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2024-01-14 18:20 | Report Abuse

1.I am a fan of Ekovest. I have been here since Sept 2023, still is and will continue to be around.
2. As you are aware, last year in Sept TSLKH has a proposal to reorganize, rationalize and to merge it sister companies to scale up Ekovest and establish it to become a conglomerate.
3. In the mega proposal and among them, Ekovest will buy 70% of Credence a company that belongs to TS at Rm1.14b. Ekovest will issue new share at consideration price of 60 sen. Therefore the transaction would enable TS to receive 1.9b ekovest new shares.

4 .Ekovest will also buy Danga City Mall and 2 parcle of land from Khazana Melati right in the city center of Johor Bahru and in the vicinity of RTS connecting Bukit Chargar and woodland Singapore.
This transaction is value at Rm310 and the share consideration price is also 60 sen. That means TS and related person will receive additional 516m Ekovest new shares.

5. Upon completion, the shareholding of TS will be increased by 1900m plus 516m or 2416m new shares. That is huge and in one master stroke TS is envisaged to own 51% of the enlarged entity of Ekovest if he succeeds.

6.In retrospect, the week before the announcement of the proposal Ekovest sold 269m or 10% of its issued capital at 43.5 sen through a private placement. Thereafter, share price began to rise. And following the announcement of the mega proposal by TS days after, the share price shoot up and hit a high of 61.5 sen. It jumped 41.5% in the shortest time and TS sold some shares

7 Thereafter, share price began to fall and on 7th Dec 2023 the counter gave back all gains and it was back to square one again and closed at 43.5 sen again.

8.From thereon the counter made a strong recovery and again hit a height of 62 sen for the second time on 8th Jan 2024 and again TS sold 1.2m shares at 61 sen. Following the disposal, the share has contracted to 54.5sen. Fortunately the timely analyst report by Rakuten on Thursday quickly lifted the falling share price above 62sen and finally closed at 59 sen on Friday 13/1/24

9. Technically, basing on the candlestick chart Ekovest is undergoing a cup and handle formation. This pattern is indicative of a bullish market. Some has predicted it to go beyond 80sen and one brokerage house has a target price of 116.

10. What is the implication of the share disposal by Tan Sri each time when it hit 60sen and above. By his action, can he damage or destroy the cup and handle formation and turns it into a double bottom in the coming weeks before resuming a spectacular rise and shooting to the sky subsequently.

11. Let's analyse. The proposal has been accepted by the BOD and TS has a legally binding agreement with all the companies. They allowed themselves 4 months to do the due diligence and thereafter enter into a definitive agreement. Next they will submit the proposal to SC and obtain its approval. Thereafter the company will prepare and dispatch circular and convene EGM to obtain shareholders' approval.

12. To obtain shareholders'approval means the proposal is subject to a vote. For the sake of discussion,let us assume if tomorrow is the EGM and in the hypothetical case that the share price is 116, how would you vote and what minority watch dog would say?

13. Remember, the proposal entails TS to inject 1.14b assets into Ekovest and in return would enable TS to acquire 2.416b shares at consideration price of 60 sen. This would be seen as a huge unfair discount. Hence,there is a risk of rejection or an air of dissatisfaction among minority shareholders over the discount. This should be avoided.

13. However,this does not mean that ekovest will not reach 116. It is a great company with huge land bank in the Iskandar region kept under IWB and IWCity.
Ekovest owns DUKE1, DUKE2 and the recently just opened tolled highway SPE. The highways are the most pricey and quality assets of Ekovest that are worth multiple billion of ringgit.

14. I think more excitement and greater volume and volatility will take place after all the shares are in the hand of TS.

15, This is my personal and layman perception of the counter. It could be completely wrong. Happy trading.



2024-01-12 21:47 | Report Abuse

1.LHI was listed on 16th May 2019 and that was 5 years ago. As I read further into the listing prospectus and analyse deeper into the changes in shareholdings of LHI, I realize that Clarinden Investment Pte Ltd was a cornerstone investor.

2. At its initial public offering the company sold 937,500,00 shares of which 250,000,000 were public issue and offer for sales of 687,500,000 by Dato Lau and his family.

3.The IPO price was fixed at Rm1.10 per share and Clarinden Investment Pte Ltd has acquired 328,898,300 shares.

4. Clarinden has invested in LHI and remained invested until Oct 2023 in which they decided to divest. Since Oct last year it has been selling and reducing its shareholding from its original holding of 328m to 304m in Nov 2023,and 288m in Dec 2023,and 227m in Jan 2024
5.As at 12/1/2024 it has sold 328m minus 227m or about 101m shares. The program selling has not eased and it is still continuing.

6. While we do not know the reasons why they sell and much less understand the decision it pain my heart to see Clarinden is incurring a overwhelmingly massive loss that is mind blowing. It is terrifying and You can do the math. Going forward and at the closing price of 56 sen, for each one (1) lot it sell it will lose -Rm540

7. Fellow investors and forumers must be pretty concern and anxious by the program selling and the extend of damage it will have on the share price. To address the anxieties,let's analyse by looking at the volume traded and closing price of LHI for the last trading 14 days.

8.Now on 22/12/23 the volume traded was 16.8m shares and the closing price was 57.5 sen. For the sake of analysis i have added up the volume traded for each day until 12/1/24. and the total volume traded is 102.96m shares and the closing price is 54.5 sen

9. This simply means for LHI to fall from 57.5 sen to 54.5sen it required 102.96m shares to change hand. If you add back the 1.5 sen price adjustment for dividend the share price is actually 56 sen. In conclusion 102m shares changed hand and share price collapsed by 1.5 sen

10. If this is taken as an observation and as a simple guide we could project that for LHI to fall from 54.5 sen to 50 sen there is a difference of 4.5 sen. This also means 102m x 3 or 306m shares must change hand for it to happen. Clarinden has balance 227m shares or less to do the damage.
11. If you have observed the trading pattern of LHI you would notice that for each million shares sell down it is absolved quickly and followed by a clear attempt to buy up again. Clearly another party is accumulating the shares divestment of Clarinden.

12. Market is still wondering who can take on this challenge and much more has the desire and interest to do so. It must be an interested party with deep pocket. Now, during IPO Dato Lau has offered for sales and sold 687,500,000 shares at Rm1.10. He has pocket Rm754m cash. These money can be employed to mitigate and overcome the selling and absolve all the shares.
Hence, minority shareholders need not have sleepless nights and endless worries it could just be a ripple or storm in a tea cup.

13. It is also surprising to see the big fund manager of Clarinden loitering in the trading hall acting like small time remiser on a daily basis engaging in small volume trade. They could have engaged the professional and investment bankers and place out in blocks of multiple tens of million shares and disposed of in off market transaction with days or weeks. They could negotiate for a better price and just a guess Dato may even buy back from them.
14. Now assuming you have invested today at 54.5sen and become a partner in business with LHI, and unfortunately along the way it collapses to 50 sen. For taking a calculated risk of 4.5 sen what can you get from LHI?. Does it worth the risk?

15. Some other days when I have the inspiration I will write again.
Happy trading


2024-01-10 23:12 | Report Abuse

1.Tomorrow is the dividend ed-date and shareholders will be rewarded with 0.012 dividend per share. The payment date is 29th Jan. The share price closed for the day at 56sen so it will be adjusted downwards by 1.5sen. Hence the reference price would be 54.5sen

2, The market price will again be determined by the natural forces of demand and supply for the shares. If investors are bullish and buying persist on then the counter could close higher. Conversely,if the bears continue to charge, than the counter will close lower.

3. LHI has been experiencing a mini down trend since late Nov 2023. The 9 day MA line has crossed over the 26 day MA line from above to below on 6th Dec 2023. The gap between the two lines had also widen over many days of trading. However, over the last 3 days LHI has made somewhat improvement. The gap between the two average lines has been narrowing and the closing shares price today at 56 sen has raised above the 9 day moving averages line. This is an early sign of strength and better day are forthcoming.

4. On 29th Nov 2023, the MACD line had crossed over from above to below the signal line. The counter experienced massive selling pressure with declining share price and expending solid red histogram until 8th Dec.

5.Over the weeks, the counter has made tremendous improvement and the gap between the MACD and signal line has been narrowing. At the closing price of 56sen today, the two lines have intercepted and the histogram has been shrinking and more encouragingly, today it is already resting flatly on the zero line.

6. Basing on the principle of MACD analysis this is a pattern that signal a trend reversal is imminent or about to happen and better day may be expected in the weeks to come.

7 The expending solid red histogram that measure the momentum has enormously shrunk. The fact that it has contracted to a flat bar and resting on the zero line indicates that the bears had overworked and showed sign of fatigue. This is indicative of a trend reversal is forthcoming. In the weeks to come the bears could be overcome and taken out.

