is competency of students, so is human rights standards, so is the use of Allah. Uncle must be living in Stone Age. Like I say, the threat is external from competition as a result if open economy, not internal from Chinese.

News & Blogs

2014-03-01 21:16 | Report Abuse

Like I already said, peabrain, it is a class issue, not a race issue. There are Chinese and Indian cronies as well as Malay cronies. It has always been a class issue. It is only dumb fools who believe that because there are Chinese billionaires in Malaysia, so therefore the Chinese must be treated very fairly in Malaysia. Get it?

News & Blogs

2014-03-01 21:12 | Report Abuse

And fyi, kebangsaan school is in the poor state they are now because the government is the default repository for unemployable graduates. The civil service is in such a sorry state that Malaysia has one of the highest civil servants per capita in the world. So don't blame the private sector for not employing unemployable graduates who can't string together a proper English sentence.

News & Blogs

2014-03-01 21:06 | Report Abuse

"Tapi tanya sama kaum cina dia lagi melenting, tak mahu anak campur melayu dan india takut jadi malas dan bodoh." Get your facts straight. Chinese don't want to send their children to Sekolah Kebangsaan because 1) poor quality of teachers, 2) the economic value of the Chinese language, 3) excessive Islamization in school. Solve these 3 issues, then only talk about abolishing vernacular schools.

News & Blogs

2014-03-01 18:45 | Report Abuse

Mahathir himself said Chinese contributed 90% of the income tax collected. Nobody questions special Malay rights, but only ask for fair treatment. Can you believe how perverted Malaysia's system has become? 7% discount given to Bumi for million dollar house? Affirmative action is supposed to be for the poor, not rich Bumis. APs given to a handful of Bumi cronies? How is that going to benefit poor Malays? 3rd generation and 4th generation non-Bumi are treated as second class citizen. One by one, as non-Bumis seek greener pasture overseas, Malaysia slides down the international rankings. Where is your dignity? Don't expect any respect for you don't mind being seen as weak and needing crutches for the rest of your pathetic life.

News & Blogs

2014-03-01 14:46 | Report Abuse

Thank you for raising this topic because it exposes the lies that the government feeds the people. As you can see, the goons will always argue through a racial lens, Malay this Chinese that, whereas the real problem lies in class, the have and the have-nots. A poor person deserves assistance regardless of his/her skin color. Anything less, we are no different than Apartheid that Mahathir scorns but in fact practices.

News & Blogs

2014-03-01 12:32 | Report Abuse

Great. Slight improvement. We are still the worst in South East Asia, 3rd in East Asia and Pacific (big deal we dropped 1 position), beating out Singapore at 7th place. Ya I know what Dumno goons will say, they will say we are better than most African countries.

So what happens to 40 years of affirmative action under NEP? What happened to the grand goal of fair distribution of wealth? Whose pocket has the money went to?

News & Blogs

2014-03-01 12:11 | Report Abuse

Yah... that's me hating the Malays, by showing concern over why the poor Malays are not getting the help they need.

News & Blogs

2014-03-01 12:10 | Report Abuse

High Gini coefficient indicates wide disparity in wealth. A high Gini coefficient in spite of heavy affirmative action suggests that a small segment within that group has been siphoning off monies intended for the intended recipients, i.e. the poor Malays. Understand?

News & Blogs

2014-03-01 12:04 | Report Abuse

Hating? Haha... what a load of crap... I'm just telling you facts. Fact is Gini coefficient among Malays is highest among all races. I didn't say it, department of statistics said it. Fact is international community has been criticizing Malaysia. I didn't say it, they said it. Hating? Far from it. I'm just reproducing what is widely known.

News & Blogs

2014-03-01 11:56 | Report Abuse

Hina this hina that. Eh Middle Eastern scholars also rebuked you. Why don't you go bitch about them hina-ing you? World Bank also hina you lorr like that. So has THES university rankings. Eh btw the real bumis are the Orang Asli, not Malays. Dominan atas Melayu? Are you kidding me? The Allah controversy is widely seen as an oppressive and illogical action by the international community. What a bunch of jokers you all are.

News & Blogs

2014-03-01 11:46 | Report Abuse

Oh please... who cares how PR perceive Malays in general, its how the international community perceive Malays. Affirmative action for the majority? Haha... that's unheard of in the world. Even when dumbass ISMA claims that China belongs to the Chinese, which is a faulty argument because Chinese is a nationality not a race, he forgot to mention that China legislate affirmative action for its minority ethnicities. And the Allah issue? Well, your Middle East scholars have rebuked you for that. World Bank has issued warning about Malaysia's brain drain. And the list goes on and on... Go ahead and spread your bullshit. In the end, the threat is external from international competition, not internal. You want to self destruct, nobody is stopping you.

News & Blogs

2014-03-01 11:26 | Report Abuse

Gini coefficient the highest among Malays at 0.450 vs Chinese 0.445 vs Indians 0.425 from Department of Statistics. You want to argue? Tok kok lah. You are robbing and raping your own people, so don't come here with your kok. You want to bitch you go bitch at your dumno masters.

