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35 comment(s). Last comment by whizzkid125 2013-12-05 03:30

Posted by whizzkid125 > 2013-12-04 01:23 | Report Abuse

I say, get rid of the Mamakutty completely & Malaysia will be better off.


390 posts

Posted by jjoker > 2013-12-04 01:24 | Report Abuse

He's 88, let him be, you don't need to wait for too long.

Posted by whizzkid125 > 2013-12-04 01:29 | Report Abuse

let this Mamakutty get a taste of his own medicine. Remember when he was a dictator PM, everyone who stands in his way will get it proper....remember Gaffar Baba, Tengku Razaleigh, Tun Musa & Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim & others? And you mustn't forget the Operation Lallang where he jail almost all his critics who stood in his way including the press, NGOS, opposition parties members & also members from UMNO & other BN parties....all ISAed.

Posted by whizzkid125 > 2013-12-04 01:33 | Report Abuse

Remember he sack the Tenaga Chairman Tan Sri Ani Arope (born 1932, age 81) when he was the Executive Chairman of Tenaga Nasional from 1990 and 1996. He caused a stir when he force & choose to resign from the Tenaga Nasional post rather than sign the imbalanced deals, which saw the first generation of Independent Power Providers (IPPs) created, such as YTL Power Services, Powertek, and Malakoff during the Mahathir administration.

So, now you all are going to pay 15% extra for your electricity because of this f@#king Mamakutty, damn.

Posted by whizzkid125 > 2013-12-04 01:38 | Report Abuse

A little on our good Tan Sri Ani Arope...

Becoming a Nation

As the nation turns 54 come August 31, Tan Sri Ani Arope is lamenting that a lot of today’s woes are the result of gutter politics played by politicians who are bounded by arrogance, boastfulness, avarice, hate and jealousy. “There seemed to be no rules governing their behavior, and these are the people who formulate bad laws and bad laws are the worst sort of tyranny,” he said.

On the issue of special rights for the Malays, the outspoken Tan Sri Ani wrote, with the hope to see the loopholes of the New Economic Policy being plugged: “The issue of special rights for Malays and other Bumiputras is and will always be a delicate issue. If these rights will benefit Malays and other Bumis who truly deserve, then Malaysians will view the whole matter in a different light. However, it appears that these rights have been skewered to benefit the privileged Malays. The rural folks and those who really need help are getting the smallest of crumbs, if at all.”

Having grown up in the same era as the first four prime ministers, where he is critical of one of them, Tan Sri Ani raised the question in the midst of today’s political scenario: “What is the answer? At this challenging period, we do not need party loyalists, but people who are sensible, temperate, sober and well-judging persons to guide us through this tumultuous political time.” For him, common sense must prevail at all times.

“A race-riot or a civil strife should never be our political option. The collateral damage is too great a cost of human sufferings,” he warned.

When speaking at the Fulbright Scholars’ meeting a year ago, Tan Sri, who was the country’s first recipient of the Fulbright Scholarship, said his major concern is “to see a more stark polarization of races in our schools and institutions of higher learning.”

“This polarization opens the door to prejudice and bigotry amongst the various races,” he said. “Harnessing our diversity could be the driving force for development not only in respect of economic growth but also of leading a more fulfilling intellectual, emotional, moral and spiritual life.”

He opined that, whatever the conflicts, they should not be swept under the carpet but met head on and discussed honestly about everyone’s concerns.

“We may disagree but we must understand that healthy disagreements would help build better decisions,” he advised. “We must be prepared to discuss our value systems and our priorities. We should not feel embarrassed to talk of the short-comings amongst us or the marginalized sections of our society who are not able to participate in the mainstream of society.”

Just one final advice from this “endangered species” – something which he posted on his Facebook: “Do you know why a car's WINDSHIELD is so large and the Rearview Mirror is so small? Because our PAST is not as important as our FUTURE. Look ahead and move on!”

Posted by whizzkid125 > 2013-12-04 01:55 | Report Abuse

To the useless , idiotic & stupid & useless UMNO Malay supporters read this from Tan Sri Ani....

On the issue of special rights for the Malays, the outspoken Tan Sri Ani wrote, with the hope to see the loopholes of the New Economic Policy being plugged: “The issue of special rights for Malays and other Bumiputras is and will always be a delicate issue. If these rights will benefit Malays and other Bumis who truly deserve, then Malaysians will view the whole matter in a different light. However, it appears that these rights have been skewered to benefit the privileged Malays. The rural folks and those who really need help are getting the smallest of crumbs, if at all.”

yes, you are getting crumbs & all you do is stupidly support this f#@king Mamakutty & the tipu UMNO by flagging members post when they critise this Shitkutty & UMNO, really you are are buta & cocky.

I had all praise for all the NON-UMNO Malays supporters as they hold their heads high & I feel proud of them as these Malays don't need the UMNO bread crumbs to survive. I take my hat off for these True Malays. These True Malays are able to stand on their on 2 feet and NO NEED to wait for some UMNO bread crumbs like these idiotic & stupid & useless UMNO Malay supporters here.

