
tollebunsmith | Joined since 2016-07-18

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2021-07-24 10:26 | Report Abuse

Stkoay: since we think and do alike. i am looking at malaysian reits and have made smalll purchases as of last month and the price is also going below my purchase price. Personal view only.

As my main focus is growth and diversification for capital perservation with growth.


2021-07-24 09:53 | Report Abuse

Stkoay: i also have the 3 fixed price funds which was very difficult to get during my time, so i am keeping it, i know it will be bad for a few years bit i havent sold any. If sell , cannot buy back. So i just leave it alone, as can still sell anytime and it is still better than the cash in bank or FD.


2021-07-24 09:48 | Report Abuse

Quote: [alieyasmart Dont stuck here forever]

deswai i told people to accumale in batches:example if u can buy 10k shares:

Method 1: Buy 2k now 8.01 aveage price 8.01

Next week goes down to 7.8/ buy 4 k , ur avrage is only : 7.87

next month: MBB price 7.7/ buy 4k , ur average is only: 7.80

If price goes to 8.20, u sell, gain RM4k or 5% or ur investment

Method 2: u wait, price goes to 7.7, ur gain? RMO, price goes up to 8.20 : ur gain still RM)

Method 3: All in at 8.01, if price goes up to 8.20, u gain RM2k

Conclusion: dont buy is be like.. why come here and watch the price and comment? senile?


2021-07-23 20:49 | Report Abuse

U can also quote , good till done at 7.80 & 7.60 & 7.40 and go to sleep, if done u know u got better deal, else top up when it moves up to 8,15

*just my opinion and u better do due deligence


2021-07-23 20:47 | Report Abuse

stkoay: congrats.. now q lower , just in case ... then come back after aug 27th. and check price.. it will stay depresed for a few days then if sentiment good, u will profit.. else come back in december


2021-07-23 15:16 | Report Abuse

Malaysian banks' asset quality to stay weak in next two years ... › business › 2021/07 › malaysi...
21 hours ago — S&P credit analyst Nancy Duan said the new Covid-19 waves had resulted in lockdowns and further delayed business recovery for the domestic ...


2021-07-23 13:32 | Report Abuse

27 Aug 2021 is the expected announcement date fro the last qtr


2021-07-23 08:27 | Report Abuse

menteri air suam, i rest my case.


2021-07-23 08:13 | Report Abuse

WASHINGTON: The White House said on Thursday it is “deeply disappointed” in China’s decision to reject a World Health Organization (WHO) plan for a second phase of an investigation into the origin of the coronavirus.


2021-07-23 08:10 | Report Abuse

Politics: the same R & R will be the same no matter who comes along, Same Bangsa Same sheet diff brands, So no matter what, u get same sheet. only it gets shitier. But Daiker has the upperhand, even US kowtow. Daiker diff sheet , but bigger sheet.


2021-07-22 16:45 | Report Abuse

keatdash73 : waiting ur answer


2021-07-22 16:44 | Report Abuse

keatdash73 : Ambank.. ok.. answer these few questions honestly

AmBank paid RM2.83 billion+RM53.7 mil = RM2.88 bil 1MDB scandal.
So how many years to earn back that money as profit per yr is about 1 billion per yr, so must wait after 2 yrs only got profit.

So wait or buy now? actually , they waiting to goreng using pump and dump/

Would u buy a loss making comapny or a successful company.

The penalty also shw the bank got no integrity, a trust compay without trust. I dont want to own a cheating company, against my belief... bad karma....

2) If management is so untrustworthy , would fund managers trust them again? same management , same people? ANd what makes u believe they wont do it again? Another way of looking at it is , is someone screws ur bakside, would u trust them with ur bakside again? ( pun intended) Lol

Answer these two questions and if ur reply is logical, i will sell MBB and buy AMBANK,


2021-07-22 12:26 | Report Abuse

Just comparing;
Yesterday i said Anyone want CIMB (4.48) or RHBBANK (5.19)?
CIMB (4.54) or RHBBANK (5.21) now


2021-07-22 11:30 | Report Abuse

countdown has begun, In 35 odd days you will know the qtr result and can see ur investment go down or ...... hopefully u guys can sleep... jengjeng jeng!!!!!!