8. The RSI has been trading at between the 32 and 35 point level. This is far below the 50 points neutral line. The recent decline has plunged the counter into the oversold region since 7th Dec 2023. Although it has remained in the oversold region and bearish for a prolonged period of time, the MACD analysis tells a different picture and indicates early sign of a trend reversal.

9. Hence, the recent bashed down price although painful has in fact opened up an opportunity for those with risk appetites to enter cheap in a big way.

10. This is my personal opinion of the counter and it is not a recommendation to buy or sell.
11. Trade wisely


2024-01-10 08:28 | Report Abuse

1.In addition to the dividend payment of 0.18, in May 2023, LHI has declared and announced 0.012 dividend in Nov 2023. The ex date is 11/1/24. In total LHI pays 3 sen dividend per share.
At the current price of 56 sen the dividend yield is 5.3% and that is 76.6% higher than your fixed deposit of 3%

2. While i did not check to verify whether LHI has a dividend policy,but considering that the 4Q running quarters EPS is 8.52sen, therefore the pay out ratio is an impressive 35.2%
3.Hence, the board of directors remains concern and thoughtful by rewarding its minority shareholders and sharing its prosperity.

4. It is still unknown why the Funds sold the shares and reduce its percentage holding despite the fact that LHI will report a significant jump in revenue and profit for the year ending 2023.
5. For the 9 months ending Sept 2023, the revenue and profit recorded for LHI were 7.11b and 220m respectively, Whereas, the full year performance for 2022 was only 218.89m.

6..In the process of running a business, companies do face problem. This is inevitable but the management is always there to resolve the matters, to react and respond to the even changing business environment.

7. As you are aware and it was announced yesterday, the company has initiated follow up action and apply to the court for a stay of execution for the infringement,and penalty

8. The MYCC penalty is just a storm in the tea cup as compare to the catastrophic even of pandemic, lock down, idle planes and total lost of business and revenue that has plunged Asia Asia into PN17

9. It is hope that this would inspire your confidence in LHI

10. This write up is not a recommendation to buy or sell but posted as a form of sharing and learning and a joyful past times

11. Happy trading and see how it goes today.


2024-01-09 11:41 | Report Abuse

1.On 29th Nov 2023 LHI was trading at its peak with intraday high of 72.5sen and closed at 68sen with a red candlestick. It continued in its decline and hit the bottom of 55sen days ago when market resumed trading after New year.

2. In the short period of a month, it has declined 17,5 sen or 24.1%. Considering that LHI has 3650m issued share capital, that means 3650x 0.175 or about 638.75m has been wiped out from its market capital.

3. What happens??
Well, LHI in a filing with Bursa has informed its shareholders that it has received a letter from MYCC and its decision to maintains its finding of price-fixing infringement with imposition of financial penalty of RM157,470,027
The company says it will apply for a stay of execution and would appoint legal representation to challenge the decision in court. All the best and best of luck in their endeavor.

4. What do you think and its the sudden and massive collapse and loss of 638m in market capital upon receiving the MYCC letter. Is it justifiable?
In my view market reacts negatively over bad data and economic news and more aggressively and irrationally over court case and imposition of penalty and fine.

5. In JHI case it was made worse by the disposal executed by Affinity Asia Pacific Fund.
In anyway, I think the sell out is huge and overdone. The loss of 638m in market capital is excessive and not representative of the case in which the proceeding has not even commenced.
6. LHI is involved in the poultry, animal feeds and many more activities related to the chicken breeding and selling industry. In the 9 months of operation, LHI reported increasing trend in revenue and profitability.
In the 1Q its revenue and profit was 2.1b and 22m. In the 2Q its revenue and profit was 2.4b and 65m. And in the 3Q its revenue and profit was 2.5b and a massive jump of 132m.

7. If the trend is anything to go by and one would expect the 4Q to be equally good and LHI would close the year 2023 with a remarkable and commendable performance.

8. In addition, the 1Q performance of 2024 that coincide with the Chiness New Year would generate huge demand for chicken and eggs during the festival session. Hence, it will be good as well.
9. Currentlt, at 56 sen LHI is trading at a 4- quarer running EPS of 8.52sen and a PE multiple of 6.5x. Considering LHI is among the largest breeder in Malaysia and in the region and considering the Bursa PE multiple is between 13.5x to 15x therefore LHI at 6.5x is unjustifiable.

10. in my opinion, the sudden collapse is unnecessary and overkill. It is not a threat instead it opens up an opportunity for you to enter big and cheap.

11. LHI is currently best fit the description of Warren Buffet. In his quote he said.
It is far better to buy a wonderful company at a fair price than a fair company at a wonderful price.
12. This is my personal perception of the counter and it is not intended in anyway to influence your investment decision and strategy and much less a recommendation to buy or sell.
13.Think about it. Happy Trading



2024-01-05 11:23 | Report Abuse

1.The efficient market hypothesis states that share price reflects all information of the company. Therefore price will remains at rest unless acted upon by new information.

2.Hence, recycling old news has significantly no value and misleading to investors.

3. Although it is a free world and anyone could write, I would refrain.


2024-01-03 18:29 | Report Abuse

1.Ekovest has decisively established a golden cross at 47 sen on 22/12/23. Golden cross is a bullish indicator and hence, the counter has been trending upwards with closing share price traded encouragingly above both the EMA lines.

2. The MACD line which is the difference between 12day and 26day exponential moving average has also cross over the 9 day signal lines. The gap between these two lines has widen and the momentum indicator as represented by the histogram has become larger and longer green histogram.
3. Technically,investors are bullish about the counter and buying momentum will persist and Ekovest is attempting to scale and conquer new height.

4. Happy trading


2023-12-30 21:06 | Report Abuse

1.This is in response to your recent posting.
Rich, this is what you have said. I copy and paste

**I will buy but I wait Feb 2024 just collect the cheap ticket. If ekovest want to profit and get dividends need to wait 2027. So no rush wait 0.25 just buy**

2.Ekovest has announced its 1Q result last month and the company has successfully turnaround after 2 years of losses due to the worldwide pandemic. The company reported 271m in revenue and a profit before tax PBT of 23.008m and a profit after tax of 3.083m.
3.The net profit was decimated by the current tax of 11.34m and a deferred tax of 9.022m. Notwithstanding the exorbitant tax , Ekovest has been able to generate profit from all segments of business and operations.

4.Specifically, the profit performance of Ekovest by segments according to its announcement in Bursa is as follows.

5.The profit generated by the construction operation is 45.6m. The toll operation contributed 46.069m, plantation 6.443m, property investment and others 2.233m. The company has insignificant and negligible losses form the property development segment as well as 1.35m loss from its food and beverages division.

6. In fact the company has demonstrated excellent recovery in all its business operation and achieved total segment results of 99.163m in profit.

7. Going forward and leading into 2024, ekovest remains optimistic in delivering positive financial results and is confident that each of the Group’s segments would contribute positively for the financial year ending June 2024. The excitement has just begun.

8.First, the sultan of Johor will be inaugurated to become Agong in Jan 2024. Plenty of investment and infrastructural developments are expected to happen in JB. Even before the completion of RTS in which Ekovest is the key player, there has been talks of 3 LRT form Iskandar, Senai and Mount Austin ending in the Bukit Chargar RTS. This would be a game changer for Ekovest , good for Johor state and benefit to the country's economy.

9. Second, the mega proposal by TSLKH in which Ekovest shall buy 70% of Credence would enable Ekovest to indirectly access to 4212 acres of land in the city center of Johor Bahru and the Iskandar region most likely along the planned LRT route. When this materializes, the GDV of ekovest is enormously huge and unthinkable. Even if it does not secure any future LRT projects,it still have the land for development along the route.

10. Third, the plan development of TOD2 and TOD3 in which I have previously emphasized would generate huge revenue and contribute positive earnings in the near future.
11. Forth, Ekovest has excellent and high quality concessionaires assets. It is the owner of the recently opened SPE tolled expressway. In additional it also owns 60% of DUKE 1,DUKE 2 with EPF holding the remaining 40%.

12. Once the mega proposal to reorganize, rationalize and merger of sisters companies is accepted, executed and completed, the most logical next step a businessman would do it the monetization of assets. Given a little time I believe Ekovest will shine and share price could shoot to the star.

13. Investment is about the future and driving forward with a vision and mission as in TSLKH's proposals. Unlike Realrich, who is repeatedly crying over Ekovest’s poor profit performance of 3m is already in the past And persistently harboring on it is like driving a car using the rear mirror. How good can it be?

