
sunztzhe | Joined since 2014-01-13

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2014-10-29 14:32 | Report Abuse

winterwolf, Wish u make lotsa $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ with DSONIC!!! Best of LUCK winterwolf!!


2014-10-29 14:28 | Report Abuse

crude oil price@USD 110/barrel---> DSONIC sure Flyyyy
crude oil price @USD 80 or 75 or lower---> DSONIC ???????????


2014-10-29 14:07 | Report Abuse

Is the global supply of crude oil exceeding global demand or the global demand for crude oil exceeding global supply?

News & Blogs

2014-10-29 13:56 | Report Abuse

Why does Saudi Arabia cuts its price? It knows it will lose its customers to USA if it does not cut price as USA is now the biggest crude oil producer. Lose customers means ZERO income LOL . What happens if USA offer lower price? U got to match lower price mah, right or not?

When the deepened and widened Panama canal opens up in 2015/2016, it will enhance USA competiveness. What will be the oil price then? LOL

Just think...Customers are limited but no of suppliers have increased. So if you are the customer that buys crude oil, what will you do? Stick to old high price contracts or go get cheaper oil from someone else??? What will you do if USA comes to offer you at relatively cheapest price compared to what the Saudi's offer ? LOL

This is business as usual but Malaysia got Minister still talking about 3 tier fuel subsidy system with crude oil price at USD 100/barrel LOL


2014-10-29 13:52 | Report Abuse

Why does Saudi Arabia cuts its price? It knows it will lose its customers to USA if it does not cut price as USA is now the biggest crude oil producer. Lose customers means ZERO income LOL . What happens if USA offer lower price? U got to match lower price mah, right or not?

When the deepened and widened Panama canal opens up in 2015/2016, it will enhance USA competiveness. What will be the oil price then? LOL

Just think...Customers are limited but no of suppliers have increased. So if you are the customer that buys crude oil, what will you do? Stick to old high price contracts or go get cheaper oil from someone else??? What will you do if USA comes to offer you at relatively cheapest price compared to what the Saudi's offer ? LOL

This is business as usual but Malaysia got Minister still talking about 3 tier fuel subsidy system with crude oil price at USD 100/barrel LOL

News & Blogs

2014-10-29 13:07 | Report Abuse

Crude oil in 2015 will be below USD 80/barrel hover around USD 75/barrel or maybe go below USD 75/barrel. Minister still talking about 3 tier fuel subsidy...looks like they really need injection of street smartness instead of vague book smartness LOL. Ministers should be spending time to re-strategize on how to make biz investments more attractive in NEW NORMAL LOW CRUDE OIL PRICE ENVIRONMENT, create "New Normal" investment climate that biz find very attractive rather than continue talking about 3 tier fuel subsidy with CRUDE OIL PRICE AT USD 100/barrel that adds on cost to biz LOL LOL



2014-10-29 13:07 | Report Abuse

Crude oil in 2015 will be below USD 80/barrel hover around USD 75/barrel or maybe go below USD 75/barrel. Minister still talking about 3 tier fuel subsidy...looks like they really need injection of street smartness instead of vague book smartness LOL. Ministers should be spending time to re-strategize on how to make biz investments more attractive in NEW NORMAL LOW CRUDE OIL PRICE ENVIRONMENT, create "New Normal" investment climate that biz find very attractive rather than continue talking about 3 tier fuel subsidy with CRUDE OIL PRICE AT USD 100/barrel that adds on cost to biz LOL LOL



2014-10-28 23:39 | Report Abuse

Hi investors, The use of the word "fool" has done its intended effect to jolt and to catalyse objective thinking amongst investors of all scenarios including what if scenario of crude oil staying at USD 75/barrel or lower for years. Please don't take it too personally as I had also wished that all of you investors good luck in making money from your investments.


2014-10-28 22:45 | Report Abuse

Humbled, Plse don't get emotional but instead try to have an objective view n consider all scenarios including the what if scenario. After all its your own hard earned money n I truly wish u all the best in making money in this investment.


2014-10-28 22:33 | Report Abuse

The intended effect is to catalyse objective thinking of all scenarios including what if scenario. Even if anyone of you is heavy in invest in this stock one must always consider all risks situation. I sincerely wish n hope that all of u will make good money. Plse do not get emotional as this is the worst u can ever do to your own self. I wish u good luck though.