2021-07-22 10:12 | Report Abuse

Even a poor sod like me dont buy in 100 units or sell in 100 units, i usually buy in 1000 shares or at least under 1000 to even up unmatched shares placement.


2021-07-22 10:10 | Report Abuse

But they will change the lmodus by doing trades of under 1000 shares, so as not to look silly buy/sell 1 lot of 100 shares,,, but sometimes mara grad are just too lazy, so they stil do it in 100 shares.. see for urself


2021-07-22 10:07 | Report Abuse

How to find out if Fund managers or retail transaction?
Just see the transecacted shares number, if it is the smallest lot size of 100 shares, means the mara grad Fund Manager is trying to make it look like small retail investors are buying and to show the international people that their shares are very actively traded ( as in no. or trades done per hour) and that Fund managers has a good place to offload to retail investors.

*usual disclaimer like it was in my dreams. lol


2021-07-22 09:10 | Report Abuse

cimb: 451 ;RHB 518;


2021-07-22 09:06 | Report Abuse

if can top up at the lower price if u believe this support, or wait for lower price if u believe economy is going to be bad or other negative factors. Noone here knows, so just bet and deal.


2021-07-22 09:05 | Report Abuse

okooi32 : this is called "support price" if this price holds, means possible to go up a soon as people think prospects are going to be better for bank and economy is going to pick up, cos banks are the yardstick


2021-07-21 16:53 | Report Abuse

26.8mil @ 4.50pm .. I am very accurate , no?

for reference, i predicted this this morning

tollebunsmith 30 mins already 5 mil, so serious seller around with big lots, probably about 100mils for sale these comming days.. today's volume might reach 20-30 mil
21/07/2021 9:23 AM


2021-07-21 16:44 | Report Abuse

23 mil at 4.43


2021-07-21 16:17 | Report Abuse

I think if u are appointed MBB or PBB coo, the qtr result will be same as it is happening all these qtrs cos well run company with niche market, so no worries


2021-07-21 16:15 | Report Abuse

EPF all dungus from Mara grad.. dont pay much attension to them, cos put ur 12 yr old son to manage epf also your son can do better ( as buffet once said, buy companies making money even if it run by an idot like microsoft,apple,amazon etc)


2021-07-21 16:13 | Report Abuse

garychee8 : buy all by price, so any up, u also untung, unless u got few million, then buy by number of shares starting with MBB/PBB/RHB/CIMB n this order ( for cap presevation in the event of marketfukup or the reverse if u believe that a bull run is comming.

-*just my personal opinion


2021-07-21 16:10 | Report Abuse

20mil at 4.10


2021-07-21 15:48 | Report Abuse

18mil at 3.45


2021-07-21 15:47 | Report Abuse

wow!! MBB is at my bought price,,, grab a few... be my guest


2021-07-21 15:20 | Report Abuse

16mil done @ 3.19pm


2021-07-21 14:56 | Report Abuse

and he keeps flashing it every sec


2021-07-21 14:56 | Report Abuse

one share owner has 1.2 mil which he wants to sell at 4.02


2021-07-21 14:56 | Report Abuse

14 mil done


2021-07-21 14:51 | Report Abuse

Anyone want CIMB (4.52) or RHBBANK (5.19)?earlier
Anyone want CIMB (4.48) or RHBBANK (5.19)? now

see , if u keep cool u get better offer


2021-07-21 13:29 | Report Abuse

nhbeen 1 fruit
dianatrader 1 fruit
Tolle 1 fruit
If we had one fruit each, we exchange we end up with one fruit per person only.

nhbeen 1 way to earn
dianatrader 1 way to earn
Tolle 1 1 way to earn
If we had one way to profit each, we exchange ideas, we end up with 3 ways to profit.

The more i shared , i have received many ideas on stock which i havent and it did profit from it.

Small oppurtunities if used widely and consistantly over time, earns more than one hit share surge and just make sure u are not greedy, u will do better.