14. The market does not anticipate any significant harmful impact arising from share dilution. The damage is fictional and an imaginary creation of Realrich.

15. Rich, People are tired and numb by you repeatedly humming on the same song.
Dilution Dilution Dilution.
You are not Taylor Swift. Are you??.

16. Hi Rich, many people in the forum say you are not smart. And you know you are not smart right, but just pretending to be smart by blowing your own trumpet.

16. I am encouraged by these people to close my write up and issue you an open competition and a friendly challenge. Here it is.

17. Rich, if Ekovest does not fall below 25sen by FEB 2024 in which you have claimed, than i am correct and you are wrong and you will have to write an apology for the sacrifices we have to endure all this while over the shit and nonsense you have posted.

Otherwise, my analysis is incorrect and you will not be ridicule again.

18. Let the share price be the judge.


2023-12-28 20:31 | Report Abuse

1.SCG has a spectacular rise from 28.5sen in June 2023 to hit an intra day high of 43.5sen in the end of December. In the 6 months period, the counter has soared remarkably more than fifty two percent. (43.5 - 28.5)/28.5 = 52.6%

2 , The company has 800m issued capital.For the 9M ending Sept it has generated 746m in revenue and 17.01m in profit. The accumulated earning per share EPS for the 9M is 2.13sen.

3.For the sake of analysis, let us simply annualized the EPS with this formula. Hence, the year end EPS is (2.13/3) x 4 is 2.87sen

4. The current bursa market PE consisting of the 30 largest companies by market cap is 13.5x. Therefore, if we assign the bursa PE multiple for SCG, than the year end share price of SCG should be 13.5x2.87 is 39sen.

5. SCG closed at 41.5sen today. At this price it is deem fully valued.

6 This is my short term and personal perception of the counter. It is not a recommendation to buy or sell but is intended as a sharing by providing an alternate view. It may or may not reflect the actual situation of the company.

Happy trading


2023-12-26 21:39 | Report Abuse

1.Today Ekovest opened with a bullish undertone and impressively gap up 1.5sen. During the trading session it hit an intraday high of 50sen and a low of 48.5 and closed remarkably at 49.5sen over comparatively huge volume of 35.9m shares.

2.The 9 day moving average has advanced upwards and moved from below to intercept the 26days moving average at 47sen. Two days ago, it was at the onset of forming a golden cross.

3.With the interception of the 2 moving average lines, Ekovest has decisively and successfully staged a Golden Cross at 47 sen. A golden cross is a chart pattern that is indicative of a bull market. And hence, more advancement in share price is reasonably expected technically.

4.The 14-day RSI Relative strength index which is technically a momentum indicator has advanced considerably from 45 points from a week ago to hit 55 points level last week has soared further to settle at 61.5 points at market close today. The positive sentiment and continued buying could possibly push the RSI into the oversold region beyond 75 points and stay elevated in the coming days.

5.Basing on the technical development plus the continued and persistent buying, the bulls in Ekovest could possibly conquer new territory and scale new height leading into 2024 and beyond.

Happy trading


2023-12-26 07:43 | Report Abuse

I appreciate your remarks which are unique and unusual. There are sensible advice with a touch of flattery, full of praise and compliments.

It is heartwarming to note someone actually read and find the material useful.
My posting is not a war of words but constructive criticism and more of a friendly shouting compitition in the forum.

Zazzyy, I am happy to learn that you stand by me.


2023-12-25 17:49 | Report Abuse

1 I have read your posting and I failed to understand and much less feel your anxiety and concern. For future reference and for the benefits of fellow readers, I have copied and pasted it hereunder.

2.DickyMe this is what you have said

***Ekovest political connection is gone.
Old man and gang have lost their power.
They say captains of sinking ship will drown with the ship.
No one can help them***.

3. To put it into prospective, by your expression, you are of the opinion that Ekovest is akin to a Titanic on a sinking mission. That literally means Ekovest will be insolvent, delisted and go into bankruptcy.

4.Now, let us examine what does it take to sink a ship according to the bursa listing requirements and Securities Commission listings guild lines

5. First, the company must have generated huge accumulated losses that trigger PN17. Even after it has been affected by PN17 the SC would allow the company one year to submit regularization plan. Should it require more time, it can request for an extension and further extension.

6. Let’s examine further. What are the criteria for PN17 in Bursa Malaysia?
The criteria for triggering PN17 are as follows. The shareholders ‘equity of the listed company on a consolidated basis is 25% or less of the share capital and such shareholders’ equity is less than RM40 million. This is the definition of a sunken ship.

7.Notice that, according to the latest 1st quarter announcement Ekovest has 1,256,139,000 share capitals and its total equity is 2,936,370,000. For Ekovest to sink, it must sustain 2,936,370,000 minus 40,000,000 =2,896,370,000 of future accumulated losses.
8.Hence, even if the management does nothing and the company lose 100m a year it will still take 29 years to sink the company. The number is so huge that it can withstand any economic and financial catastrophic phenomenon. Investors should not worry and need not lose any sleep.

9.This is a free world. Anybody can write and post it. But you must do it with responsibility.

10 Now, DickyMe it is your turn to explain and prove it with numbers Why Ekovest is
**a sinking ship and the captain of sinking ship will drown with the ship**

11. Be fair to Tan Sri and he certainly thinks otherwise.

Please enlighten us.


2023-12-24 14:37 | Report Abuse

1.We are not perturded by the layman remarks on ROCE and have no qualmn to continue in our buying spree in ekovest.
2. In fact we are fully aware that Ekovest is still a loss company post covid with negative EPS and negative PE.
3. These are history and it should not deter you and much less influence and alter your strategy and plan investment.
4. A less than attractive ROCE is just one out of many indicators in ratio analysis.
5 it has no bearing and impact on share price. It is like a pimple on a young and pretty face. Soon it will fade n disappear and looking great and gorgeous again.
5. Investment is about the future. The greatest catalyst that push up share price are future profit and earning growth.
6. In this sense, the fundamental of ekovest has enormously improved. The prospect has brighten and attracted huge investors' interests.
First, ekovest has a mega corporate exercise in which TSLKH would inject 1.14b of assets into the company.
Second, ekovest will hold Credence that in turn will hold IWB and IWCITY that has a land bank of 4212 acres in the iskandar region and the city centre of JB.
3. Ekovest will acquire 15.83 acres of land in city centre and develop TOD2 n TOD3 along the RTS which would generate enormous potential profit.
4 these are some of the things and many more we do not know which ekovest will do to improve its earnings in the coming days and years.
5. Ekovest has high quality and value assets. You see, MRCE that own the johor EDL merely 7km and not even collecting toll fee is already braging so loud about its possession.
If you are not aware Ekovest has 3 expressways. Duke1 and Duke2 and SPE. They remain hamble and quiet about it. Someday when they take steps to monetise the highway, you will be shock by its value.
6. Roughly, the DCF of the 3 highways according to one IB analyst is about 10b. If you minus the debts 5.3b and divide it by 2965m share, the value per share from the highway is RM1.49.
7.Are you still afraid and frighten of ROCE?

8. There is no need to worry and be discouraged. Only fools and idoits plus the Realrich one would be intimidated and chicken out.

9. I will still go to the count down tonight and have a good time. And you should too.


2023-12-23 07:10 | Report Abuse

The rich posting has no content and substance but purely nonsense and nuisance is a mindless vandalism to the forum.
2. We accept the apology from the thoughtless celebrity.


2023-12-21 21:08 | Report Abuse

1. In the past, the shareholders of SCG were mainly unknown consisting of Ah kow, Ahmad and Samy without any hedge funds, financial institutions or high net worth individuals.
2.Dato has finally come to his sense and realize that he alone cannot do much and for the share price to move he needs the help of someone with deep pockets. The company must improve the quality of its shareholders with high profile anchor investor/s and much better from the institutions.

2. The most significant corporate development in SGC over the past weeks had been the disposal of 38m shares on 17/11/23 and 25m shares on 24/11/23 by Segamat Handal Sdn Bhd in the off-market transactions.

3. While we do not know the name of the new investors , they certainly created great confidence and generated enormous interest in the counter. SCG is heated up with volume and persistent rise in share price. This time it is real.

4. SCG is a key player and leader in the cable manufacturing business. A lot has been said and discussed in my previous posting and i shall not repeat it again here.

5 SCG is a long term fundamental value investing stock. Allow it some time to realize and maximize its full potential. We intend to stay invested

6. Someday your endurance and perseverance will be handsomely rewarded.
Happy trading


2023-12-21 19:10 | Report Abuse

1.Ekovest closed 1 sen higher at 48sen over 27m shares traded. This number is comparatively lower than the volume of 64.7m shares traded 2 days ago. Today is T2 for the 64m shares and a lower volume explains clearly that there is no sell down or very limited contra transactions. Most of the buyers paid and picked up the shares.

