
youarewelcome88 | Joined since 2019-07-18

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2023-04-01 21:19 | Report Abuse

Yes, April Fools to the non-believers. Sapura's debt is a discounted news. In a trade the debt weight is not an issue. Furthermore Sapura's bad days are almost coming to an end. Cheers


2020-08-06 20:17 | Report Abuse

Let's enjoy the run on PN17 counters... Barakah being one. No companies will be de-listed the next 12 months. We have Covid-19 to thank for. Cheers


2020-08-06 10:25 | Report Abuse

@investortrader88... Joining you in your Huat cry...


2020-07-22 10:38 | Report Abuse

@Mabel... Good that you are back. Its always a pleasure reading your post. Cheers


2020-07-22 10:25 | Report Abuse

@Happy3933... Yes, it was worth the wait though it is definitely a long & tiring wait. Don't forget to realise your dream... Cheers


2020-07-21 21:56 | Report Abuse

@Newbiesky...I would say Yes. Cheers


2020-07-21 19:29 | Report Abuse

@Happy3933... Pretty long wait, isn't it? The dream came at last... Cheers


2020-06-19 11:02 | Report Abuse

@edwardkuah & @Vjaa3964...I agree with you guys. Barakah is holding well. Let us all together enjoy the sweetness of the harvest. Cheers


2020-06-18 12:26 | Report Abuse

@Happy3933... another season of Black Thorn. Hopefully the taste will be much sweeter. Good for you. Cheers


2020-06-18 11:38 | Report Abuse

My take for the sell-off... T+2 effect.


2020-06-17 22:29 | Report Abuse

@investortrader88... Your motivation too never vain. Good for you. Its good to read your post on @Happy3933. Cheers


2020-06-17 08:54 | Report Abuse

@Happy3933... It definitely have been a rather long wait, my silence too. Good to be back. Cheers


2020-06-16 23:11 | Report Abuse

@Macho008...@Happy3933 is a great guy in this forum. We go back many months ago. The talk about owning such cars are just motivational amongst ourselves. Barakah has been asleep for quite a while. We were all caught in this counter. It never crossed @Happy3933's mind to look down on anybody as opposed to what was interpreted. Cheers


2020-03-14 01:45 | Report Abuse

@Fabien...the so-called Efficient Capital Allocater are only found text books. You live in a world full of theories. In that respect, our measure of a great companies differs greatly from yours. You are here merely to sell your product... Try elsewhere. Maybe you have better luck


2020-01-31 19:19 | Report Abuse

@scwmike8... Ha ha... a real Jinjang Joe.


2020-01-31 15:56 | Report Abuse

If my memory is right, it's Feb 6... Cheers


2020-01-31 15:25 | Report Abuse

@scwmike8... You probably have not heard of the places I am travelling through except London. Nobody will blame you for that. I, for one will not blame you. Pity you...


2020-01-30 14:38 | Report Abuse

@scwmike8... I was in London last week. I am now in York. Tomorrow I travel to Edinburgh. In a few days time, I will be in Bath. I am here for the CNY holiday... It's a wonderful holiday. Thank you for asking. Cheers


2020-01-24 17:55 | Report Abuse

Gong Xi Fa Cai to all... & enjoy your RĂ©union dinner with your loved one. Cheers


2020-01-22 16:45 | Report Abuse

So many de-listing CLOWNS around...


2020-01-19 14:54 | Report Abuse

@RICH MAN... You are the best. Cleared all your holdings except 2 lots...


2020-01-18 14:18 | Report Abuse

@Happy3933... Ha ha... that's a good analogy. Cheers & I believe you are busy preparing to Welcome the Rat...


2020-01-18 14:02 | Report Abuse

@Chongen Teng... With Perisai now de-listed, there will no longer be public announcements. You can still attend the AGM. However, never discount the possibility of winding-up lawsuits in the next 6 months... It's an uphill challenge to stay afloat.


2020-01-18 12:14 | Report Abuse

@Jmz88... No need May 2020. I am hoping Petronas Carigali due to their arrogance, ignore the notice. In less than 21 days from today, we can then celebrate... not in price hike but the satisfaction in bringing Petronas Carigali to its knees... Cheers


2020-01-18 11:31 | Report Abuse

@fastranger... It's over. Re-listing... never dream of it. Bursa has given Perisai its last & final nail. O&G companies without its listed status, is most impossible to survive... Cheers


2020-01-17 22:56 | Report Abuse

At last, Perisai is de-listed... a victim of 2014 world crude oil crash. To me, its an investment gone bad. I have no regret buying into Perisai. It is good that this I3 forum will also be closed down soon. This forum in particular, is filled with so much negativity.