Never sell or buy on emotion cos the chances are u will always regret it later, If u have emotion, just sell a token number of shares and look back the next day, usually u would regret for buting or selling at that price. ( my personal experience)


2021-07-21 11:20 | Report Abuse

Anyone aiming to venture into CIMB (4.52) or RHBBANK (5.19)?

rhb down 1.1% looking very tasty.. maybe bite 1k to 3k for starters? i am waiting for a first entry price for my new fund.


2021-07-21 11:06 | Report Abuse

10 mils reached..on the way to 20m by end of day.


2021-07-21 09:23 | Report Abuse

30 mins already 5 mil, so serious seller around with big lots, probably about 100mils for sale these comming days.. today's volume might reach 20-30 mil


2021-07-21 09:21 | Report Abuse

Below 4 very soon.. those who bought high need to topup to average


2021-07-21 09:07 | Report Abuse

Same case with PBB, same manipulaitor.


2021-07-21 09:06 | Report Abuse

Just remember , no matter how low u buy this shar during the past few weeks , u CANNOT sell cos they purposely keep the price within a range , so if u sell or buy no profit also, except for a few token lots ( which is also too small a profit) so u are stuck, but only for the profiteering people, if u investor, ypu just keep buying in small quantities all year long as soon as u got money. Ypu also buy ifu think it is more cheap to average down and collect.


2021-07-21 07:36 | Report Abuse

What normal people should know about: from my point of view

Quote Thestar
"Maybank) as a clear leader in adopting environmental, social and governance (ESG)" of 50 Billion.

Befor the ESG sector only get 5% of loans, after this what they are trying to say is MBB want to sapu more of this sector by giving out more loans to whoever want moneys to whoever want to be in this sector.. ofcourse every dollar loaned will generate interest profit and of course good strong companies, just like we also cannot get loan for second house if we dont have show proof of income although we can pay double the repayment.

Anyone agree?


2021-07-21 07:22 | Report Abuse

Chyuanweey MBB expecting dividend of 20 sen and PBB expecting 5 sen. (paid in Sept).

*Just my gut feeling


2021-07-20 19:28 | Report Abuse

Dont expect me to sell anytime before Aug/Sept (only if price is RM9) for the 21st DRIP of approximately 20 sen and i think they will allow 100% of Drip.


2021-07-20 19:25 | Report Abuse

Zack: see the quote below and note the time and day...

tollebunsmith ok.. i bought MBB for 8.01. dont think can get it for 8.00 or below ( i am usually wrong) it is ok.. few sen difference wont matter much.. as it is only a topup
08/07/2021 4:13 PM


2021-07-20 09:39 | Report Abuse

I bought at av 8.01 last week . so i added. If it goes down 7.80 i will add more, AND i do buy in tranches.. bit by bit only as i am jobless at this moment,, these are my reserved money which i set side ( some fixed deposit and others mutual funds/unit trust which i sell on and off)


2021-07-20 09:34 | Report Abuse

Zackmeiser : if vague, i can also do better than Warren Bufe, last year I say bought at 699 sold at 8.55 made 2 million, now low i buy.

Then after few months i say, that day i bought at the lowest ( for example the price went to 6.80 and when the price go up to 10.20, the i say i sold all... so sorry.. if u really can outbet the market , u must give a buy number and a sell number. Then i salute you. Else u are just another scam. The bwah poko guy who sell 4D prediction saying he can forecast first price number, then what is he doing bawa poko? Another story i recall is the one guy is dressed lke he prays a lot, taking cash money non stop millions of rupiah, he so powerful??? then whey he sitting in that place and show only? He can ask all the poor people who need money and gib them ALLL as his money comes out non stop. I wonder why he doesnt do it. Scams.


2021-07-20 09:24 | Report Abuse

Zackmeiser : i also can say like this no value. U have to state ur entry price at the time u buy ( qty not required) and tell us when u sell.


2021-07-20 09:21 | Report Abuse

Sorry, too excited.. i meant 7.80

[tollebunsmith if today RM8, next time 6.80!!!
19/07/2021 4:49 PM]


2021-07-19 16:49 | Report Abuse

if today RM8, next time 6.80!!!


2021-07-19 16:48 | Report Abuse

faster !! get it for RM8