2. In addition, there is evidence of fresh buying and the counter close higher in the green region. This is a sign of investors’ confidence and commitment to the counter.

3. Technically, as at today 20/12/23, the 9-day moving average is 46.83 sen. Investors are serious and bullish about ekovest and in last 10 trading days the closing share prices had consistently closed above the 9 day moving average line as shown in the candlesticks technical chart.

4.The 14-day RSI Relative strength index which is technically a momentum indicator has advanced considerably from 45 points from a week ago to hit 55 points level at market close today. It is only slightly above the neutral line of 50 and the strength of buying momentum could push it higher and probably would conquer new territory possibly in the 70 point level in the coming days or weeks. Hence, the RSI has provided a buying signal and a precious opportunity have emerged.

5.The 9 day and 26 day EMA is now at the inception or starting to establish and form a golden cross. Considering the huge improvement in buying interest, its volume and volatility, I believe the short term moving average will rise above the long term moving average in the coming days.

6. I view this technical development from the candle sticks chart as a strong signal and pattern indicative of a bull market. Better days for Ekovest are yet to come.

7. Those who have risk appetite would buy at the onset of golden cross whereas those who are not so adventurous would wait for the formation of golden cross and buy at higher price.
8.The choice is yours
Happy trading.


2023-12-21 08:46 | Report Abuse

Silly and irresponsible remarks. Stop monkeying around.
I will not reciprocate from hereon.


2023-12-20 17:21 | Report Abuse

I have never said IWcity will be delisted. This is your irresponsible remarks that again and again reflects your disgusting behavior and despicable characters.


2023-12-16 23:26 | Report Abuse

1.Rich everyday you write irresponsibly and post them without facts and numbers and much less logic and intelligence. People are laughing and you still don't get it. Many had tried in vain to help and teach you. You are simply unteachable. I pity you.

2. Rich you cannot be more silly when you wrote and posted this. I copy and paste

**Any news who attended the AGM let us know if proposal everything rejected. I will buy. If proposal agreed I will wait 50% diluted at 0.23**

This is AGM annual general meeting. It deals with all the ordinary resolutions and ordinary resolution just need a simple majority which means TS alone plus a few votes from his friends is enough to make the resolutions carried and adopted.
The question of rejection does not arise.
Your question is as good as asking Realrich is your mother a woman?.

3. The AGM has nothing to do with The Proposal. It is a mega corporate exercise that requires an EGM. Your question truly reflect your ignorance and zero knowledge about Bursa listing requirement. In addition, the proposal has been accepted by the various companies and TSLKH already has a legally binding agreement.

The companies will undertake due diligence and enter into a definitive agreement. IB will submit proposal to SC. When the approval is obtained, company will prepare circular fix EGM to obtain shareholders' approval. This would be the working process.

4. Rich, your postings show that you know nothing about corporate matters. Hence, it is far better for you to remain quiet and be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubts, a famous professor would say.

5. Rich, Your now famous one line is always and invariably 50% dilution and share price would fall to 23 sen. You are a one-trick pony with only one special talent.,The proposal was announce on 27th Sept and in a few more days it would be 3 months. None of your assertion is good and it has yet to come true. Share price is as stubborn as your character. The former has not fallen much and the latter has not changed much.

6. Rich, you possess mosquito minds, shallow and small and you are incapable of understanding the rationale behind the proposal initiated by TSLKH and its ultimate objectives. You do not speak the language of business, unable to recognize value and mistaken diamond for a stone. You obviously did not read the proposal, unable to understand and much less appreciate the enormously huge effort expended to generate the master piece.

7. The proposal is to reorganize rationalize and mergers of sister companies. It is absolutely necessary and a valuable vehicle to unlock the value of land bank and to monetize the value of its great assets specifically the highway subsequently.

8.Rich you don't have and much less understand corporate minds and the working mechanism of big business. It is not rocket science and it does not take a genius to understand that Ekovest is the chosen company among the rest in which TS shall bet and place his money. It takes education and knowledge of OT and OB to appreciate the proposal.

9. Your understanding of organization theory OT is seriously lacking and you study on organization behavior OB has been acutely neglected.

Digest it


2023-12-16 18:34 | Report Abuse

1.Ekovest is a counter designated for RSS and IDSS.

2. Last Friday on 8/12/23 the net shot position of Ekovest was 14,991,865 shares. This week the net shot position was 13,494,465. The published information and data indicated that the operators had undertaken shot covering and acquired back 1,497,400 shares.

3. The implication of shot covering endeavor by the operators of RSS and IDSS signified the price has bottom and stabilized in the immediate term. It is now forming a strong base price at 46 sen and above,

4. Notice, that even the shot sellers had turned bullish. Someday they will be taken out and share price will move upwards and sustain at elevated level.

5.Therefore in 3 months time or by 16th Mar 2024, Ekovest will not go down to 23sen. It is so ludicrous and laughable. Avoid being a clown, you will not succeed in turning the forum into a circus.

5.Instead, it could possibly add 23sen to close at 69sen when the proposal goes smoothly according to plan.

6.Hence, be bold and courageous when the Rich are coward and intimidated.

Happy Trading


2023-12-14 09:18 | Report Abuse

May your investment prosper and portfolio flourish.


2023-12-14 08:42 | Report Abuse

I am glad to know that you have enjoyed reading my posting.
Hope it helps.
Happy trading


2023-12-13 22:33 | Report Abuse

1.Ekovest soared to the recent height of 61.5sen in late September 2023. Following its announcement of a mega corporate exercise to reorganize, rationalize and mergers of sisters companies, the counter experience a drastic and enormous fall.

2. Share price has retracted sharply to bottom at 43.5sen or about 30% correction on 7/12/23 from its recent height and bounce back encouragingly following some good news on the progress of RTS and an unexpected quarterly small profit in its filing with bursa while many had anticipated a loss quarter.

3.The counter has heated up with volume and volatility and now is still struggling to form a solid base price at 45sen and above. What would happen from hereon? Let's analyse by using the numbers and facts from the proposal initiated by TSLKH.

4.The proposal has been accepted by the BOD of various concerned companies and TS now has a legally binding agreement.
5 Specifically, Ekovest will buy 70% of Credence at 1.14b and Ekovest shall issue 1.9b new shares at the consideration price of 60sen

6.Next Ekovest will buy 2 pieces of land about 15.4acre from DCM and KMSB for 310m and issues 516m new share also at the consideration price of 60sen
7. The corporate exercise would enlarge its current share capital from 2965m shares to 1900+516+2965 = 5381m

8 The market capital on the announcement day plus the assets injection would be the total value of the company.
8 So, the value per share will be the total value divided by the enlarged capital. Hence
[1719+(1140+310 ) ] / 5381 = 58.8 say 59sen

9 The market value of an assets will be valued and determined by professional valuer. Traditionally, the market will apply a discount to the assets injection.

10 For the worse case scenario when a 30% discount is applied to the injected asset, the
value per share would be [1719+(1140+310 )x 0.7 ] / 5381 = 50.8. say 51 sen

11 From hereon the company will conduct due diligence, prepares definitive agreement, submit proposal to SC and bursa for approval, prepare circular fix EGM to obtain shareholders' approval and then implementation and execution of the entire proposal.

12. This will take time and i believe share price will gradually move back to 59sen according news flow and development.
13. The excitement begins and value enhancement will take place after the completion of the reorganization, rationalization and mergers of subsidiaries companies and when all the shares or 51% of the enlarged share capital of Ekovest is in the name of TS.

14. Number one ekovest through its acquisition of Credence will hold substantial stake in IWB and IWCITY. In its filing with bursa and according to the proposal, IWH has 3250 acres of strategic land bank mainly located in the city center of Johor Bahru and IWCITY has 962 acres of land bank in Johor. The total land bank is 3250 + 962 = 4212 acres.

15. I am not a professional so i cannot figure out what is the value of 4212 acres of land. Perhaps you already knew Sunway only has 3308 acres of land and the GDV gross development value assigns to it is Rm53b. Now you do the math for Ekovest.

16. Next the 2 pieces of land acquire from DCM and KMSB in the vicinity of RTS are used for the development of TOD2 and TOD3. The RTS is a 1.98b project currently under construction by Ekovest and others. The value of TOD is currently not known but would be huge.
17. The value of Ekovest is in the Expressway DUKE1 DUKE2 and SPE.
EPF has a 40% stake in DUKE1,2 whereas SPE is 100% owned.

