
tollebunsmith | Joined since 2016-07-18

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2021-07-19 16:07 | Report Abuse

ok guys, we wait at 7.80.. so if it go up fast, WE SELL. If it drop low, we buy.. either way the fund manager losses.


2021-07-19 15:45 | Report Abuse

now he angry , he want to sell off 8.05


2021-07-19 15:37 | Report Abuse

so best thing to do is "do nothing" wait for significant price drop, like 7.80-7.90, then buy in tranches, When the goreng up, make sure u sell all and collect back at the lower price like this now, Should have sold when it was 8.50 and laugh all the way to the bank.


2021-07-19 15:30 | Report Abuse

since that monkeyheard my comments, he is doing it at 8.08. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA


2021-07-19 15:26 | Report Abuse

see , he adds and adds and adds and adds and adds, non stop. You know why, just because he can and i is not his own money.


2021-07-19 15:20 | Report Abuse

There is a big fund king who wants to maintain the price at 8.09 the whole day, deswai u see him add a few lots at a time at 8.09. The moment people buy some he adds more at 8.09... so only if HE wants the price to change , only then the price will change, else maintian at 8.09 cos he has millons of shares and he only wants to sell at 8.09. Wait and see,


2021-07-19 12:24 | Report Abuse

They sell cheap , u cannot ask why, they sell hig price also u cannot ask why..!!!! They keep at this price for 3 months also u keep quit. U blow wat?


2021-07-19 12:22 | Report Abuse

Buy at their price sell at their set price. You think unfair, just leave. LOLOLOLO


2021-07-19 11:53 | Report Abuse

There is no imitation or duplicate product to fear. Hahahahaha


2021-07-19 11:52 | Report Abuse

Actually all those prices you see ar agent controlled prices and if u are smart , during off season period when they offer cheap, buy and keep as there is no expiry date adn used by date. LOL


2021-07-19 11:31 | Report Abuse

If buy 8 sell 8.10 make about RM20 for investing RM8040... even if buy 100k shares also not worth it as i kira loss of oppurtunity cost.


2021-07-19 11:26 | Report Abuse

If 1 or few sen no need to buy or sell as the risk is not worth it.


2021-07-19 11:24 | Report Abuse

just my opinion: if get at rm8. very good i will keep for the dividend. I wont sell now if i dont need the money. I will wait when dividend declared and many people rush to buy and price will go up.. if price reach my target, i sell then buy back when it reached my target price on the way down.

Just my opinion and i am just a regular investor. No buy or sell call. COnsult ur remiser/broker and due deligence.


2021-07-16 23:15 | Report Abuse

Cslee : the quantum drop will be equal to the amount aid as devidend, as it usually happens in any ex date of dividend. But how the price drifts depends on sentiment and usually as KWAP and EPF want to gorge themselves with cheap shares ( as they did on the 20th drip where they kept the price so low that our drip was at 7.55). Do remember that pakat-pakat/manipulation by big fund manager is normal. But we cannot predict the market too accurately. if we can even a 60% accuracy will make us millions.

The short answer is depends on sentiment, so buy in trances, so you dont miss the boat.

*just my opinion


2021-07-16 14:54 | Report Abuse

and one more sweetener, if all goes well, and i assume moderate profit, we will get a divided of about 15-25 sen at qtr result announcement in Aug and payment in Sept ( usually) so hope for the best and most probably in DRIP form where we get hares at discounted prices If we want in the form of shares * at 5% discount from market price) and we can also forgo the shares in lieu of cash payments. So best of both worlds.


2021-07-16 14:31 | Report Abuse

if KWAP can load it at this price why not us? simple logics. LOL


2021-07-16 14:30 | Report Abuse

JJFinn: if u mean maybank, i will enter at 8.01-8.02 , park early NUT dont buy a lot as the price might slide if there were unplesant news on banks profit.
If u are looking at long term like 2 to 3 yrs, i will just buy it staggered like 10% now, and it price goes up a bit like 8.20.. buya a bit more, but it if falls beloe 7.0, buy 20-30 % and start loading as it stays around any price bit by bit.. so if run up also u can money, run down also cab top up and when economy shoots up, u will be in front of most.

These people were holding maybank when it was rm9, and also when it was RM10. and most of us here avarage round 7.35-7.55 and some lucky ones at 6.99. If u see MBB at 6.99 something , just sapu like 30%, and go somewhere and dont look at it for a year or two, then come back and see the price.

As a disclaimer, i am not a professional and i dont do any analysis but for my point of view. Any performan of MBB may not be how we expect it to perfom. So risk involved and consult ur rimiser/broker for any financial decision.


2021-07-16 14:22 | Report Abuse

thanks for all the info guys, it helps a lot.