2020-01-17 13:48 | Report Abuse

@Jmz88... Averaging downwards is tough job. Only the strong survives... you being one of them. Cheers


2020-01-17 11:37 | Report Abuse

@Jmz88...I would go for the extreme... Wind Petronas Carigali up if they don't lift the suspension. Barakah must humiliate the Big Bully... Teach Petronas to adopt humility in its business dealings. Cheers


2020-01-17 10:02 | Report Abuse

@Happy3933... I will find it a joy seeing Petronas kneeling for mercy before Barakah. Petronas have practically crippled the entire prospects of Barakah... untold damages in fact. Barakah have nothing left to lose by initiating a winding-up proceedings against Petronas Carigali... Burn the bridge if need be.


2020-01-17 07:55 | Report Abuse

@Happy3933... Bravo... It's Dignity in fighting the bullies at Petronas. Petronas ought to be taught a lesson...


2020-01-16 21:14 | Report Abuse

@W0099... Ha ha... That's a good one. The egg is like a ruthless pirates. They will fight till their last blood drops... Fight Barakah must... Cheers


2020-01-16 19:11 | Report Abuse

Amount for full settlement is small... Only RM118k but the implications against Petronas Carigali is damaging. Petronas, now have no choice but to negotiate with Barakah. They can no longer ignore Barakah. Very skilled strategy by Barakah.


2020-01-16 18:54 | Report Abuse

Silent Mary is definitely a battleship. It is giving Petronas Carigali 21 days notice to fully settle its payment. Failure to do so, Silent Mary is going to WIND-UP PETRONAS CARIGALI... This is interesting...


2020-01-16 13:54 | Report Abuse

@W0099... You have so much love for the share market. Always remember that it can be a very scary place too. It is good that you are ambitious at this tender age... Cheers


2020-01-16 08:40 | Report Abuse

Hoist the Colours....


2020-01-15 20:38 | Report Abuse

@W0099... Ha ha... Ask Captain Mabel. Cheers


2020-01-15 18:11 | Report Abuse

@W0099... Apart of strong mental, you need to be as strong as a pirate. Your sis Mabel is now the Captain of Silent Mary... a pirates battleship.


2020-01-15 16:58 | Report Abuse

@W0099... Red because... Year of the Rat is coming soon. Its an auspicious colour. Not to worry... Cheers


2020-01-15 14:28 | Report Abuse

This @W0099 is fully recharged & action-packed... Good for her. Cheers


2020-01-10 09:25 | Report Abuse

@Happy3933... Hoist the Colours


2020-01-10 06:23 | Report Abuse

@Mabel... Yes, Mabel... Hoist the Colours. Cheers


2020-01-09 17:46 | Report Abuse

@monetary... I don't think we would be able to know the actual reason for the suspension as they are not public information. From published materials, we can state non-payments to Barakah's sub-contractors being one. The other being the variance order (VO) whose works have been successfully completed by Barakah but Petronas has refused to pay. VO are occasionally viewed negatively by the HQ. The question that have remained in my mind that have no answer to this day is... Why the need for Petronas to issue public reprimand against Barakah to other O&G companies in the region, after having suspended Barakah for 3 years. You can see something abnormal about the whole fiasco because Petronas was not feeling satisfied even after issuing the suspension order. Having resorted to the public reprimand, Petronas is now facing a RM1.0 billion suit by Barakah.

I personally don't think Lecca can be considered a White Knight. Barakah is better off without them. The papers that Lecca proposed to issue are nothing but junks.

Long-term, it is my hope Barakah move away from Petronas. It should go regionally. Perhaps this unpleasant experience is a blessing in disguise for Barakah. Cheers


2020-01-09 15:23 | Report Abuse

@monetary... For its corporate exercise, I am of the opinion that Barakah is looking past the Petronas suspension issue. They have to their credit successfully completed RM4.3 billions works to date. Barakah is using its track records to speak on its behalf to the industry. They are not allowing the suspension to over-shadow its corporate turnaround. Of course the lifting of the suspension would be a big bonus. Cheers


2020-01-09 13:59 | Report Abuse

@monetary...Barakah have just been legally equipped to execute the long overdue corporate exercise... after the AGM. We are just 9 days into the new year. I strongly believe it is in the works. I agree the wait is tiring... Cheers


2020-01-08 17:50 | Report Abuse

@ishver...for your benefit, when a company is de-listed from Bursa, it means its issued shares can no longer be traded on the stock exchange. The company remains a going concern. You too remain the shareholders of the company. A liquidator comes in only when the company is ruled bankrupt. Perisai is not a bankrupt but a distressed company. Cheers


2020-01-07 13:27 | Report Abuse

@Mabel... Captain Mabel.. Cruising the 7 Seas in a plane!!! Or heading towards port of call to board The Silent Mary... Safe flight


2020-01-03 18:51 | Report Abuse

I suspect the huge single dump @3 sen has something to do with the killing of the Top Iranian General by the US military drone in Iraq. A backlash is expected from Iran. Let's see the news over the weekend. Cheers


2020-01-03 14:58 | Report Abuse

@T800... Sudah beli kah? Not jagung but Barakah