
targetinvest | Joined since 2018-03-12

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2018-08-05 12:22 | Report Abuse

Whatever it is.. the media had been spot lighting gamuda only and not KPS. KPS although is 10% lesser than Gamuda 40%, but the total number of shares of KPS when compared with Gamuda, you can say KPS has more intensity and benefit more per share from this landfall sale


2018-08-05 02:28 | Report Abuse

Yea declare as well..

News & Blogs

2018-08-05 01:02 | Report Abuse

At least got 3 more to roll out.
National 4 5 6 yet to come


2018-08-05 00:59 | Report Abuse

Then.. buy jaks and kena jackass? Hahahah


2018-08-05 00:13 | Report Abuse

Best solution is buy kps.. last chance amost

News & Blogs

2018-08-05 00:08 | Report Abuse

Japan got

So malaysia can have many more to go.. haha

News & Blogs

2018-08-04 23:41 | Report Abuse

Japan got

So malaysia can have many more to go.. haha


2018-08-04 23:17 | Report Abuse

Rogers123 will cry like a baby on monday.. becuz he want to buy also cannot get


2018-08-04 22:55 | Report Abuse

Countless of bad news.. with so many ding dong.. water pipe also no job for them.. becuz later water pipe also in ding dong if they touched..


2018-08-04 22:54 | Report Abuse

Even if a buyer emerge for ara evolve mall.. it is not necessary a good news to them. At this depressed market and lacklustre of mall performance.. high chance are offer do not be able to giv jaks profit, but book in the losses and stop the negative cash flow once n for all. And that is even suck for jaks


2018-08-04 22:41 | Report Abuse

I ad go up mountain and consult my master shifu mr Boney.. he say he will summon the earth and sky power to limit up kps and dun let u buy even 1 lot.. haha


2018-08-04 22:40 | Report Abuse

Haha rogers123.. ur reputation ad masuk longkang..
Firstly jaks u sailang 1.4 then drop till now u ad lose till puke blood.
Then kps u say will drop till 1.20.. which if people listen to u also will puke blood. Hahahaha


2018-08-04 21:36 | Report Abuse

Rogers123.. monday u start work at my kenny rogers outlet lo.. still buy sell share?


2018-08-04 21:25 | Report Abuse

Those loser like rogers123 will wait bankrupt come


2018-08-04 21:25 | Report Abuse

Thise sour grapes no matter how also still can spin story one.. hahaha.. money infront still can talk till money habis


2018-08-04 21:22 | Report Abuse

Jaks go and do toilet better la


2018-08-04 21:22 | Report Abuse

Haha.. jaks do? Kps do also belum sampai jaks la


2018-08-04 21:19 | Report Abuse

This company is going to explode it debt all over.. from evolve mall to the PJ jv prohect..


2018-08-04 21:18 | Report Abuse

U know why management wanna cancel right issue.. tat is becuz of they issue right issue at certain price and kyy keep selling, the whole right issue process will go into longkang becuz the mother share become too cheap...

But if the company dun do right issue, then it continue to bleed to death also.

Both way also die.. but if koon die out by selling out first,then the right issue still can back up after that.

If right issue flop and koon keep selling... die die habis this company. Can go pn17


2018-08-04 15:25 | Report Abuse

KYY 1 mistake gonna put him in the grave penniless.. habis. All super punter in the end also die a broke


2018-08-04 15:24 | Report Abuse

The more he promote the more this jaks gonna go down by his selling.. wad force selling fairy tales story is all fake and sendiri made out..
If bank want force sell.. not need sell 1 by 1 slowly.. sekali habis gao dim sell and ask u pay the losses.. habis cerita


2018-08-04 15:23 | Report Abuse

Yea.. this ah pek do not have good intention at all. All rich people are fagger for their own wallet.. tats the same for koon


2018-08-04 15:22 | Report Abuse

1.90 to 2.47 is only 57 cents.. monday limit up only to compensate the special dividend

News & Blogs

2018-08-04 15:19 | Report Abuse

Lansi chua is good name


2018-08-04 11:54 | Report Abuse

Alot of cornerstone investor despite losing 60 70% is megb also dump.. becuz if they dun,they wont even salvage back the leftover 30%..

Koon is lucky. He is trying to salvage back his 60% at this pricr..


