
sunztzhe | Joined since 2014-01-13

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2014-10-30 23:20 | Report Abuse

Although there is current uncertainty, gloom and perhaps pockets of doom, the stock market is already looking ahead to a global economic turnaround. Crude oil prices had receded to USD 80/barrel and maybe lower in 2015. This is good for global economic growth overall although the oil exporting countries may not be earning as much as they would have liked with oil prices above USD 100/barrel.

Although the FED had stopped QE, Europe had started to QE aggressively and that means global liquidity is not impacted much. The world will be in a benign interest rate environment for 2015 and that is good for stocks.

The Euro will weaken against USD and this will help the European exporting nations particularly Germany and this augurs well for future turnaround in European economies. European funds will flow out as Euro weakens to say 1.15 or parity with USD and some European funds will invest in emerging market equities.

The USA and maybe Europe will likely embark on infrastructure investment to replace its decaying infrastructure that it currently has. This will be the catalyst to spark a global demand for commodities.

The bull market will kickoff in late November 2014 as ECB decides on aggressive QE and the rally will continue with intermittent correction. What one ought to look out for is any credit tightening measures the FED in USA may take in the future which will have a knock on effect on the rest of the world. I do not see this happening for good part of 2015. Anyway the FED will give ample warnings before doing so.

One should be fully invested in stocks now rather than worry about another possible corrections which had just happened in first two weeks of October 2014.


2014-10-30 23:04 | Report Abuse

Although there is current uncertainty, gloom and perhaps pockets of doom, the stock market is already looking ahead to a global economic turnaround. Crude oil prices had receded to USD 80/barrel and maybe lower in 2015. This is good for global economic growth overall although the oil exporting countries may not be earning as much as they would have liked with oil prices above USD 100/barrel.

Although the FED had stopped QE, Europe had started to QE aggressively and that means global liquidity is not impacted much. The world will be in a benign interest rate environment for 2015 and that is good for stocks.

The Euro will weaken against USD and this will help the European exporting nations particularly Germany and this augurs well for future turnaround in European economies. European funds will flow out as Euro weakens to say 1.15 or parity with USD and some European funds will invest in emerging market equities.

The USA and maybe Europe will likely embark on infrastructure investment to replace its decaying infrastructure that it currently has. This will be the catalyst to spark a global demand for commodities.

The bull market will kickoff in late November 2014 as ECB decides on aggressive QE and the rally will continue with intermittent correction. What one ought to look out for is any credit tightening measures the FED in USA may take in the future which will have a knock on effect on the rest of the world. I do not see this happening for good part of 2015. Anyway the FED will give ample warnings before doing so.

One should be fully invested in stocks now rather than worry about another possible corrections which had just happened in first two weeks of October 2014.


2014-10-30 23:02 | Report Abuse

Although there is current uncertainty, gloom and perhaps pockets of doom, the stock market is already looking ahead to a global economic turnaround. Crude oil prices had receded to USD 80/barrel and maybe lower in 2015. This is good for global economic growth overall although the oil exporting countries may not be earning as much as they would have liked with oil prices above USD 100/barrel.

Although the FED had stopped QE, Europe had started to QE aggressively and that means global liquidity is not impacted much. The world will be in a benign interest rate environment for 2015 and that is good for stocks.

The Euro will weaken against USD and this will help the European exporting nations particularly Germany and this augurs well for future turnaround in European economies. European funds will flow out as Euro weakens to say 1.15 or parity with USD and some European funds will invest in emerging market equities.

The USA and maybe Europe will likely embark on infrastructure investment to replace its decaying infrastructure that it currently has. This will be the catalyst to spark a global demand for commodities.

The bull market will kickoff in late November 2014 as ECB decides on aggressive QE and the rally will continue with intermittent correction. What one ought to look out for is any credit tightening measures the FED in USA may take in the future which will have a knock on effect on the rest of the world. I do not see this happening for good part of 2015. Anyway the FED will give ample warnings before doing so.

One should be fully invested in stocks now rather than worry about another possible corrections which had just happened in first two weeks of October 2014.


2014-10-30 22:59 | Report Abuse

Although there is current uncertainty, gloom and perhaps pockets of doom, the stock market is already looking ahead to a global economic turnaround. Crude oil prices had receded to USD 80/barrel and maybe lower in 2015. This is good for global economic growth overall although the oil exporting countries may not be earning as much as they would have liked with oil prices above USD 100/barrel.