2021-07-16 12:32 | Report Abuse

end of day volume should be 20-26 mils ( i predict)


2021-07-16 12:31 | Report Abuse

There is 20 mil shares for sale at av price of 4.03-4.06.. so if u want to buy , can always try lower or forced sale price.. and i qualify this statement with "i think"


2021-07-16 09:53 | Report Abuse

8.01 .. i think that was insider/special offer for KWAP so cap gains and div yield higer


2021-07-15 21:38 | Report Abuse

Direct (units) 542,108,390
Direct (%) 4.64
Indirect (units) 44,339,649
Indirect (%) 0.38
Total (units) 586,448,039
Total (%) 5.02
Date of Notice 15-Jul-2021


2021-07-15 21:38 | Report Abuse

u know know why the price is so drepped right now, even though u see some funds sapu, it is because they pakat-pakat and pass thru to KPAP, who suddenly magically appears as a substantial shareholde. They get maybank cos in Aug there will be div distributin of 20-25 sen.. and KPAP will use that to pay the retirees. smart right?


2021-07-15 13:26 | Report Abuse

And do be aware some thoughts of taxing bank and gloves, and tiered divs on epf savings will produce different effects. Cant see the future, so i guess we just have to take risk and take one day at a time.

And bussiness and pandemic arent helpful either. So , wish u guys luck..


2021-07-15 13:23 | Report Abuse

Sam: i am right now using robo like Wahed & stashaway to test only as i was not confident and in the early period i went in with 5 figures.. lost some and withdraw half. So my knowledge is limited. I dont do crypto and my risk is moderarte only as i want to preserve my capital and grow moderately.

I am currently researching direct investment in US , but i have to be careful as transaction loss. double currency conversion and holding fees, tax and hidden cost are my worries. As i feel small amounts not significant and big amounts makes me worry .

And mind too that a superbull run has occured in Dow and i am afraid i am too late and might catch a bear market or retraction as i am risk averse. It it keeps going up ( which i think is not probable) the u are lucky. And i dont have the luxery or dollar cost averaging. SO i guess i am stuck in bursa at this moment.

So i am just starting small and robo is not the way as i found that my investment reurns are not growing much although the us mart is heading towards 35k. And compared with the 4.06 to 1 MYR now it is heading towards 4.20 and i expect weaker myr due to stability.

Anyway this is only my opinion and perhaps other sifus here can advise and give valued opinions.


2021-07-15 08:00 | Report Abuse

The above was from a local news yesterday.


2021-07-15 07:59 | Report Abuse

What's more, even the Sime Drby examiners resigned, if these people faithless, what can be done? nothing


2021-07-15 07:56 | Report Abuse

But seriously, wouldnt trimming the civil service and reducing big ticket useless HSR etc and ministers salary and pensions contribute positvely and do note billions songlap by certain group who usually come into power and raid the coffers and they ddint even pay tax. Wonder how they were delibrately missed and no action take for so many years but only with many leaks did they attempt to take actions. Maybe should start with all the politically stock on bursa from overseas independent accessors.


2021-07-15 07:49 | Report Abuse

Anyways , if below 8, definitely will topup some.


2021-07-15 07:46 | Report Abuse

There must be a trade off, so as to have a win-win situation.


2021-07-15 07:45 | Report Abuse

For long term: banks mostly owned by gov friendly entities, and it will be back to normal ( if conditions imposed), else how do KWAP. EPF TH etc provide dividend. If conditions on local bursa becomes not conducive, most will venture into US/world markets as evidenced by even me who has started putting some amounts at timed intervals into US. I would not have touched foreign if malaysian stocks had good returns, Few yrs back, not much facilities to trade & access. SO, just like if epf gives lousy returns , most will also take out those available funds to more managable/acceptable returns.
Remember, funds invested helps the state, but if people remove it from circulation ( either keeping it inside pillows or overseas, it will be a state's loss. Just my 2 sen.


2021-07-14 15:57 | Report Abuse

now 655 turun samore


2021-07-14 15:48 | Report Abuse

are there any people waiting to return hometown?


2021-07-14 15:44 | Report Abuse

covis 11k.. expect a big drop.. scary


2021-07-14 15:40 | Report Abuse

i think people scre will go below 40.. just my opinion... possible?


2021-07-14 15:39 | Report Abuse

Today 11618... so emco exted to when?


2021-07-14 15:38 | Report Abuse

so cheap today.. anybody buying?


2021-07-14 07:16 | Report Abuse

my pov anyway.. joking.. perhaps sell glove buy PBB much better. Anyways where are the glove promoters?.. buys buying up their favourite shares?


2021-07-14 07:13 | Report Abuse

Sell PBB , buy MBB


2021-07-13 16:46 | Report Abuse

kobis 11k. looks bad for bursa. Stay safe


2021-07-13 09:58 | Report Abuse

scib? how now????????????????????????????


2021-07-13 09:12 | Report Abuse

The race of champions and the racxe of pencuri


2021-07-13 09:11 | Report Abuse

say must soppork? wat sapork , sapoort songlap got laa


2021-07-13 09:09 | Report Abuse

serbadk also die, budak boduh karim also cabut hahahahahahahahaaa