Posted by whizzkid125 > 2013-12-04 01:59 | Report Abuse

When I was young I am scared of the dark. Now when I see my electricity bill I am scared of the lights.

Posted by whizzkid125 > 2013-12-04 02:00 | Report Abuse


Putrajaya sahkan kenaikan tarif elektrik 15% bermula Januari

Posted by whizzkid125 > 2013-12-04 02:02 | Report Abuse

Kenapa electrik mahu naik? Nak hisap darah rakyat ke?

Posted by whizzkid125 > 2013-12-04 02:03 | Report Abuse


The supposedly pious and humble Pak Lah squandered millions of taxpayers’ funds to renovate Sri Perdana before he deemed it livable. This from a man who only a decade earlier did not even own a house! Najib however, bested Pak Lah on this front. Najib burned over two million ringgit a year just on electricity. When citizens complained, he haughtily defended his wasteful ways by suggesting that his official guests should not have to dine by candle light! He must have the whole United Nations delegates as his guests, and every day too!

More likely Najib must have really turned down the thermostat and then had the fireplace roaring to simulate the English ambience of his student days so he could cuddle up to Rosmah.

Najib should remember the advice he received from his prime minister father when he (Najib) and his brothers were clamoring for a swimming pool at the old Sri Perdana. “What will people say,” Najib quoted his old man as saying in turning down their request.

Then there is the ultra-luxury, custom-fitted Airbus jet. Even Queen Elizabeth and Prime Minister Cameron do not have one. Pak Lah was severely criticized for his excessive use of that expensive toy. At least his wife (the first or second) did not get to use it in her personal capacity. Today we have Mrs. Najib (the second) jaunting off in it, oblivious of the cost to taxpayers. I do not know which is more reprehensible; Najib requesting the approval from his cabinet for his wife’s use of the jet or the cabinet approving it. This at a time when he warned the country is on the brink of bankruptcy!

Abdullah Badawi burdened Malaysia for over five years; the nation is still paying for his many follies and general incompetence. Many claim that Najib is worse than Pak Lah; that is being petty. When you score is already a miserable F, it does not really matter whether it is also F-minus.

Posted by whizzkid125 > 2013-12-04 02:05 | Report Abuse

Excerpt #1: Mahathir is angry because Najib’s men spent more money than Mukhriz to maintain their status quo.

But expect the man who can walk on water to come out with guns blazing especially now that he’s out of PETRONAS.

In the next few weeks many revelations will be out on PETRONAS that will shock the country. Mahathir wants to disengage because he doesn’t want to be guilty by association. Petronas is the ATM for the thieving political leadership.

Posted by whizzkid125 > 2013-12-04 02:06 | Report Abuse

Excerpt #4: No one believes in the UMNO solution. Even Malays don’t believe in the UMNO solution.

UMNO operates a business agenda of the top 20%, by the top 20%, for the top 20%.

That’s why the income gap between the top 20% Malay and the bottom 40% Malay is widening from RM5600 in 2004 to RM8600 in 2012. In 2004, the monthly income of the bottom 40% Malay was 1300 and in 2012 its RM1600.

Posted by whizzkid125 > 2013-12-04 02:08 | Report Abuse

If I am not mistaken TNB's profits every year are in the hundreds of millions. So what justifies tariff increases? So they can make hundreds of millions more? I don't get it. Can some YB please explain?

Posted by whizzkid125 > 2013-12-04 02:10 | Report Abuse

Despite what have been said by Dr M about Paklah, but during his tenure as PM, the CPI scores showed that Paklah's tenure was the least corrupt time in Malaysia. So what do you think?

(Sure, of course, definitely, there has been corruption in Malaysia all the time but if you look at the survey carefully, thats what it is suggesting.) The worst was 4.3 during Najib's tenure.

Think about it.

But Dr M has an "IDEA" to fight corruption - LMHOROTF ...30 years later??? LOL ...beautiful!

He, however, refused to elaborate further on the matter, but instead stated that he had an "idea" on how to combat the problem of corruption in Umno and the country. "I have an idea and I will seek out a platform to explain the idea," he said.

Read abt it -

Posted by whizzkid125 > 2013-12-04 02:13 | Report Abuse

Once again, these fellas do what they do BEST..."Talk STUPID" because they ARE stupid!

Noticed how EVERYTHING they "increase" they keep on sorry to use the word but "BULLSHITTING" the Malaysian public by saying...

"Kenaikan TAK BEBANKAN Pengguna???" or

"Increases will NOT BURDEN the consumers???"

Idiots, not everyone has Electricity Bills and Waster Bills reachings HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of Ringgit and ride around in fancy Private Jets like "THEM"... 'they' are not considered 'average' pengguna or consumers, THEY are Public Officials or 'Leaders'...'Pemimpin'...

Next time they should say "Kenaikan TIDAK membebankan Pemimpin" or "Increases would NOT BURDEN the leaders"...then it would be true/believable!

@$$‪#‎ole‬ CHUBS ( Corrupted Heartless Useless Brainless Selfish) stupid Government.