2014-10-28 22:23 | Report Abuse

In stock investment one must be purely objective.BJCORP is a bombed out stock. It had gone down in price for the past 3 years. It is now at bottom price. it's fundamental s will improve in the future. That means it's share price will not stay at bottom but will resume its uptrend. How high it will go? It depends on its improving fundamentals n on other catalysts.


2014-10-28 22:12 | Report Abuse

correction: 100% fools n not 109% fools


2014-10-28 22:11 | Report Abuse

The farsighted govt in high income nations are off subsidy n wisely educate the consumers to pay market price. The 109% fools, quarter fools, semi fools in this thread r aiming to be 100% fools believing that this 3 tier subsidy system will work n they can reap handsome profits from their investment in DSonic. I only wish them the best of good luck while they can still earn some profits.

News & Blogs

2014-10-28 15:24 | Report Abuse

This will become a big political issue when the govt goes ahead to implement 3 tier fuel subsidy system when crude oil price hovers around USD 75/barrel for a long while. The rakyat will see through the injustice and impracticality of this scheme and ultimately this will boomerang back against whoever that proposed this impractical system which cost millions of tax payers money. It will cost the govt some votes in the next GE.

News & Blogs

2014-10-28 15:06 | Report Abuse

Once the crude oil prices dips below USD 80 per barrel and stays below USD 80/barrel for a long time, will it be politically tenable to proceed with 3 tier system on fuel subsidy? Do so called very smart people have street smartness?


2014-10-28 14:56 | Report Abuse

Once the crude oil prices dips below USD 80 per barrel and stays below USD 80/barrel for a long time, will it be politically tenable to proceed with fuel subsidy? Do so called very smart people have street smartness?

News & Blogs

2014-10-28 12:15 | Report Abuse

ks55, Agree with you to let crude oil market price decides pump price. Just abolish subsidy and let consumers pay market price. If crude oil price goes down, let consumers pay for lower price of RON 95 rather than paying a fixed price of RM 2.30.


2014-10-28 10:05 | Report Abuse

winterwolf, When there is excess supply over demand, the price will go down to a level where the high cost producers are weeded out and thereafter price will slowly creep up if demand exceeds the supply again. This is basic economic principle of supply vs demand. OPEC has lost its influence. This is the new normal.


2014-10-28 08:58 | Report Abuse

winterwolf, The secular bear trend for crude oil is already here and the bear trend in crude oil price will last years. The material fact is it is now + or - USD 80/barrel. It will go lower below USD 80 as OPEC does not have the power which it used to have in the past. So whoever can sell and make profit at USD 80/barrel or below will sell more.


2014-10-28 08:31 | Report Abuse

humbled, The low income are much better off paying for lower fuel price that is determined by market price of crude oil. This is basic economics of disposable income buying lower market price rather than fixed price of RM 2.30 and getting back subsidy which the poor has to wait till 2015. What will be the subsidy amount? Do u know? Meanwhile the poor has to pay RM 2.30 for RON 95 till 2015. Is the fuel subsidy project viable and politically tenable in view of the lower crude oil prices of below USD 75 /barrel for 2015 and possibly longer in the future years? The secular bear trend for crude oil is already here and it will last years as the supply exceeds the demand. The poor wants to pay lower market prices for RON 95 now not RM 2.30 and wait for subsidy. Moreover energy saving equipment will curtail excessive usage of energy/petrol and that has an impact on future demand as well. Any farsighted govt will take advantage of lower crude oil prices to abolish petrol/diesel subsidy and let the people enjoy the benefit of lower petrol prices.


2014-10-28 00:33 | Report Abuse

numbersman, Positive change to create BLOOM in Malaysia will be forced upon by Malaysia's neighbours notably INDONESIA & PHILLIPPINES. The external pressure will be felt by the rakyat and this will catalyse the necessary changes in Malaysia as the Rakyat wants better paying jobs, better education for their children, better livelihood and a govt that thinks and acts strategically for the country.


2014-10-28 00:16 | Report Abuse

numbersman, There will be doom, gloom followed by bloom. The doom gloom situation is a precondition before bloom happens.


2014-10-28 00:06 | Report Abuse

Veblen, The secular bear market for crude oil has just started and it has a long way to go as there is excess supply of crude oil over demand. It will take years for the demand to catch up and moreover technological progress in energy saving equipment will further reduce energy consumption.

