
upsidedown119 | Joined since 2013-03-08

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2018-08-02 15:01 | Report Abuse

Just ignore the fart-hole.


2018-08-01 22:54 | Report Abuse

I suspect the amount to buy is already set aside and hidden in the federal budget. If not, parliament can vote to provide the amount in a supplementary budget.


2018-07-31 15:57 | Report Abuse

Bonus issue rewards nothing. It's just cutting the pie into smaller pieces. Besides the price will adjust downwards after ex-date.


2018-07-31 11:16 | Report Abuse

There should be new regulations to limit directors' remuneration when no dividends are declared.


2018-07-30 11:39 | Report Abuse

Also e-commerce - packaging plant well positioned near KLIA2.


2018-07-30 11:38 | Report Abuse

KPS also well positioned to undertake pipes repair for Selangor.


2018-07-30 11:31 | Report Abuse

Even without Splash, KPS's other businesses also worth a lot.


2018-07-28 19:34 | Report Abuse

There is a law against paying 'peanut' price. Even under the previous regime, this was not possible. Look at takeover of SPLASH. Is at least 1 x book value. The wrangling was over who will pay more - the Selangor or the Federal government.


2018-07-28 13:47 | Report Abuse

If taken private, the price 1 x book value per share or NTA/share. All KSLS assets including development land will be revalued for this purpose. KSL majority shareholders can only hope to buy up as much as possible before taking private.


2018-07-27 16:17 | Report Abuse

Under the old bangsat regime, I have no chance at all of defending against the KSL bangsats. Bangsats will help their own bangsats. But under the new regime, it is likely that I have at least a fighting chance of bringing the KSL bangsats to heal!


2018-07-27 15:48 | Report Abuse

When the crack-down comes and it will very likely come suddenly and without warning when it comes, I'll like to see the KSL bangsats try to bribe their way out as Mr Keranda likely did under the previous thieving regime!


2018-07-27 15:17 | Report Abuse

Also don't forget a Bursa VP was splashed with acid, the cause being suspected as due to him monitoring erring counters. If so, under LGE, a crackdown is likely to be launched suddenly by Bursa and the Securities Commission. My hunch is that, KSL was under surveillance by Bursa. The bangsats' lies in 2014, fat directors' fees whilst not keeping their promise to pay 40% of net operating profits as dividends stands out too much not to be noticed by the new authorities under Harapan!


2018-07-26 16:34 | Report Abuse

Tensions btw US and Iran. Oil prices rising. Good for SAPNRG.


2018-07-25 10:23 | Report Abuse

KPS says:"I am coming down to fetch you babies"!


2018-07-24 16:17 | Report Abuse

With Bursa and SC lame and blind ducks, not only KSL, other rascally directors can also do 'wonders'. Investors, esp the Funds anD institutions do not trust KSL. Hard for price to go up like before.


2018-07-24 15:42 | Report Abuse

Selling due to delay in sale of Splash. Cheap stock coming up.


2018-07-24 15:40 | Report Abuse

BTW, I also once praised the KSL directors. Even dedicated a song to them. That was before they broke their promise and furnished untrue sales data in 2014.


2018-07-24 15:31 | Report Abuse

For the long-termers, a risk warning - e-commerce is going to decimate shopping Malls as it did in China. We know how good KSL Mall was doing in JB. Also its hotels. That was why I bought in. But I did not then factor in KSL's directors' shenanigans! That's why I am into KPS.


2018-07-24 15:20 | Report Abuse

The smart johnny-come-lately came and saw a buy. They could be right provided KSL directors don't pull the price down to 50 sen. OK for the long-termers. Lousy for traders.


2018-07-24 15:17 | Report Abuse

BTW they were revaluating their investment properties by the tens of millions of ringgit per year. Just check their Q4 reports.


2018-07-24 15:15 | Report Abuse

It was never with the company. The issue is with KSL directors not keeping their word and tamping down on the minority shareholders for whatever reason. They told lies in 2014 and Bursa did nothing.


2018-07-24 11:41 | Report Abuse

I have checked those companies named. None have fallen as low below their NTA as KSL. So draw your own conclusions.


2018-07-24 11:24 | Report Abuse

KSL had been investing in new properties - e.g. Klang shopping mall.


2018-07-24 11:19 | Report Abuse

Lands held for development are not allowed to be revalued under the tax laws.


2018-07-23 15:53 | Report Abuse

That is your strategy. All the best to you. As you said, we are retail investors. We should help and not mock and discourage one another. The KSL directors already are formidable opponents of the retailers without the retailers mocking themselves.


2018-07-23 12:33 | Report Abuse

That we know. That's why Bursa must investigate KSL. They even resort to lies in 2014. Investment should not be a cat and mouse game with the directors.


2018-07-23 11:47 | Report Abuse

good if your prediction of 95 sen comes true!


2018-07-20 16:45 | Report Abuse

There will be a sharp sell-down if they announce another delay. Be careful.


