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2019-10-02 20:57 | Report Abuse

The Suspension letter have also caused its owner financial distress... He has less than 7% shareholding by now. I hope Nik will take legal recourse against Petronas for having caused him untold damages...


2019-10-02 20:30 | Report Abuse

Another lawsuit....this time against Petronas Gas $179.84 millions. I am keen to see how Petronas is going to defend its charge of Non-performance against Barakah in the court of law. Barakah on the other end has counter sued Petronas for having caused irreparable damages to its business operations and reputation by issuing public letter of complaints to other foreign oil companies. Petronas has to justify its actions knowing very well such public reprimand will destroy Barakah. Failure to defend this suit will make Barakah richer by $1 billion....


2019-10-02 13:23 | Report Abuse

@Chun...Ha ha.. It's fiction for now. Cheers


2019-10-02 10:47 | Report Abuse

I believe Petronas have come to realise the negative implications in issuing the Letter of Suspension. It has virtually destroyed a PLC. What should have been done, in my opinion is just blacklist them internally. Meaning... let them bid for projects but don't award them any during the period. This manner, Barakah can still seek business opportunities elsewhere. So, Mabel... it's Plan A. An amicable solutions to both parties. Cheers


2019-10-02 10:29 | Report Abuse

@Mabel... the other question is the recent resignation of Petronas senior VP Upstream... Could it be related to Barakah's suspension? If it is, then I feel it is good news for Barakah. Perhaps, another food for thought. Cheers


2019-09-30 22:22 | Report Abuse

@Happy3933... I really admire your free-flowing spirit. I will be very happy for you in your achievements. Cheers to you


2019-09-30 22:01 | Report Abuse

EGM coming... the heart is still beating. Getting a discharge from ICU soon....


2019-09-30 21:40 | Report Abuse

@Happy3933... I don't dare dream a Rolls Royce Phantom... maybe a Proton Persona will do. Cheers


2019-09-30 19:45 | Report Abuse

@pamie... Just like us going through rough patch in life, is the same way I feel for Barakah. Its struggling to stay afloat currently. They have many friends out there who will extend their hands to them. In short... No de-listing in sight.. Ha ha & Cheers


2019-09-30 15:59 | Report Abuse

@pamie... I believe you meant me. There are a few factors that made me believe what was written. Its a bargain to acquire an O&G outfit at the current market price. The other being Barakah is a Bumiputera-run company. It's executives are actively running the company. They are hands-on managers which I find them positive. The reason why they are currently in this distress state is because of the purchase of K Laksamana 101 which they bought brand new and they took delivery of it in 2012. The world crude oil collapsed in 2014. Its distress state is not due to mis-management but turn of economic cycles. It is for that reason Barakah should be a good takeover target. To me, Serba has the financial muscles and synergies to turn Barakah around. Whether the argument is valid... well, I can only say time will tell. Cheers


2019-09-27 13:53 | Report Abuse

Ever since Dr M broke up the Finance Ministry into has become HEADLESS. Clueless to what need to be done to revive the economy. Its reflected in the share market...


2019-09-26 22:57 | Report Abuse

@pamie...I was actually hoping the technical rebound to happen but did not. Its been a while since Barakah last smile... Cheers


2019-09-26 14:34 | Report Abuse

Let's see if there's something to cheer for... the next 2 trading hours.


2019-09-26 09:46 | Report Abuse

It's heartening to see the buying volume exceeding the selling volume after a long while. I think we should thanked Loke Low for his buying... Cheers


2019-09-26 08:56 | Report Abuse

@Happy3933... Aiyooyoo.. Another Rolls Royce on the way. Banyak bagus lo...


2019-09-25 22:49 | Report Abuse

Ha ha... All the best in your buying


2019-09-25 16:56 | Report Abuse

Yes... perfect observation @Mabel. I notice that too. Armada has replaced Sapura as a favourite stocks for shorting. Shorts are for big boys. I stay away from such counter


2019-09-25 14:31 | Report Abuse

I always find IB works in a weird way. In a weak market it is always prudent to sell in smaller manageable volume. Wholesale selling by the IB will not do justice to the margin account holders, and the market in general.


2019-09-23 17:06 | Report Abuse

@Mabel... You are great company. I intend to buy a little bit more later. Your 'hint' makes good sense...


2019-09-22 13:39 | Report Abuse

@Happy3933... it's actually to bring my average costs to 2.5 sen.. Ha ha


2019-09-21 20:25 | Report Abuse

Ha ha....sikit-sikit saja. I feel retail buying is gaining momentum. Not much impact though.