The poor must be willing to work hard and certainly do not need subsidy nor be encouraged to develop a subsidy mindset but the poor need more opportunity to improve their work skills, work communication skills, further improve on skillsets which ultimately will lead to higher income and a better livelihood. So it is the role of the government to create a attractive biz environment where the poor can work hard, improve their skillsets and ultimately improve their financial situation.

Any farsighted Government should take advantage of the current weak crude oil price to remove subsidy totally and not continue further with unproductive work on subsidy but should get on with the task of creating an attractive business environment that attracts high valued added knowledge intensive industries to set up business in Malaysia thus creating employment and deepening the economic value added chain. The sooner a country gets rid of the subsidy mindset, the better off will be the economy and its people.


2014-10-27 22:51 | Report Abuse

LATEST NEWS: Goldmach Sachs has forecasted crude oil to be USD 75/barrel for 2015.

AmResearch estimate that the breakeven of the global crude oil price is at an average of USD84.80 per barrel if RON95 remains at RM2.30 per litre without government subsidy.

Credit Suisse concurs that if oil prices were to stay at around US$80 to US$83 per barrel on a sustained basis, the government’s petrol and diesel subsidy bill should be eliminated completely in 2015, even without further fuel subsidy reform by the Malaysian Government.

The Malaysia government should take this opportunity of crude oil below USD 80 /barrel to abolish subsidy and let market force determine petroleum price and let the public enjoy the benefit of low petroleum price immediately.


2014-10-26 17:56 | Report Abuse

Has AZRB received the RM 90 Million? Has the Saudi courts enforced the arbitrator's decision?

Construction margins n profits will be negated by CPO plantation losses and future EKVE losses which will be significant. Just look at SILK highway record of losses over the years.

I will not be surprised of another cash call sweetened with warrants sometime in future which will result in further dilution in EPS.

News & Blogs

2014-10-26 14:52 | Report Abuse

The secular bear market for Crude oil just began. It will go on for a good number of years. The Global Oil & Gas industry is on the cusp of a major industry shakeout. High production cost fields exceeding USD80 /barrel will start retrenching workers, close down and high cost Oil & Gas players will be weeded out and what remains will be the stronger low cost players.

Retrenchment of workers in high cost Oil & Gas industry in USA, elsewhere will increase and the FED will not even mention of Tapering anymore for the time being. Benign low interest rate environment will continue for a while longer.


2014-10-25 23:42 | Report Abuse

kahhoeng, The new normal price of crude oil at + or - USD 80/barrel would force an industry wide shakeout. We are just at the cusp of a new beginning of a global industry shakeout. UPSTREAM service providers will also be impacted. High capex projects for deep wells with production cost of USD 80/barrel is not economically feasible anymore. Major Oil & Gas companies had already made that decision. The UPSTREAM OIL & GAS SWAN had suddenly become an UGLY DUCKLING.

There will be also a shakeout of the upstream SERVICE PROVIDERS AS WELL.


2014-10-25 23:20 | Report Abuse

Roger123, Kali acts like an idiot but is not an idiot. Kali worked to manage his financial matters with Bank Islam. Azmin should be made MB after the last GE. Better late than never for Azmin. Younger politicians like Azmin should be given the chance to lead. The old politicians should just fade away.

News & Blogs

2014-10-25 22:48 | Report Abuse

If you are confident of the intrinsic value of any stocks that you had bought at much lower prices before the market correction, you should buy some more during the market correction as despite the crash the latest low prices during the market correction that one buys is still higher than the original investment cost. So the market correction accords one the opportunity to buy some more at relative lowest price. You will need to worry about SHARKS if you trade with the hi volume speculative counters with the SHARKS but then again the SHARKS can also be your friend .

News & Blogs

2014-10-25 22:04 | Report Abuse

andychucky28, going into market last week to buy undervalued investment stocks and holding it is called "investment"

News & Blogs

2014-10-25 20:31 | Report Abuse

andychucky28, If you had gone in when the market crashed last week, you will have a different perception as you will be "IN THE MONEY"


2014-10-25 20:03 | Report Abuse

kahhoeng, With the new normal crude oil price of + or - USD 80/barrel, do you expect more or less capex from PETRONAS and other Oil majors going forward. The new normal price in a secular bear crude oil market will last for years as the increasing supply from Libya n US shale oil is causing the Oil glut. So the prospect for CAPEX UPSTREAM will be cut and will diminish and will lead to a global industry shakeout that may last easily 3 or more years. Premiums for future offshore services with PETRONAS will evaporate and the price premium enjoyed by service companies in the past will not recur in the future awards.

