
theyoungman | Joined since 2022-09-29

Investing Experience Intermediate
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Newbie. Wanna learn from sifu in this place.





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2 months ago | Report Abuse

wah, @pang72, you switched camp liao oh.


2 months ago | Report Abuse

@Kai, don't kanchiong. Relax ya. Buy on dip, sell into strength?


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Be patience.


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Chart is for reference, not for making decision to buy or sell.
Use FA method is better, TA is like for reference only.
After doing sufficient analysis based on FA, then you decide to start collecting it or not to collect, at which price (max and min), etc.
Be firm on own analysis and investment decisions.
There is no other people out there would help us to make money, they have no obligation to do so too. Even if have, what are the motives and intentions behind it (to let us make money from them? any logics?).
So making investment decisions are solely our own decisions, nothing related to anyone. IMHO only. No offence.

However, if after putting efforts in analysing a company, and yet it still failed (loss money in mid or long term, or short term, usually investment is for mid long term with ignoring short term price fluctuation), if still failed, then it could mean we have not done enough study, can't blame our luck anyway. We have to bear the consequences as it is our own decision.

Slowly but surely. Wish all of you guys make handsome profits in near future.

Last but not least, DO NOT speculate, punt & contra (SPC). Avoid using margin & loans facilities.


my2c only.


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Yes Pru, you can do it, you can make it too.


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Nice, stay positive @Kai. Let's hope for the best.
Slowly but surely. Do not rush. Do not contra.


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Its XD is already 2 weeks ago. It makes no difference is share price movement by now (share price movement not affecting by Dividend as it had already taken into consideration on the Ex-Date).

MALAYSIAN RESOURCES CORPORATION BERHAD announced a quarterly dividend of RM 0.0100 per share. The dividend is payable on 20-May-2024, while the ex-date will be on 30-Apr-2024. This is equivalent to the previous dividend of RM 0.0100 per share, with ex-date of 26-Apr-2023 and paid to the shareholders on 17-May-2023.

Ann. Date Ex Date Amount Payment Date
20-Feb-2023 26-Apr-2023 RM 0.0100 17-May-2023
28-Feb-2022 27-Apr-2022 RM 0.0100 20-May-2022
06-Apr-2021 19-Apr-2021 RM 0.0100 19-May-2021
26-Feb-2020 29-Apr-2020 RM 0.0100 20-May-2020


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Hihi. Well, IMHO. Perhaps, it is a stxpid guy who is scolding and shouting out loud for more than 6 months? What do you think? You are not tire ah? Kesian.

You are not an investor, you are a speculator and punter. You had missed a lot in your 1651 CW (missed a very big boat, at least 200% to 300%~~~+-), you switched to 8877 CW at a wrong timing, that's why you are shouting loud everyday for more than 6 months. Scolding people is your skill, the only skill, your mouth has never wash for so long? Hehe.

Btw, you are not keen in 8877, you are keen in making quick bucks from the CW of this company. When you see she hit 0.60 and then gostern back to below 0.50, you are getting mad because you are targeting this bb to hit 0.70 and then you can make your < 5cents CW (at least 4 to 5 times, 400% to 500%), but your dream didn't come true, and you had failed, but I do hope that you can locked your RM20k profit from it too. Since then, you have been scolding like 泼妇骂街 non-stop for so long. Isn't this behaviour is so STP or SILLLLLY? (Sorry for saying this out, because it is true and a fact. If you scolding out loud again to fight back the above statement, it means I have kena your heart, 刺中你的要害。呵呵, I am sorry.) ^^

Your movements and methods are very obvious and easy be detectable. You still have a long way to learn young boy!

Hope you already know who you are by now. What a shame. ^^ Thank you for your kind attention.

You are so easy to be read.

Don't shout back again like a mad dooog. Give yourself a chance to take back a little bit of your face ya. My2c.

p/s: People have been nice to you and never be rude to you. But you are taking advantage of other people who do not wish to argue or fight with you. 给脸不要脸!好自为之。

No offence ya.


2 months ago | Report Abuse

I guess its result will be stable or better. Likewise, 8877 too.


2 months ago | Report Abuse

UEM Sunrise, partners to develop renewable energy park in Johor
By Emir Zainul /
16 May 2024, 04:19 pm


2 months ago | Report Abuse


True. IMHO. Relax je. I am focusing on daily works, not spending much time to watch the market. Only have a beep when it has movement or once or twice a day (beep and then close the app).