18. According to analyst report from UOB a month ago, the value of DUKE and SPE is 4557m and 5170m respectively on a DCF basis. Ekovest has MTN about 5.3b so in simplicity the net value of the expressway is 9727 -5300 = 4427m

19. Therefore the value per share just from the expressway alone is 4427/2965 = Rm1.49

20. This is my personal perception and opinion of the counter and the company and it is written and posted as a hobby and past times. It is intended as a basis for sharing, learning and earning together.

Happy trading


2023-12-11 19:24 | Report Abuse

1.Everybody in Ekovest is partying this morning,except one who is really rich.

2.All of us have sadly discovered, we can't teach a donkey how to dance.

3.The night is still young and the music is still glaring. It could still amaze and amuse you again with its violent kicks of nonsense, fictions and imaginative creation in its next donkey posting.

4. Believe in the great fundamental change of Ekovest and trust your own research and analysis.
5 Beware of hard working mule. Not to follow him.
The best he can find are hay and grass.

6. Invest wise and steadfastly.


2023-12-11 16:19 | Report Abuse

Do not be overly discouraged. Profit from the lesson. Sell out,cut loss and move on.
Best wishes n happy trading


2023-12-11 11:46 | Report Abuse

1.Mudajaya is still continuing on its long term decline. There is no light at the end of the tunnel.
2.It is still struggling with its challenge to raise fund to pay off debts.
3. In the end the enlarged share capital could possibly balloon to 3b shares. It will hurt the EPS and hence the long term share price.
4. Investors would have to endure some scorching heat and brutal cold. The right issue will dampen company sentiment and share price.
5. all the best
Trade wisely


2023-12-09 11:27 | Report Abuse

You are like Warren Buffet who enjoys watching grass grows and his partner Charlie Munger who is excited watching paints dry.

2. There is nothing wrong with the strategy. It is a sacrify one has to endure to see her investment grows.
3 Happy trading.


2023-12-06 09:22 | Report Abuse

1.SDS has a spectacular rise from 25 sen and peak at 96sen in Mar 2023 on news for its transfer from the ACE market to the main market of Bursa.
2. After a blown out rally it started to correct itself and in July it has built a strong base at the support price of 58sen. Over the 4 months sds has soared an impressive
(71.5/58)= 23%
3.If you are among those of us who have longed the counter, you are better off today than you were yesterday.

4.Considering, that sds is a cyclical stock and its profit performance traditionally peaked in the 2nd Quarter that captured the mid autumn festival sales, it is therefore, not a bad
idea to take advantage of the rally and benefit from it.

5. SDS aspires to enlarge its manufacturing capacity and plan to open 3 cafes annually. While we appreciates its long term strategies, it is nevertheless not expected to experience explosive earning growth in the near term.

6. Hence, Sds will be a short term trading stock.
Happy trading.


2023-12-04 11:47 | Report Abuse

1.Yes, you are correct. Just like what the market has expected, SDS reported substantial rise in revenue and profit in the 2nd quarter that captured the raising sales during the moon cake festival.

2.In about 2 months SDS has recovered from a low of 58sen in Oct to 69sen early this morning. During this period it has soared (69/58) an impressive 19%

3.SDS has declared 0.006 sen dividend and the dividend Ex date is on the 8/12/23

4.For the 2nd quarter sds achieved 84m in revenue and a profit after tax of 9.4m as compare to the preceding quarter of 71m and 4.9m respectively.

5. The counter is now trading at a PE multiple of 11x
6. It has attracted some buying interest. Volume has increased and share price has inched up.
It is hope that the momentum will persist and the continued buying could sustain the price at an elevated level.
7. All the best and
Happy trading


2023-12-03 21:36 | Report Abuse

1.It is a futile adventure and a fruitless endeavor in trying to explain how cold is snow in the winter to a worm that lives in the summer and dies early in autumn.

2.Likewise, for someone with a shallow mind will never understand the complexities of business in ekovest and much less its enormously huge potential and value. You will never comprehend.

3. I will not waste anymore time and this would be my last unkind, inconsiderate and harsh remarks on you.
4.I wish you well in your investment journey and all the best in the search of knowledge and wealth.
5. Happy trading


2023-12-02 23:11 | Report Abuse

1.Several years ago major shareholders of Mudajaya sold out and a Taiwanese tycoon called Jerry acquired a hugely substantial block of shares and embarked on a journey to reorganize, restrategize, refocus and revive the company.

2. Since than it has made many attempts to energize the company to improve the business operation, generate cash flow, strength of balance sheet, settle some debts and reduce its gearing,

3 The company has several years ago undertaken a fund raising exercise to pay debts and improve working capital.
4 With the new management, there had been some improvements in some quarters announcement with raising revenue and contribution. However, revenue and profit were erratic and inconsistent.

5. Over the years it has undertaken a massive geographical expansion and penetrated into china by acquiring Real Jade a cement company.

6 The acquisition cost for Real Jade was HK400m or about RM240m. Real Jade has begun and managed to contribute in some small way to the bottom line of Mudajaya.

7 Just as the market begins to see a green shoot of recovery in mudajaya, it announced a shocking news a week ago.

8. Apparently, the company is still owing the vendor of real jade RM119M and with added interest payment has ballooned to 127m. Mudajaya is having a tough time and facing a great challenge to repay the remaining acquisition cost.

9 Hence, it has announced a corporate exercise outlining a proposed variation and propose right issue with warrants to address the acquisition cost and debts problems

10 In the proposal, the seller has agreed to accept RM72m in cash and the remaining Rm55m in shares with consideration price at 22 sen or 250m new shares.

11. The company will offer 1 right issue for every 4 share held at an issued price of 17sen. For every right share subscribed, one would rewarded with a free warrant. The conversion price is 22 sen

12. In general, corporate exercise of fund raising through right issue is bad news. The fact that the fund raise is used to pay off debts makes it worse.
However, since its announcement, share price surprisingly still manage to hold on resiliently.

13.Mudajaya has issued share capital of 1875m. It will issue 531m right shares. it will also issue 250m consideration share to the vendor. The vendor will also subscribe 62.5m right shares and upon conversion of new warrant ,531m shares will be added and the total enlarged share capital would ballooned to 1875+531+250++62.5+531 =2999m

14 The enlarged capital would have a severely huge burden and seriously damaging to the EPS and the future share price.

15. The cement industry and business in china and to some extend Real Jade could possibly affected by the negative sentiment in the property and construction sector caused by Evergrander , country garden.

16. Mudajaya closed at 16,5sen last Friday. The reason why it did not fall much could partly because the right share has been priced at 17sen. If it allowed to fall to far below 17sen , than the right share will not be attractive. Existing shareholders will not subscribe to the right shares. The fund raising exercise will fail. Vendor will not be paid and there will be consequences.

17. This is the recent development in Mudajaya.
The company is still facing issues and challenges.
Can Jerry pull through? Would you stay invested. The choice is yours.

18. Hope it helps. Happy trading


2023-12-02 20:40 | Report Abuse

1.YES and strongly agree.
He is an insanely deranged imbecile who writes nonsense, untruth and misleading rubbish

2.This is a copy and paste version of his shamelessly brainless posting.

***But ekovest don't have real develop project. If they do some real things I maybe will support you***

3.Notice that Tan Sri said in the notes to the accounts ON PAGE 6 of the 1st quarter result announcement on Bursa days ago. He said,

***The revenue maintains stable as compared to 1Q
2023 as our Rapid Transit System Link (“RTS Link”) projects are progressing steadily.***

4.This real rich people is always fantasizing with and boosting about his s.k.p skinny kinky prostitute and absolute ignorant of the fact that Ekovest is the contractor for the JB-Singapore RTS link that is now 55% completed.

5 Work will go on until 2026 and is expected to open in Jan 2027. It will commute 10,000 passengers per hour each way.

6. The JB-Singapore RTS link is one of the biggest and hottest infrastructure in the states. Every other weeks there is update and write up in the press.
One must be mad and insane to claim ekovest has no project.

7. All Investors are proud to be associated with ekovest whose name and logo is a symbol of strength and trust.

7 Have a nice weekend.


2023-12-01 12:35 | Report Abuse

1.The forum is for sharing,learning and earning together. Hilariously, for someone who is Really Rich, every time he writes, he become famous as a clown. While many have definitely found his posting entertaining and amusing, they are nevertheless, misleading, inappropriate and downright disrespectful to the company and its investors.

2. To set the record straights Ekovest is not a PN17 company that you have irresponsibly claimed. On the contrary it has Rm1.165b reserve, investment fund 225m, short term deposit of 315m and cash balance of 89m.