News & Blogs

2014-03-01 11:23 | Report Abuse

Dumbass dumno apologists talking kok. Nobody is questioning the need for fair distribution. But after 40 years of NEP, not only distribution of wealth has not improved, it has gotten worse to the point Malaysia has the worst Gini coefficient in South East Asia and the 2nd worst in Asia. Strange thing is, it is the worst among Bumis rather than Chinese and Indians. Numbers show that UMNO is actually cannibalizing the very race they claim to champion. Only dumbass dumno goons will continue to trumpet the same bullshit after 40 years of failure.

News & Blogs

2014-02-28 23:54 | Report Abuse

Thank you mr koon for writing. I used to hold mudajya, they are a competent construction player, that's for sure. However, I sold my stake when the rupee depreciated badly. I fear that their prospect may suffer due to exchange rate loss, even though it will still be profitable. Instead, I found a hk listed company called Agritrade Resources which mines low calorific and cheaper coal. 70% of its product are exported to India, and I thought that it is a safer bet because India has nowhere else to turn to except cheap coal due to its weakened financial state. Sure enough, Agritrade announced solid financial results and even noted that many of its clients are recalibrating their plants to burn low cost low calorific coal. Anyway, I wish you the best, and I will be monitoring Mudajya's process for investment opportunity.

News & Blogs

2014-02-23 22:31 | Report Abuse

Asshole party reversing its decision to blackmail the Chinese community for votes. Now you eat your own words. So much for Chew Mei Fun claiming about honoring your words. What a joke!

News & Blogs

2014-02-22 20:41 | Report Abuse

Ya betul. Tolong respect tu pengkhianat Mahathir yang menjual IC kepada orang asing supaya UMNO boleh terus pegang kuasa. Betul, Malaysia susah nak takbir, sampai open tender pun tak dapat dilaksanakan. Ya, semua kaum nak bertengkar sahaja, tak nak bekerjasama langsung, walaupun UMNO yang beri dana kepada Perkasa.

News & Blogs

2014-02-22 11:31 | Report Abuse

Oh boy how much and how long did the rakyat bleed because of Proton. On top of the drain on finances, buyers have to put up with Proton's arrogance in the early days. Either you wait half a year, buy another hugely inflated foreign marque, or slip in some kopi duit to get your car earlier. The mentality of their staff is also atrocious, with many having "tidak apa" attitude. I had a piece of crap 1.8L Waja. That piece of junk had a gearbox problem that Proton workshop is unable to fix even after 3 visits. My wife's Wira had a fuel tank problem that was identified only after 4-5 visits to Proton workshop. Incompetence is Proton's motto. And forget about inviting that Mahathir scum to speak. He's now senile and can't remember the screw ups he made. Serves them right that Proton is now eating humble pie.

News & Blogs

2014-02-09 08:26 | Report Abuse

Since peabrain says it's not illegal, I offer rm500 to anyone who spanks zahid hamidi's backside and provide evidence for it.


2014-01-27 17:32 | Report Abuse

You voted BN? Then stop complaining!

News & Blogs

2014-01-25 13:34 | Report Abuse

43.4%? Man, you're smoking hot. How much do you charge for commission?

News & Blogs

2014-01-25 09:59 | Report Abuse

Tan KW, I don't trade, I invest. However, unlike pure fundamentalist I also put in a lot of effort studying growth catalyst proposals. As a result, I do change my mind every now and then if my assumptions proved incorrect. My strategy earned me 70% return from equities last year excluding dividends. Am I allowed to use my strategy in this competition or not? If I'm not allowed to, then forget it delete my portfolio I'm out. If I'm allowed to, then I would also like to switch all my Malton to Country View.

News & Blogs

2014-01-23 14:58 | Report Abuse

Tan KW, sell all my Pantech and switch to Instaco can?


2014-01-22 18:01 | Report Abuse

Unfortunately, results is out and its not that good.

News & Blogs

2014-01-17 14:17 | Report Abuse

"I enjoy the 爽/刺激感 excitement from Bursa." I agree. A bull run is better than an orgasm haha.

News & Blogs

2014-01-17 13:55 | Report Abuse

Correct correct correct! However, I also told wannabe active investors that if they consistently perform below market return, they might as well put their money in index tracking mutual fund.


2014-01-15 23:42 | Report Abuse

I don't claim to be as good as the sifus here, but I hope I'm close. I caught 3 stocks that doubled up last year. If you ask me to recommend a stock and I recommend something, its your bloody risk to buy it. Btw, I caught Agritrade International listed in Hong Kong at HK$0.40. It went up 70% overnight. Go check it out. But if I called a dud, hey we lose together man, coz I always put my money where my mouth is. No blaming man.


2014-01-15 23:34 | Report Abuse

Eh you all who like to talk shit. I prefer to read OTB's analysis instead of your contentless shit. If you want to shit, go shit somewhere else, investing is serious business, not your 5 year old playstation blame this blame that. And ya, I don't necessarily agree with OTB, I bought more at RM1.05. But hey his analysis has much more content that your shit. So please save me the trouble of scrolling down contentless postings would ya?


2014-01-14 23:54 | Report Abuse

"Front running" is also called putting your money where your mouth is. Get it?