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2 comment(s). Last comment by kchew9988 2012-01-02 00:43

Kent Lee

211 posts

Posted by Kent Lee > 2012-01-01 02:46 | Report Abuse

3 companies with same annoucement of change of financial year end to 30.06.2012..

Posted by kchew9988 > 2012-01-02 00:43 | Report Abuse

The annoiuncement is very clear and there are going to be merged and submit proposal to the bursa. It has the finance to be backup by Maybank, so there is nothing fishy about it. Of course, if you talk about merging it would take time and don forget the exisitng company need to payback and convert the share to the minority shareholders. As per my knowledge this exercise is good to the minority shareholders as well these 3 PLC companies , where there can focus and expand more on their business.

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