3. Ekovest did not suffer losses continuously for 10 years as you have mindlessly claimed. Just like most companies during the covid years, ekovest sustained temporary losses in a few quarters and according to yesterday's announcement has triumphantly turned around with a small profit. For someone who constantly wish for pain and discomfort for others, and a strong passion to sell ekovest to fall from 50s to 15s you must be sadly disappointed for being deprived of the sadistic satisfaction.

4. You truly do not know EPF does not own DUKE highway. This is an assertion coming from some Really Rich guy who has too much alcohol. EPF paid 1.13b to acquire 40% of DUKE highway in 2010. This means 14 years ago just DUKE1 is already worth 2.82b.

5. When the alcohol fades and the hangover is gone and you become sober, kindly honor and respect the hard work of ymtan. Heed his advice, do your home work and post responsibly about Ekovest with facts and numbers and stop being a prolific liar. Tan Sri would not appreciate it. If you are his mistress, he would kick your ass and give you a mouth full.
6.There are many more misleading, misrepresentation, twist and distortion of facts in the Real Rich postings. You can read them but try not to waste too much time with it.

6. Dear friends and followers let us end this posting with a meaningful and joyful remarks to instill some confidence. The Setiawangsa - Pantai Expressway previously known as DUKE3 that is 100% owned by Ekovest and has been opened and tolled free for a month since Nov 2023. The grace period has ended. For its many years of remarkable and commendable devotion and hard work, today Ekovest can officially begin toll collection. It can go on for 53 years.
7. Tell the rich guy not to distort and twist the fact.
8. Happy trading


2023-11-18 12:35 | Report Abuse

1. Do you think Ekovest will fall from 50s to 15s?.

Stock market and share trading are not mathematical and engineering science. If you add 100 to 200 it must be 300 mathematically. Any other numbers are incorrect. You can drive a train at 300km per hour from KL and will reach JB in 1 hr 5 min and 40sec accurately. That is engineering science. Water will boil at 100 degree, not 99 and neither nor 101. In all these cases and many many more the outcome are known and expected precisely and accurately. This is engineering science.

3. Conversely, share trading is an art. Millions of people trade in the stock market and they buy and sell for thousand of reasons. The parameters that influence trading behaviors are huge, varied and uncontrollable. Some are consumed by greed, others are overwhelmed with fear. They are those who are irrational and impulsive, adventurous and risk seeking. Many are opportunistic and optimistic and some like Real is really pessimistic. Other factors include country and political risk. Sector outlooks and industry attractiveness company fundamentals and the list goes on.

4.Hence the outcome of a corporate exercise affecting share price are not known and expected or determined because share trading is not engineering science. For the same reason a proposal to reorganize , rationalize and merger of sister companies that result in a bigger entity with enlarged share capital in Ekovest may not necessarily dilute share price.

5. Notice that slightly more than a month ago, Ekovest issued 10% or 269m new shares at 43.5 sen to raise Rm117.27m and enlarged the share capital from 2690m to 2965m shares.

5. By conventional and REAL argument, the price must fall owing to share enlargement and dilution. On the contrary, following the fund raising and increase in share capital, price of ekovest did not dilute and fall . Instead it moved up from 43s to 50s to 55s and hit a height of 61s before it retracted and now building a strong base at 50s and above which is a far cry away from 43.5s. Why? Share trading is not engineering science.

6. Let's deviate momentarily and look at Capital A formally Airasia. During the covid years it lost more than RM7b and now has negative NTA of Rm2.01 per share and fell into PN17. Technically, the company has gone burst and insolvent. Again by conventional and REAL argument it should by down to 0.005s. Yet Airasia is hovering strongly at 80s and above. Why? Again, share trading is not engineering science. It is about investors' perception on the prospect and future of the company.

7. Now, the proposal has been accepted and TSLKH has a legally binding agreement and set it in motion. It is well received with excitement and anticipation.
Hence, Ekovest falling from 50s to 15s is highly improbable.

8.In the unlikely event that it is sliding down manipulatively, you can be assured that there would be damage control and strike back. Look at it this way. When you have a new car you would exercise great care to prevent it from scratches. When you have a new house you would equip and secure it against theft. That is how much you would protect your interest and love your assets.

9.Now when he owns a company with billion of shares in Ekovest and someone is going to burn it down by program selling to plunge it from 50 to 15 sen, don't expect Tan Sri to sit still. You have touched a live wire. And it has consequences.

He will mobilize all his friends and cronies, advisors and experts, financial and resources and walk in the corridor of power and use all the experience and skill of a shrewd businessman to take you on and teach you a REAL lesson you would never forget.
Prepare to be hurt. There will be broken bones and blood spilt figuratively.

10. In my layman opinion, it is safe to follow through the proposal,
ride on the free wagon and profit from it.
Happy trading


2023-11-16 14:40 | Report Abuse

1.The accounts of Ekovest are audited, verified and accepted to be true and fair with no qualifying statement by internationally renowned professionals and auditors. To say otherwise, is misleading and malicious.

2 In your closing statement which I copy and paste.
This is what you said
***But ekovest already 10 years more accumulated losses if want to become retained earning need to net off previous 10 years more accumulated losses. So I am saying if need to turn to positive returns earning need 15 years***

3. Had you read the accounts of ekovest, in the latest quarterly announcement in Bursa, you would have noticed that on the contrary, Ekovest has Share capital Rm1,138,871,000 (1.13b) and attributable retained earnings of 1,084,249,000 (1.08b) Yes, the company has retained earning 1.08b
By your expression, you have purposely created an untrue impression and statement of account of Ekovest that is misleading, damaging and vicious just because you dislike the counter. This is not the second times.

4. You write irresponsibly without facts, logic and basis. You elementary function as a worthy forumer in i3 to provide fair representations and accurate status is ghastly and horrendously neglected.

5 Had you post similar question at the AGM of Ekovest, the accountant will be angry with you. The auditor and the accounting fraternity will laugh at you. Tan sri would probably say he will not waste any time to enlighten small fly which hang around in toilet what bee does in the garden of Ekovest and Bursa. It is difficult for bee to explain to fly and make them understand why honey is better than shit.

6. Incidentally, in another posting you wrote and i copy and paste.
Here it is.
**But ekovest already 10 years more accumulated losses if want to become retained earning need to net off previous 10 years more accumulated losses. So I am saying if need to turn to positive returns earning need 15 years at least**

7. Ekovest was listed in 2003 and it has been continuing in business for 20 years since its debut in bursa. During these period Ekovest had a consecutive profit track record for 18 out of the 20 years. The company only recorded losses in 2022 and 2023 owing to complete lock down in the covid years with little revenue and income from the DUKE highway and construction. This is not surprising because most companies suffered losses in the covid years. Try not to hit too hard on a management that works hard.

8.As much as i respect you and your posting, i have begun to notice that despite your first name, yet many of the things you share in the forum is not Real but inventive and creative. This must stop for your own good and well being.

9.It is not a bad idea to heed the advice of a famous philosopher in which he said and i quote.
It is better to remain quiet and be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubts.
10.Think about and happy trading


2023-11-14 21:39 | Report Abuse

1.There are four 4 proposals initiated by TSLKH in his highly ambitious endeavor to reorganize, rationalize and merger of sisters companies. Besides, TSLKH, the companies involved are Ekovest Bhd, Ekovest construction sdn bhd, Knusford, IWCity, IWB,Credence SLP and others I may have omitted.

2.Let's talk about Ekovest and why?.Because in the end when the proposal and massive corporate exercise is completed this is the company in which Tan Sri has chosen to place and bet his money.
3 At the time of writing, Ekovest has issued share capital of 2965m shares, NTA of 0.86 and the closing price is 50sen.
4 The proposal entails and agrees that Ekovest shall buy 70% of Credence from TSLKH private company values at Rm1.14b or thereabout.

5 The method of payment involves Ekovest issuing 1900m new share to TSLKH at the consideration price of 60sen.
6. Next Ekovest will buy 2 parcel of lands about 15 acres along or adjacent Bukit Chargar for Rm310m. Again, the method of payment involves Ekovest issuing 517m new shares to the vendor or friendly party at the consideration price of 60sen.

7. In the end the enlarged share capital of Ekovest will be
2965m + 1900m + 517m = 5382m

8 We all know at its onset, TSLKH has 33% of issued shares or 2965 x 0.33 is 978m shares. Post proposal and upon completion of the massive corporate exercise TSLKH will have 978m + 1900m = 2878m shares. He will effectively hold 53% of the enlarged capital and new entity.

9. In one master stroke he has consolidated his position with a lion share and has a firmer grip in the company. Without the proposal, it will take up to eternity to acquire 1.9b new shares. Credits must be accorded to his team of advisors for the ingenious plan. And this in itself is sufficiently enough for us to follow and invest with the rich and famous and where they put their money.