Although the FED had stopped QE, Europe had started to QE aggressively and that means global liquidity is not impacted much. The world will be in a benign interest rate environment for 2015 and that is good for stocks.

The Euro will weaken against USD and this will help the European exporting nations particularly Germany and this augurs well for future turnaround in European economies. European funds will flow out as Euro weakens to say 1.15 or parity with USD and some European funds will invest in emerging market equities.

The USA and maybe Europe will likely embark on infrastructure investment to replace its decaying infrastructure that it currently has. This will be the catalyst to spark a global demand for commodities.

The bull market will kickoff in late November 2014 as ECB decides on aggressive QE and the rally will continue with intermittent correction. What one ought to look out for is any credit tightening measures the FED in USA may take in the future which will have a knock on effect on the rest of the world. I do not see this happening for good part of 2015. Anyway the FED will give ample warnings before doing so.

One should be fully invested in stocks now rather than worry about another possible corrections which had just happened in first two weeks of October 2014.


2014-10-30 22:49 | Report Abuse

Although there is current uncertainty, gloom and perhaps pockets of doom, the stock market is already looking ahead to a global economic turnaround. Crude oil prices had receded to USD 80/barrel and maybe lower in 2015. This is good for global economic growth overall although the oil exporting countries may not be earning as much as they would have liked with oil prices above USD 100/barrel.

Although the FED had stopped QE, Europe had started to QE aggressively and that means global liquidity is not impacted much. The world will be in a benign interest rate environment for 2015 and that is good for stocks.

The Euro will weaken against USD and this will help the European exporting nations particularly Germany and this augurs well for future turnaround in European economies. European funds will flow out as Euro weakens to say 1.15 or parity with USD and some European funds will invest in emerging market equities.

The USA and maybe Europe will likely embark on infrastructure investment to replace its decaying infrastructure that it currently has. This will be the catalyst to spark a global demand for commodities.

The bull market will kickoff in late November 2014 as ECB decides on aggressive QE and the rally will continue with intermittent correction. What one ought to look out for is any credit tightening measures the FED in USA may take in the future which will have a knock on effect on the rest of the world. I do not see this happening for good part of 2015. Anyway the FED will give ample warnings before doing so.

One should be fully invested in stocks now rather than worry about another possible corrections which had just happened in first two weeks of October 2014.


2014-10-30 22:19 | Report Abuse

The EVERGREEN management had expressed that they will do what is within their means and aim to turnaround in Q3 2014. I am confident that they will deliver the turnaround as they had invested in automating the production eqpt and processes besides spending on maintenance upgrades to deliver consistent quality products. If turnaround in profits happens , this stock will resume its long overdue uptrend and we will not see this price level again.I am fully invested in this IMPENDING TURNAROUND stock.


2014-10-30 20:56 | Report Abuse

4u2c, Both the US and European GDPs are just about the same size. FED calls off QE but Europe starts to QE aggressively. The Liquidity has not shrunk. U only worry when global liquidity shrinks such as when FED increase interest rate and the Rest Of the World follows. Europe is doing what the FED used to do starting in 2009.


2014-10-30 20:40 | Report Abuse

Stockoperator, To summarize what you had elucidated, your advise is to

"Buy fundamental stocks with good margin of safety and not stocks with maximum expectations built into it which may have negative margin of safety"


2014-10-30 20:34 | Report Abuse

stockoperator, Just caught your name and just drop by to wish you "Hello, How are you and Bye!!"


2014-10-30 20:22 | Report Abuse

thanks for the latest update somchik.


2014-10-30 20:05 | Report Abuse

Thanks for the long winded convoluted write-up which basically states that
- you have no new info to offer on details of the main program and what constitutes the subsets of the main program
- you have no new knowledge to offer on when will the main program and program subsets start
- you have no new info on whether the development had started, what aspects of the program and who is doing the development work
- you have offered information about pre-market trials which is standard operating procedure process to listen, to compile , to analyze feedbacks, and therafter to finetune products, to structure an appropriate response before a proper marketing blitz is launched next year which you do not know the exact timing.

I am very amazed and indeed was very surprised that a man who wrote such fine albeit convoluted letters is equally well endowed with such imaginative and sleazy mindset in name calling. Likewise if you can stoop to such a very low level of moral fortitude, you are equally just as capable of gaining the confidence of forumers and abusing their confidence . I sincerely hope that you do still possess due of care to your fellow forumers here who had trusted you and is not selling your shares on the quiet.