King Kong73

2,065 posts

Posted by King Kong73 > 2013-12-04 07:03 | Report Abuse

interesting...perhaps will see increase in salary for all

Posted by whizzkid125 > 2013-12-04 13:19 | Report Abuse

Remember this...

When I was young I am scared of the dark. Now when I see my electricity bill I am scared of the lights.

Posted by whizzkid125 > 2013-12-04 13:21 | Report Abuse

We wonder who's the spider and who's the fly?

Posted by whizzkid125 > 2013-12-04 13:23 | Report Abuse

Despite the "BILLIONS" in NET Profits reported by TNB Annually, they STILL want to 'raise' the tariffs for all Malaysian Citizens?


Wonder WHERE all these Net Profits reported WENT???

Since TNB is earning hundreds of millions per year why do they still need to hike electricity rates?

Posted by whizzkid125 > 2013-12-04 15:03 | Report Abuse

Transparency International Malaysia (TI-M) announced that Malaysia scored 50 out of 100 points in its global annual CPI, and ranked 53rd among 177 countries. Malaysia (53) still lags behind Asian neighbours and the Middle East including Singapore (ranked 5), Hong Kong (15), Japan (18), United Arab Emirates (26), Qatar (28), Bhutan (31), Taiwan (36), Brunei (38) and South Korea (46)

Posted by whizzkid125 > 2013-12-04 18:34 | Report Abuse

Deputy Education Minister herself desperately needs an education

..must read & you will be very much surprised, I was shocked to learn more from reading it.

Posted by whizzkid125 > 2013-12-04 18:36 | Report Abuse

Instead of being in top 30 of TI CPI in 2020, Malaysia faces risk of being overtaken by China and even Indonesia in both TI CPI ranking and score

The Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department and CEO of Performance Management Delivery Unit (Pemandu) Datuk Seri Idris Jala is ecstatic about Malaysia’s rise from 54 to 53 in Transparency International’s (TI) Corruption Perception Index (CPI) this year, declaring that Pemandu is aiming for the country to be in the top 30 by 2020.

Yes, Malaysia’s TI CPI ranking this year has improved by one step, placed 53 out of 177 countries compared to last year’s 54th ranking, while the TI CPI score has improved to 50/100 compared to last year’s 49/100.

However, the ineluctable fact is that for the fifth consecutive year, the Najib premiership (2009-2013) has registered a lower TI CPI ranking than under the two previous Prime Ministers, Tun Mahathir and Tun Abdullah.

Read more:-

Posted by whizzkid125 > 2013-12-04 18:39 | Report Abuse

When Umno meets, non-Malays bear the brunt of attack

Posted by whizzkid125 > 2013-12-04 18:42 | Report Abuse

Kuantan "floods up to the neck" but NOT A SHRED OF SENSITIVITY from "balik kampung" Bung Mokhtar

Full article:

Posted by whizzkid125 > 2013-12-04 18:44 | Report Abuse

Umno delegate slams Petronas for outsourcing fresh food, beverage business at petrol stations to “foreigners”

Posted by whizzkid125 > 2013-12-04 18:46 | Report Abuse

GREEDY & HYPOCRITICAL: Khairy plays to Umno gallery, slams non-Bumi firms for Bumi discrimination

Full article:

Posted by whizzkid125 > 2013-12-04 19:53 | Report Abuse

Rafizi Ramli: Malaysia menduduki tangga kedua tercorot di Asia Tenggara termasuk di belakang Vietnam dalam keputusan Program Penilaian Antarabangsa Pelajar (PISA) dan ia sangat mengejutkan, kata Pengarah Strategi PKR, Rafizi Ramli (gambar).

Hanya Indonesia yang berada di belakang Malaysia di kalangan negara Asia Tenggara yang turut serta dalam penilaian itu sementara Singapura dan Thailand di depan Malaysia

Posted by whizzkid125 > 2013-12-04 20:05 | Report Abuse

Datuk Zaid Ibrahim
Umno Youth say DAP making Penang expensive for Malays. Its also expensive for everybody else

Posted by whizzkid125 > 2013-12-05 03:08 | Report Abuse

Datuk Zaid Ibrahim
More accurately BN making Malaysia expensive for most Malaysians

Posted by whizzkid125 > 2013-12-05 03:09 | Report Abuse

Datuk Zaid Ibrahim
Why waste time arguing about things we will never know . Umno should be talking about real issues affecting the people

Posted by whizzkid125 > 2013-12-05 03:14 | Report Abuse

CRACKS DEEPEN IN UMNO: Even Kazim offered spot in supreme council but NOT MUKHRIZ

Full article: now Mamakutty, apa nak buat?

Posted by whizzkid125 > 2013-12-05 03:25 | Report Abuse

Pulau Batu Puteh: A can of worms?

Five opposition lawmakers lodged separate reports on the alleged misconduct of Attorney General Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail.

They are Shamsul Iskandar @ Yusre Mohd Akin (PKR-Bukit Katil), Datuk Takiyudin Hassan (PAS-Kota Baru), Teo Kok Seong (DAP-Rasah), G. Manivannan (PKR-Kapar) and Steven Sim Chee Keong (DAP-Bukit Mertajam).

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