10 Again to the skeptical, faint hearted who lack courage who also has a self fulfilling hypothesis that the enlarged share capital will dilute and collapse the share price from 50s to 15s is in fact a self indulgence and unrealistic fantasy. Here is why?

11. The NTA of Ekovest is 86 sen. TSLKH has strangely and reluctantly accepted the consideration price at 60sen. That is 70% P/BK value or 30% discount and than suffer another 10sen lower than the market price at 50sen.

12. One must be insane to even assume that TSLKH would sell any new shares to depress the market price further. Bear in mind , in the whole scheme of thing, all the shares are allotted to TSLKH or company and no other person. So, if he does not sell, the price will not fall.

13. To the existing shareholders, you will suffer percentage shareholding dilution because the number of shares will be enlarged by 2417m. Hence, your percentage shareholding in ekovest will reduce. On the contrary, TSLKH shareholding will consolidate from 33% to 53%.

14 Let's try to calculate the reference price RF on x date if there is an Ex - date which i doubt.
RF =[ (2965m X 0.5) + (1900m +517m) x 0.6 ] / 5382 ]= 54.5sen

15.This is the reference price and it is different from the market price. Hence, it does not mean that on the next day price will be adjusted upwards. The market price is determined by the natural forces of demand and supply. The equilibrium price is to a large extend will be base on the fundamental of the company that will determine the intrinsic value of the company.

16. In anyway it is unlikely that the price will collapse to 15 sen owing to share dilution in which someone has so confidently determined without basis and logic.

17. Your assumption is unwittingly reckless and somewhat insulting to the many funds and institutions that continued to stay invested and belittling to the transformation endeavor of TSLKH to bring Ekovest to a celebrity star status.

18 The attractiveness and intrinsic value of ekovest is believe to come from its DUKE123 expressway. In 2013 or 10 years ago, EPF paid Rm1.13b to acquire 40% of DUKE12. According to one investment bank DUKE12 is worth approximately 7600m and Ekovest's 60% stake is value at 4560m. In addition, the newly completed DUKE3 and just opened for traffic last week is 100% owned by ekovest and it is worth 5170m.

19. If this is accepted as a measure of value, than the concessionaires assets of ekovest is worthed Rm9.73b. Ekovest has borrowings and medium term note of 5.46b. Hence,the net value of expressway is 4.27b. Basing on the current issued shares of 2965m the expressway alone is valued at RM1.44 per share

20. It will take time for this value to be reflected in the share price. No one knows when. I am of the opinion that it will happen slowly, safely and surely.

20. This is my personal and layman expression of the counter and it is written and posted as a hobby and pastimes and in no way intended to influence your investment decision and strategy.

Happy trading


2023-11-11 18:36 | Report Abuse

1. The proposals had been accepted and TSLKH had a legally binding agreement and set it in motion.
2. To the one who is skeptical , faint hearted and lack courage, exercise your reasoning power and cognitive skill.
3. Look at it this way. A beautiful face could also come with a mole. Don't be obsessed and overly criticized the tiny black dot. Look at the face in its totality. There are forehead, eyes, nose, mouth, teeth and cheeks that make up the gorgeous face. If the proposal to reorganize, rationalize and merger of sister companies is akin to a face, TSLKH will not do anything to distort and disfigure it.
4. And likewise, share dilution could be the tiny black dot in the huge proposals of TSLKH to reorganize, rationalize and to merge sisters companies to become a respected conglomerate ,A seasoned investor will not be a coward and intimidated by a tiny black spot. Are you?
5. Happy trading


2023-11-11 18:00 | Report Abuse

1.There is little quality and much less value in the securities perception and expression coming from the self- imposed professional who can't even tell the difference between paragraph 8.03 and practice note 17.

2. Be careful with who you follow and invite into your securities analysis and stock picks. If you invite and follow a clown, your portfolio will turn upside down.

3. The blind should not lead the blind.
Follow wisely N happy trading


2023-10-29 18:49 | Report Abuse

1. The proposal by Tan Sri entailed the reorganization, rationalization, merger of ECSB-Knusford, the acquisition by Ekovest of Credence a major shareholders of IWB and IWCity that own large plot of prime land in strategic locations at the Iskandar region with huge gross developmental value.
2.One of the proposals involves the merger of Knusford - ESCB a subsidiary of Ekovest Bhd.
ESCB is the construction outfit of Ekovest and it owns various properties, malls and hotels.
3.The value of ESCB has been fixed at a willing buyer willing selling basis at Rm450m and not 500m+. In addition, it will not involve cash payment but via a share swap. No cash involve the proposal entailed.
4.Ekovest has agreed in the binding agreement to accept an equivalent of Rm450m value in the numbers of new shares in Knusford for the merger. The price of share consideration has been fixed and mutually agreed at 60 sen

5. Prior to the Merger, Knusford will undertake a share split of 2 shares for 1 existing share and a bonus issue simultaneously. Thereafter, upon the completion of shares split and bonus, the merger will than proceed.
6. Knusford has 99m issued shares capital. Say 100m. It has NTA net tangible assets per share of Rm2.16

7. Because Knusford is a loss making company, it is inappropriate to value knusford base on earning multiple. Hence they relied on the value of NTA and aim at capitalizing its value through a split plus a bonus issue to the extend that the enlarged capital will arrive at a NTA per share of 60 sen.

8 Knusford now has 100m shares and a 2 for 1 split would enlarge the issued share capital to 200m and NTA reduce to Rm1.08. It is the intention of the company to enlarge the share capital to the extend that the NTA is 60sen or equal to the consideration shares
9.Hence the total number of share can be calculated as follows. That is 200m x1.08 divided by 0.6 is 360m shares. After the split it has 200m shares and after capitalization on NTA the maximum possible share enlargement is 360m.

10. Therefore the bonus shares can be as much as 160m bonus shares. So they can possibly announce a ratio 160 : 200 or 4 bonus for 5 existing shares.

11. Next kunsford will buy ECSB by issuing new shares. For the sake of discussion let us just use the last friday closing price of 84sen. Therefore, the number of new considering share to be issued to Ekovest Bhd will be 450m x 0.6 divided by 0.84 is 321m of knusford shares.

12 The total enlarged shares capital will be 360m + 321m = 681m

13. I believe the share split and bonus shares could improve market perception, liquidity and volume and generate positive buying interest for knusford.

14. This is my personal perception of the counter and the effect of its proposal.
I am not an expert and I analyse for personal enjoyment. I could be completely wrong. So take it with a pinch of salt and reserve any criticism.
Happy trading


2023-10-28 23:10 | Report Abuse

.IWCITY is affected by paragraph 8.03A of the main market listing requirement.
This is different from PN 17 which means a company has accumulated losses with shareholders' equity less than 25% of capital.
IWCity has 734m in equity.

Extract from the bursa announcement
On 17 March 2022 and 22 March 2022 respectively, the Company received emails from Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad (“Bursa Securities”) referring to the announcement made by the Company on the latest quarterly report on consolidated results for the financial year ended 31 December 2021 (“Q4/2021 Results”) which has requested the Company to perform an immediate assessment and reassessment respectively on whether IWCity had triggered Paragraph 8.03A of the Main Market Listing Requirement of Bursa Securities (“MMLR”), in particular Paragraph 8.03A (7)(b)(i), and ensure compliance in relation thereto where necessary (“Bursa Requests”).


2023-10-28 22:20 | Report Abuse

1.On page 17 of the proposal there is an organization chart that clearly indicates Tan Sri current shareholdings in Ekovest is 33% and not 18%

2. Post completion of the corporate exercise as shown on page 18, Tan Sri will have 51% of Ekovest.
3.With the proposal that entails the reorganization, rationalization and merger of ECSB and Knusford , IWB IWCITY ,Tan Sri has apparently consolidated all his investment into the conglomerate status of new Ekovest.

4. To make it simple and without analyzing any further the massively complex and Tan Sri mega proposal to monetize the assets,just follow the rich and smart where he put his money.
5 Following the announcement on 27th Oct and establishment of a legally binding agreement with respective companies, One may want to take a chance with calculated risk on Ekovest.
6. I do not presently have any share in Ekovest but this could change in the days/ weeks to come.
6. Happy trading


2023-10-28 21:41 | Report Abuse

IWcity has shareholders' equity of 737.4m
The company has 1.36b in current assets and current liabilities of only 308m.
It NTA is Rm0.8 and share price 62.5sen
With these numbers it will take eternity to plunge the company into pn17


2023-10-28 21:26 | Report Abuse

Correction, IWCity is not a PN17 company.