The current T&I project will soon be completed by Dec 2014 or early 2015.Has Puncak won any new T&I projects in the last 3 months? Has PETRONAS announced new UPSTREAM CAPEX lately since the crude oil price crashed to USD 80/barrel? I think most Oil majors including PETRONAS will reconsider or cut future CAPEX for UPSTREAM.

UPSTREAM Oil & Gas services was the darling for past 3 years when crude oil prices was USD 110 per barrel. It is no longer the case now with crude oil price of + or- USD 80 /barrel which will last for years in the future. If PUNCAK does not secure new T&I projects, it will incur recurring costs n incur future losses. In that case, Better focus on KPS where the cost for raw water is ZERO


2014-10-25 14:28 | Report Abuse

Pay tuition fee of 25 cents to 35 cents/share CLUB member
jolie2 - founder and permanent life member

Does any one want to join to keep jolie2 company in this "EXCLUSIVE CLUB" in PAYING TUITION FEES DESPITE HAVING GOOD FUNDAMENTAL TA KNOWLEDGE??

News & Blogs

2014-10-25 14:09 | Report Abuse


Oct 8, 2014 08:54 AM | Report Abuse

Good Morning Leno ala BCC,
There will be a mid term election in USA on Nov 4, 2014. During this midterm election year, all 435 seats in the United States House of Representatives and 33 of the 100 seats in the United States Senate will be contested; along with 38 state and territorial governorships, 46 state legislatures (except Louisiana, Mississippi, New Jersey and Virginia),four territorial legislatures and numerous state and local races.

The Dow in 64 Octobers since 1950 had been up 38 times(59%) and down 26 times(41%)and October month in USA is a "BEAR KILLER". This year being mid term election year October is particularly MORE BULLISH SINCE 1950. In the past 16 mid term elections in USA, the DJI rose 3.4% versus its 64 year average of 0.51% and The S&P rose 3.4% versus its 64 year average of 0.8%.

So based on past statistically significant evidence , October is an advantageous time to BUY ON WEAKNESS as the BEAR WILL BE KILLED IN OCTOBER 2014!!!


2014-10-25 14:03 | Report Abuse

Pay tuition fee of 25 cents to 35 cents/share CLUB member
jolie2 - founder and permanent life member


2014-10-25 14:00 | Report Abuse

RAYVIN TAN YEONG SHEIK Beneficial interest - Disposal via married deal.
rich, Do more homework lah. This is disposal of warrant at 23 cents vide married deal. The other party sees value of BJCORP > RM 1.23

Do u want to be less rich, more rich say 6 to 12 months from now???


2014-10-25 13:45 | Report Abuse

By the time analyst cover BJCORP, you wont see this price level anymore.


2014-10-25 13:38 | Report Abuse

Share buybacks are Treasury shares and are not not included in calculating the non diluted EPS. Therefore EPS will increase.

Treasury shares do not receive dividends.

Company buy back shares when it perceived that it's current market price is too undervalued.

Share buybacks will communicate strong signals to the market that the management perceived that its share price is undervalued and in BJCORP case with high NTA above RM 1.00 , it is.

BJCORP can in future distribute to shareholders the treasury shares as share dividends when market price of BJCORP exceeds RM 1.00.

BJCORP can also sell treasury shares when market price of BJCORP had exceeded RM 1.00 and this will increase EPS.

Treasury shares are also used for acquisition without diluting shareholders value through new share issues.

BJCORP can also sell the treasury shares at a profit in big quantity to potential strategic institutional investors.

I fully support BJCORP share buy backs.


2014-10-25 12:41 | Report Abuse

Pay tuition fee of 25 cents to 35 cents/share CLUB member
Are there any other member/members missed out in this Pay Tuition Fee CLUB??


2014-10-25 12:32 | Report Abuse

Smart investors will accumulate below radar masquerading as "ikan bilis buying" looks like ikan bilis, smells like ikan bilis but it ain't ikan bilis.