Nevertheless the great lord had answered to my prayers that I shall forgive you for whatever you had done unto yourself and to others and you will in due time repent to the lord in your own private time as it is entirely between you and the Lord.

May the Lord bless you my dear Pavillion and cleanse you


2014-10-30 14:29 | Report Abuse

kahhoeng, The FA for this stock will improve not worsen. just wait for incoming Qtrly report due November 2014 and the year end report as at @30/4/2015. I do not think you will see this price level again by then as right now there is still a lot of uncertainly about future direction of global stock market. I am in because my take is the bull will regain its momentum by end November 2014 onward.


2014-10-30 14:04 | Report Abuse

best of luck to you humbled!!


2014-10-30 14:02 | Report Abuse

stock is already bombed out. Just ask this important question.."Is the stock fundamental WORSENING or GETTING BETTER??" and based on the input info, you either buy or forget this stock. Its that simple really!!!


2014-10-30 13:59 | Report Abuse

somchik, good good good..already fastened my seat belt for the high octane ride and expecting incoming EPS to be the turbo booster hahahahaha


2014-10-30 13:49 | Report Abuse

humbled, I decided for SMRT instead of dsonic as SMRT future prospect is better. I went in at 56 cents and latest price now is 81.5 cents. First TP= RM 1.00. All the very best to your dsonic and please don't fell in love and blindly believe with the hype OK... hahahahahaha


2014-10-30 13:43 | Report Abuse

humbled, I am waiting for main news provider Pavillion to provide latest update and maybe market is starting to reflect the latest news hahahahahaha


2014-10-30 13:35 | Report Abuse

BJCORP is bombed out stock . Why quiver over this? Everyone knows it. The key question is "Is its stock fundamental worsening or getting better???"

News & Blogs

2014-10-30 13:31 | Report Abuse

FED says goodbye to QE but Draghi of ECB says "I wanna QE more!!" hahahahaha


2014-10-30 13:28 | Report Abuse

alpha trader, I went in at RM 0.56 and still holding. First TP= RM 1.00 hahahahaha


2014-10-30 13:13 | Report Abuse

humbled, Better go for FA valuation of the intrinsic value. Trouble is the DCF model requires projected future cashflows but future projects not sure 100% will get, no certainty of timing, what is min and max quantum amount of cashflow, projected wacc, required rate of return above got to fall back on PE lah, past PE is given but forecast PE is also difficult as no one here is sure on how much is the expected project on fuelsub, will it get fuel sub or share with others, what is the cut for it is all hype that is propping up this share price lah. As berry said, it boils down to "reading and judgement"..dunno what it means really. Do u know how to value based on reading and judgement???

Where is the main news provider Pavillion, why suddenly so quiet??? maybe you should go ask Pavillion humbly for latest info which he had been providing to all of you here...hahahahaha


2014-10-30 12:47 | Report Abuse

KAQ_4468, agree with you that holding power is REAL POWER, bukan stupid!!! hahahahaha


2014-10-30 12:36 | Report Abuse

better switch to SMRT lah as directors in SMRT had given notice they want to buy some more. some forumer had stated that dsonic is still in wave 4 extended period DOWN..still not completed the fierce WAVE 4 down wave!! hahahahaha


2014-10-30 12:21 | Report Abuse

wow my SMRT is skyrocketing now. fortunately didn't go into Dsonic. SMRT is heading to first TP = RM 1.00 ..hahahahha


2014-10-30 12:16 | Report Abuse

berry, I noticed you derived a great deal of self pride in knowing you are a better beating around busher ala better master of vagueness...are you really with due fairness and sincerity to yourself really relishing this?? perhaps you maybe feeling a wee bit of chagrin and disdain with yourself by now hahahahahaha


2014-10-30 12:05 | Report Abuse

berry, a beating around busher is synonymous with a master of vagueness hahahahaha


2014-10-30 11:59 | Report Abuse

berry, I like your sense of humour..erm...more than you being beating around busher hahahahaha

News & Blogs

2014-10-30 11:55 | Report Abuse

Noby, Thanks for the info on the link to PE vs price.

News & Blogs

2014-10-30 11:54 | Report Abuse

kcchongnz, Thanks for the superb write-up. Please advise the maximum debt equity ratio which you consider as healthy under current benign interest rate invironment. If interest rate is to double, what is the max debt equity ratio that you will consider as healthy mix?