2018-07-18 03:08 | Report Abuse

LOL! OK lah, it's going to be a very 'long way' to my 'downfall' at Bursa. Hope you don't spend you life waiting for it. And so what if I am a loser in Bursa? It's only money anyway. Besides the sun still shines tomorrow. Cheers! Now please go and eat your bananas before the dog bites you!


2018-07-16 11:48 | Report Abuse

And "brains" are not enough to invest in stock market, especially nemesis' 'brains'. It takes wisdom like checking the directors' management records. Don't depend on Bursa to police them. A VP of Bursa just got splashed with acid for 'monitoring' a counter. I wish people like nemesis all the best. And may they prosper in the stock market, minus their mockery and boasting.


2018-07-16 11:41 | Report Abuse

And as to whether KSL directors cheated or not, the facts are all there in the records. It needs only the Bursa to take some action to haul in the KSL directors including foul-mouthed monkeys like nemesis!


2018-07-16 11:29 | Report Abuse

And monkey, thank you very much for your 'pity'. Now go and eat your bananas!


2018-07-16 11:28 | Report Abuse

Hey monkey, we will see who lose all savings in the stock market! Now get back into the jungle to eat your bananas! But you did give good advice about not buying at high price and using brain to invest - something which I have learnt!


2018-07-13 22:53 | Report Abuse

Then monkey, go back into the jungle and eat your bananas! Hahaha! Confucious say those who think they are wise, are fools! Hey monkey, you so clever, you should go back into jungle before the python swallows you.


2018-07-13 16:25 | Report Abuse

Be careful, KSL's directors no longer have credibility or trust!


2018-07-13 16:24 | Report Abuse

Nemesis should collect now instead of stupidly asking others to sell so that he and his cohorts can collect!


2018-07-13 14:52 | Report Abuse

@nemesis. If you know KSL is a profitable company, why are you making moronic comments for us to sell so that you and your rascals can buy "cheap". Don't have to wait like a blinking monkey. Just buy now. And if we think that your cohorts the KSL's directors are cheating, there are more than one way to make them regret besides selling, including legal means etc. You must be very dumb to suggest just selling as a solution. That's what the cheating KSL directors want!


2018-07-13 09:11 | Report Abuse

Bursa and/or the Securities Commission must investigate them!


2018-07-12 20:41 | Report Abuse

@nemesis. Please stop mocking. You must be real stupid to suggest that we think KSL is a bad share. It's the directors' bad policies and lying that we are complaining about. If you are representing and/or a KSL director, please know that what you did to the minority shareholders will not benefit you at all. And when the time come is ripe, you will surely rue the day when you think you could lie and cheat with impunity! Besides you don't have to wait stupidly for us to sell in order to buy cheap. You can buy cheap now! So stop your stupid mocking. This is a forum to discuss, not to mock and add insult to injury.


2018-07-10 17:01 | Report Abuse

@jkhoo99. But the directors cannot do such things under the law. That they can do it with impunity is evidence of the corruption in the Securities Commission. In the case of KSL, they lied brazenly - 1st they calimed that their unbilled sales for 2014 was RM800 million. Then, although not binding, they said that they will pay 40% of their net operational profits as dividends. The RN800 million unbilled sales was an outright documented lie. The promise on divividends was never kept. The share price plunged but the directors likely sold out. But the SC did nothing! I am surprised. I am now careful to check the background of companies before I invest. KSLs directors are not the only one on the KLSE likely making more money for themselves then the company itself. These directors, in the absence of enforcement are like Najib - completely ruthless and heartless!


2018-07-10 16:30 | Report Abuse

Keep your eyes on the ball. Just ignore the fart-hole. KPS other business potential, especially the tie-up, through packaging, with the hot business of e-commerce and links to Jack Ma's ambitions in Malaysia is worth more than its share of Splash!


2018-07-05 22:06 | Report Abuse

Some share predators should now accumulate KSL shares and then boot out KSL's management. Maybe I can interest some of them.


2018-07-05 22:04 | Report Abuse

The only reason why KSL is tamping down the share price is so that they can take KSL private for a song. They are not going to share KSL's profitability with the minority shareholders. And it seems that there is nothing in the regulations to protect them from the daylight robbery by the KSL majority and controlling shareholders, or is there?


2018-07-05 12:19 | Report Abuse

It's a technical re-bounce at the moment.


2018-07-05 12:16 | Report Abuse

Increase in water tariffs? Nah, not politically doable, except perhaps for commercial use. But increase in cost will flow down to the local consumer. The cash-flow deficit is due to very very bad management because of UMNO political appointees. Get rid of them and employ professional managers and Splash will have a cash-flow surplus.


2018-07-04 16:28 | Report Abuse

Unlikely RM2 today.


2018-07-04 01:15 | Report Abuse

KPS is not just special dividend (from sale of Splash) play.


2018-07-03 22:11 | Report Abuse

Besides without Splash, KPS will have to find another source of profits to replace the RM30 million or so from Splash. Otherwise it can become like Puncak.


2018-07-03 22:08 | Report Abuse

Not an offical info. Still speculation.