2014-10-25 12:01 | Report Abuse

Looks like some are going to pay tuition fees of 25 cents to 35 cents before jumping into KPS at RM 1.70 to RM 1.80 when volume surges

News & Blogs

2014-10-25 11:56 | Report Abuse


Oct 8, 2014 08:54 AM | Report Abuse

Good Morning Leno ala BCC,
There will be a mid term election in USA on Nov 4, 2014. During this midterm election year, all 435 seats in the United States House of Representatives and 33 of the 100 seats in the United States Senate will be contested; along with 38 state and territorial governorships, 46 state legislatures (except Louisiana, Mississippi, New Jersey and Virginia),four territorial legislatures and numerous state and local races.

The Dow in 64 Octobers since 1950 had been up 38 times(59%) and down 26 times(41%)and October month in USA is a "BEAR KILLER". This year being mid term election year October is particularly MORE BULLISH SINCE 1950. In the past 16 mid term elections in USA, the DJI rose 3.4% versus its 64 year average of 0.51% and The S&P rose 3.4% versus its 64 year average of 0.8%.

So based on past statistically significant evidence , October is an advantageous time to BUY ON WEAKNESS as the BEAR WILL BE KILLED IN OCTOBER 2014!!!


2014-10-25 10:29 | Report Abuse

KPS Price was bearish from 15/9/2014 till 21/10/2014. KPS tested its lowest relative low of RM 1.45 three times on 13/10 , 14/10 and 16/10 with very low volumes. It has since rebounded off its low of RM 1.45 and closed @ RM 1.58 yesterday.

It looks like those who had been conned by or willingly being imprisoned by their own egos that override glaring TA signals on lowest relative low price, support levels will pay a tuition fee of at least 25 to 35 cents before jumping in at RM 1.70 to RM 1.80

Learning lesson: Don't let your emotions or ego get the better of TA signals. It is better to take heed from TA signals, override egos and take some action rather than willingly being imprisoned by one's ego. Better still, spend time in acquiring knowledge on determining basic intrinsic values of stocks. Or go back to refresh on understanding basic TA signals.


2014-10-25 10:23 | Report Abuse

The impact of share buybacks is to increase EPS.


2014-10-24 23:10 | Report Abuse

The new normal is already here--> Crude Oil price + or - USD 80
How will PETRONAS decide on their future CAPEX? Focus on shallow wells or go for costly deeper wells? How will this impact on PUNCAK Oil & Gas future business??


2014-10-24 23:06 | Report Abuse

The new normal is already here--> Crude Oil price in range of + or - USD 80 per barrel. This new normal price is a secular bear market price n secular bear market will last years.


2014-10-24 22:07 | Report Abuse

hng33 had already indicated a reasonable intrinsic SOP valuation for different scenarios . Just go back to the previous threads if that is of interest to any one of you.


2014-10-24 22:01 | Report Abuse

Those who wait for 90 cents will not buy at these price levels as their ego had told them or to be more precise "their egos had conn them to wait for 90 cents". 90 cents target has nothing to do with the intrinsic valuation of KPS. It is just a TA price level which their ego thinks the price will drop down to. These people think that TA is GOD, TA can indeed have predictive power but didn't understand the basic principle of TA. TA merely capture past price datas, volume datas etc. It can give indicative price support levels, price resistance levels, trend indication but it cannot predict the future price action.

The future price action is determined by FA and FA catalysts. In essence FA is the DRIVER OF PRICE, TA is just a PASSENGER IN THE CAR. The passenger just record what the car is doing.

These people had no idea of how to do basic intrinsic valuation or what is the intrinsic worth of KPS and being momentum players .. will most likely jump in when stock price cross RM 1.80


2014-10-24 21:49 | Report Abuse

Those who wait for 90 cents will not buy at these price levels as their ego had told them or to be more precise "their egos had conn them to wait for 90 cents". These people had no idea of what is the intrinsic worth of KPS and being momentum players .. will most likely jump in when stock price cross RM 1.80

News & Blogs

2014-10-24 17:58 | Report Abuse

Kc invest for long term in stocks that r fundamentally sound n wants to become a long term shareholder n expect above market dividend yield over time.
Others r just traders but there is a amorphous line between trading, punting or gambling. However in today's society... being called a stock trader or a Swing trader gives one some form of respectability rather than being called an outright gambler