2014-10-30 11:42 | Report Abuse

humbled, Thanks for your feedback. U r a fine gentleman!!


2014-10-30 11:38 | Report Abuse

berry, True to form , you just like to "BEAT AROUND THE BUSH". U ought to be extremely disappointed with yourself.


2014-10-30 11:03 | Report Abuse

So far none of the Dsonic forumers here who supposedly are astute investors had provided any proper valuation basis for DSONIC besides hype about future prospects till now. Even the future prospects is not 100% guarantee that it will happen. Therefore will anyone want to provide a estimated valuation of DSONIC intrinsic worth. To provide a proper valuation of DSONIC intrinsic worth, a projection must be made on 100% sure FUTURE PROJECTS TO GET, PROJECTED PROFITS, PROJECTED CAPITAL INVESTMENTS, PROJECTED CASHFLOWS, PROJECTED WACC, REQUIRED DISCOUNT RATE OVER WACC in the future.

Would berry, winterwolf, pavilion, auntiex others come out to defend DSONIC intrinsic worth besides beating around the bush and avoiding the real question at hand??

If not then, would all of you also draw the conclusion that it is all hype that is propping up its share since you all of you could not even list out the quantum sum of future projects that it will secure, even the time of securing project is not 100% sure, so how to do DCF method to determine intrinsic worth of DSONIC besides reading and judgment as explicitly stated by berry????


2014-10-30 10:07 | Report Abuse

jscho7, Thanks for providing the info. So What is your basis in valuing DSONIC besides using PE? What other methodology do you use to value DSONIC? Do u use DCF valuation method or others? Please advise


2014-10-30 09:19 | Report Abuse

berry, R U not rubbishing kcchongnz latest write up on using PE ratio as an investment strategy as you have claimed yourself to be at highest level of investment skill.

Sorry, no offense lor, please elaborate on highest level of application of investment skills, what does it mean?


2014-10-30 09:13 | Report Abuse

berry, u r indeed a patroniser, what an utter disappointment to yourself!!


2014-10-30 09:10 | Report Abuse

winter ,berry and Dsonicc,
PE ratio outdated?? huh, am I hearing out loud from all of you?? PE RATIO OUTDATED???? Please have latest read up from fellow i3 blogger kcchongnz on use of PE ratio as an investment strategy.

Of course we talk about current PE n forecast PE at current price lah. I thought all of you are very seasoned top notch investors?? why ask this when this is basic investment knowledge?


2014-10-30 08:47 | Report Abuse

winter and berry, Your actions had spoken volumes about the material fact "Both of you r reluctant to give a PE number."


2014-10-30 08:33 | Report Abuse

berry, What is the PE number at current price of 1.70?


2014-10-30 08:31 | Report Abuse

Winter, Plse advise what is the forecast PE ration for this stock?
- Is the forecast PE ratio less than 8
- Is the forecast PE ratio less than 12
- Is the forecast PE ratio above 24
Please don't beat around the bush to avoid giving a PE number
Please give the PE number.
PE number of DSONIC please!!!


2014-10-30 08:17 | Report Abuse

winter, don't beat around the bush and talk craps to escape answering the question of real intrinsic worth of this stock. Since you are such an expert on this stock, please just tell the forumers here whether "Is this stock undervalued, fair valued or overvalued?"


2014-10-30 08:05 | Report Abuse

Would you rate this stock with too much expectation built into its share price or too little expectation given that it had been a 13 bagger?
What is the REAL intrinsic worth of this 13 bagger stock?
So now there will be "BLIPS" not "BLIP" in future EPS , right? BLIPS in future EPS is the right word to use, Is that right???
Given that there will surely be future BLIPS in EPS ,Is this stock undervalued, fair valued or overvalued at price of 1.70?
Isn't the future expectation of mykad n passport already in this 13 bagger price?
Are you sure you are not infested with "TULIP MANIA"??? What happened to "TULIP PRICE" when the mania is over???


2014-10-30 00:06 | Report Abuse

This stock was at 13.3 cents before its fierce run up to 1.70 a whopping 1,278 % gain over say 1.5 years(almost a 13 bagger!!!)

Do you all want to hold any stock that already has too much expectation built in the share price...what happens when the so called expectation does not materialize fully and what will be its forecast EPS for the next 2 quarters? Will such stock fall hard at the slightest drop in earnings.