IMHO, investors don't /shouldn't do all these 吐槽 leh, it doesn't make you earn a cent out of it. Stay calm. And, don't have to watch the share prices from time to time. Monitor the company movements, announcements , shareholders movement, developments, projects, if have good connections with big guys - the better and more calm (but some big guys may have bad intention to the smaller one, or they may not be having bad intention but sometimes due to the traders/investors are greedy and play contra/punt/speculate and causing them to loss big $ and then hurt...

Analyze our desired stocks, once we have done sufficient home works, then accumulate at the fair price (which you think it is) and then buy and buy. Sometimes, after you've collected much of it, at some good time, you may sell some, and buy back lower if luck is with you or else it may have gone up further after you've sold.

Be patience and monitor the state development, LRT/ART/RTS/HSR/JSEZ and so on...

My2c and no offence.


2 months ago | Report Abuse

@BabyShark, yes, it may happen anytime once the minyak kena pijak. Hehe.


2 months ago | Report Abuse

@hhhiii, yes. Be patience. Wait 3 mths 6 mths also no problem.
@kai, don't so negative leh.


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Hello, why leh? Still waiting with patience. Collecting on dip on month end as usual.

@kkl123, how do you know I sold and then buy back leh? So solid meh? IMHO, if you know what you are investing in, what you are doing. If you have enough tickets in hand, you can do a lot of things. Then it won't be like you said "cut". Why investors need to "cut"? Why can't use your tickets in hand and do something out of it? For example, Urusharta (UH) (its 5148), 6% of its shares were "sold" (in fact, it looks like it had sold the shares, but it was lent out, at the same time, it is earning interests at the same time and also ceased as substantial shareholders of 5148, in fact, the shares r still belong to UH...) and it is still "earning" (the investors know what they wanna to do with those shares) and those shares which lent out r still out there and have never returned back to Urusharta. 5148 - will be siok in near future.

Do not rely on TA to make investment decision (if possible). Use TA for punting, speculating for quick bucks?

Do not contra, do not speculate, do not punt,, investors will be very safe leh. my2c.

And, avoid using margin and loan facilities. Big crocs can't have a chance to play out investors.

Wish all of you guys get what you want.

Good vol, nice one done yesterday with the tickets on hands, if anyone of you did it well. Cheers.


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Be patience.
Invest with care. Avoid speculate, punt and contra. Do not use margin & loan facilities. Slowly but surely. Be focus.


2 months ago | Report Abuse

MR CB is always like that. Push up then trap, then up, then down, trap again. Is like that.


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Breaking 0.50 soon?


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Waited for 5mths. Go. Finally.
Slowly but surely.
Don't shout. Just keep calm.


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Otw. Be patient.
Waited 5mths. Hehe


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Our king is on the boat. Let's rock loh. 8877 will be coming also.


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Pru, ignore them. 3174 is a good and gold mine stock. One day it will soar up.


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Shines kor, be patience ya.


2 months ago | Report Abuse

dear xiaoeh, relax. investment is like that.
analyzed, locked target, go for it. win or lose is normal. better than punting for quick bucks which may win big or loss big (the end result is loss and loss for sure if punting)


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Yes. The only thing is that it is slow. May have to wait few years ago? Previously you had it more than 5yrs right?


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Relax. Buy on dip.


2 months ago | Report Abuse

@Lewis, the worst was the last Qtr. Next qtr should be stablising or recovering. Slowly but surely.
Our dear king is not yet show the power. Be patience.


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Well done this company. Congrat ya guys.

Kai, it was up from 0.3x. Already > 100%. Nothing to complaint about it.


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Yes, V4E. U r right. Just relax. No rush. Let ppl rush in when it jumps to top vol (they named it BULL STOCK? wowww hmmm). Slow stocks can't have chance to become Bull stock meh? Why last year so many people chasing it to new high and high leh? Hmmm


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Relax and enjoy the long term investment. Real investors don't shout out loud nor scold the company he or she loves and keen in it. Right?

Steady. Slowly but surely.

Just ignore the up and down. Spend time with family, enjoy working and coffee.

Hope all of you guys will gain from your investment. Assets play, not to worry. You will be safe in long run. Cheers


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Have a rest. Have a kit kat. No rush.


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Take a rest and restart upside again.
Johor theme play again after rest for almost half a year. Once break out another new high, it may be like YTL & YPOWER? Lai? Investors do invest, not trading, not contra (gamblers)?


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Pru, I see. Now 13 also have to Q.