2018-08-04 11:53 | Report Abuse

Keep promote keep sell.. wad cheap sell la..
He say cheap cheap sell to you.. becuz jaks is going to be even cheaper soon.. remember the story of MEGB MASTERSKILL.. rm 4 drop till become go to oblivion habis.. this is same case.. he sell to you rm1.. becuz he know 40 cents is coming..


2018-08-04 11:52 | Report Abuse

Habis liao.. another promotion means 80 cents is coming to sight!!


2018-08-04 11:50 | Report Abuse

Monday limit up potential is very huge.. special dividend 50 cents or more is coming to KPS!!


2018-08-04 11:49 | Report Abuse

If kps want to giv 70% of the proceed, then will be 70 cents special dividend which will definitely rocket the share to sky!!


2018-08-04 11:48 | Report Abuse

With cash 1.9b, 30% is 570m... then 570m รท 537m = rm 1 per share. If KPS take half for dividend, means 50 cents dividend is coming to sight for all shareholder..


2018-08-04 11:46 | Report Abuse

Last time khsb disposal KPS got 212million. From that amount, 99million is given as special dividend which is almost 50%


2018-08-04 10:08 | Report Abuse

Banyak business on the line
1. Century bond packaging,close proximity to klia aeropolis
2. Kps hcm road repair and maintenance.
3. Pipe replacement
4. Sprint highway

All is good solid business

News & Blogs

2018-08-04 10:00 | Report Abuse

U sendiri pick wrong share and now screaming at your own error or other people error.


2018-08-04 09:57 | Report Abuse

All this run dog help kyy talk good jaks one like rogers123 now sure disappear. Habis jaks kasi. Later 80 cent then 40 cents


2018-08-04 09:56 | Report Abuse

Pusing banyak banyak.. becuz he is arrogant, dont like to admit mistake. Do wrong liao,still want to say is good is cheap is mega sale buy.. u see the timing of the article.. when write article, go and play some volume on jaks and sendiri start to sell out.. so coincident? Dream on la.. all is plan. Not bank force sell.


2018-08-04 09:54 | Report Abuse

Ya.. KYY want to sell but point to bank as reason as force sell.. why he want to say this? Protect his face water ma.. say bank sell better than say himself sell. But the fact is sendiri sell one la..

News & Blogs
News & Blogs

2018-08-04 00:39 | Report Abuse

ks5S bones already get a temporary waiver from bursa or SC to attack this counter.
04/08/2018 00:15

My master shifu told me Monday must be calm and see popcorn show.. very powerful


2018-08-04 00:38 | Report Abuse

Monday dun think so much.. whatever the gap.. either you chase or dun chase.. is ur decision.. but wad is going to confirm happen is those listen to me is now very grateful to me already.. 20% to 30% profit made.. wad a good investment for 2 mths


2018-08-04 00:36 | Report Abuse

The cash that kps will be having is amounting to rm 1.4 per share. U tell me which share has such cash value like a big cannon ready to boom the investor with a lot of special cash dividend soon?


2018-08-04 00:35 | Report Abuse

He is going to cook chicken at my kenny rogers outlet already start this monday.. sunday i let him rest abit. He will be no where to be seen again

Rogers123 tell me he lose kaw kaw at jaks.. and then drb also he didnt make much and kps he miss everything. He will very depressed and down.. i pity him and offer him to grill chicken to pass his emotional days


2018-08-04 00:34 | Report Abuse

Rogers123 will say 1.20
Now? Wad 1.20 la.. ask him eat and smell shet la..


2018-08-03 23:53 | Report Abuse

He giv me blessing and say just close my eyes and enjoy


2018-08-03 23:53 | Report Abuse

I ad consult my legend sifu master bone.. he say monday is magical work


2018-08-03 22:59 | Report Abuse

Monday party at kps to recover la

News & Blogs

2018-08-03 22:32 | Report Abuse

The return of master shifu will make this rm 2.47 on Monday for KPS


2018-08-03 22:30 | Report Abuse

Like this rogers123 will need to grill chicken for 2 branch of kenny rogers already.. hahaha


2018-08-03 22:29 | Report Abuse

The return of the legend Master shifu Bone will make this KPS Rm 2.47 on Monday possible.. boom ah...!!!!!


2018-08-03 22:28 | Report Abuse

Wah last time move till limit up liao.. this time.. another limit up coming means 2.47 liao