2023-10-22 22:20 | Report Abuse

1.Fundamentally, Mahsing has been widely researched and analysed and strongly recommended stock by several investment banks. There is nothing much anyone could add to improve on the content material, quality and value of the research. It is all up to any individual to study and exploit the contents,act on it and in the process benefit and profit from it.
2. Sadly, it does not necessarily happens in this way. Some waited to long to buy when the price has gone up too much and too fast. Others are too greedy and waited too long and too slow to sell and eventually got stuck in a diminishing return or loss position.

3.Technically, Mahsing had an impressive and spectacular rise from 58 sen in July to reach a new height of 92sen in early Oct and then fell from its peak to close at 77.5 sen last Friday.
4. In a short span of time the share price has gone up [92- 58] / 58 = 59% Considering that the bank FD only pays 4% interest, therefore, 59% in 3 months is absurdly incredible.
5. No share can go up indefinitely. At some point in time it will retract. Hence, if you fail to square off the position and realize the gain on raising price, you have to suffer the consequences.

6.In the studies of securities analysis, it teaches you to take advantage and benefit from the knowledge and implication to liquidate and take profit on first reversal day according to the candlesticks chart.

7.What Is a Reversal? A reversal is a change in the price direction of an asset. A reversal can occur to the upside or downside. Following an uptrend, a reversal would be to the downside. Following a downtrend, a reversal would be to the upside.

8. I am not too enthusiastic to dwell into these details here. I have taken advantage and benefited from the knowledge and implication of first day reversal.

9. However, if you are stuck with Mahsing yet, all is not lost. while you may be disheartened, miserable and somewhat lost,perhaps knowing that Mahsing is widely researched and analysed with many IB having strong buy calls and that Mashing possessed all the valuable ingredients of a long term value investing stock should provide some warmth and comfort.

10. Looking at the candlesticks chart technically,Mahsing seem to take the pattern of a SHS top formation. The neckline is at 76sen and it is a strong support. If it is true, then price could advance up to 83 sen or higher to form the right shoulder in the immediate term. Hence, those without position could take a chance and those who are holding a loss position could add some risk and cost averaging.

10. I am not an expert.Because you ask, I analyse for fun. So, take it with a pinch of salt.
Happy trading


2023-10-22 18:19 | Report Abuse

1.In the last 3 months, the fundamentals of SCG had improved tremendously. It has managed to generate a net cash of 62m from operation and a free cash flow of 29m. The company now has 50.8m in cash and term deposit compare to 21.8m a year ago.

2. More impressively, it managed to reduce its debts from 221m to 186m. It has demonstrated excellent ability in repaying debts plus a positive trend and committed effort to reduce it further in the coming few quarters. The loans and borrowing are financed by banker's acceptance. The gearing has improved and risk is more acceptable.

3. The company has declared and paid Rm2.24m in dividend.

4. It has successfully won more projects and the order on hand has attractively exceeded Rm1.b that would keep the company busy and profitable from many quarters to come.

5. With several cable manufacturers going into receivership and Sarawak cable affected by PN17, SCG has in a short period of time become the leading and preferred supplier of cables in Malaysia. It potential is huge and the prospects is brilliant.

6 The investing public and possibly some funds and institutions have begun to see and recognize the great potential in SCG and its future intrinsic value.

7. Basing on the sudden spike in volume and persistent rise in share price, it is not surprising that SCG already has some impressive big funds or institution added into its shareholders list.
8. To steadfast and die hard investors, scg has begun to shine. Someday you endurance and perseverance will be rewarded. This time it is real. I think so.

9. I have selfishly remain silent and refrain from commenting on the positive and radical change in the fundamental of SCG since the most recent quarter result announcement.

10. It is not entirely a bad thing to get stuck with SCG. It is like been trapped in a terrible traffic jam in your Porsche with a girl friend of wife material.
11. The longer the better.
Happy journey and happy trading


2023-10-22 10:12 | Report Abuse

1.Nothing is static in operating and managing a business. The business environment is dynamic and ever changing. It is inherent and forming part and parcel of running a business. A little service tax is nothing new. It is a business operation parameter that came in different shape and form that need to be addressed. Although it is a challenge and shortcoming it is not alarming.

2.These are the normal issues and challenges of business management. Years ago manufacturing sectors had to absorb the mandatory minimum wage of RM1500. This item altered their balance sheet, profit & loss and cash flow of companies. It did not kill them. They responded and reacted to the issue and came up on top of it. Share price subsequently bounced back and conquered new height.

3.Again, if you are in the cable manufacturing sector, you have to face with the share rise and fall of copper price recently. A hedge in the wrong direction would kill your profit. Management is there to react and respond to issues and challenges in the dynamic business environment. SCG survived and share price is advancing sky high.

4.The depreciation of ringgit has made all input cost and all imported items costly and expensive. These too did not kill the business. The rising cost of fertilizers and chemical pesticides and fungicides did not kill them. Planters are generating higher revenue and profit. Why? The management manage the issues and challenges efficiently and effectively.
5. For these companies, their issues and challenges are far more damaging than a 2% service tax. They do not only survive and but triumph over it. If they can, so can sptoto.

5. Hence, one should not lose any sleep over the service tax. Let the expert handle it. The recent collapse from 158 to 143 and bounce back to 146 yesterday has in fact open up an opportunity for you to enter cheap and collect a huge position.
Happy trading


2023-10-16 20:55 | Report Abuse

1.Share buyback has strongly sustained the share price. Slowly and gradually it has again successfully elevated SPTOTO to the one fifty level today.

2. Even at Rm1.50 it is only valued at a PE multiple of merely 9 times. In addition , it has an attractive dividend yield of 6%. Therefore, the counter is somewhat undervalued. And for the same reason the management has been persistently buying back its own shares on a daily basis.

3.At the moment, Rm1.20 seem remotely unlikely and unthinkable. It would take a catastrophic phenomenon to collapse the share price to the miserable level.

4.Hence, waiting for 1.20 is like waiting for a ship to arrive at the airport.
It is a futile adventure and a fruitless endeavor.



2023-10-08 14:51 | Report Abuse

1. Someone converted 163333 warrants to acquire the same number of shares by paying the conversion price of 0.22 per share whereas the current market price of Mudajaya is 18 sen

2.The total amount paid was 163333 x 0.22 equaled RM 35,933. Conversely,anyone who is not so ignorant would have just bought the same number of shares directly from the market at 18sen. The total amount needed would be 163333 x 0.18 is Rm29399.

3.You could have saved 35933 minus 29399 is RM6534.

4. Hence, acquiring 163333 shares through warrant conversion in which the warrant is out-of money instead of buying directly from the open market by paying RM6534 more is unwittingly wasteful.

5. You arithmetic studies has been sadly neglected.

6.This costly lesson also reflected a complete lack of knowledge and understanding of the features of derivatives and the underlying securities plus a complete breakdown in communication and collaboration between clients and remiser.

7. Convert wisely
Happy trading


2023-10-07 00:39 | Report Abuse

1.Astro strongly persisted on a long term down trend and after many days of fall, yesterday on 4th Oct it successfully staged a 1st day bottom reversal technically on the candlesticks chart represented by a tiny green bar.

2.What Is a Reversal? A reversal is a change in the price direction of an asset. A reversal can occur to the upside or downside. Following an uptrend, a reversal would be to the downside. Following a downtrend, a reversal would be to the upside.

3. Hence, yesterday Astro has opened up a golden opportunity to buy at 41.5 sen to take advantage of the theory of bottom reversal.

4. True enough, the buying interest persisted on and the momentum gather strength. The counter closed impressively 2 sen higher with a bullish engulfing candlestick at 43.5sen.
5. Let it be forewarned, bottom reversal is akin to an organism that happens quickly and deliriously that is short lived.
6 Therefore, a transaction with Astro, which is a collateral damaged stock should be a short term relationship with no long term commitment.

7. Take your intra day or contra profit and run. Let it be forewarned.

8. This is my personal observation and trading base on the candlesticks chart and it is not intended to influence your trading method and strategy.
Happy trading


2023-09-12 10:13 | Report Abuse

1. 269.5 m new shares are added to the issued capital this morning. The revised price, arithmetically should be ( 0.52 x 2695m )/ (2695m x 1.1) = Rm0.47

2.Placement shares are earning per share destructive hence, it is logically expected to collapse the share price upon its listing.

3.Unless artificially supported by program buying, E company will in the short term retreat back to its placement price of 43 sen.

4.Money doesn't fall from the sky. Rising share price must be supported by rising profit or at least a story of potentially rise in profit

5 Have you an alibi that many are not aware?
Happy trading.