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Oh dear investors, normal leh. Mkt cap hit 2 trillion and CI break new high 1600 leh. Not to worry. Just be patient and invest with cash and wait mah. We will make it. So sit back and wait ya. Wish all of you will HUAT bigger with lots of patience. 1c 2c is not con leh, if up 5c next day another 5c, then simply reach 0.55 already. How about this? Cheers.


2 months ago | Report Abuse

IMHO, most of the investors esply funds won't expose themselves in the public. Fund Mgrs must keep their mouth shut and won't be shouting loud and tell the world about what they are doing (intention can be either good or bad. Good, is to share tips and let other investors to win and earn $. Whereas bad, it is he or she wanna to take advantage of other investors, is like to lure them to buy and they sell off their shares wow, if so, that's bad?). Anyway, NDA is always exist in the agreement for an employee in a company, yes, it is an offence if they do so. Real big guys are usually keep quiet and stay low profile. Even if they wanna to post something or say something, it will be indirect, won't be directly disclosing things (without details).

Be patience for all investors leh. Hope you guys get the fruits at the end of all your investments.


Do not speculate, punt and contra. Avoid using margin and loan facilities. Use hard cash for investment bei. 😍💪👍


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Faiza, good for you. Congratulations


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Dear Rabbit, selamat pagi.
Your bb already went up double Liao. Congratulations, patience is the key factor to win.

We miss you especially your karangan, nice one. Rindu....


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Shines kor, let's go.... Waited almost 4mths++, be patience. Hope all of us can earn big too. Cheers and congratulations to all fellow investors.


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Dear EP, Natsu, V4E and all fellow investors,

Let's go. But beware of Para 8.03A. This issue should be able to resolved and settled because of political relation? Hope all of you guys making big and handsome profit from it ya (although I don't have any of this bb since mid last year). Congrat in advance.

The bull mkt may emerge and rotational plays may kick in one by one (by sector, industry... Wow, Bursa mkt Mkt Cap RM 2T already)...

Wish all of us HUAT...


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Urusharta's 6% still no news (those lent out when it was substantial shareholder, > 5%, how how how? If lent out via SBL, it must not mean for traders to short in the market, it may be used for other purposes - push up and up and up... averaging up, it could mean those people's shares must have already worth more than 100% vs the time they borrowed. Nice...)

Those shares are still "dunno where" it parked at. Hehe. FISHY!!!!

It may have more upside in near future.

But, do not speculate/punt/contra. Be an investor.



2 months ago | Report Abuse

Dear Shines kor, oh, just visited i3 and saw your post, sorry I'm late. I revisit i3 today again.

Yes, last week, as mentioned, every month end, continue to accumulate, never missed to buy regardless of price, just grabbed the shares terus, never care what is the price. Typical buy on dip accumulation..

Let's go. Let's everyone huat together.

I miss Rabbit leh. Miss his karangan...

@FlashP, yes, have been waiting since Jan2024, already almost 5 months. It's about time to start again.

To all investors, do not speculate, punt and contra. Avoid margin and loan facilities. Use hard earned cash only. IMHO. My2c. No offence.


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Gooooo. Long time no see i3. Revisit today hehe


2 months ago | Report Abuse



2 months ago | Report Abuse



2 months ago | Report Abuse

Yes. Coming. Finally. Waited almost half a year?


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Pru, dapat 0.125?


2 months ago | Report Abuse

John, good day.

Oh, you are still so biadap in the public (well known). 反走过,必留下痕迹。

It is sad for you if your parents and grand parents know you are having such a bad attitude. Shameful. Kesian.

See, some of the comments to you were really shoot into your heart, 刺中你的要害。That's the reason why you are scolding emotionally. Hehe. You still don't feel you are in fact 丢人现眼?There are so many eyes are watching you, and you still don't feel shame on yourself?

I may suggest you sell all your shares (8877 related shares) and keep quiet from now ya.

By the way, I think you are blur, I don't have 1589, I have been saying and telling all investors, the Para8.03A and regularisation issue. And you are not aware of this? It means, never touch if unless P8.03A is settled. I am sorry if my sentence makes you misunderstood something? I think your emotion already covered your eyes and judgements in your investment decision. Sorry ya, many of us here know your issues but we just keep quiet and don't poke it. (Looking at all your posts, all r emotional posts, shiok oneself only). No offence ya, if you do feel you are being offended, I'm sure you will continue to bark again non stop, we know your style, everyone can click at your account name and read all your past comments unless you have removed some of the shameful comments in this forum intentionally ( I also doubt so you have so much time to post nonsense and remove them after that hehe ).
Stop shouting ya. 😏

No offence ya.

My2c and no offence. 😘