Wouldn't you want to get cheaper stocks when they are still unnoticed?

News & Blogs

2014-10-29 23:42 | Report Abuse

Agree with your point of strict cut loss for margin. Take the case of recent correction. Anyone who had bought in is sitting pretty with easily +10% gain and if one had used margin , the absolute gain will be much more. So would you rather take margin on short term trade in bull market and experience a market crash and cut out with losses or you rather wait for market correction then go in with extra margin capital???

News & Blogs

2014-10-29 23:18 | Report Abuse

NOBY, I do understand your view of using margin account to use in bull market for short term trades. How sure are you that your short term margin trades will not suddenly correct or crash? Very few people can actually predict a correction or a crash but quite a number can predict that the market had already corrected or crashed and bombed out. In this scenario when the market had corrected or had crashed and bombed out your upside gain is much more than downside risk and it is beneficial to use margin but not during bull run as you will never know for sure when the correction or crash will happen as correction and crash ALWAYS HAPPEN DURING A BULL RUN!!

News & Blogs

2014-10-29 21:40 | Report Abuse

You have assumed a scenario of using margin at all times and come to a conclusion which is perilous which is true for that situation. However if one uses margin ONLY after correction and after market crash, the conclusion is it is beneficial but not perilous. Assume also worst case scenario that you just invested with cash capital and the day after, market corrected or market crashed.

Assume market decline by 10% during a normal correction and 50% during a market crash. Market rebound by 10% during correction and market rebound by 80 % after a crash. U buy with margin of 60% of Equity Value invested after correction and margin of 60% of Equity Value after Crash.

Cash equity Inv Market Correct(-10%) Market crash(-50%)
100,000 90,000 50,000
Net Inv Value 90,000 50,000
Paper Loss -10,000 -50,000

Margin Capital Margin Capital(60%) Margin Capital(60%)
zero 54,000 30,000

Market Rebound +10% +80%

Cash Equity Value 99,000 90,000
Margin Capital Value 59,400 54,000
Total Cash + Margin 158,400 144,000

LOSS Cash Equity -1,000 -10,000

PROFIT Cash + Margin +4,400 +14,000

So if you had used margin after correction and after crash, you will be better off compared to not using margin. Yes there is peril to use margin at all times but there is no peril but beneficial to ONLY use margin after market correction and after market crash.


2014-10-29 18:00 | Report Abuse

crude oil price @USD 80 or 75 or lower---> wolf1 and many others will demand and scream out loud --> "I WANT TO PAY MARKET PRICE FOR MY PETROL, NO FUEL SUBSIDY CARD!" but....Pavillion/others will quietly whisper .."I want to use Fuel subsidy card coz I already invested in DSONIC and I want DSONIC to get BIG fuel subsidy contract"

crude oil price @USD 80 or 75 or lower and stays low---> Will BN govt continue with Fuel subsidy card at the expense of potentially losing "some votes at next GE"? Will this not become a "hangat isu" in future to the detriment of BN govt??? Maybe govt not sure now of 100% support for fuel subsidy card...maybe allocate small sum to pilot test fuel subsidy card...

1,000,000 apologies Pavillion ...Namasteeeeeeeee


2014-10-29 16:59 | Report Abuse

crude oil price @USD 80 or 75 or lower---> DSONIC ???????????
Can flyyyy???


2014-10-29 16:02 | Report Abuse

auntiex, the intention is to jolt lest one gets too carried away with expectations. The gist of the jolt is to consider the following scenario

crude oil price@USD 100/barrel or higher ---> DSONIC sure Flyyyy
crude oil price @USD 80 or 75 or lower---> DSONIC ???????????

News & Blogs

2014-10-29 15:15 | Report Abuse

Have u considered all possible scenarios on the subject matter???
- buy with own money(no need to elaborate further)
- buy with margin( this u had already communicated the message)
- buy with own money but use margin only at market correction or market crash
- risk reward scenario of using margin only at market correction/crashes with 20% margin, 30% margin, 40% margin, 50% margin


2014-10-29 14:47 | Report Abuse

crude oil price@USD 100/barrel or higher ---> DSONIC sure Flyyyy
crude oil price @USD 80 or 75 or lower---> DSONIC ???????????
Whatever the situation is for DSONIC, I wish you make lotsa $$$$$$$$$