2019-09-20 07:45 | Report Abuse

I must also add that Serba will not comment on private dealings of its directors or major shareholders. The individual himself will make the announcement. Expect lots of smokes but see no fire. Or in other words... Haze. Ha ha


2019-09-19 23:27 | Report Abuse

@Mabel... What you're saying about Serba's CEO makes good sense. He will be buying into Barakah in his personal capacity, initially. I would expect him to buy at least 5% shareholding. Being a substantial shareholder is important for it shows his seriousness. He will then declare his interest in Barakah. Once in, he, together with Nik will guide Barakah out of the challenges. The Board of Serba will only come on board at a later stage. It is less restrictive to guide Barakah out of its challenges in his personal capacity. The problems with Petronas are not cast in stone. Polite diplomacy is all that is require. Serba and Barakah are perfect match. I am really encouraged now... Thanks Mabel


2019-09-19 21:58 | Report Abuse

@Happy3933... We are in the same boat... Oops, car actually. I am also still learning about the share market... Cheers


2019-09-19 21:17 | Report Abuse

@Happy3933... I enjoy your spirit flowing. Hopefully Barakah is a dream come true...


2019-09-19 21:06 | Report Abuse

@Mabel.... Shahril make way to PNB & OMV so that Sapura can lives.... on. I would expect Nik to do the same. Barakah is too dear to him.


2019-09-19 20:48 | Report Abuse

@Mabel... You are the match-maker, don't forget that. I am just a dreamer like @Happy3933.. Ha ha. Cheers


2019-09-19 20:25 | Report Abuse

@Mabel... My take on what my 'power of dream' holds... Serba will represent Barakah in the talk with Petronas. Discussion successful thus suspension lifted. Serba will not only come in as its strategic partner but will also assume control of Barakah. Good bedtime story? Hopefully that's in the works....


2019-09-19 19:17 | Report Abuse

@taloha... To be honest, I think many of us are forced to be loyal to Barakah... Ha ha


2019-09-19 19:15 | Report Abuse

@taloha...gone for a long holiday? Good that you are back again... Cheers


2019-09-19 15:38 | Report Abuse

Pretty quiet market. I would suggest that we should all continue buying till our average price falls to 2.5 sen.... What say you guys & gals?


2019-09-19 10:13 | Report Abuse

Talking about price averaging, I think the hero is the Chosen One who managed to buy 202 lots at 2.5 sen.... Don't worry, I'm not the Chosen One... Ha ha


2019-09-18 16:37 | Report Abuse

@Angus Kuan... It's a historical factor. Within ourselves, we have friends who predicted the price of Barakah will plunge to 1 sen, then half a sen and then to the wilderness. So, staying at this current level, we find it comforting. Stay longer then you will understand us better. Cheers


2019-09-18 14:05 | Report Abuse

@Mabel... A delayed telecast, I would say. Its consolidation is extended , of course but... no need for the blue pills lah. Serba pills would be good... Ha ha


2019-09-18 10:32 | Report Abuse

@Happy3933... Maybe 2nd-hand Rolls Royce, boleh lah. Ha ha...


2019-09-18 08:15 | Report Abuse

@Happy3933... I must also add, now with the new sports rim & tyres, the car will grow much faster... to become a Rolls Royce. Cheers


2019-09-17 22:44 | Report Abuse

Oil plunges as Saudi set to resume 70% lost production...Soon. I find this report most amusing. Perhaps, damage control at play...


2019-09-17 21:47 | Report Abuse

@Happy3933... Ha ha.. Good one. Cheers to you too


2019-09-17 17:04 | Report Abuse

What a day... anti-climax indeed.


2019-09-17 13:41 | Report Abuse

@blacksmith... It can be a long story. Its purpose differ from one to another. No two situations can be the same.


2019-09-17 09:31 | Report Abuse

Kenanga is selling. They dampen the buying, in this instance. Armada as usual, the net winner


2019-09-17 09:18 | Report Abuse

Ha ha... Kenanga is really a dinosaur!!!


2019-09-17 08:56 | Report Abuse

@Happy3933... Let's have the IB for breakfast ..Ha ha


2019-09-17 08:32 | Report Abuse

@Mabel... I somehow had this funny feeling that the IB will spoil our fun. The IB works like a robot... the dinosaur era version


2019-09-17 00:39 | Report Abuse

My take is that the damage is very extensive. It will take 5-6 months for the operations to be running fully. The crude oil price is going to be volatile... right through winter. @Mabel ...Barakah is no longer a Buy & Forget counter. Please upgrade it... Ha ha


2019-09-16 15:16 | Report Abuse

As for me, my expectation is that Barakah is due for a correction... an upwards rebound. I am expecting many smiling faces tomorrow. Also, many, many more relieved faces... Cheers to you all.


2019-09-16 12:15 | Report Abuse

@Happy3933... Those days, many, many moons ago, it is the dreams of Mini that when they grow up, they want to be a Rolls Royce... Ha ha


2019-09-16 10:03 | Report Abuse

@Happy3933.... A Mini will then grow up to be a Rolls Royce. Cheers


2019-09-16 01:16 | Report Abuse

@Mabel.... Your matching Barakah with Serba is most interesting. Its kinda a perfect match. Well done Mabel ... I feel most encouraged by it. Thanks