
win_win | Joined since 2015-03-17 13:33:40

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2018-06-13 16:32 | Report Abuse

expected fantastic qr with contribution from aspion group

News & Blogs

2018-04-16 14:09 | Report Abuse

@nagachan, its sad to see people vote for party not for the person. I know its unavoidable, but sad to see Malaysia now is in this situation.


2017-11-13 10:06 | Report Abuse

Geshen should present a fantastic result for this Q3. Let's wait for the QR.


2017-06-30 17:46 | Report Abuse

result so so only, not to expectation...No wonder it release report last day of the month lar...
Lets see how it move on Monday...


2017-06-05 09:34 | Report Abuse

be patient @ivan9511, i gues huikong dont even know how to read quarter just forgive his naive...


2017-05-25 14:12 | Report Abuse

go crazy in the afternoon later...


2017-05-15 10:41 | Report Abuse

Hengyuan is trading at PE13 now, think yourself...


2017-05-12 17:43 | Report Abuse

Guys, read carefully the report release by Petron Corp. They are reporting a total of 5.56bil of profit for 2017 Q1.

Which 1.5bil peso is the profit purely from Petron Malaysia. And this 1.5bil peso profit from Petron Malaysia 1Q2017 compare to 1Q2016 has a 335% of profit gain.

You can simply find Petron Malaysia profit for 1Q2016, it was declared, and is RM16.6mil.

1.5bil peso = RM130mil

News & Blogs

2017-05-12 17:18 | Report Abuse

the calculation in this article is misinterpreting


2017-05-12 15:00 | Report Abuse

@superstrong, if you dont like the share just go away, hanging around here just waste your time. You doesn't earn anything with talking bad on the share you dont like, unless with badmouthing on this share you gain interest?
Doubt your intention.


2017-05-12 14:45 | Report Abuse

t+3 for short term normal


2017-03-09 16:46 | Report Abuse

Mid of march now...wondering


2017-02-28 14:16 | Report Abuse

it suppose to release the quarter report by this or last week, but...


2017-02-21 15:40 | Report Abuse

Comment from
Explorer2 ..optimus:I think the job is already slightly behind time, and the parties concerned would have reached preliminary agreements before the site was handed over, and resources deployed to get things moving. It's such a massive job that probably takes about 1.5 to 2 years to do the piling and the sub-structures. They would have to tackle many legal and commercial challenges, and announcements would likely be made only when final agreements are signed. Same as big projects like Kwasaland and BBCC, they take a long time before anything happens. But I think it's a good sign for Econpile that some foreign funds like Norges Bank, Credit Suisse and EPF are buying in. Just my opinion.


2017-02-21 15:31 | Report Abuse

see it personally yourself, i dont need to prove myself here. Is your money, your decision.


2017-02-21 15:15 | Report Abuse

is a matter of time now for econ. My 2 cents opinion, management of this company is conservative, they have secure project like Damansara, you can check it out at the construction site. I believe many people here who support econ has been there to witness themselves. this project surely been awarded.
However, the management yet to make any announcement, i believe is documentation problem only.
Let's wait and see.


2017-01-10 10:01 | Report Abuse

optimus 9199, why are you so confident that they secure new/more project than they announce?


2017-01-09 10:02 | Report Abuse

The price has been staggered around 1.8 to 1.9 for the past 2 years, no price movement even the company announce good news. Wonder why?


2016-12-23 15:36 | Report Abuse

The issue is that they are keeping their cash and assets in the bank but not doing any investment to grow the company. The meaning of "poor and weak" management. I think most of the investor like us wouldn't mind if the company's are using the "pro" that they have to grow the company, it's just that there aren't any activities by the company.


2016-12-23 10:21 | Report Abuse

there might be changes if management dare not announce till date...lets give it another month or two to decide whether or not the company secure new project.


2016-12-21 15:46 | Report Abuse

kseng use to be a very good stock in my portfolio, but the management are too weak...


2016-12-20 14:00 | Report Abuse

@victor tan, why?


2016-11-25 15:17 | Report Abuse

dont understand the force sell down, anyway is more than happy to collect at cheaper price...
Please sell it to me at rm 0.08.....


2016-11-25 09:36 | Report Abuse

It is also a net cash company....cheers


2016-11-25 09:36 | Report Abuse

Looking at Econpile’s financials, the firm has exhibited consistent growth in both its turnover and net profit in the past five financial years. Between FY11 and FY15, revenue registered a compounded annual growth rate (CAGR) of 19.9 percent to reach RM429 million while earnings grew at an impressive 42.5 percent CAGR from RM11.3 million to RM46.6 million. Notably, net profit margin has also been improving over the years on improved efficiencies and the firm’s management is committed to improving and/or sustaining the double-digit net margin.


2016-11-24 15:11 | Report Abuse

Chamlo, mind i ask you another question.

When malaysia first sign the TPP? Do you know when does it comes to enforcement?
If you dont have the answer. i'll suggest you to read this news...

"The deal is expected to only come to force for Malaysia around 2018 as a domestic ratification process needs to take place involving 26 amendments to 17 laws.

"This is the practice in the international community - nothing will be implemented until we ratify the agreement," said Mr Mustapa, but he said there are no guarantees there either as there could be challenges in Parliament amending the laws too."


2016-09-09 14:02 | Report Abuse

2 projects!!!!

News & Blogs

2016-09-02 08:30 | Report Abuse

it wont be immediate effect


2016-07-28 17:50 | Report Abuse

The Directors recommended a final single tier dividend of 3.0 sen per ordinary share totalling
RM3,600,000 in respect of the year ended 31 March 2016 subject to the approval of the
shareholders at the forthcoming Annual General Meeting.


2016-07-14 08:35 | Report Abuse

(4) Clarification on the increase of inventory to 529 kg of gold.
The increase of inventory to 529 kg was due to investments in gold


2016-06-24 13:41 | Report Abuse

support you, muscle...this is not forex...


2016-06-16 16:52 | Report Abuse

The material price like natural gas cost has been passing back to the consumer by price revise, you can surely refer to the press release yesterday. As for the minimum wages increase, it will be happen in July, although you may said the operating cost increase as the overhead charges increase, but dont forget, the manufacturer can always reduce the cost by maximize the utilization of current technology which is automation.

Although one may said the big picture is not good, but for long term investor, the overall business outlook is still positive (glove is not only been used in hospital, it is also using in a lot of manufacturing companies that is in clean environment like medical device manufacturer, F&B industries, wafers/chips/electronic companies, etc).

Also, dont forget the dividend payout. The management do reward small investor.

Anyway, it is always your decision to buy/sell/hold.


2016-04-12 13:34 | Report Abuse

Kseng is a cashcow